Monday, 13 July 2015

Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 6)

Yo Yo Yo Yo
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Luffy!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Zoro!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Nami!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up give it up give it up Yo!)

And that my friends, is the beginning of the god awful 4Kids One Piece rap. Do yourself a favor and watch the Japanese version with English subs. Back to ratings.



Base Stats
01/00  20  05  01  07  11  06  04  00

 60  50  10  70  65  55  35  30

Sothe, the second in command of the Fail Brigade and Ike is the father of his children. However, this is three years into the future. This is about his shota version.

You only need to take one look at his stats and class to know that his combat is a greater joke than the Detroit Lions. 5 str at this stage in the game is well beyond crap. He literally can't cause damage to anything because his weapon type is so damn weak (lol 7 atk). And while his speed base is theoretically good, he actually gets doubled by almost every raven in his starting map, and let's not get to his concrete durability issues. 20 HP/4 def is only slightly better than base level Rice (-2 HP, +4 def), except that Rice joined in Chapter 2 with that durability and Sothe joins in Chapter 12. His growth rates are good, and rather quite scary for a thief (50 str, 70 skl, 65 spd) and are boosted by Blossom (though his exp gains are gimped in the process), but here comes his next problem; he is literally unable to promote. What. The. Literal. Fuck? This means that even if one was to raise him, his stats all cap at 20 and his HP at 40, which is crap going into lategame.

So he fails at combat basically forever. What he is useful for is getting swag. However, that isn't saying much since Volke does the same stuff but a lot better. To give out an idea, base Volke can steal items as heavy as iron axes and javelins. What can base Sothe steal? Basically, he's limited to lightweight tomes and staves. Seriously, he can't even steal Physics at base level FFS. At least he doesn't charge 50 gold every time he opens something, which is cool (not that it matters since you're swimming in gold lol). There are some maps where having two thieves can be helpful, but most of the time, Volke + chest keys do the trick anyway.

He's basically useful as a secondary thief, but that's about it. He's infinitely more useful in RD, where he at least has Jagen utility.

His combat gets a 0/10 and his thievery gets a 7/10 for an average of...


Support suggestion: Lolwut? (at least he actually has supports. Volke only has lol bastian.)
Band suggestion: None, because he is not even close to being a good combat unit.


Base Stats
08/00  24  11  00  10  09  06  11  02

 60  40  30  45  45  25  35  30

Jill Fizzart is one of only two potential playable dragonmasters in all of Tellius. She is also another Erza Scarlet lookalike.

She starts off alright, albeit 4-6 levels below par. 24 HP/11 def lets her get 4RKO'd by the crows in her starting map thanks to her laguzguard (she takes 7 damage normally, the laguzguard reduces it to 3. In order for Marcia to get similar durability, she would need to be Lv14) and basically allows her to not die from anything that isn't an archer, and 60 HP/35 def is about average, and at least ensures she's rather durable. Her offense, on the flip side, isn't very stellar. She has 21 atk with her steel lance, but only has 7 AS with the damn thing equipped, though with an effective 85% AS growth, this fixes itself quickly.

Like Marcia, she has instant utility just for being a flier. However, unlike Marcia, Jill can take 2-3 hits before dying (as opposed to 1-2 hits in Marcia's case), making her a great deal more flexible in where she goes. Like I said before, this game has a lot of unstable terrain (boats in Chapters 12 and 13, rivers in Chapters 14 and 21, desert in Chapter 15, swamp in Chapter 17, pitfalls in Chapter 23, a tall mountain in Chapter 25), and having a flier around in those chapters can significantly decrease turn count. Even if there isn't a lot of bad terrain, flying is still helpful in most circumstance (ok, except chapters with excessive ballistae, but full guard fixes it).

Her supports are bland-ish. Her only good support is with Mist (she gets full def from it lol). Lethe is lol heaven, and Haar shows up too late (nevermind that he is wind and wind sucks big floppy donkey cock in FE9). Personally, I find that she works best with Guard and Savior. Resolve/Wrath can work for her, but there is so much competition for those skills it's not even funny. As for anything else, she could use a seraph robe and a speedwing early on, but other than that, the sky's the limit.


Support suggestion: Mist A is a given, with Lethe as a secondary (but I wouldn't bother with Lethe after Begnion).
Band suggestion: Knight or wyvern works best to improve on her str/def. Otherwise, anything with speed.


Base Stats
01/00  20  06  04  06  07  03  05  04

 45  40  20  55  50  40  30  25

If you are going to start underleveled, this is how you can get away with it.

In all seriousness, Astrid starts off pretty fucking terrible, almost as bad as Rolf, except that Rolf joined in Chapter 9 with those stats and Astrid joins in C13 with those stats. 6 str and 7 AS at this point in the game is pretty bad, since one, enemies are far stronger now, and two, many units are going to have double what Astrid has in stats. Granted, it does improve quickly with a 50% spd growth and an 'average' 40% str growth, but let's face it: it hurts. Defensively, she's basically a joke. 20 HP/5 def is a little more than what Sothe has, and is getting ORKO'd by practically everything (actually, some fighters reach 25 atk, which OHKOes her outright), and with 45 HP/30 def, she basically has durability problems forever. Yes, she does have a horse, but it means almost nothing when you are crap at fighting, although taking no counters helps.

What sets her apart from her non-mounted counterpart, though is that she has Paragon. Yes, the broken skill that gives double experience. At this stage in the game, if she chips anything, she's likely going to gain 40+ CEXP. Killing something will practically give her a free level up, but most of the time, this isn't happening unless she's killing a weakened C13 crow or something. Assuming you chip an enemy once per turn in her joining map, she will have gained ~4 levels (which puts her from Lv1 to ~Lv5). Ridiculous. If she can actually kill something, make that Lv7-8. Once she gets up to par with your other units, she has respectable offense compared to your other units (though I wouldn't call doubling for moderate damage good, but hey, it's better than what the likes of Rolf can do). Once she promotes, she's finally starting to look quite good. 9 move + canto + axes + Sol is pretty good, and by now her supports are established, she should have OKish durability.

As for any supports, she's wind(which as I've said is crap in FE9), but supports fellow cavalier Makalov, who is her best support overall (and is thunder, giving her some def). Gatrie has movement issues unless you give him the boots and Sothe sucks, so those two supports are pretty much inferior to Mak. As for any skills, Paragon is good as long as she's underleveled. Once she's ~20/10, feel free to remove it and give her something like Sol.

At least she's fairly decent here. RD, not so much.


Support suggestion: Mak is pretty much her only good support partner. Gatrie has move issues and Sothe is bantha fodder.
Band suggestion: Fighter or Soldier work best. She has little need for the KW since her speed is good enough as it is.


Base Stats
10/00  30  09  02  07  10  08  10  02

 60  55  05  45  50  25  45  20

Wow. This guy must suffer from Ugly Hair Syndrome. Or maybe he's just ugly period. He is also a compulsive gambler.

Mak basically continues the trend that any first tiers after Chapter 11 are underleveled, and therefore, under par when you get them. Seriously, 9 str and 10 spd are utter crap at this stage in the game, and combined with the fact that his steel sword drops him to 7 AS (17 atk is nothing to write home about, either), his offense is god awful at first, though with 105% AS growth and 55% str growth, his offense picks up quickly. Durability wise, he's decent enough with 30 HP/10 def and he has above average durability growths for a cav (60 HP/45 def), but while he has WTA on most of his starting map, he can't dodge since he has only 22 avoid assuming neutral bio.

Because he joins so late, and is more underleveled than Marcia and Neph were (and without Paragon to make up for the difference), he needs around 5-6 levels worth of bexp, which should be a drop in the hat by now. But once he is caught up, he's actually above average statwise. As in, his str is just as good as Kevin's and he almost reaches Oscar's durability levels. When he promotes, axes and Sol assume position.

Like with a lot of people, his supports aren't anything special. He has thunder affinity (which is good); however, every one his supports is wind affinity, and two of those join quite late (not to mention that Bastian just sucks). Really, Astrid is his only good support, with Haar as a secondary (but I wouldn't bet on it). As for any skills, Sol is standard fare for paladins, but he makes use of stuff like Guard and Resolve.

His rating:


Support suggestion: Astrid A. Haar comes too late, and lolBastian.
Band suggestion: He would like KW for the first 10 levels of his existence. Otherwise, anything with def.


Part 5
Part 7


Have a nice day.

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