Saturday, 4 July 2015

FE7 Character Ratings and Tier List

This post was originally posted on Pastebin on January 14, 2015.

My Unbiased FE7 Character Ratings
Lyn Mode Units:
- Lyn plays like your typical swordfighter. That is to say, while she consistently doubles, she has issues damaging things and her physical durability is among the worst in the game. Her saving grace is the Mani Katti, which is basically a killing edge that has effective bonuses on ponies and tin cans. This firmly puts her above Guy. (7/10)
- Kent is one of two mounted units you get in LHM. Compared to Sain, he's faster and more skillful, but has worse attack. Another point in his favor is that he can promote using Wallace's knight crest, which can come in handy in HHM given that KC competition is tight. (9.5/10)
- Sain is the other mounted unit you can obtain in LHM. While he doubles less often than Kent, he makes up for it by having a significant attack lead. Like Kent, he can also promote using the Ch9 knight crests, easing competition for knight crests in HHM. (9.5/10)
- Florina's combat is really shitty early on, and it takes a while before she becomes competent. To make up for this, she can cheese terrain, allowing her to easily complete non-combat objectives faster than most units. (9/10)
- Wil sucks. His starting combat is absolutely appalling, and he has no enemy phase due to being bowlocked. Use as cheap chip damage in LHM and Chapter 16, then bench him. (1/10)
- Dorcas is decent early on, where he 2HKOs most enemy types and is somewhat bulky. What kills any long term use is that his speed growth is tied for worst in this game, and no speed gains on promotion do not help. Another "early game only" unit. (5/10)
- Serra is your typical early game healbot. Nuff said. She really doesn't have a future as anything else due to shoddy exp gain. (7.5/10)
- Erk is useful early on as his magic is one of the only effective ways of killing armors quickly, and he is somewhat fast to boot. He faces heavy competition from Lucius and Canas, easily better units, and Pent outclasses him in more ways than one. (6.5/10)
- Rath joins midway through LHM with more competent bases than Wil and has a pony. His biggest problem is that he joins somewhat late in HHM, but he joins during a wyvernfest, so he can gain exp somewhat quickly. He can also use swords after promotion so he's not totally useless on EP. (5/10)
- Matthew's combat isn't too hot since he's a thief, but he is the only unit that can mug for a long time. Field him in swag heavy maps, then replace with Legault ASAP. (7/10)
- Lucius is basically Erk if he had more magic and res, but used a crappier magic type. He's still worth using because he obtains C staves after promotion. Also, he looks like a transvestite. (7.5/10)
- Nils and Ninian are refresher characters. Nuff said. I put both in the same rating because they are FAIAP the same unit. Ninian is special in the sense that in addition to the normal dance, she can also give stat buffs to other units via special "lucky charms". (9/10)
- Wallace sucks. He might be invincible in LHM, but he's an ass to get in HHM due to being in the line of fire from an iron ballista sniper that 3HKOs him in his joining map. Even once you do get him, he's basically a shittier version of Oswin. Also, recruiting him requires you to do the more difficult version of Chapter 24 and prevents you from recruiting Geitz. (.5/10)
Hector Mode Units:
- Hector is awesome. Unlike the other two lords, he uses axes and has impressive attack and physical durability. His only real issues are his late promotion time and his mediocre speed. Still, he's the best of the three lords by far. (8/10)
- Eliwood is mediocre. His combat is plain balls early on, and it takes a lot of time and investment before he becomes competent. One big advantage he has over his fellow lordlings is that he gets a pony after promotion, granting him +2 movement. (6/10)
- Oswin is made of win. His high defense basically makes him unkillable against physical enemies, and he has high attack to boot. Unfortunately, 4 movement royally sucks, and he is damn near impossible to carry thanks to his 16 con. Still, he's by far the best recipient for the Chapter 17 knight crest. (8.5/10)
- Marcus is broken. While his growths scream "jeigan", it doesn't matter because his bases allow him to tear through the first half of the game and then some. He does start to lose steam as your other units start becoming more competent, but until then, he basically godmodes the game. (10/10)
- Lowen takes the worst aspects of Kent and Sain and makes them worse. To make up for this, he has the highest durability of all the available mounted units in this game. Overall, a balanced, if slightly mediocre unit. (8/10)
- Bartre has one of the worst starts in the game, starting with only 3 speed. While his growth is double that of what Dorcas has, he still takes several levels before he's able to double anything. He's also needed to recruit Karla, if that's your cup of tea. (5.5/10)
- Rebecca sucks. See Wil, but she's available 5 maps earlier and trades attack for speed. Another unit that hits the bench really quickly. (1.5/10)
- Guy strikes me as unimpressive. While he caps speed really quickly, his strength is balls, and unlike Lyn, he doesn't get a pony/tin can effective prf to make up for it. He's invaluable early on since he's basically the only unit besides Marcus that doubles consistently, but after that, fuck him. (5/10)
- Priscilla is Serra if she bought a pony. Like Serra, she has issues gaining exp to how shitty staff exp is. Hey, at least she's cuter. (8/10)
- Raven is amazing. He has ridiculous offensive bases (10 str/13 skl/15 spd) for a Lv5 merc joining in Chapter 17 and has solid growths in all three. His only major flaw is that his durability isn't all that great despite having high HP (29 base/85 growth). (9/10)
- Canas is the most overrated unit I've ever seen. While he hits quite hard with his dark magic, he has issues doubling for most of his existence. While he gets some extra tools to play with, such as life leeching or res negation, it's not enough to completely blow Lucius out of the water. (7/10)
- Dart would be amazing if his promotion item didn't cost so fucking much. The 25K gold you get from selling the ocean seal can mean the difference between recruiting Farina and not being able to do so. A shame too, seeing as his damage and speed are top tier if trained. (4/10)
- Fiora is basically Florina if she joined slightly later, but had more competent bases. Even so, her combat is pretty bad early on, and her offensive growths are worse than her sister's. Also, she flies. That helps. (7.5/10)
- Legault is basically Matthew if his combat didn't completely suck. Like all thieves, I usually only deployed him if there was swag to be had. But at least he isn't a total wuss like Matt is. (6.5/10)
- Isadora is basically Marcus if he traded bulk for speed (and a pair of tits) and joined 10 maps later. Her durability is just atrocious for a --/1 paladin, and her speed is wasted by a crappy 6 con. Not worth using over Kent or Sain, but useful as filler. (6/10)
- Heath is really underrated. Unlike Flo and Fiora, he isn't a total wuss at combat with 31 HP/14 str/12 def at base and good growths in all three stats (80/50/30). This, unfortunately, comes at the cost of speed, and even then, he still has a good growth in that. His only real flaw is that he takes magic attacks like a little girl. (8/10)
- Hawkeye is what you'd get if Dorcas came prepromoted and had +15 crit. While he's painfully sluggish, he hits like a truck and is almost as hard to kill as Oswin. (7/10)
- Geitz is quite good. He doesn't have the crappy start Bartre has, and comes with 19 str/14 spd bases and B rank bows. He's easily your best choice for a bowman in this game, though, unlike Hawkeye, his ability to take hits isn't nearly as good. (6.5/10)
- Farina's combat is the best out of her siblings, but even so, she has issues killing anything before her growths kick in. She also costs a ridiculous 20K to even recruit, which depending on whether you sold the ocean seal or not, you might not have. (6/10)
- Pent is basically Erk if he was RNG proof, had an A rank in staves, and had an A support with a MILF. Can't really go wrong with him. (7.5/10)
- Louise is basically Rebecca if she joined with usable bases and had an A support with a DILF. However, she has limited utility outside of killing wyverns due to having no enemy phase. (3.5/10)
- Harken is awesome. He starts off 2 away from capping strength, alongside 18 speed and double B ranks. One huge advantage he has over Raven is that he doesn't take magic attacks like a little girl. He also comes with the brave sword, an easily better weapon than Karel's wo dao. (8/10)
- Karel sucks. In exchange for having 2 more speed at base over Harken, he loses HP, strength, and defense by 11, 7, and 3, respectively, and has worse growths in all three. His only saving grace is his wo dao, which is inferior to the brave sword Harken comes with. Also, recruiting him requires you to open 4 doors (Germ) or kill 3 promoted enemies (Kenneth) and prevents you from recruiting Harken. (2/10)
- Nino sucks. While she has godly growths, her bases are atrocious relative to the enemies you're facing by her recruitment date, and basically needs to be spoon fed to get anywhere in life. She also has the audacity to join after Pent, which makes her even more of a laughing stock. And while this has nothing to do with her rating, Lightli has a sick obsession with her and other FE lolis. (1.5/10)
- Jaffar is basically Karel if he joined with higher base stats, and traded +15 crit for Lethality. He's not bad per se, but he's lacking in utility value outside of being able to OHKO things. And the proc rate for Lethality isn't terribly great even with killing edge's +30 crit. (2.5/10)
- Vaida has absolutely monstrous physical bulk and hits like a truck, but like any unit that does so, she's slow. And like Heath and the pegasus sisters, she flies. That's uber cool, though Chapter 32 is the only chapter left after she joins with uneven terrain. (4/10)
- Karla sucks. See Karel, but have him join 5 maps later, with worse base stats, and a convoluted recruitment method that involves raising Bartre to --/5 or higher and having both survive a round of combat. Good lord. However, just imagine her completely naked, ball gagged, frogtied, reverse prayered, and crotch roped. You'll feel a lot better about her being among the worst units in the game after that. (0/10)
- Renault sucks. The only thing good to say about him is that he comes with a fortify staff. Beyond that, I still can't fathom the fact that he joins as a --/16 bishop with only 12 magic and 16 resistance. (1/10)
- Athos is only available for the finale, but he has very high stats and can use any magic he damn well wants. Not even the dragon wants to eat a Luna spell from this guy. (5/10)

The Tier List

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Upper Mid Tier: 

Lower Mid Tier:

Low Tier: 

Garbage Tier:

Have a nice day.

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