Monday, 13 July 2015

Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 5)

Last of the Crimea units, for the time being, anyway...



Base Stats
12/00  30  11  00  10  12  05  10  01

 60  50  20  50  40  30  40  30

Kieran (JP: Kevin), Oscar's eternal archrival and the red knight. There's not much else to say about him, except that he's the manliest person in Tellius.

He starts off fairly good. 19 atk with an iron axe is decent, and he is doubling most of the enemies in his joining chapter thanks to his 12 AS, 2 rounding every enemy he does double except the armors. Defensively, he's doing alright. 30 HP/10 def is getting 4RKO'd for the most part, and even the strongest enemies 3RKO. Considering the average durability is 3-4RKO'd, this isn't bad. His offense improves quickly thanks to his 50% str growth and 40% speed growth (70% with KW), and while his def is about average, 60 HP/40 def gives acceptable durability.

Chapter 12 and 13 aren't so hot for him since the crows there can reach up to 16 AS, which 2RKO's him at base. However he does well against most human enemies due to their stats sucking for the most part (only sucks against myrms, does well vs. soldiers and good against everything else). At equal levels, he's comparable to Oscar. Against base Kevin, 12/0 Oscar has +1 HP, -1 str, -1 spd, +1 def, and +2 res. Even at 20/1, they are remarkably similar; Kevin has -1 HP, +1 str, -1 skl, +1 spd, -1 def and -2 res on Oscar. Not bad in all honesty. DYK it takes Oscar until Lv13 to tie and surpass Kevin's spd lead? Meanwhile, Kevin takes until 20/15 to beat Oscar's durability lead (Kevin wins str like forever). As for promotion items, he works well with swords or lances.

He only supports 3 people, but thankfully for him, two of them match his move and are uber in their own right. His own affinity is crap (lol wind)but he supports Oscar, who effectively gives him a sharp avoid boost (and it's quick to boot). Marcia is also a good option, seeing as she's the only other Kevin supporter that matches his move (lolRice). Gamble is a crap skill for Kieran, given his shaky hit. I would recommend Sol if you can spare an occult.

His rating:


Support suggestion: Oscar A/Marcia B. You know why.
Band suggestion: Speed isn't one of his strong points, so I guess KW. Soldier also works to give him a durability lead.


Base Stats
08/00  28  10  01  09  07  04  13  02

 75  45  10  50  25  20  55  25

Brom would be horrendous without the Knight Ward.

All jokes aside, he does alright for himself when you first get him. 28 HP/13 def gives him good durability, letting him get 4HKO'd at worst at base, and thanks to his 7 AS, the only enemy that can reliably double him is the boss, assuming he doesn't get weighed down. Speaking of that, his offense is god awful without forges. The guy has 17 atk with an iron lance, which is fucking terrible, especially since he can't double (and he only causes 5-7 dmg to the cavaliers. Does well vs myrms, though). Steel lance puts him at 20 atk, but he does run the risk of getting doubled. He does alright in Chapter 12 as well assuming he gets a level in Chapter 11 (or feed him some extra BEXP); his only issue in that chapter is that every crow has 1-2 listed crit on him, but 30 HP/14 def at Lv10 only takes 4x2 damage a round from the 18 atk ravens so he's good to go there.

Like Gatrie, Chap grows into a total tank thanks to his 75 HP/55 def growths; however, while his strength picks up somewhat quickly with a 45% growth, I can't say the same for his speed growth, which is the same as Gatrie's. So he has issues doubling all but the slowest enemies. Luckily for him, knight ward exists, which nearly doubles his speed growth to a cool 55%. It helps that Brom's speed base is actually existent (7 spd at Lv8), unlike Gatrie's (5 spd at Lv9). That isn't saying much, since Brom would have to gain around 10 levels for KW to have any noticeable effect. Once he promotes, he actually starts to look good. At 20/1, he has 18 str giving him 28 atk with a steel lance, and assuming we give him the ward from Lv11 onwards, he has 15 AS (for the sake of comparison, he ties 20/1 Boyd in speed). On defense, he has 40 HP/21 def, which basically lols at basically every physically oriented enemy for the next several maps afterwards. Not bad in all honesty. He still has severe mobility problems, though.

However, the knight ward isn't exactly free. The cavaliers all want some time passing the ward around for level ups, and even Neph might want it for the +2 def buffer. KW also makes it a lot harder to use Gatrie in tandem with him, and while Gatrie is not good at all, he might be used to complete support chains or something. So... while Chap is in all likelihood your best investment for the KW, the opportunity cost needs to be applied, and it's quite noticeable.

Brom is water affinity and supports characters that actually want his affinity (unlike Gatrie and his light affinity, and him supporting units that could care less about him). Boyd helps patch his failure atk (for a knight) thanks to his fire affinity, and Zihark gives him +10 avoid (not that he needs it, since he has overkill def). While Neph's aff is one of the worst in the game, she could use the atk and def that Brom dispenses, as well. As for skills, he makes a fine user of Adept, given his high skill (and that fact that he doesn't double for a long time), and Luna can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's if he doubles.

TL;DR: Brom is a decent enough unit, but there's only so much you can do with a knight.


Support suggestion: Brom practically needs atk, so Boyd A/Zihark B.
Band suggestion: KW. He sucks without it.


Base Stats
07/00  22  08  02  10  11  06  09  03

 55  40  20  55  55  25  35  25

Neph is an excellent unit, but is heavily overrated. A lot. Go check out the GameFAQ's ratings. I saw some guys give her a perfect score.

In all seriousness, she starts out pretty bad, even worse than Brom. Her base offense is only slightly better than Chap's. With only 8 str, she only has 15 atk with an iron lance, but her spd is 4 higher than her armored friend, so she will double a hell of a lot more. Her durability is a lot worse than Brom's. She gets 2HKO'd by 20 atk (Brom gets 4HKO'd by the same amount), and unfortunately, a lot of the enemies (like, all the lance knights and two armors) have that. She does have innate Wrath to help with her offense, but considering her not-so-great durability early on, it actually doesn't do a whole lot for her at first, and she seriously runs the risk of dying. If you aren't too stingy (or hoarding) with BEXP, then she can get 2-3 levels worth and it won't harm the team significantly.

Fortunately for her, Neph improves quickly. 40% str growth is about average, however, she has a 55% spd growth, so her offense picks up fairly quickly. Defensively, she could be better, but she's doing alright. 55 HP/35 def is about average (same as Oscar), but with only 22 base HP, her durability figures won't ever be as good as Oscar or Kieran's (9 def is pretty good, though), but it is good enough for her to abuse Wrath without getting killed all the time. Once she and others start promoting, she has good offense thanks to her speed and Wrath, and above average durability. Not bad in all honesty.

As for her support affinity, her affinity is probably one of the worst, but all her supports give atk. Brom is probably her best bet since it fixes another problem: her durability. Calill isn't bad either. She makes good use of Resolve or Vantage thanks to her innate Wrath, but if you don't like Wrath for some reason, you could give her Luna.

Also, she's not as good as Aran.


Support suggestion: Brom A/Calill B. I honestly don't give a shit since all her supports give atk.
Band suggestion: Neph really benefits from the knight/wyvern bands. Otherwise, anything with str/def. Don't bother with the KW, her speed is overkill as it is (lol 18 spd at 20/0 and 26 spd by 20/11).


Base Stats
10/00  25  10  01  13  15  06  07  00

 55  45  15  50  60  40  30  20

Zihark is the biggest furry on the face of Tellius. However, this is a rating on his usefulness as a unit, not an anti-furry rant.

When he starts off, he's not bad. Assuming you recruit him in one turn (not recommended due to the vigilantes), he doubles everything in his joining chapter except the boss thanks to his 15 AS. With his killing edge, his atk is fairly impressive (relatively speaking, 19 atk on a Lv10 myrmidon is not bad) and he has 36 base crit with it. So his offense is good to start with, and with 45 str/60 spd growths, this continues for his whole existence. His durability isn't as hot; 25 HP/7 def is getting 2HKO'd by most of the common enemies (armors and lance knights) and with 55 HP/30 def growths, this doesn't go away anytime soon. He does well in Chapters 12 and 13 despite not doubling the crows (granted no one's doubling them anyway) since he has laguzslayer access and innate Adept (he only has 13 AS with it at base, but I don't remember any crows having 17 AS so he's safe. To be entirely safe, give him a level of BEXP).

Once out of crow's land, he's likely above average again since he's doubling every enemy in Chapters 14 and 16 (watch for knights) for a 3HKO (with 30+ crit if you still have the KE) at 15/0 (yes, I'm being nice and giving him 5 levels in three chapters). With Adept, he can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's. Not bad in all honesty. It gets even funnier when he does promote. 22 AS/25 crit borders on overkill and 16 str isn't half bad. His only problem mid-game is that people start getting better with 1-2 range, so his offense figures aren't as high as one would expect. His durability is still suspect, but luckily, he's earth affinity and all his supports give def (unlike Mia, who only gets def from Ilyana (who supports with Zihark as well), who as we've discussed is mediocre).

As I said before, he's earth affinity, so his avoid will ultimately be higher than Mia's, and again, as I said, all his supports give def. A Brom/B Muraim (or vice versa) is best, IMO. As for any skills, he works well with Vantage or Resolve. Don't remove his Adept unless you like Astra for some reason (Hint: Astra isn't as good here as it was in GotHW, where it was in the hands of monsters like Shannan and didn't halve atk).

The only thing keeping him down is his lack of 1-2 range that isn't a magic sword.


Support suggestion: Muraim A/Brom B. Brom wants full atk more than avo, and Ilyana sucks.
Band suggestion: He makes good use of the fighter, knight, or soldier bands.


Part 4
Part 6


Have a nice day.

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