Sunday, 12 July 2015

Path of Radiance Character Ratings (Intro)

This post was originally posted on Serenes Forest Forums on September 1, 2010.

I've always wanted to bring this back from the dead. Twas my first thread on SFF too.

Anyway, ratings are based on a Hard Mode performance. It's no use rating units based on NM since basically everybody is usable. Also, for the sake of people using blessings/screwages to rate units, I'm assuming Fixed Mode. I am going to rate each unit from 0 to 10 (0 meaning you are just garbage, 5 being the average, and 10 meaning you are epic). And while I'm going to try my best to give everybody unbiased ratings, there is a .5 margin of error. If I haven't used a character much or at all, I will do my best to give him/her an unbiased rating using the limited information I got from Serenes Forest/GameFAQs.

As usual, low turn counts are the name of the game. I'm not going to push for dondon low turns, but the goal is to stay within the limits for full BEXP.

I will also be putting in support/band suggestions as I go along.

I will be using the Hard Mode enemy stats as a guideline. It may or may not be complete since Vykan DID use only units with 9 move.

Oh, and feel free to comment. I'm doing this to contribute to SF. And please don't plagiarize my work. Just don't. I spent over a month working on this, and I don't want people stealing what is rightfully mine. Also note that this thread is rife with jokes, some really good, others as lame as Aquaman.

The following attributes will increase ratings:
-Positive Utility
-Good Offense (ex. 2 rounding when everyone else is 3 rounding)
-Good Durability (ex. getting 5RKO'd when others are getting 3RKO'd)

The following attributes will decrease ratings
-Negative Utility
-Having to be babied
-Shitty Offense (ex. 4 rounding when others are 2 rounding)
-Shitty Durability (ex. getting 2RKO'd when others are 3RKO'd)

Note: I am using simple averages to judge characters. Any decimals >= .5 will be rounded up, anything < .4 will be rounded down.

Final Note: I will bump a unit up or down only if I have solid evidence. Any fanboys/fangirls or trolls will be ignored.

Have a nice day.

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