Saturday, 4 July 2015

Introducing Myself

Hello to all.

This is James. But you can call me DA125 or Smiley Spade. Opened up this blog because I need a place to post my NSFW material and other miscellaneous items that wouldn't be suitable for posting on DeviantArt. And maybe some of my other stuff I already have on dA. That and my old blog had been abandoned four years ago.

First off, some things to know about me.

Full Name: Connor James Williams
Date of Birth: July 14, 1992
Residence: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 240+ lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

There's not really much to say about my interests and hobbies, other than the fact that I'm a video game collector and anime/manga junkie. If I had to pick a favorite video game series, I'd have to say Pokemon, followed by Legend of Zelda. As for anime/manga, this is a no brainer: One Piece and Fairy Tail.

Since I'm going to be posting a lot of Fairy Tail/One Piece stuff here, I've decided to list the pairings I ship for each series:

Fairy Tail:
Natsu x Lucy (NaLu)
Gray x Juvia (Gruvia)
Gerard x Erza (Gerza)
Gajeel x Levi (GaLe)
Elfman x Evergreen (Elfgreen)
Laxus x Mirajane (Miraxus)
Happy x Charle (Cappy)
Romeo x Wendy (RoWen)

One Piece:
Luffy x Nami (LuNa)
Sabo x Koala (SaKo)
Zoro x Tashigi (ZoTash)
Franky x Robin (Frobin)
Usopp x Kaya (UsoKa)
Sanji x Viola (SanVio)
Shanks x Makino (Shankino)

If you disagree with my pairings, feel free to give constructive criticism. Don't act like ZN-Lover and post stuff like "NALU AND LUNA ARE SHIT!!!!! NALI AND LUHAN FTW!!!!!" That will get you blocked very quickly.

Other than FT/OP shipping stuff, I'm probably going to post some video game related stuff. Character ratings and the like.

Have a nice day.

Oh, and here's an alternate version of my introduction pic, you fucking pervs...

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