Sunday, 5 July 2015

Why GrayLu, NaLi and other "Crack" Pairings are Illegitimate (Part 2)

This post was originally posted on DeviantArt on September 26, 2014.

Hello to all.

10 months ago, Chris Bushee (a.k.a. Nightlingbolt) replied to one of my posts on DeviantArt claiming that I denounce GrayLu and other such pairings as illegitimate because it "threatens NaLu". Yeah... about that... there's a reason me and a few other guys invalidate those pairings. It's not because they threaten NaLu (though, I'm not the first to admit that we're kind of biased), but because they aren't supported by the manga, the omakes, or any of the OVAs.

What I'm trying to explain here is that while I do respect other people's ships and that everyone is free to ship who they want, but if there's one thing that I fucking hate, it's deluded pissants who claim that their pairing is legit based on nonfactual evidence. This is the reason why we treat ZN like a colossal joke, because the "evidence" he presents to us are screencaps of Gray and Lucy standing next to each other with no interaction (him speaking in all caps, crying "NALU IS SHIT!!!! GRAYLU RULEZ!!!!!" like a retard doesn't help his case any, to say the least.) Basically, what Nightling is trying to sell us is that any pairing between two characters is "valid" so long as the characters' interactions are positive and meaningful. Don't make me laugh. Two characters merely having positive, meaningful interactions does not a legitimate pairing make. You have to take the context of the interactions and the number of moments into account too. Like, is this guy telling me that GrayLu is just as valid as NaLu despite the latter having hundreds of moments throughout the manga (and a lot of these aren't even subtle. Do you really think that friends would whisper each others names in their sleep?) while the former has only a few subtle moments at best? Cut me a fucking break.

And besides... do you really think that Hiro is going to give NaLu over 440 chapters of development only to pair Lucy and Natsu with other people? Let's think about that for a second. If Hiro were to make GrayLu and NaLi canon, for example, he would end up taking a sharp drop in sales because he alienated and pissed off 70% of his shipping fanbase and made all the development he put into Natsu and Lucy's relationship (as well as Gray and Juvia's) for naught. Also, consider that in Hiro's previous series, Rave Master, Elie and Haru do indeed get married in the end. Therefore, it's safe to assume that Natsu and Lucy, being FT's version of Haru and Elie, will also get married at the end of FT.

And let's not forget that he's a hypocrite and a liar. This clown was calling me, Timmy, and the rest of the gang a zombie horde for using hard evidence to validate NaLu while invalidating everything else, but he himself claims that a relationship between Gerard and Erza wouldn't work out. What a joke.

So yeah. I just wanted to get that out of my system. If you want to ship a crack pairing and just like how it looks or whatever, that's fine. Just don't go around trying to validate your illegitimate pairing on nonfactual evidence.

FYI, this entire rant was written in retaliation to a comment Nightling wrote in reply to one of my posts that basically amounts to him questioning my intelligence, then saying that any ship is valid if the characters have positive, meaningful interactions. Chris, if you ever come across this blog, I think it's high time you face the music and admit that NaLu and Gerza are going to happen and that NaZa has been dead since the Nirvana arc.

Have a nice day.

P.S.: If you are a NaZa shipper, I suggest you check out Chris's fan fics. Here's a link to his account:

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