Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Pokemon Emerald Ratings (Part 5)

On to Route 16...



Type: Normal
Ability(s): Cute Charm

Oh boy, another bad one coming, and this one is a real piece of shit. First off, Skitty is one of the rarest Pokemon in the game, only having a 2% chance of spawning on Route 116 (for the record, she ties with Chimecho, Plusle, and Grimer, while only the Seedot line, Volbeat, surfing Goldeen, and Kecleon are rarer, though most of those 1 percenters have easier means of acquisition), which basically equates to having to go through 50 random encounters on average just to find one. And you will find out that all your hours of searching were not worth it. What kind of contribution can Skitty provide after all the pains of finding and catching her?

Absolutely fucking nothing. Skitty's stats look ok at first glance when you first catch her, but the first two gyms aren't exactly kind to normal types, and Skitty absolutely sucks at delivering good damage despite a decent 45 base attack, though 50 speed is relatively good for this stage. What makes this worse is that she doesn't learn any good damaging STAB moves until Lv39, when she learns Double-Edge. The Secret Power TM can alleviate this slightly, but even then, her offense is shaky at best. It unfortunately doesn't get much better with evolution, giving Delcatty 65/55/70 offenses, which while it will be satisfactory during the midgame, really starts to lose any shine it had once lategame hits. In fact, Delcatty has one of the worst base stat totals out of evolved Pokemon, with only a 380 BST, which is actually worse than Beautifly and Dustox, believe it or not. And those two have pretty fucking bad BST's.

Her level up movepool is a joke. Assist is cute and all, but the move it chooses is random (out of a possible 20 moves in your party's movesets), and you could very well end up using an attack that benefits the enemy. She also gets some support moves like Charm, Attract, and Sing, so you could go the annoyer route, but why do that when you could just OHKO or 2HKO everything you come across? While she can supposedly benefit from TMs, they are all pretty much wasted on her thanks to her terrible offenses.

Oh, and another gripe is her evolution. Skitty is one of those Pokemon that are blessed with a Moon Stone evolution, but the first Moon Stone is found in Meteor Falls, which is pretty much where any usefulness that she had ends. And even with the evolution, Delcatty isn't getting any rewards.

Also, if it means anything, Skitty can somehow breed with Wailord. Though, I can't fathom how a 47 foot whale can stick its whale sized cock into the cunt of a 1 foot cat without that cat bursting into tiny pieces...



Type: Psychic
Ability(s): Synchronize/Inner Focus

First showing up in Route 116, Abra can be yours early on in your quest, proud of his massive special attack and speed, as well as his ability to smite all those fighting types in Brawly's gym.

Like Ralts, Abra has a steep hill to climb before he becomes good. The good news is that Abra improves as soon as he evolves into Kadabra, which happens 4 levels earlier than Ralts's evo. The bad news is that Abra is helpless for longer than Ralts (that is, he has 9 levels of helplessness as opposed to Ralts's 2). Also, Abra is difficult to catch; while he is 2.5 times more common than Ralts, he has a tendency to Teleport on sight, which means that that first ball better work (alternately, if by some freak accident you have a sleep move, you can use that against Abra). Thankfully, his catch rate is fairly high, so lobbing balls has a decent rate of success.

Unfortunately, there are no TMs that can aid Abra during these 9 levels that I call helpnessness, so you will have to use the bait-and-switch method to level your Abra to Lv16, which should happen by the time you get out of Granite Cave. Once this happens, he's all set; Kadabra immediately learns Confusion upon evolving, and is proficient with it as well, with 120 SpA to abuse it with, as well as a 105 speed stat. What makes this even better is that Kadabra gets Psybeam at only Lv21, 5 levels after evolution. However, all this power comes at a cost; Kadabra is pretty much the definition of a glass cannon. Sporting 40/30/70 defenses, he does not take hits well at all. Even with Recover access at Lv25, he is hard pressed to take any neutral STAB'd physical hit, much less a super effective hit.

If you have access to trading, you can evolve your Kadabra into Alakazam, who is a complete beast in and out of himself. For starters, he can learn Calm Mind through level up at Lv33 (Kadabra gets the not-so-useful Role Play), and has an astronomical 135 base SpA. To give an idea on how high this is, the only Pokemon in the entire National Dex prior to Gen V who beat this are all uber level legendaries. He also has 120 base speed, which is enough to outspeed virtually everything that you will face ingame even if you are slightly underleveled. Durability improves a little, but it still doesn't change the fact that Alakazam is a glass cannon.

If there is one thing that this line is sorely lacking, it's good coverage. The only move of note that he gets is Shock Wave, which while it is a strong attack for midgame purposes, it does make Alakazam wish that the elemental punching tutors showed up earlier than postgame (and cost less than 48 BP). It also does not help that Shadow Ball is considered physical in Gen III.

All in all, a solid pick even if you don't have trading access.

7.5/10 (7/10 without trade option)


Type: Bug/Ground, Bug/Flying (Ninjask), Bug/Ghost (Shedinja)
Ability(s): Compound Eyes (Nincada), Speed Boost (Ninjask), Wonder Guard (Shedinja)

Since GameFreak thought Wurmple wasn't enough, they decided to toss in another shitty earlygame bug, and that earlygame bug is Nincada.

Nincada has a unique bug/ground typing, but he will never create heart stopping Earthquakes like the big boys Golem and Swampert can, and learns no ground moves until Lv31 when he learns the pretty pathetic Mud-Slap, and he doesn't get Dig until Lv45. Not that it honestly matters in the first place since Nincada's attack is piss poor at 45, and while it does get better upon evolution, he loses his Ground STAB anyway.

The one stat that Nincada is gifted in is... defense. With 31 HP/90 Def bases, you can kind of count on him to take physical hits, though I can't say the same for his really sad special defense of 30. And with his ground typing, he's not weak to rock type attacks, so he could theoretically be used to tank Roxanne's hits, but what am I kidding. Nincada isn't doing much to Roxanne anyway with an offensive moveset consisting of Scratch and Leech Life. And he's not doing much to Brawly either despite the fighting resistance.

So you baby the fuck out of this thing until Lv20, then he evolves. And while Ninjask is an improvement offensively, it isn't saying much considering his best move at that point (say after Watson), is an unSTAB'd Scratch. It also does not help that Ninjask absolutely blows defensively, with only 61/45/50 defenses and bug/flying typing. However, movepool and durability aside, 90 attack is quite strong for something that evolves around the third gym, but the most intriguing aspect about this Pokemon is his 160 speed. Even at low levels, Ninjask outspeeds everything he comes across, and what he can't outspeed (for some reason), he can easily close the gap thanks to Speed Boost. Oh, and he learns Baton Pass, so you could potentially use him to set up someone else, but that doesn't happen until around the time you face Juan.

If you had a spare slot in your party and have a spare Pokeball, you will acquire another Pokemon in addition to your Ninjask. Unlike him, who is nothing special aside from Baton Passing Speed Boosts, Shedinja is a lot more... interesting. His stats are more or less a carbon copy of Nincada's, save attack and defense, which are identical to Ninjask's, and HP, which is always 1. Yes, that's right. Shedinja has literally the lowest HP in the game, and having only 1 HP presents a huge handicap. Thankfully, to make up for this, he gets a very good ability called Wonder Guard, which blocks any attack that isn't super effective (READ: fire, flying, rock, ghost, and dark). While the ability will protect against any direct damage from those attack types, it will not protect him from residual damage like poison, burn, sand, entry hazards, and recoil. This obviously limits what Shedinja can safely engage since things like Graveler and Swellow pretty much kill you, and even things like Gloom have moves that can kill him.

Neither evolution has all that great a movepool. The only moves of note they get are Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, and Dig, as well as assorted Normal type moves. The strongest bug move they get naturally is Fury Cutter, which needs to be used multiple times in succession before it can be useful. Too bad Silver Wind is an egg move... Another thing of note is that Shedinja will have the exact same moveset as the Ninjask that evolved, which is the only way he can get moves like Swords Dance and Agility. Speaking of which, it may be a good idea to hold off evolution until Lv25 so that Shedinja learns Swords Dance.

While Ninjask's gym and elite performance is terrible for the most part, Shedinja can kind of do something against Juan due to the fact that basically nothing on his team has a way of harming him. He's also good-ish against the twins, but unlike Juan, they have moves which can hit him (Claydol's Ancient Power and Solrock's Flamethrower). As for elite performance, forget it. Shedinja does poorly against the elites due to all of them having multiple Pokemon packing moves that can damage Shedinja (Glacia actually has relatively few Mons that can directly damage him, but she spams Hail, so there is no point in using him there). However, Shedinja can troll Drake's Kingdra as well as Wallace's Wailord, Whiscash, and Gyarados, which can constitute as useful, but none of those Pokemon are too big a threat, so w/e.

Basically, other than a few utility roles, neither have anything to contribute.

Ninjask: 3.5/10
Shedinja: 4/10


Type: Normal
Ability(s): Soundproof

Whismur can be best described as Hoenn's Clefairy: He has a massive TM movepool, but has mediocre stats in places.

Whismur is the last Pokemon you can find on Route 116, and if you can't find one there, you can find them in Rusturf Tunnel with a 100% encounter rate. His offense starts off decent enough with 51 attack and STAB Uproar, which has 10 more BP than Pound and hits 2-5 times in succession. Unfortunately, he has the misfortune of being caught right before a rock gym, so his offense is downplayed here, but against people who aren't hikers, he hits decently hard, especially since he eventually gets 91 in either attack stat. There is some worry about his speed; at only 28 base and upgrading to 68 upon becoming Exploud, he tends to get outsped by dangerous opponents. This can be worrisome since his durability isn't that great (good HP, but it's wasted by 63 in either defense as Exploud).

While his level up movepool is decent at best (doesn't gain a stronger STAB until Lv29, and has to wait until Lv63 for Hyper Voice), his TM movepool is massive. Unfortunately, the ones he wants in order to counter his greatest enemies (Shadow Ball, Brick Break, and Earthquake) come late, not to mention the competition these moves have. Thankfully, he is compatible with Ice Beam and Flamethrower, as well as their stronger versions, so he can pick those up without taking them from anyone else, if you can shell out 80K per TM (if you want to use the more consistent option). He can also pick up Water Pulse from Juan, if you need a second string water user (doesn't get Surf, unfortunately), which also allows him to deal with rocks.

Whismur's biggest issue ingame, other than his speed and durability, is his high evolutionary levels. Lv20 evolution to Loudred is quite early and will definitely happen either before the third gym, during it, or soon after. However, the Lv40 evolution to Exploud is quite painful to say the least. Chances are it won't happen until you storm Magma's base or Aqua's base, which I will admit is a little late. What this amounts to is that Loudred is stuck with his quite bad 48 speed and below average 71 offenses until then. Why couldn't he be like Clefairy and evolve through stone? I dunno.

Overall, a decent pick, even if it is on the mediocre side.



Have a nice day.

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