Saturday, 4 July 2015

Why GrayLu, NaLi, and other "Crack" Pairings are Illegitimate

This post was originally posted on DeviantArt on August 16, 2014.

Hello to all.

Here is an essay I composed which explains how every ship that pairs Natsu and Lucy with people besides each other is not legitimate. I originally posted this in response to a paranoid NaLu fan named Warlordgab who was complaining that NaLu fans were abandoning their ship and turning to GrayLu and NaLi out of spite.

This piece is dedicated to delusional anti-NaLu flamethrowers like ZN-Lover, LolitaLalo, MageOfSwag, and Nightlingbolt who insist that their illegitimate pairings are somehow "legitimate". To save time, I will only cover the characters most commonly shipped with Natsu and Lucy, because getting to obscure crap like Metsu or JaLu would just waste time.

Without further stall, let's begin:

Lucy's Pairings:

Gray x Lucy (GrayLu): Let's start with the cream of the crap. The only reason this one came about was because a deluded fangirl named Milady666 saw that Gray was quite attractive, and decided to ship him with Lucy on the grounds that they were her two favorite characters (which is generally how most crack pairings are created, but that's beside the point.) The point is that pairings aren't just about how attractive they look. It's also about emotional connections, and GrayLu is sorely lacking in this (Compare this to Natsu, who is basically always there for Lucy in times of grief and he always knows the right thing to say.) One GrayLu fan tried to sugarcoat this lack of emotional development by creating a list of reasons why Gray and Lucy's personalities are "compatible", but this list is full of fallacies and a lot of the reasons he posted either have nothing to do with romance, are false, or both. The last thing that invalidates GrayLu and turns it into a bigger joke than the Detroit Lions is the fact that Gruvia is basically canon. When one pairing becomes canon (in this case, Gruvia), this automatically kills any chance of any pairings that would contradict it (in this case, GrayLu, but Lyvia and GrayZa are also dead) of ever being canon. In other words, GrayLu is 100.0% dead and 100.0% crack.

Loki x Lucy (LoLu): The legitimacy of this one would be a little more believable if Loki didn't womanize as much as he does (FFS, the bastard didn't come to Lucy's aid at one point because he was on a date.) Furthermore, he's a celestial spirit, which creates another series of problems. Lucy loves him, sure, but she loves him just as much as she loves Virgo or Aquarius, which further invalidates this pairing.

Laxus x Lucy (LaLu): Like with GrayLu, there is basically nothing in the manga to suggest that Laxus and Lucy have feelings for each other. Now, Laxus did ask Lucy to be his girlfriend, but this was back in the Fantasia arc, and at the time, I'm pretty sure he only wanted to use her. Not good boyfriend/husband material. They are also shipped because they both have blond hair, which is one of the most retarded reasons ever for shipping characters.

Sting x Lucy (StiLu): Yeah right. Do you honestly think that a guy who laughed at your pain when you got tortured by Minerva is going to be a good matchup for you? I think not. Anyone who thinks otherwise has their heads buried in the La Brea tar pits. They are also shipped for the same reason Lucy is shipped with Laxus.

Rogue x Lucy (RoLu): While Rogue not laughing when Lucy got brutalized redeems this pairing somewhat, it is utterly ruined by the fact that Future Rogue killed Future Lucy. And didn't Nightling claim that Lucy might strike a relationship with Rogue to prevent him from becoming his future self? I don't find that to be all that believable.

Natsu's Pairings:

Natsu x Lisanna (NaLi): Ok, I'm not the first one to admit that this one has, or rather, had substance to it. Natsu and Lisanna became close friends while they were hatching Happy's egg, the latter even going so far as to (jokingly) ask the former if she'd be his bride when they got older. With this in mind, you'd expect Lisanna to make up for lost time with Natsu once she returned from Edolas after two years of being thought to be dead. However, Lisanna barely had any interaction with Natsu after she came back (outside of the jail scene in Chapter 367, which is in and out of itself not a romantic moment, I don't recall them interacting at all.) Furthermore, Lisanna told Lucy to "stay close to Natsu" right before fighting Hades, which can be interpreted as Lisanna realizing that Natsu has moved on and she should likewise do the same. So, at the end of the day, NaLi never competed with NaLu because the former died when Lisanna was warped to Edolas.

Natsu x Erza (NaZa): Like NaLi, this pairing used to have substance. There were moments in the Tower of Heaven arc and before that (READ: The chapter where Erza was arrested) that suggested that their relationship would evolve beyond a simple friendship. This was not to be, considering that NaZa development ceased after the Nirvana arc. However, looking between the lines reveals that Natsu and Erza's "relationship" was more of a big sis/little bro relationship right from the start. Furthermore, Erza's interactions with Siegrain in the beginning were foreshadowing her connection to Gerard, and how emotionally close they were when they were kids (once Erza's past was fleshed out a bit more.) Even after all the crimes Gerard committed, Erza's feelings for him did not erode, and after he regained his memories, it was clear that he retained his feelings for her. I honestly can't fathom how Nightling can claim that Gerza can't work...

Natsu x Wendy (NaWen): Now, what invalidates this pairing is a simple matter of the character's ages. Wendy isn't even a teenager yet while Natsu is around Gray's age. While them dating wouldn't be nearly as creepy as her and Mest (who, may I remind you, is at least 20 years older than her) dating, NaWen still gives bad lolicon vibes. And like with NaZa above, it's pretty obvious that Natsu's relationship with Wendy is a brother-sister relationship (it's actually more obvious since at least Natsu and Erza did share a few romantic moments back in the ToH arc). And I think it goes without saying that anyone who ships Wendy with anyone other than Romeo is a fucking sicko.
I hope this clears up all the lies that the GrayLu/StiLu/NaLi/etc fandoms spout out to make their pairing look better. And to anyone insisting that your hot pairing is legit (TRUE-ZZMSSM7, I'm looking at you), I suggest reading this article and taking notes.

Have a nice day.

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