Sunday, 12 July 2015

Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 1)

"We like Ike! We like Ike"

Vote Ike/Soren for president 2016.



Base Stats
01/00  19  05  01  06  07  06  05  00

 75  50  20  50  55  35  40  40

Ike is one of the best lords in FE history, right next to FE7!Hector and FE4!Sigurd and Celice. He, like those guys, has great growth rates and a ridiculous endgame weapon.

However, he starts off a bit unimpressive. 5 str is the lowest out of your initial group (yes, Oscar has a higher str base than Ike), so he isn't hitting very hard at first (esp. with sword-lock), and he also has the lowest HP base out of the group. 5 def is tied with Boyd, except that he (Boyd) has 11 higher HP, so his durability is better anyway. The Chapter 1 seraph robe will fix Ike's HP problem, but you might be saving it for a flimsier unit. He also has poor avoid for a while except against axes, and even those have ~50 hit on him. In short, Ike is blocking axes with his face. Now, he is doubling since the enemies are retards and like to weigh themselves down, but his attack is still low enough to not one-round for a good while.

However, Ike grows very well, and will soon leave those humble beginnings. He has ridiculous offensive growths (50 str/55 spd) and great defensive growths (75 HP/40 def/40 res); however, those growths will need to get him out of his hole before he's considered above average, which is about Lv10. Once he starts growing, he will soon kill shit in 3-4 hits at least, double everything, and get 4HKO'd or better at decent hit rates, which is good by this game's standards. Earth affinity does Ike a lot of favors since it grants him a ridiculous avoid boost, but in all seriousness, his avoid isn't anything special until he gets a B support, which is around Chapter 11-12.

As far as his promotion goes, he promotes at the end of C17, around the same time as everyone else (unlike Roy, who promotes at the ass end of his game) and gets great promo bonuses (including +3 str/def), and access to his mastery skill, Aether. Basically, once promoted, Ike is a monster. He will kill everything he touches in 2 rounds at most (usually one) and his HP/def and avoid means he isn't getting close to dying, and even if there is something that he can't two round, he has Aether as a backup, with an 18% activation rate when he first promotes. His supports are probably established by now (B Oscar/B Soren; Oscar could even be at A if you don't want to give Soren the A with Ike), so he has great avoid. As if that's not enough, he gets Ragnell in Ch27-2, and from there, a giant walks among you. 44 atk at 1-2 range and 52 HP/23 def (28 with Ragnell bonuses) is actually pretty scary.

The only thing destroying his bid for a ten is his shaky earlygame and his lack of 1-2 range before he gets Ragnell.


Support suggestion: Soren A/Oscar B. Tits is decent for the defense boost, but stay away from the others.
Band suggestion: In the earlygame, I'd give Ike something that boosts his strength. So fighter band for him. HP can be covered by the Chapter 1 seraph robe. Post-promotion, I would either give him the pegasus/priest band or the soldier band.


Base Stats
--/01  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07

 80  40  25  60  50  45  40  45

If you took Erza Scarlet, inserted her into a Fire Emblem game, and had her main axes instead of swords, this is what you'd get.

Tits McGee is absolutely ridiculous earlygame. I am not even kidding around. She has 20 base attack with an iron axe (double Ike's base atk with an iron sword), and has 14 AS (almost triple Ike's base AS with an iron sword) at base, so she will one round pretty much everything for the first 10 maps. 33 HP/11 def/7 res means that she is also extremely hard to take down, so you can steamroll through an entire wave of enemies with her if you wanted to. However, she only gets 2 EXP a kill, which harms your weaker unit's CEXP gain, so I would use her as an unequipped wall unless you are in a really tough situation in which you would need her for something (C5 and C8 come to mind).

Unlike other prepromoted pallies such as Jagen and Marcus (mostly his FE6 version, his FE7 variant is just as broken as she is), and like Seth, Tits here has a respectable midgame. All her growth rates are 40 or above, so she grows well enough to be used extensively. Yes, some other dudes, notably Ike, Boyd, and Kieran match her in sheer stats even in the unpromoted state, but she can use things like knight ward to boost her speed growth or a robe to patch her average HP for her level. Her supports are also pretty good; she can easily support with Rhys/Mist and Boyd, which will boost her lowish atk for her level.

Lategame is where Tits' lowish initial stats start to bite her in the ass. For reference, at Lv12 (which is an ideal level for C20-21), she has 42 HP/17 str/20 spd/15 def. Her competition, Oscar and Kevin, have comparable stats at Lv8 (though they will probably be lowered level than this). Her attack might be a bit low compared to what other guys have (at Lv12, she has 28 atk with a steel axe; Boyd at Lv5 has 33 atk with the same weapon), but she has supports and forges to make up for it, and she can even use any killers or braves lying around to improve her offense even more. Durability-wise, 45 HP/17 def at 20/16 isn't exactly what I want to see in the lategame, but she has Light affinity and Sol to make up for it.

Between her ridiculous earlygame and her OK mid/lategame, she will get a


Support suggestion: Boyd A/Mist B. Ike's decent, but Rice has too low move to be useful for supporting.
Band suggestion: You can give Tits things like the knight band at first to improve on her average str and def. Once you get the KW, you can put it on her if you're not using an armored unit.


Base Stats
03/00  26  06  01  06  07  05  08  00

 55  45  20  50  45  30  35  30

Oscar the Grouch is a pretty cool guy. Eh squints and doesn't afraid of anything.

His durability starts off fairly good. 26 HP/8 def is the fourth best of the GM's overall and it grows fairly well with 55 HP/35 def growth rates. Basically, he's beating out many first tiers as well as some second tiers in concrete durability. What makes him ridiculous is that he has earth affinity, as well as a really quick support with Ike (also earth), giving him stupid amounts of avoid. Basically, he is arguably the most durable unit overall (Gatrie and Brom beat him in concrete durability, but lose avoid by a crapton). Offensively, he's doing alright. 6 str/7 spd is almost as bad as Ike, arguably worse since he is facing WTD for his first two maps. 45 str/45 spd growths are fairly average, but he will generally be fast enough to double shit and atk is easy enough to fix (forges or the knight/fighter bands).

He does run into some competition when Kevin arrives. Base Kevin beats 12/0 Oscar in atk by 2 (assuming both guys use the same weapon), and wins HP/str/def growth by 5; however, Oscar wins durability by 1 def and avoid by a crapton thanks to supports, so he's still the superior unit. Moving on, once people start promoting, Oscar becomes even more ridiculous. He will get access to a weapon of his choosing (I usually go with bows, most people use axes), as well as Sol, increasing his survivability to almost Gatrie-like proportions. And it shows: 20/10 Oscar has 43 HP/19 def/10 res, which is good as far as durability goes (for reference, he beats 20/10 Titania in HP by 3 and def by 5), and his avoid can break 100 assuming A Kevin/B Ike. His atk might be a bit shaky, but he's doing alright.

With that all said, I give him his rating:


Support suggestion: Kevin A/Ike B. Tanith comes a tad late, and lol Janaff.
Band suggestion: Fighter or knight. He needs the str.


Base Stats
02/00  30  07  00  04  06  04  05  00

 75  50  05  50  45  35  25  25

Boyd. Ike's rival and the manliest of the three brothers.

Let's get to the short and quick of it. Boyd turns into a motherfucking beast. He, like other units in the earlygame, must escape humble beginnings, in his case, behaving like FE7!Bartre. He has a pitiful 3 AS with an Iron Axe equipped, but that fixes itself quickly with an effective 105% AS growth. In fact, if he gets either a str or spd on his first level up, he will actually one-round most of the bandits in C1 and C2. Ridiculous. With his manly str, fire affinity (which means at least half atk), and good speed, this will pretty much last the whole game. To give out an idea, he can use an iron axe and still match everyone else's atk with silver weapons. For example, 20/10 Boyd with an iron axe has 33 atk (32 w/ hand). 20/10 Ike with a silver sword has 35 atk. Even when silver isn't in the shop, he still matches or beats everyone. 20/1 Boyd with iron has 28 atk (27 w/ hand). 20/1 Kevin would need a steel axe to match that.

Defensively, he could be better. 30 HP/5 def bases with 75 HP/25 def growths is pretty good, and he can buff it up with supports (all his supports give def). So he's not going to be like Gatrie and get tinked/take single digit damage by everything that breathes, but he's not going to get killed if spat on either. This is great, because we want to apply his overkill offense as much as we can.

With all that said, he gets a...


Support suggestion: Brom A/Mist B. Both boost his atk and def.
Band suggestion: Anything with def. Spd and skl come in at a close second, but aren't as important as getting his def up.

Part 2


Have a nice day.

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