Sunday, 12 July 2015

Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 3)

Last of the Greil Mercs. Oh, and Ilyana, I guess.



Base Stats
06/00  21  07  00  10  13  06  07  02

 50  40  30  45  60  45  20  25

Mia the loli is the last of the initial Greil Mercenaries and is like her larger-breasted FE10 incarnation. Starts off fairly bad, but becomes good soon enough. As in good offense, shitty durability.

Mia's largest problem earlygame is that in the first 5 chapters you have her, most of the map is composed of lance users. To give an idea, 2/3's of the map are lances, and chapters 8, 10, and 11 aren't a whole lot better. She's pretty good in Chapter 9 due to the beach being axe-heavy, but otherwise is getting 2HKO'd at dangerously high hit rates (so she is essentially blocking axes with her face, except replace axes with lances), doesn't have good damage output except against fighters, myrms, and mages, and is taking counters from everything except archers. Compare this to Soren, who has worse concrete durability, but has 1-2 range to make up for it and the fact that mages can't damage him.

After this rough start, she does improve. Her offense is great since she doubles everything except fellow myrms with decent atk, but her durability is still fucking terrible and is still blocking attacks with her face (which is bad). The only units that she's beating in durability is Soren and Rhys/Mist, nevermind the fact that Soren avoids player phase counters and the healers are hiding in the backlines. Vantage can help, but she's reliant on crits to KO anything (since she sure as hell isn't 2HKOing things with her only moderate atk) and even then, armors and generals just shrug it off like it was nothing. Also, a lack of 2-range just hurts, and she can get easily mugged by mages/archers.

Post-promotion, her offense is still relatively good (22 AS doubles everything; 21 atk with a steel sword is somewhat mediocre, but has crit to make up for it), but the people that she used to beat in durability have finally caught up (supported 20/1 Soren has 6 more avoid than 20/1 Mia, and 20/1 Mist has about the same def). No 1-2 range still hurts since people like Jill and Boyd are raping face with hand axes and Neph/Marcia does alright with javelins (Mia has the sonic/runeswords, but those show up late and there's only one copy of each).

Her supports aren't too great. Bitch supports with only one decent character (Rice) and two fail characters (Largo and Ilyana). Fire affinity is nice though. She also makes great use of Wrath thanks to her innate Vantage and not-so-good concrete durability/good avoid (actually, you can combine Vantage with some other cool abilities such as Adept, Guard and Resolve.)

She's decent enough, so she deserves a


Support suggestion: She likes atk, so Rice A. Ilyana can be used if her speed works out. lol Largo.
Band suggestion: I'd recommend knight or wyvern. Or just anything that fixes her attack and defense.


Base Stats
06/00  20  01  08  10  09  06  03  10

 45  25  50  45  30  45  15  50

Ilyana is the second magic user you receive (and the first female), but like in most FE games, she's inferior to her male counterpart.

She's alright at base. She packs a whooping 15 atk with Elthunder at base, higher than anything Soren, who is likely 2-3 levels ahead, can accomplish (8/0 Soren has 14 atk with Thunder), but gets weighed down by 5, preventing her from doubling anything but weighed down armors with it (as if she was doubling anything anyway, lol 9 base and 30% growth). Durability wise, she's little better than Soren. 20 HP/3 def with the same growths as Soren is still pretty terrible. Shade can cover for her durability, but enemies will likely still be attracted to her like iron nails to a magnet.

Ilyana grows decent enough, albeit at a slower pace than Soren. Her only good growths are magic and res, both at 50. What really hurts her offense, though is her 30% speed growth. She does have 25% str growth to compensate so she won't be weighed down by heavy tomes such as Thoron or Bolganone later on in life. But that really doesn't make up for the fact that she doesn't double anything except armors and generals (which make up around 30% of the enemy force) and is prone to getting doubled by fast things (such as swordmasters). Her durability is still ass, but her light affinity gives def, and she can net a support with Zihark, who is earth (to be fair she can also support with Lucia, who is also earth, but unfortunately, she completely sucks). She can also get full def from Mordy.

And while most of the female mages in previous games (Linde, Miranda, Lilina, Nino, and Lute) have higher magic growth than their male counterparts (Merric, Asbel, Lugh, Erk, Artur), Ilyana actually has lower magic growth than Soren. In fact, he ties or beats Ilyana in every growth except luck and str. Sad, eh?

Oh yeah. She's also bulimic. That's always nice.


Support Suggestion: Zihark and Mordy are her best choices for an A support, with Mia as a secondary B support. lol Gatrie. lol Lucia.
Band suggestion: Anything with speed. Her speed growth is just that bad (it's like only five higher than what Brom has, and he can boost his spd growth by 30 as opposed to just 5).


Base Stats
01/00  18  05  00  08  08  04  06  02

 60  40  25  45  50  40  30  25

I really did not want to do this one, but it's something that needs to be done.

Rolf, the youngest and least manly of the three brothers, has a lot of controversy. Some players say he's good, others say he's just plain crap.

Rolf's earlygame is, to be blunt, quite bad. Firstly, his offense at this point in the game is beyond terrible. He has only 11 Atk with iron (13 w/ Rolf's bow) thanks to his 5 str, and 6 speed is only doubling armors (which he tinks) and the Lv8 fighters (and the poleaxe fighter). Durability wise, he's little better. He's getting 2HKO'd by basically every unit on the map. The only units that don't 2HKO are the iron sword myrms, but those double and 2RKO anyway. And what's worse is that he's facing crit against several enemies on the map, which isn't good. Being an archer helps his case, since he avoids counters from everything except mages and other archers.

One problem I have with archers and snipers is that they don't have 1-range, and Rofl is no exception. This really cuts into his CEXP gain, since at least other underleveled characters (Mia, Marcia, Neph) can counter melee fighters, and Mist (who is also underleveled) is not even a combat unit. Rolf, however, is only countering archers and mages, which is decent, but face it, archers and mages don't make up a whole lot of the enemy army. End rant.

How does Rolf grow? His growth rates are average, not great, but not bad either. 50% speed growth means that his speed picks up fairly quickly, but his 40% str growth means that his atk is average at best. 60 HP/30 def is average as far as durability is concerned, but with his base durability being as bad as it is, it doesn't pick up for a while. Still, his chip damage can be useful in chapter 12 and 13 if he's trained, but Soren can cause slightly more damage with Elwind and is way easier to use. Post-promotion, he's finally good, but you probably wasted a lot of BEXP and CEXP to get him to that point.

I also forgot to mention that he's wind (the worst aff in the game), so he's not attracting a lot of the guys he does support (Marcia and Rhys could be useful, I guess).

All I can give him is a...


Support suggestion: Marcia A/Rice B or Mist A/Marcia B. Pick yer poison.
Band suggestion: Fighter is probably his best bet for a while. He can also use archer/thief to boost his spd.


Base Stats
01/00  16  01  04  04  07  06  02  07

 50  35  50  25  40  60  15  40

Mist. Ike's loli sister and the keeper of Lehran's Medallion. Like Rolf, starts off bad, but ends up good.

Mist joins you as your second healer, and her stats at base are god awful, even worse than Rolf's (and I had some bad things to say about him). 16 HP/2 def is possibly the worst durability on a unit at this point (yes, even worse than Rhys). It doesn't take anything to OHKO her (like 18 atk) and many enemies on her joining chapter have that. So basically, you have to fence her in so she doesn't get attacked, kind of like Laura in RD except that you have 5 built up units to protect her by now instead of only having Sothe, Aran, and Nolan (Edward doesn't count yet since he is still blocking shit with his face). And what's worse is that she doesn't heal a whole lot either. 4 mag with E staves is pretty blegh, compared to a 8/0 Rhys' 12 mag and at least C staves. And she starts at Lv1 and she only gets 11exp for using a heal staff (compared to Rolf's 15-20 exp chip). In other words, she is leveling slowly.

She does improve quite quickly, assuming that she is properly leveled. 50% mag growth is serviceable enough for healing, and 40% speed and 60% luck means that her avoid will at least be respectable. Durability wise, she's little better than Soren and Rice in that regard. 50 HP/15 def is still quite terrible, so her rut of getting killed if an enemy so much as pokes her never really disappears, but being a healer helps and her purpose isn't to even go on the front lines. This is basically Mist before her promotion.

And what if she is? Her promotion bonuses are actually pretty good (+2 str/+3 spd/+3 def) and gains a pony and swords. However, thanks to her 35% str growth and 1 base, she only has 10 str at 20/1, which translates to 19 atk with the strongest weapon available to her at this point (an iron blade). And considering she's promoting at like Ch20 at the earliest (a.k.a dracoknight land), her atk is garbage. 18 speed at 20/1 is decent, but she gets weighed down by any weapon that packs high enough atk to offset her low str. However, if she can get to B rank (protip: you'll want to burn an arms scroll on her; she has enough trouble getting wexp as it is), she can utilize the sonic sword, and if you are patient enough for A rank, runeswords assume position. Healing wise, she has 18 mag, so she is healing 28 HP on average, and it's hard to say no to a mounted healer. Her concrete durability could be better though (29 HP/8 def at 20/1).

Support wise, she's in the money. She is water affinity, which boosts two things she needs (atk and def), and all her supporters except Rolf give either atk or def (and Mordy gives both since he's water, as well). A Jill/B Boyd, for example gives her a healthy mix of atk and def (and both are top tier units lol). For skillz, keep Miracle on her, since it activates on luck (which she has a lot of), and she's prone to dying. She's not one of my top candidates for Occults, but she can make alright use of Sol (don't expect it to activate often since her skill is crap).

Oh, and I suppose she's useful in the Black Knight fight.


Support suggestion: Jill A/Boyd B is great here. Tits and Mordy are decent, too. Rolf...not so much, though he's like atk/def too.
Band suggestion: If no one else is using it, Knight. Otherwise, anything with str, skl, or def.


Part 2
Part 4


Have a nice day.

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