Friday, 10 July 2015

Pokemon Emerald Ratings (Part 14)

"I got 5 Reese Cups!"
"I got a Snickers bar!"
"I got $20.00"
"I got a rock..."



Type: Ghost
Ability(s): Insomnia

They say that Mt. Pyre is haunted and heavily polluted with ghosts, but unless you're a coward like Usopp, it is one of the best places to catch ghost types. In fact, it and the routes north and south of it are the only places that have proper ghost types, for a lack of a better word. Shuppet can be found in the mountain itself as well as both of those routes I mentioned, and is a common sight in pretty much every place you can find one. But are you willing to catch one?

Shuppet's starting combat isn't all that great, but it is passable with Night Shade doing at least 26 damage a pop at base level, which pretty much 3HKO's everything you come across. While I could call that decent, the problem is that most Pokemon that you have at this point should be 2HKOing at worst, and Shuppet begs to learn Shadow Ball earlier than Lv48. In fact, he doesn't learn another damaging attack until Lv37, so it is probably worth it to use the Shadow Ball TM on him, seeing as with 75 base attack, it's his strongest option. Defensively, he's not so hot, with only 44 HP/35 Def/33 SpD, so he gets 2HKO'd by most reasonably strong attacks, and not helping matters is that he's as slow as Golem. Immunities to normal and fighting and Lv32 Will-O-Wisp alleviate this issue somewhat, but let's get something straight here: it hurts.

Evolution could happen a little earlier, but Lv37 evo means that Shuppet should evolve just in time for the Mossdeep gym, where he pretty much demolishes everything there with Shadow Ball, now backed up by a solid 115 attack. He's still on the frail side, but 65 speed means that at least he has a glimmer of hope of outspeeding stuff that aren't like Geodudes. 83 SpA, while not great compared to his attack, is still serviceable, and allows Banette to make good use of the Thunderbolt TM (you may have to shell out 80K if you did use the freebie), which makes him a decent choice against Juan.

The ghost type, to be quite honest, isn't so hot against the elites. While Sidney only has two guys that actually pack dark moves, you will still want to steer clear of him because Shadow Ball is resisted and even without dark moves, his Pokes hit hard enough to 2HKO him anyway. Phoebe is hit or miss depending on whether or not he outspeeds the two Banettes, but if he does, you're good to go. As for Glacia and Drake, while he is technically hit neutral by their STABs, both of Glacia's Glalies and Drake's Flygon and Salamence carry Crunch, which will at best 2HKO him while he fails to either outspeed or OHKO them. And that's always nice.

In a nutshell, Shuppet is only really good for two boss fights (though he is a big help in those fights), and is a burden to the party early on unless given the Shadow Ball TM, so as a result, the ends generally do not justify the means.



Type: Ghost
Ability(s): Levitate (Duskull), Pressure (Dusclops)

Like Shuppet, Duskull can be found in Mt. Pyre, this time restricted to the top three floors with a 10% encounter rate. As a ghost type, pretty much everything I said about Shuppet's combat can be applied to Duskull, except that it's a lot fucking worse. His offense is a total joke with only 40 Atk/30 SpA/25 Spe to his name, and considering that he starts with Astonish and doesn't get Shadow Ball through level, teaching the TM to him is practically mandatory, and even then, his combat is not pretty to look at. While evolution can alleviate this issue somewhat, Duskull has a long wait until he reaches Lv37, and even so, his attack only gets a marginal boost and his speed doesn't improve.

Unlike Shuppet and pretty much every other ghost ever, Duskull's line excels in tanking, with defensive stats of 130 apiece as Dusclops, which combined with ghost's immunities to normal and fighting (neither of which really matter at this point, unfortunately), make him a pretty good mixed wall, though the 40 base HP is quite painful to look at. The only thing hampering his durability at this point in the game is the fact that every one of the elites has a dark or ghost move on at least two of their Pokemon, with the first two elites getting STAB on dark and ghost, respectively. Granted, thanks to said defenses, he can take at least one shot and hit the opponent back or burn them, but let's face the music here: it hurts.

Unlike Banette, whose physical movepool consisted of Shadow Ball and normal moves, Dusclops is a little more broad in that regard, getting access to things like Earthquake and Rock Tomb, the former of which has the dubious honor of being the most contested move ever and the latter of which probably doesn't exist anymore and even if it did, 50 might is complete ass by this point in the game, especially on something with Claydol-esque attack that doesn't get STAB. Also, he gets Ice Beam for some weird reason, but hey, it can be used to kill Drake's dragons.

Basically, take everything I said about Shuppet not being worth it and magnify it twofold. Duskull really wishes his final form existed in this gen.



Type: Fire
Ability(s): Flash Fire

A fire type that joins right before a waterfest? Nice trolling, GameFreak.

Another denizen of the Mt. Pyre sub-area, this time in the grass just outside, Vulpix is the very last fire type you will come across on your journey. Coming between the levels of 25 and 29, she is at worst 4 levels away from Flamethrower, meaning that she needs relatively little babying to get up to par with the rest of your party. Now, consider that you will have obtained a fire stone in the Fiery Path before you even got Surf, and you will find that Vulpix basically doesn't care about her unevolved state, as she doesn't have to worry about high ass evolutionary levels like the ghosts did.

Statwise, Ninetales is the fastest fire type obtainable in the Hoenn dex, with 100 base speed, and while 81 SpA isn't exactly the best in the world, she still hits hard enough considering STAB Flamethrower. Defensively, she has 100 base special defense, which actually lets her soak up even a moderately strong water hit (do not try this with the water kings), and also helps against the specially biased late and endgame. Too bad I can't say the same for her physical durability, which is mediocre at 73 HP/75 Def, so do not expect Ninetales to take Earthquakes very well (at least without burning them first), and unfortunately, that move is relatively common in the lategame.

Once you look past that Lv29 Flamethrower, you will find that Ninetales has severe movepool issues. The only damaging moves of note that she gets other than fire moves are Secret Power, Iron Tail, and Dig (no Strength :( ), which aren't doing a lot of damage coming off only 76 attack, not to mention that Iron Tail shows up after Juan and can't hit the broad side of a space barn. At the very least, she does get access to Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray, so if you need a fast 'Mon that can neuter physical attackers, there you go.

While Vulpix comes late and joins right before a waterfest, she does have her strong points, like being able to take water hits reasonably well despite the weakness, as well as having access to WoW, both of which securely put her above Numel in my opinion.



Type: Psychic
Ability(s): Levitate

The last pure psychic type to be found in the game, Chimecho can be best described as "that rare collector's item that only greedy bastards like Oliver go out of their way to obtain", which goes without saying. This bastard is only found on the summit of Mt. Pyre, in grass that's tucked quite a bit off the beaten path, with a 2% chance of spawning. What this equates to is that you will be seeing a LOT of Shuppet (and the occasional Duskull) before you even encounter the shitten thing, and let's not forget that he also has a somewhat low catch rate, making him a fairly hard snag. So, is Chimecho worth all the aggravation?

Absolutely fucking not, considering this thing has a BST only 5 points higher than Mightyena and Linoone. And I'm going to be perfectly fucking honest, the only remotely good thing I can say about his stats is that his special attack is respectable. But that's not saying much, considering he's stuck with Confusion until Lv46 (when he gets Psychic), which is complete ass when you factor in Alakazam getting the same move 10 levels earlier and Gardevior learning Psychic even before she fully evolves. Not helping matters is that psychic is not the best defensive typing to be having in the lategame (recall what I said about the elites packing dark/ghost moves on a good portion of their Pokemon in Ralts/Abra's ratings, then apply it to something that's far worse than them), and 65/70/80 defenses just make the whole situation worse, and he's not even all that fast either. And just to add another pile of shit to an already foul review, the only special coverage he gets is Shock Wave.

I suppose his niche amongst the psychics is Levitate, which grants him immunity to Earthquake, which I will admit is kind of common during the lategame, but unfortunately, it does not make up for his god awful stats and extremely sparse movepool.

In a nutshell, use Ralts or Abra instead.




Have a nice day.

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