The Final Tally:
Ike - 9.5
Titania - 10
Oscar - 9
Boyd - 9
Rhys - 7
Shinon - 3
Gatrie - 5
Soren - 7.5
Mia - 6.5
Ilyana - 5
Rolf - 2
Mist - 7
Marcia - 9.5
Lethe - 7
Mordecai - 8
Volke - 7
Kieran - 9
Brom - 7
Nephenee - 7.5
Zihark - 7
Sothe - 3.5
Jill - 9.5
Astrid - 7
Makalov - 8
Stefan - 8
Tormod - 3.5
Muraim - 8.5
Devdan - 4.5
Tanith - 8
Reyson - 9
Janaff - 3
Ulki - 3
Calill - 6.5
Tauroneo - 4.5
Ranulf - 5.5
Haar - 5.5
Lucia - 2
Bastian - 1
Geoffrey - 5.5
Largo - 4
Elincia - 2.5
Ena - 1.5
Nasir - 3.5
Giffca - 5
Tibarn - 5
Naesala - 4.5
Overall: 274.5/46 = 5.97
Tier List:
S Tier:
A Tier:
B Tier:
C Tier:
D Tier:
E Tier:
F Tier (aka Detroit Lions):
Index of ratings:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Links to Previous Ratings:
Pokemon Emerald
Have a nice day.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 11)
Final Stretch.
Base Stats
Elincia would've been good if she either joined earlier, or had higher stats + sword rank. Unfortunately, as it stands, her combat's worse than Lucia/Bastian's, and is a complete joke compared to Geoffrey's.
It doesn't take a NASA scientist to figure out that Elincia's combat is a bigger joke than Superman 64 (and yes, Superman 64 was that bad). 9 strength at this point in the game is beyond terrible; even with her prf sword, Amiti, she still only has 18 atk. In fact, her sword weighs 12, so she loses 3 AS from it at base. Speaking of her AS, 18 AS by itself fails to double anything that isn't a slug, and that's not counting the fact she loses 3 AS from Amiti at base, so she fails to double (quad) anything that isn't a general (who take 0 dmg from her), and is at major risk of getting doubled herself (lol 15 AS). As for her durability, it's a joke. Even counting the def bonus that Amiti gives, she's barely more durable than base Brom (who should be like ~20/13 by now, with better, you know, stats). It takes only 28 atk to 2HKO her, and a good chunk of the enemies in her joining map have or exceed that, and don't expect her to dodge either (lol 45 avo w/ Amiti). And don't think her growths are going to get her out of her hole. lol 30 str, lol 40 spd, lol 60 HP/25 def.
She does have some points for healer and flier utility, which isn't saying a whole lot since she joins after the last chapter with significant obstacles that fliers give the middle finger to. Chapter 26 is a big open field, and Chapter 27/Endgame don't have much in the way of obstacles (other than walls in Chapter 27 and ledges in Endgame). While she is unique in that she's the first flying healer since FE4's Falcon Knights, she has a pitiful 12 mag at base, which only heals 22 HP with Heal/Physic and 32 with Mend (though she does have an 80% mag growth, tied with Micaiah for highest Mag in the series). To give out an idea, she's basically a carbon copy of Mist except without supports or the extra 17 chapters of availability. She would've made an OK user of the sonic sword, but IS said "fuck you" and gave her a D in swords.
What would you need to do to make her useable? Let's just say a lot. Something for offense, something for durability, and something else for offense, because her offense is just that bad. Basically, she would need either all your energy drops and 7-9 levels of BEXP OR two arms scrolls just to use the damn sonic sword. Even after all that crap just to make her useable, she's still below average, if not downright bad compared to the rest of your army. And to be honest, you should forget about her supports or skills. She joins way too late to even get any supports, let alone benefit from them. It doesn't help that she's lol heaven.
List of first tier units that have a higher strength base than Elincia (* means tied):
- Gatrie (12)
- Kevin (11)
- Brom (10)
- Zihark (10)
- Jill (11)
- Makalov (9)*
And we all know all these guys are awesome and worth fielding.
Another fun fact: Bastian has a higher str base than her. Yeeea...we are livin' on the edge. And she's only barely better than him.
Support suggestion: LOLWUT? (Ike wants Soren and Oscar, and Geoffrey could always use her I guess)
Band suggestion: Something for str, something for spd, and something for def. Mag, too.
Base Stats
Ena is your punishment for not defeating the Burger King. And boy of boy do I have a fair deal to say.
Firstly, Ena joins at Lv10, which is about 5-7 levels under. Granted, you can use BEXP to make up for the difference, but at this stage, you want to be using your BEXP on your almost 20/20 champions, not a Lv10 dragon. As for her stats, they aren't really that good for this stage in the game. Her durability is the only halfway decent thing about her. Assuming full transform boosts, 52 HP/27 def takes 10 or less dmg per round from everything on her starting map, except the dragons (16-21) and the laguzslayer swordmaster (20), which is pretty good, especially considering her 145 HP/40 def growths. Her biggest problem by far is her offense, which for a dragon (and a unit that joins this late in general), is piss-ass awful. 19AS fails to double anything except generals and some magic users, and easily gets doubled by swordmasters. Granted, she does have a 60% speed growth, but at this point, it is way too fucking late to make any difference whatsoever. And you'd expect her to hit hard, right? But no; Ena only has 35 atk at base level, which is underwhelming compared to the rest of your army, as pretty much everybody is using silvers/silver forges now (and Ike has 44 atk with lol Ragnell), and with only 35% growth, it's not going to improve much. If you give her the demi band to keep her transformed, her offense is starting to look bleak. lol 33 atk, lol 17 AS. And as I've said with the armors, 6 move just fucking sucks.
While she cannot support other units to save her offense, she can employ certain skills to help her out. She's one of those units that can make good use of Resolve, since it turns her failure 35 atk/19 AS into a more serviceable 47 atk/28 AS. And this is at base level BTW. Unfortunately, she's not entitled to that skill, as there are units with better atk/AS (READ: Boyd, Zihark) who make better use of Resolve. Wrath is the same deal, in that it is very contested for. However, if you had to run from the BK because your Ike got screwed over, you really don't have much of a damn choice but to burn your Resolve and Wrath skills on her, as you aren't getting past Ashnard's first form otherwise.
Basically, try to win the BK fight and get Nasir instead. There is no excuse for having 35atk/19AS at this point of the game.
Band suggestion: Something with str/spd, if you are even willing to train this piece of shit.
Base Stats
Nasir is your reward for actually defeating the Burger King. However, that isn't saying much.
It doesn't take an expert to see that Nasir ROFL stomps Ena in every stat category. Like his failure of a granddaughter, his durability is spot-on. 56 HP/29 def is about equal to a 20/16 Gatrie in durability, and 32 res is basically WTF. So you can basically count on him to not die against generics. His offense could be a good deal better, but it's still decent. 25 AS allows him to double attack most of his joining map (everything except the swordmaster gets doubled), but 40 atk is kind of lame, especially when you consider that most beorc can beat that with silver forges (and some can beat it with base silver weapons). If he wears the demi band, his atk becomes a joke (35 atk is what 20/16 Zihark has with a silver sword), and he's now borderline on doubling higher leveled ravens/cats. His growths are pretty good (150 HP/50 str/55 skl/45 spd/60 def), but since he only has two levels to abuse those growths, that is basically moot. And as usual, 6 move isn't the greatest in the world (as Brom would like to point out).
However, Nasir's usefulness mostly comes from helping Ike kill Ashnard, which unfortunately, he isn't very good at doing so. IIRC, with full transform bonuses, he does single digit damage and gets 2HKO'd, which is not all that pretty. Again, like with Ena, you will need to give him something like Resolve if you want him to help out.
His score:
Band suggestion: He doesn't make good use of anything, seeing as he only has 2 levels left anyway.
Base Stats
These guys are very easy to rate because they only exist for one enemy (Ashnuts' second form). So who's better than who depends on how they fare against him.
Ashnard's stats:
80 HP/60 atk/28 AS/35 def
Giffca's stats:
68 HP/50 atk/29 AS/31 def
Giff does 15/80 to Ashnuts and takes 29/68 in return.
Tibarn's stats:
63 HP/41 atk/27 AS/29 def
Tibs does 11/80 to Ashnuts and takes 31/63 in return.
Naesala's stats:
57 HP/39 atk/34 AS/28 def
Sala does 4 x 2/80 to Ashnuts and takes 32/57 in return.
It is clearly obvious that Giffca is the best of the three in this case, though Tibarn isn't bad either. Stay away from Naesala.
Giff: 5/10
Tibs: 5/10
Sala: 4.5/10
Have a nice day.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/01 27 09 12 16 18 15 11 15
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 30 80 45 40 60 25 35
Elincia would've been good if she either joined earlier, or had higher stats + sword rank. Unfortunately, as it stands, her combat's worse than Lucia/Bastian's, and is a complete joke compared to Geoffrey's.
It doesn't take a NASA scientist to figure out that Elincia's combat is a bigger joke than Superman 64 (and yes, Superman 64 was that bad). 9 strength at this point in the game is beyond terrible; even with her prf sword, Amiti, she still only has 18 atk. In fact, her sword weighs 12, so she loses 3 AS from it at base. Speaking of her AS, 18 AS by itself fails to double anything that isn't a slug, and that's not counting the fact she loses 3 AS from Amiti at base, so she fails to double (quad) anything that isn't a general (who take 0 dmg from her), and is at major risk of getting doubled herself (lol 15 AS). As for her durability, it's a joke. Even counting the def bonus that Amiti gives, she's barely more durable than base Brom (who should be like ~20/13 by now, with better, you know, stats). It takes only 28 atk to 2HKO her, and a good chunk of the enemies in her joining map have or exceed that, and don't expect her to dodge either (lol 45 avo w/ Amiti). And don't think her growths are going to get her out of her hole. lol 30 str, lol 40 spd, lol 60 HP/25 def.
She does have some points for healer and flier utility, which isn't saying a whole lot since she joins after the last chapter with significant obstacles that fliers give the middle finger to. Chapter 26 is a big open field, and Chapter 27/Endgame don't have much in the way of obstacles (other than walls in Chapter 27 and ledges in Endgame). While she is unique in that she's the first flying healer since FE4's Falcon Knights, she has a pitiful 12 mag at base, which only heals 22 HP with Heal/Physic and 32 with Mend (though she does have an 80% mag growth, tied with Micaiah for highest Mag in the series). To give out an idea, she's basically a carbon copy of Mist except without supports or the extra 17 chapters of availability. She would've made an OK user of the sonic sword, but IS said "fuck you" and gave her a D in swords.
What would you need to do to make her useable? Let's just say a lot. Something for offense, something for durability, and something else for offense, because her offense is just that bad. Basically, she would need either all your energy drops and 7-9 levels of BEXP OR two arms scrolls just to use the damn sonic sword. Even after all that crap just to make her useable, she's still below average, if not downright bad compared to the rest of your army. And to be honest, you should forget about her supports or skills. She joins way too late to even get any supports, let alone benefit from them. It doesn't help that she's lol heaven.
List of first tier units that have a higher strength base than Elincia (* means tied):
- Gatrie (12)
- Kevin (11)
- Brom (10)
- Zihark (10)
- Jill (11)
- Makalov (9)*
And we all know all these guys are awesome and worth fielding.
Another fun fact: Bastian has a higher str base than her. Yeeea...we are livin' on the edge. And she's only barely better than him.
Support suggestion: LOLWUT? (Ike wants Soren and Oscar, and Geoffrey could always use her I guess)
Band suggestion: Something for str, something for spd, and something for def. Mag, too.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/10 52 20 09 17 15 14 23 21
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 145 35 05 50 60 40 40 30
Ena is your punishment for not defeating the Burger King. And boy of boy do I have a fair deal to say.
Firstly, Ena joins at Lv10, which is about 5-7 levels under. Granted, you can use BEXP to make up for the difference, but at this stage, you want to be using your BEXP on your almost 20/20 champions, not a Lv10 dragon. As for her stats, they aren't really that good for this stage in the game. Her durability is the only halfway decent thing about her. Assuming full transform boosts, 52 HP/27 def takes 10 or less dmg per round from everything on her starting map, except the dragons (16-21) and the laguzslayer swordmaster (20), which is pretty good, especially considering her 145 HP/40 def growths. Her biggest problem by far is her offense, which for a dragon (and a unit that joins this late in general), is piss-ass awful. 19AS fails to double anything except generals and some magic users, and easily gets doubled by swordmasters. Granted, she does have a 60% speed growth, but at this point, it is way too fucking late to make any difference whatsoever. And you'd expect her to hit hard, right? But no; Ena only has 35 atk at base level, which is underwhelming compared to the rest of your army, as pretty much everybody is using silvers/silver forges now (and Ike has 44 atk with lol Ragnell), and with only 35% growth, it's not going to improve much. If you give her the demi band to keep her transformed, her offense is starting to look bleak. lol 33 atk, lol 17 AS. And as I've said with the armors, 6 move just fucking sucks.
While she cannot support other units to save her offense, she can employ certain skills to help her out. She's one of those units that can make good use of Resolve, since it turns her failure 35 atk/19 AS into a more serviceable 47 atk/28 AS. And this is at base level BTW. Unfortunately, she's not entitled to that skill, as there are units with better atk/AS (READ: Boyd, Zihark) who make better use of Resolve. Wrath is the same deal, in that it is very contested for. However, if you had to run from the BK because your Ike got screwed over, you really don't have much of a damn choice but to burn your Resolve and Wrath skills on her, as you aren't getting past Ashnard's first form otherwise.
Basically, try to win the BK fight and get Nasir instead. There is no excuse for having 35atk/19AS at this point of the game.
Band suggestion: Something with str/spd, if you are even willing to train this piece of shit.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/18 56 20 11 23 22 17 24 27
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 150 50 10 55 45 35 60 25
Nasir is your reward for actually defeating the Burger King. However, that isn't saying much.
It doesn't take an expert to see that Nasir ROFL stomps Ena in every stat category. Like his failure of a granddaughter, his durability is spot-on. 56 HP/29 def is about equal to a 20/16 Gatrie in durability, and 32 res is basically WTF. So you can basically count on him to not die against generics. His offense could be a good deal better, but it's still decent. 25 AS allows him to double attack most of his joining map (everything except the swordmaster gets doubled), but 40 atk is kind of lame, especially when you consider that most beorc can beat that with silver forges (and some can beat it with base silver weapons). If he wears the demi band, his atk becomes a joke (35 atk is what 20/16 Zihark has with a silver sword), and he's now borderline on doubling higher leveled ravens/cats. His growths are pretty good (150 HP/50 str/55 skl/45 spd/60 def), but since he only has two levels to abuse those growths, that is basically moot. And as usual, 6 move isn't the greatest in the world (as Brom would like to point out).
However, Nasir's usefulness mostly comes from helping Ike kill Ashnard, which unfortunately, he isn't very good at doing so. IIRC, with full transform bonuses, he does single digit damage and gets 2HKO'd, which is not all that pretty. Again, like with Ena, you will need to give him something like Resolve if you want him to help out.
His score:
Band suggestion: He doesn't make good use of anything, seeing as he only has 2 levels left anyway.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/20 68 32 10 28 25 22 25 16Tibarn
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/18 63 30 11 31 24 24 26 19Naesala
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/17 57 25 15 26 31 19 21 16
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 160 75 05 70 60 40 50 30Tibarn
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 145 70 05 70 65 50 60 25Naesala
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 135 60 40 70 75 20 55 35
These guys are very easy to rate because they only exist for one enemy (Ashnuts' second form). So who's better than who depends on how they fare against him.
Ashnard's stats:
80 HP/60 atk/28 AS/35 def
Giffca's stats:
68 HP/50 atk/29 AS/31 def
Giff does 15/80 to Ashnuts and takes 29/68 in return.
Tibarn's stats:
63 HP/41 atk/27 AS/29 def
Tibs does 11/80 to Ashnuts and takes 31/63 in return.
Naesala's stats:
57 HP/39 atk/34 AS/28 def
Sala does 4 x 2/80 to Ashnuts and takes 32/57 in return.
It is clearly obvious that Giffca is the best of the three in this case, though Tibarn isn't bad either. Stay away from Naesala.
Giff: 5/10
Tibs: 5/10
Sala: 4.5/10
Have a nice day.
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 10)
Welcome back to Crimea, bitches. Unfortunately, the units you'll be getting this time around aren't anywhere near as good as the ones I rated in Part 5. Two of them are among the worst in the game.
Base Stats
Lucia and Karla are very similar. They both join late with god awful bases, and are on the ass end of the tier list for their respective games.
Let's face it, Lucia's base stats are god awful. To give an idea, she's 4 levels higher than Stefan, but he beats her in every stat except mag and luck. As for the stats themselves, 23 spd is decent, but 15 str/10 def is just awful for a unit that joins in Chapter 24 (36 HP does not help, either). Sure, she can double non-slug enemies, but she only has 28 atk with a silver sword (and 28 atk is very underwhelming at this point. She can't one round anything except archers and mages, and takes 3 rounds to kill dracoknights). As for her durability, 36 HP/10 def gets 3HKO'd by pretty much everything on her joining map (and some guys actually 2HKO). To be fair, Lucia has some WTF growths (70 HP/50 str/65 spd/40 def/40 res), but she only has eight levels to abuse those growths.
Does she have any redeeming qualities? Unfortunately, no. She has a good support affinity (Earth), but is unfortunately wasted on mediocre to crap support partners (Ilyana is mediocre, Janaff/Bastian are just plain crap). And just as an extra kick in the balls, her personal skill is one of the worst in the game (Parity usually does a lot more bad than good).
At least she redeems herself very well by becoming an anal bondage slut. Imagine Lucia with her hands bound behind her back and taking Ludveck's 10 inch cock up her ass. You should feel a lot better after seeing her rating.
Support suggestion: She'll be lucky to support my great-grandmother.
Band suggestion: You may as well give her something for str/def.
Base Stats
If you thought Lucia's bases were as bad as the Detroit Lions, Bastian's bases are even worse. It's time to crank up the diarrhea dial with this rating.
Bastian's stats just fail for a --/13 sage. 16 speed is only doubling slugs like dracoknights, and he actually gets doubled by swordmasters. This, combined with his lame 19 magic, means that he isn't hitting very hard (for a magic user. He still hits res, which is a plus). So basically, his offense is lame. As for his durability, while it's not bad by mage standards (no, really. 35 HP/12 def is actually decent on a magic user), he still gets 2-3HKO'd by a number of things at unreasonable hit rates (to be fair, so do Soren, Tormod, and Ilyana, but by now, all three have their supports established, so they are actually more durable than him) and he gets doubled by swordmasters, so he gets 2RKO'd by them anyway. And what's even more pathetic about him is that like Calill, he doesn't have staff utility, instead opting to use knives, which as I've discussed in Volke's rating, are balls in FE9. The other funny thing is that, like with Lucia, his growths are insane. Too bad he only has 7 levels left.
Now that I'm done bashing his stats, how does he function in the support department? Not very well. He's wind, and doesn't have a good support pool. He's also Volke's only support option, so if you are going to use Bastian, you may as well support him with Volke. As for the skillz, IS gave one of the worst units in the game possibly the most useless skill in the game. Corrosion does jack squat in this game (5 uses from a weapon? By the time I manage to destroy an enemy weapon, that enemy should be dead, and even if I wanted to destroy a weapon, Brom does it better since he takes 0-5 DMG as opposed to 12-18).
Honestly, don't use him unless your other magic users all died. Or if you like units that speak in Shakespearean English. Whatever floats your boat. Either way, Bastian sucks.
Support suggestion: LOLWUT?
Band suggestion: He needs speed so badly, it's not even funny. Mag, too.
Base Stats
Geoff here is the last of Elincia's failure retainers, and ironically, is the only retainer who isn't a failure (take a look back at Lucia and Bastian's ratings. They got less than Rofl).
Geoffrey's base durability is equivalent to a 20/1 Gatrie. Even on the map in which he is an NPC, 43 HP/21 def allows him to take no damage from most of the enemies near his group (and even if he does take damage, it's less than 5). He won't dodge much with only 50 avoid, but it honestly doesn't matter since he takes less than 10 damage from every non-magic enemy on his joining map (the strongest enemy does 12), not that you would want to bring horses on that map, but just saying. Not to mention, his durability growth is the same as Haar's (65 HP/45 def; he also has 45% res growth, but his res base isn't as hot), so you can count on him to be durable. His offense isn't as impressive as his durability, but it is still decent. 19 speed gets most of the enemies in his join chapter, but fails to double half the enemies in Chapter 26 (some of the paladins and snipers break 16 AS), though with a 55% growth (85% w/ KW), it can improve somewhat. As for his atk, 18 str gives him 29 atk with his brave lance (33 w/ silver), and he has a 50% growth for it, so he hits hard enough.
Again, like with Haar and Ranulf, what is keeping him from getting a higher score is that while he's good, he isn't anything special. His support affinity isn't anything special, either. He only supports with Calill (who is a decent magic unit) and Elincia (who is an underleveled scrub). As for the skillz, the developers decided it would be a good idea to give a --/11 unit Paragon. Not that he needs it, but it allows Geoff to max out his level quickly, which is cool. When you do get rid of it, he can utilize Sol to give himself even more durability.
Support suggestion: Not that he needs supports, but Elincia A/Calill B is likely his best bet.
Band suggestion: If no one is using it, Knight Ward. Otherwise, anything with def.
Base Stats
Largo, the extremely manly husband of Calill and the only Berserker of this game, is a pretty cool guy. Eh wrestles tigers and doesn't afraid of anything.
The first thing to note is that absurdly high HP he has. Base 52 HP is soundly beating every PC in the game except Nasir, Giffca, Naesala, Tibarn, and Ena (the last of which he ties). In fact, it beats almost every PC in every game before FE10 (only guys that surpass it are Hannibal, Galzus, and HM Garret).
Offensively, Largo is about as good as Boyd. He has 37 atk with his silver axe (comparable to 20/12 Boyd's attack with a steel axe), and his 20 AS lets him double everything on his joining map except laguz enemies, swordmasters, and the boss (unfortunately, he is borderline on many things in Chapter 26). Not bad in all honesty. And it keeps going up with 70 str/45 spd growths. He could use a lot of help with his durability, though. While 52 HP is good (and 80% growth just to overkill it), 10 def/3 res is not (with 25 def/20 res growths, it gets little better) which means he is still getting 3-4HKO'd by many things (it actually takes a lot to 2HKO him, like 36 atk), and he sure as hell hates mages. This basically makes him a glass cannon, which isn't exactly a good thing (and I give a good deal of weight to durability).
Too bad he can't support Calill (he still gets a bonus), but he supports units that either give him half atk/full hit or half def/full avo (sucks that he's wind). Largo might be able to squeeze two B's with Mia and Muraim, if that means anything. As for the skillz, he makes good use of the Vantage/Wrath combo (not that he's entitled to those two skills, since Vantage and Wrath have so much competition, I don't even know where to start).
Good offense combined with meh durability won't give him a good rating.
Support suggestion: B Mia/B Muraim. It's not like he can get full atk/def anyway.
Band suggestion: Anything for spd or def.
Have a nice day.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/12 36 15 12 21 23 16 10 08
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 70 50 30 70 65 50 40 40
Lucia and Karla are very similar. They both join late with god awful bases, and are on the ass end of the tier list for their respective games.
Let's face it, Lucia's base stats are god awful. To give an idea, she's 4 levels higher than Stefan, but he beats her in every stat except mag and luck. As for the stats themselves, 23 spd is decent, but 15 str/10 def is just awful for a unit that joins in Chapter 24 (36 HP does not help, either). Sure, she can double non-slug enemies, but she only has 28 atk with a silver sword (and 28 atk is very underwhelming at this point. She can't one round anything except archers and mages, and takes 3 rounds to kill dracoknights). As for her durability, 36 HP/10 def gets 3HKO'd by pretty much everything on her joining map (and some guys actually 2HKO). To be fair, Lucia has some WTF growths (70 HP/50 str/65 spd/40 def/40 res), but she only has eight levels to abuse those growths.
Does she have any redeeming qualities? Unfortunately, no. She has a good support affinity (Earth), but is unfortunately wasted on mediocre to crap support partners (Ilyana is mediocre, Janaff/Bastian are just plain crap). And just as an extra kick in the balls, her personal skill is one of the worst in the game (Parity usually does a lot more bad than good).
At least she redeems herself very well by becoming an anal bondage slut. Imagine Lucia with her hands bound behind her back and taking Ludveck's 10 inch cock up her ass. You should feel a lot better after seeing her rating.
Support suggestion: She'll be lucky to support my great-grandmother.
Band suggestion: You may as well give her something for str/def.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/13 35 12 19 21 16 15 12 20
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 55 45 65 65 55 30 35 50
If you thought Lucia's bases were as bad as the Detroit Lions, Bastian's bases are even worse. It's time to crank up the diarrhea dial with this rating.
Bastian's stats just fail for a --/13 sage. 16 speed is only doubling slugs like dracoknights, and he actually gets doubled by swordmasters. This, combined with his lame 19 magic, means that he isn't hitting very hard (for a magic user. He still hits res, which is a plus). So basically, his offense is lame. As for his durability, while it's not bad by mage standards (no, really. 35 HP/12 def is actually decent on a magic user), he still gets 2-3HKO'd by a number of things at unreasonable hit rates (to be fair, so do Soren, Tormod, and Ilyana, but by now, all three have their supports established, so they are actually more durable than him) and he gets doubled by swordmasters, so he gets 2RKO'd by them anyway. And what's even more pathetic about him is that like Calill, he doesn't have staff utility, instead opting to use knives, which as I've discussed in Volke's rating, are balls in FE9. The other funny thing is that, like with Lucia, his growths are insane. Too bad he only has 7 levels left.
Now that I'm done bashing his stats, how does he function in the support department? Not very well. He's wind, and doesn't have a good support pool. He's also Volke's only support option, so if you are going to use Bastian, you may as well support him with Volke. As for the skillz, IS gave one of the worst units in the game possibly the most useless skill in the game. Corrosion does jack squat in this game (5 uses from a weapon? By the time I manage to destroy an enemy weapon, that enemy should be dead, and even if I wanted to destroy a weapon, Brom does it better since he takes 0-5 DMG as opposed to 12-18).
Honestly, don't use him unless your other magic users all died. Or if you like units that speak in Shakespearean English. Whatever floats your boat. Either way, Bastian sucks.
Support suggestion: LOLWUT?
Band suggestion: He needs speed so badly, it's not even funny. Mag, too.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/11 43 18 09 17 19 12 21 09
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 65 50 25 55 55 20 45 45
Geoff here is the last of Elincia's failure retainers, and ironically, is the only retainer who isn't a failure (take a look back at Lucia and Bastian's ratings. They got less than Rofl).
Geoffrey's base durability is equivalent to a 20/1 Gatrie. Even on the map in which he is an NPC, 43 HP/21 def allows him to take no damage from most of the enemies near his group (and even if he does take damage, it's less than 5). He won't dodge much with only 50 avoid, but it honestly doesn't matter since he takes less than 10 damage from every non-magic enemy on his joining map (the strongest enemy does 12), not that you would want to bring horses on that map, but just saying. Not to mention, his durability growth is the same as Haar's (65 HP/45 def; he also has 45% res growth, but his res base isn't as hot), so you can count on him to be durable. His offense isn't as impressive as his durability, but it is still decent. 19 speed gets most of the enemies in his join chapter, but fails to double half the enemies in Chapter 26 (some of the paladins and snipers break 16 AS), though with a 55% growth (85% w/ KW), it can improve somewhat. As for his atk, 18 str gives him 29 atk with his brave lance (33 w/ silver), and he has a 50% growth for it, so he hits hard enough.
Again, like with Haar and Ranulf, what is keeping him from getting a higher score is that while he's good, he isn't anything special. His support affinity isn't anything special, either. He only supports with Calill (who is a decent magic unit) and Elincia (who is an underleveled scrub). As for the skillz, the developers decided it would be a good idea to give a --/11 unit Paragon. Not that he needs it, but it allows Geoff to max out his level quickly, which is cool. When you do get rid of it, he can utilize Sol to give himself even more durability.
Support suggestion: Not that he needs supports, but Elincia A/Calill B is likely his best bet.
Band suggestion: If no one is using it, Knight Ward. Otherwise, anything with def.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/07 52 21 04 21 20 12 10 03
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 80 70 05 45 45 30 25 20
Largo, the extremely manly husband of Calill and the only Berserker of this game, is a pretty cool guy. Eh wrestles tigers and doesn't afraid of anything.
The first thing to note is that absurdly high HP he has. Base 52 HP is soundly beating every PC in the game except Nasir, Giffca, Naesala, Tibarn, and Ena (the last of which he ties). In fact, it beats almost every PC in every game before FE10 (only guys that surpass it are Hannibal, Galzus, and HM Garret).
Offensively, Largo is about as good as Boyd. He has 37 atk with his silver axe (comparable to 20/12 Boyd's attack with a steel axe), and his 20 AS lets him double everything on his joining map except laguz enemies, swordmasters, and the boss (unfortunately, he is borderline on many things in Chapter 26). Not bad in all honesty. And it keeps going up with 70 str/45 spd growths. He could use a lot of help with his durability, though. While 52 HP is good (and 80% growth just to overkill it), 10 def/3 res is not (with 25 def/20 res growths, it gets little better) which means he is still getting 3-4HKO'd by many things (it actually takes a lot to 2HKO him, like 36 atk), and he sure as hell hates mages. This basically makes him a glass cannon, which isn't exactly a good thing (and I give a good deal of weight to durability).
Too bad he can't support Calill (he still gets a bonus), but he supports units that either give him half atk/full hit or half def/full avo (sucks that he's wind). Largo might be able to squeeze two B's with Mia and Muraim, if that means anything. As for the skillz, he makes good use of the Vantage/Wrath combo (not that he's entitled to those two skills, since Vantage and Wrath have so much competition, I don't even know where to start).
Good offense combined with meh durability won't give him a good rating.
Support suggestion: B Mia/B Muraim. It's not like he can get full atk/def anyway.
Band suggestion: Anything for spd or def.
Have a nice day.
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 9)
"You think Daein was bad under Ashnard?! Wait until you see what Begnion did with it after the war!"
- Micaiah to Ike
Base Stats
The so-called first class mage you hire in Chapter 20 is actually a second class skank.
Statwise, she's got great base stats. 18 speed doubles pretty much everything except fast things (like sword masters), and unlike Soren, she doesn't lose AS from most tomes (she can use every El-tome without AS loss, while Soren loses 2 from Elthunder at 20/20), and with 19 magic, she has 26 atk at base with Elthunder. Not bad in all honesty. And with 45 mag/45 spd growths, her offense remains stellar. Defensively, I suppose she could be better. 32 HP/8 def is getting 2HKO'd by the dracoknights in her starting map, and is getting 3HKO'd otherwise; granted, it does improve somewhat with 50 HP/40 def growths, but still, it's pretty bad. I also forgot to mention that she can use every anima tome at a B rank, which means that she can realistically S rank any magic she wants (granted, the only S-rank anima tome in this game is Rexbolt). And one thing I will say is... who the fuck's idea was it to give sages knives... then give knives to both promoted sages?!
As for support affinity, she's Dark, so and two of her support partners are Fire aff, so she can get max attack. Her third support (Neph) only gives hit/avoid. As for any skillz, she has innate Nihil, which can help against some retarded bosses like Gromell and Ena. Adept and Wrath are some good options, too.
She deserves a
Support suggestion: Tormod A/Geoffrey B. Fun fact: With these two supports, she has 45 atk with Rexbolt at --/20.
Band suggestion: Mage band is a good option. So is Soldier.
Base Stats
Say, hasn't anyone noticed that Tauroneo has the same base level in GoD, but more or less has the same stats? What the fuck level did he use his knight crest at?!?
He's decent at base, but as far as his level is concerned, his stats are mediocre, if not downright total crap, for a Lv14 general. 48 HP/22 def is fairly impressive durability for that stage, and with 60 HP/60 def growths, it can improve somewhat, and even his res is decent for a physical unit, with 14 res/40 growth. Unfortunately, his offense isn't so good. 22 str is good (and is backed up by a 55% growth), but 13 spd is a joke by this stage in the game (13 spd was good back in Chapter 14 FFS), and 30% speed growth does not help him any.
What makes him stand out is that he has innate Resolve. He has enough durability that he can survive once he is at half HP, but he has problems getting there since basically nothing can significantly damage him before Chapter 26. Under the effects of Resolve, he has 33 str and 19 AS at base level. This is a major improvement over his full HP performance, where he couldn't double anything and was at risk of getting doubled himself. Not bad in all honesty. 6 move sucks, but by now, you have many countermeasures (Boots, Raisin, Rescue-dropping).
As for his support pool, all his supports are wind, but unlike Mak, his supports aren't too great in an efficient playthrough (Rolf's OK if he's trained though). As for the skillz, leave Resolve on him. He also appreciates the Adept, Guard, or Wrath scrolls.
He'd be ok, but there are better options for your unit slots (like mounted or flying units, and swordmasters).
Support suggestion: He'll be lucky to support anyone. Rolf is unlikely to be used, and lol Largo.
Band suggestion: What do I spy with my little beady eye? I spy a Knight Ward.
Base Stats
Ranulf is another one of Ike's butt-buddies (the first being Soren), and a general of the Gallia army. He's sort of like Mordy without the early-midgame usefulness.
His stats are alright at base. Assuming full transform bonuses, he has 33 atk at base level. Most beorc have issues reaching that without silver weapons by 20/10 (and a select few, like Mia, don't even reach that with silver weapons by 20/10). For reference, 20/10 Ike has 35 atk with a silver sword. And he has a 50% str growth, so you can expect him to continue hitting hard. 20 AS will pretty much double everything on his joining map that isn't a cat or the boss (and let's face it, nobody's doubling the boss except Mia/Zihark/Stefan), and with a 55% growth, this will continue somewhat. As far as his durability goes, 46 HP/22 def with 130 HP/35 def growths are beating the durability figures of most 20/10 beorc (the only beorc that beat him at 20/10 are Brom and Gatrie). In fact, some beorc don't even reach 46 HP/22 def at 20/20. Even with the demi band, that's still 30 atk/19 AS/20 def. 9 move doesn't hurt, either.
What keeps him from getting a higher score is that he joins in chapter 23, where by this stage, you've got guys that are comparable to him on offense (compare this to Mordy's performance in Chapters 10-13, where he 2HKO's everything and never dies, but back then, none of our guys couldn't match Mordy's HP/atk/def), and therefore, isn't anything special. Also, there is only one demi band, and Ranulf unfortunately has to fight with Mordecai and Muraim over it, so more often than not, he has to watch his gauge. As for his supports, all his support options either have their slots filled (Ike, Mordy) or have been ditched a long time ago (Lethe). See the entries for the other beast laguz for skill suggestions.
He's good for Chapter 26 filler, but otherwise isn't worth fielding over Oscar/Kevin/Boyd/etc.
Support suggestion: Ike and Mordy already have their supports optimized. lol Lethe.
Band suggestion: If you can spare it, Demi.
Base Stats
We all know that Haar is god incarnate in FE10. Let's see how well he stacks here.
Haar's durability is above average at base. 47 HP/20 def is about on par with Ranulf, so to speak (to give out an idea, Ike doesn't reach 47 HP/20 def until 20/14), and his durability growth is above average (65 HP/45 def), and so has no problems in that regard. As for his offense, while 21 str (backed up by a 60% growth) is good, 17 spd is not, and with a 35% growth, it gets little better. Also, he starts with B lances/B axes, which isn't quite enough for silvers, but it is still enough to use killers/braves (you will probably want to use an arms scroll on him so he can use silver axes).
As I've said with the other three fliers, flight in this game is completely ridiculous. Granted, you have three flying units already, and there isn't many obstacles after this chapter that flying would conquer, but having an extra flier couldn't hurt in Chapters 24 and 25 (watch out for the ballistae unless he is wearing a full guard). Still, his offense isn't that good without things like killers/braves since he only doubles slugs like generals and weighed down cavs. As for his support affinity, he's wind (damn), but he supports with two thunder characters, so his hopes of supporting aren't completely shafted. As for the skillz, he has innate Guard, but feel free to put things like Savior or Resolve on him.
He's a decent filler, but like Ranulf, he isn't anything special.
Support suggestion: He'll be lucky to get A's with either of his support options, but two B's are acceptable.
Band suggestion: Something for speed.
P.S.: Haar x Jill 4 LIFE!
Have a nice day.
- Micaiah to Ike
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/06 32 08 19 18 18 16 08 17
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 50 25 45 45 45 30 40 35
The so-called first class mage you hire in Chapter 20 is actually a second class skank.
Statwise, she's got great base stats. 18 speed doubles pretty much everything except fast things (like sword masters), and unlike Soren, she doesn't lose AS from most tomes (she can use every El-tome without AS loss, while Soren loses 2 from Elthunder at 20/20), and with 19 magic, she has 26 atk at base with Elthunder. Not bad in all honesty. And with 45 mag/45 spd growths, her offense remains stellar. Defensively, I suppose she could be better. 32 HP/8 def is getting 2HKO'd by the dracoknights in her starting map, and is getting 3HKO'd otherwise; granted, it does improve somewhat with 50 HP/40 def growths, but still, it's pretty bad. I also forgot to mention that she can use every anima tome at a B rank, which means that she can realistically S rank any magic she wants (granted, the only S-rank anima tome in this game is Rexbolt). And one thing I will say is... who the fuck's idea was it to give sages knives... then give knives to both promoted sages?!
As for support affinity, she's Dark, so and two of her support partners are Fire aff, so she can get max attack. Her third support (Neph) only gives hit/avoid. As for any skillz, she has innate Nihil, which can help against some retarded bosses like Gromell and Ena. Adept and Wrath are some good options, too.
She deserves a
Support suggestion: Tormod A/Geoffrey B. Fun fact: With these two supports, she has 45 atk with Rexbolt at --/20.
Band suggestion: Mage band is a good option. So is Soldier.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/14 48 22 11 18 13 14 22 14
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 55 05 50 30 15 60 40
Say, hasn't anyone noticed that Tauroneo has the same base level in GoD, but more or less has the same stats? What the fuck level did he use his knight crest at?!?
He's decent at base, but as far as his level is concerned, his stats are mediocre, if not downright total crap, for a Lv14 general. 48 HP/22 def is fairly impressive durability for that stage, and with 60 HP/60 def growths, it can improve somewhat, and even his res is decent for a physical unit, with 14 res/40 growth. Unfortunately, his offense isn't so good. 22 str is good (and is backed up by a 55% growth), but 13 spd is a joke by this stage in the game (13 spd was good back in Chapter 14 FFS), and 30% speed growth does not help him any.
What makes him stand out is that he has innate Resolve. He has enough durability that he can survive once he is at half HP, but he has problems getting there since basically nothing can significantly damage him before Chapter 26. Under the effects of Resolve, he has 33 str and 19 AS at base level. This is a major improvement over his full HP performance, where he couldn't double anything and was at risk of getting doubled himself. Not bad in all honesty. 6 move sucks, but by now, you have many countermeasures (Boots, Raisin, Rescue-dropping).
As for his support pool, all his supports are wind, but unlike Mak, his supports aren't too great in an efficient playthrough (Rolf's OK if he's trained though). As for the skillz, leave Resolve on him. He also appreciates the Adept, Guard, or Wrath scrolls.
He'd be ok, but there are better options for your unit slots (like mounted or flying units, and swordmasters).
Support suggestion: He'll be lucky to support anyone. Rolf is unlikely to be used, and lol Largo.
Band suggestion: What do I spy with my little beady eye? I spy a Knight Ward.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/09 46 19 06 17 17 13 17 06
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 130 50 00 55 55 35 35 20
Ranulf is another one of Ike's butt-buddies (the first being Soren), and a general of the Gallia army. He's sort of like Mordy without the early-midgame usefulness.
His stats are alright at base. Assuming full transform bonuses, he has 33 atk at base level. Most beorc have issues reaching that without silver weapons by 20/10 (and a select few, like Mia, don't even reach that with silver weapons by 20/10). For reference, 20/10 Ike has 35 atk with a silver sword. And he has a 50% str growth, so you can expect him to continue hitting hard. 20 AS will pretty much double everything on his joining map that isn't a cat or the boss (and let's face it, nobody's doubling the boss except Mia/Zihark/Stefan), and with a 55% growth, this will continue somewhat. As far as his durability goes, 46 HP/22 def with 130 HP/35 def growths are beating the durability figures of most 20/10 beorc (the only beorc that beat him at 20/10 are Brom and Gatrie). In fact, some beorc don't even reach 46 HP/22 def at 20/20. Even with the demi band, that's still 30 atk/19 AS/20 def. 9 move doesn't hurt, either.
What keeps him from getting a higher score is that he joins in chapter 23, where by this stage, you've got guys that are comparable to him on offense (compare this to Mordy's performance in Chapters 10-13, where he 2HKO's everything and never dies, but back then, none of our guys couldn't match Mordy's HP/atk/def), and therefore, isn't anything special. Also, there is only one demi band, and Ranulf unfortunately has to fight with Mordecai and Muraim over it, so more often than not, he has to watch his gauge. As for his supports, all his support options either have their slots filled (Ike, Mordy) or have been ditched a long time ago (Lethe). See the entries for the other beast laguz for skill suggestions.
He's good for Chapter 26 filler, but otherwise isn't worth fielding over Oscar/Kevin/Boyd/etc.
Support suggestion: Ike and Mordy already have their supports optimized. lol Lethe.
Band suggestion: If you can spare it, Demi.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/11 47 21 08 19 17 12 20 10
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 65 60 05 60 35 15 45 20
We all know that Haar is god incarnate in FE10. Let's see how well he stacks here.
Haar's durability is above average at base. 47 HP/20 def is about on par with Ranulf, so to speak (to give out an idea, Ike doesn't reach 47 HP/20 def until 20/14), and his durability growth is above average (65 HP/45 def), and so has no problems in that regard. As for his offense, while 21 str (backed up by a 60% growth) is good, 17 spd is not, and with a 35% growth, it gets little better. Also, he starts with B lances/B axes, which isn't quite enough for silvers, but it is still enough to use killers/braves (you will probably want to use an arms scroll on him so he can use silver axes).
As I've said with the other three fliers, flight in this game is completely ridiculous. Granted, you have three flying units already, and there isn't many obstacles after this chapter that flying would conquer, but having an extra flier couldn't hurt in Chapters 24 and 25 (watch out for the ballistae unless he is wearing a full guard). Still, his offense isn't that good without things like killers/braves since he only doubles slugs like generals and weighed down cavs. As for his support affinity, he's wind (damn), but he supports with two thunder characters, so his hopes of supporting aren't completely shafted. As for the skillz, he has innate Guard, but feel free to put things like Savior or Resolve on him.
He's a decent filler, but like Ranulf, he isn't anything special.
Support suggestion: He'll be lucky to get A's with either of his support options, but two B's are acceptable.
Band suggestion: Something for speed.
P.S.: Haar x Jill 4 LIFE!
Have a nice day.
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 8)
"What do you mean it's always winter in Narnia? And no Christmas, either?"
- Lucy Pensive, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Base Stats
Tanith, falsely nicknamed 'Manith', is the third flying unit in the game, and like most FE9 prepromotes is very useable from when you get her.
Her base stats aren't too bad at first glance. 24 AS is doubling practically everything in sight for a good while (she misses out on things like lategame swordmasters, which can have up to 23 AS in Chapter 26) and with a 40% speed growth, this pretty much continues for her whole existence. 16 str with a 40% growth is about average, but she 3HKO's most of her joining map with a steel lance (26 atk), and even against def freaks like generals, she still has 20 atk with a sonic sword hitting res (and 35% mag growth is impressive for a melee unit), so her offense is above average. She has fairly average durability, however. Average atk in her joining chapter is 22, 32 HP/15 def is a 5HKO (the highest atk you will see, 26-27, is a 3HKO on her), and her avoid game is good too, sporting 66 avo at base.
What makes her really useful, however, is her unique skill, Reinforce. If you didn't read the flavor text for it ingame, what Reinforce does is that it allows Tanith to summon two pegs and a Falc twice each map, basically giving you free decoys. This is really useful for luring in fags like Naesala in Chapter 19 (Vortex hurts. His beak hurts even more), or draining ballista/siege tome uses.
Her support affinity is pretty good. She has earth aff (and we know how godly earth is) and supports with two great units, Oscar and Marcia (she also supports with Raisin, but srsly, he shouldn't support frontliners since his physical durability is equivalent to that of wet newsprint). She has no need of skillz since her innate takes up 15 and in order to put anything useful in, she'd have to delete it (and no way in hell am I deleting something as cheap as Reinforce). As for anything else, a seraph robe patches up any HP issues she may have had.
With that said, she gets a...
Band suggestion: Anything with HP/str/def.\
Base Stats
If Sylvia died and was reincarnated as a bird, she would be a white-winged heron named Reyson.
Untransformed, he is basically your average GBA dancer (think Ninian from FE7 without the hax rings), with the ability to Vigor one unit (technically, it is called Canto in this game, but I will be referring to his chanting as Vigoring. If you have any issues with it, STFU.), which is useful enough as it is. His abilities when transformed are completely ridiculous. In his heron form, Raisin can Vigor four people at a time, making him an absolute benefit for timed missions (Chapters 20 and 24 come to mind since you only have 15 turns on those two maps). Not only that, but at the start of every posse phase, he can heal every unit next to him (he heals as much HP as his current mag stat; he can do this whether or not he's transformed).
Statwise, he's standard dancer fare. He has good speed and luck growths with average bases in both, so he can dodge rather well despite his shitty durability. Speaking of that, his concrete physical durability is complete balls. He has a grand total of 3 def transformed, and with only 22HP, it takes 25 atk to OHKO him (and with 65 HP/15 def growths, he's on the ass end on the durability list). For some odd reason, he has 25 res transformed (with a 50% growth, no less), so he's extremely resistant, if not downright immune, to magic. Seriously, wind magic only scratches him, and most other magics will tink him.
This is one of those cases where only the unit's skills do the talking as far as usefulness is concerned. He doesn't need any supports or skills (not that you could give him any. Canto can't be removed and he isn't a combat unit).
Rating him is pretty easy. He'd get a perfect 10 if his durability wasn't so crap (just don't leave him out in the open like a moron).
Band suggestion: He doesn't need 'em. It's not like he's going to be fighting anyway.
Base Stats
Janaff, the eyes of the great King Tibarn. His hawk-like eyes (pun intended) allow him to see through anything, even fog of war (I also heard he peeps into the shower room of Melior to watch Lucia shower).
His combat is alright, I suppose. 20 AS is on par with most of your units at this stage, and considering that enemy AS doesn't break 17 except with things like myrms, he doubles reliably. 65% speed growth doesn't hurt either. As for his damage, he has 26 atk at base, which is the same as Tanith's atk with a steel lance, except that he has 55% str over Manith's 40. This combined with his Insight skill, which makes it nearly impossible for him to have less than 100 hit, means that his offense is good. His durability could be better, but 39 HP/15 def is decent for this stage in the game (130 HP/30 def isn't bad, either). So he's decent combat wise.
What brings him down a few pegs is that he is a laguz, and unfortunately, there is only one demi band (and it's better used on Mordy/Muraim), so he has to deal with transform issues (fortunately, he's a early transformer, so he can be used right away), not to mention that the band will make some of his stats mediocre (23 atk is balls, but 19 AS/13 def is still OK). He also has bow and laguzslayer weaknesses (this can be negated with the full guard, but Jill/Marcia make better use of it).
As for any supports, he supports with units that either don't want him (Oscar wants A Kevin/B Ike ASAP) or suck hairy elephant cock (Shinlol, lolcia). As I said, Insight makes use of his high skill, but I guess that Cancel could be used (it is a bastardized Great Shield for Hawks).
He gets a meh rating.
Band suggestion: Anything for def?
Base Stats
Ulki, the ears of the great King Tibarn. His bat-like ears allow him to hear anything, even the whispering of old people in a library.
He's basically Janaff with more hitting power, but an inability to double. I mean seriously, 15 AS is what Zihark had in Chapter fucking 11. Granted, it does improve somewhat with a 60% growth, but at base, he's only doubling slugs like armors and soldiers. He makes up for it with 28 atk at base, so he does have better offense when both double, and with a 60% growth, you can kind of expect him to hit hard. As for his durability, 41 HP/18 def fully transformed with 130 HP/35 def growths is soundly beating anything Janaff has. While Janaff's avoid is better at first glance, Ulki's Vigilance boosts it to 60, 4 above Janaff's 56.
Just like with Janaff, Ulki suffers from gauge, and unfortunately, there is only one demi band (and it's better used on Mordy/Muraim), so he has to deal with transform issues (and he transforms pretty late), not to mention that the band will make some of his stats mediocre (25 atk/16 def is good, but 14 AS is most certainly not ok). He also has bow and laguzslayer weaknesses (this can be negated with the full guard, but Jill/Marcia make better use of it). So, just like with his friend, Ulki's pros are canceled out by his cons (you know right that I simply copied this from Janaff's rating and edited it).
Ulki has better supports that Janaff, but barely. He's Water, and supports with a unit who is also Water (Mordy), and he also supports with Boyd and Rice (both Fire). So he gets full atk from all his supports and either gets full def or partial hit, not that it matters since all three will have their support pools set up by Chapter 18 (Boyd has B Brom/B Mist, Mordy has C Stefan/B Ilyana, Rice has B Mia/B Rolf). His Vigilance skill is very beneficial, and he can make OK use of Resolve/Wrath.
Again, in with the meh ratings.
Band suggestion: Something with speed.
Have a nice day.
- Lucy Pensive, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/10 32 16 10 18 24 18 15 13
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 40 35 70 40 30 25 30
Tanith, falsely nicknamed 'Manith', is the third flying unit in the game, and like most FE9 prepromotes is very useable from when you get her.
Her base stats aren't too bad at first glance. 24 AS is doubling practically everything in sight for a good while (she misses out on things like lategame swordmasters, which can have up to 23 AS in Chapter 26) and with a 40% speed growth, this pretty much continues for her whole existence. 16 str with a 40% growth is about average, but she 3HKO's most of her joining map with a steel lance (26 atk), and even against def freaks like generals, she still has 20 atk with a sonic sword hitting res (and 35% mag growth is impressive for a melee unit), so her offense is above average. She has fairly average durability, however. Average atk in her joining chapter is 22, 32 HP/15 def is a 5HKO (the highest atk you will see, 26-27, is a 3HKO on her), and her avoid game is good too, sporting 66 avo at base.
What makes her really useful, however, is her unique skill, Reinforce. If you didn't read the flavor text for it ingame, what Reinforce does is that it allows Tanith to summon two pegs and a Falc twice each map, basically giving you free decoys. This is really useful for luring in fags like Naesala in Chapter 19 (Vortex hurts. His beak hurts even more), or draining ballista/siege tome uses.
Her support affinity is pretty good. She has earth aff (and we know how godly earth is) and supports with two great units, Oscar and Marcia (she also supports with Raisin, but srsly, he shouldn't support frontliners since his physical durability is equivalent to that of wet newsprint). She has no need of skillz since her innate takes up 15 and in order to put anything useful in, she'd have to delete it (and no way in hell am I deleting something as cheap as Reinforce). As for anything else, a seraph robe patches up any HP issues she may have had.
With that said, she gets a...
Band suggestion: Anything with HP/str/def.\
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/03 22 01 10 11 14 15 02 20
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 65 05 40 50 50 60 15 50
If Sylvia died and was reincarnated as a bird, she would be a white-winged heron named Reyson.
Untransformed, he is basically your average GBA dancer (think Ninian from FE7 without the hax rings), with the ability to Vigor one unit (technically, it is called Canto in this game, but I will be referring to his chanting as Vigoring. If you have any issues with it, STFU.), which is useful enough as it is. His abilities when transformed are completely ridiculous. In his heron form, Raisin can Vigor four people at a time, making him an absolute benefit for timed missions (Chapters 20 and 24 come to mind since you only have 15 turns on those two maps). Not only that, but at the start of every posse phase, he can heal every unit next to him (he heals as much HP as his current mag stat; he can do this whether or not he's transformed).
Statwise, he's standard dancer fare. He has good speed and luck growths with average bases in both, so he can dodge rather well despite his shitty durability. Speaking of that, his concrete physical durability is complete balls. He has a grand total of 3 def transformed, and with only 22HP, it takes 25 atk to OHKO him (and with 65 HP/15 def growths, he's on the ass end on the durability list). For some odd reason, he has 25 res transformed (with a 50% growth, no less), so he's extremely resistant, if not downright immune, to magic. Seriously, wind magic only scratches him, and most other magics will tink him.
This is one of those cases where only the unit's skills do the talking as far as usefulness is concerned. He doesn't need any supports or skills (not that you could give him any. Canto can't be removed and he isn't a combat unit).
Rating him is pretty easy. He'd get a perfect 10 if his durability wasn't so crap (just don't leave him out in the open like a moron).
Band suggestion: He doesn't need 'em. It's not like he's going to be fighting anyway.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/08 39 13 05 15 17 16 11 10
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 130 55 10 70 65 40 30 25
Janaff, the eyes of the great King Tibarn. His hawk-like eyes (pun intended) allow him to see through anything, even fog of war (I also heard he peeps into the shower room of Melior to watch Lucia shower).
His combat is alright, I suppose. 20 AS is on par with most of your units at this stage, and considering that enemy AS doesn't break 17 except with things like myrms, he doubles reliably. 65% speed growth doesn't hurt either. As for his damage, he has 26 atk at base, which is the same as Tanith's atk with a steel lance, except that he has 55% str over Manith's 40. This combined with his Insight skill, which makes it nearly impossible for him to have less than 100 hit, means that his offense is good. His durability could be better, but 39 HP/15 def is decent for this stage in the game (130 HP/30 def isn't bad, either). So he's decent combat wise.
What brings him down a few pegs is that he is a laguz, and unfortunately, there is only one demi band (and it's better used on Mordy/Muraim), so he has to deal with transform issues (fortunately, he's a early transformer, so he can be used right away), not to mention that the band will make some of his stats mediocre (23 atk is balls, but 19 AS/13 def is still OK). He also has bow and laguzslayer weaknesses (this can be negated with the full guard, but Jill/Marcia make better use of it).
As for any supports, he supports with units that either don't want him (Oscar wants A Kevin/B Ike ASAP) or suck hairy elephant cock (Shinlol, lolcia). As I said, Insight makes use of his high skill, but I guess that Cancel could be used (it is a bastardized Great Shield for Hawks).
He gets a meh rating.
Band suggestion: Anything for def?
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/07 41 15 04 14 12 10 14 09
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 130 60 10 65 60 35 35 25
Ulki, the ears of the great King Tibarn. His bat-like ears allow him to hear anything, even the whispering of old people in a library.
He's basically Janaff with more hitting power, but an inability to double. I mean seriously, 15 AS is what Zihark had in Chapter fucking 11. Granted, it does improve somewhat with a 60% growth, but at base, he's only doubling slugs like armors and soldiers. He makes up for it with 28 atk at base, so he does have better offense when both double, and with a 60% growth, you can kind of expect him to hit hard. As for his durability, 41 HP/18 def fully transformed with 130 HP/35 def growths is soundly beating anything Janaff has. While Janaff's avoid is better at first glance, Ulki's Vigilance boosts it to 60, 4 above Janaff's 56.
Just like with Janaff, Ulki suffers from gauge, and unfortunately, there is only one demi band (and it's better used on Mordy/Muraim), so he has to deal with transform issues (and he transforms pretty late), not to mention that the band will make some of his stats mediocre (25 atk/16 def is good, but 14 AS is most certainly not ok). He also has bow and laguzslayer weaknesses (this can be negated with the full guard, but Jill/Marcia make better use of it). So, just like with his friend, Ulki's pros are canceled out by his cons (you know right that I simply copied this from Janaff's rating and edited it).
Ulki has better supports that Janaff, but barely. He's Water, and supports with a unit who is also Water (Mordy), and he also supports with Boyd and Rice (both Fire). So he gets full atk from all his supports and either gets full def or partial hit, not that it matters since all three will have their support pools set up by Chapter 18 (Boyd has B Brom/B Mist, Mordy has C Stefan/B Ilyana, Rice has B Mia/B Rolf). His Vigilance skill is very beneficial, and he can make OK use of Resolve/Wrath.
Again, in with the meh ratings.
Band suggestion: Something with speed.
Have a nice day.
Friday, 17 July 2015
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 7)
"The sand is nice and dry today..."
- Sir Crocodile, One Piece Chapter 178.
Base Stats
Remember Karel from FE7? Imagine him, but give him better offensive bases and make his recruitment one of the biggest guide dang its in the series.
In all seriousness, his base stats are retarded. 25 base AS will double basically everything this game has to offer besides really really fast things, and a 55% spd growth more or less ensures that he can double even those enemies. Add to that, he has 19 str, which gives him 31 atk with the Vague Katti (never mind that he's the only unit that can use it for a very long time), and has 63 base crit with it. Ridiculous. Even with something like a steel sword, he has 27 atk, and it keeps going up thanks to his 50% str growth. And even if he can't one round something, he still has Astra to make up for it. WTF IS? You first give us all these weak-ass first tiers (from Chapter 9-16), then you put in a prepromote who simply spits in their faces like forever. Defensively, he could be a bit better. 38 HP/12 def is about average, and 55 avoid isn't too bad either.
What prevents him from being as brutally overpowered as, say, Boyd or Oscar is that he doesn't have 2 range options other than the highly-competed for Sonic and Rune Swords (and it's not like he's doing much with them, lol 8 magic). So basically, while the aforementioned units are tearing things apart with hand axes/javelins, respectively, Stefan easily gets mugged by mages and archers. Also, many enemies later on will have significant critical on him due to his absolutely piss luck. And I'm not talking about the dudes that may have 1-3 crit on him. Swordmasters and snipers all pose a significant threat to him since he's usually getting 3HKO'd, and a crit will easily finish him. You might want to give him a few Ashera icons if you really are paranoid.
Supports, eh? He's heaven, but both of his supports increase atk, so that's cool. He also doesn't need help with skills since Astra is decent enough already (though, like I said earlier, it isn't as good as it was in FE4, where it activated off skill and didn't halve damage.)
So basically, he's good the whole game after he joins thanks to his overkill offense. His rating:
Support suggestion: Mordy A/Soren B is about the best he can hope for. At least he ain't Fireman.
Band suggestion: Anything with luck.
Base Stats
In chapter 15, you get this unit named Stefan, and we all know that he rips the face off everything. But then we get to this game's 'Est', Tormod.
His stat spread is decent for the level he's at, but that's the problem, since he is very underleveled when you get him. He has 9 speed at base (8 AS w/ Fire or Thunder), which IIRC, was good back in Chapters 7 and 8, not fucking Chapter 16. In other words, he's not doubling anything except armors, and is in real danger of getting doubled himself. At least he hits decently hard thanks to his 10 mag and his attacks hitting res, though 14 atk with Thunder is unimpressive. And his durability is absolutely atrocious. 20 HP/4 def is what base Sothe has (and god forbid your using Sothe as a combat unit), and considering quite a few enemies in his first five maps can reach 24 atk (the amount needed to OHKO him at base), you really need to watch his ass.
He does improve somewhat thanks to his decent growth spread. 45 mag/45 spd is about average compared to other magic users in this game, and his durability woes don't disappear either. lol 50 HP, lol 25 def. However, what sets him apart from other magic users is that Tormod comes with Celerity, which means than any movement problems that mages (READ: Soren) might have don't apply to him. However, in order to abuse his growths, he needs around 400-500 points worth of BEXP to function properly, and considering that you may have used up a lot of it on Marcia/Neph/Jill/Astrid, that's a very tall order. And because of his poor level, he's promoting quite late; like Ch19 at the earliest.
Tormod is fire affinity, and all his supports save Sothe give full atk. His best supports overall are with Calill and Raisin/Devdan (Sothe is wind and sucks as a unit). He doesn't really need skills, but you can give him Adept or Wrath if you like.
TL;DR: Tormod is pretty bad here, but he's god compared to what he's like in RD.
Support suggestion: Calill A, maybe? Raisin and Danved can try their luck, and lol Sothe.
Band suggestion: He can really use the mage or paladin bands. A soldier band couldn't hurt either.
Base Stats
Muraim is Tormod's bodyguard and a former laguz slave. Also, he's easier on your CEXP and BEXP budget than Tormod (not that it matters).
If you thought Stefan was ridiculous, Muraim is arguably even more so. There aren't words that explain how good is offense is at base. 32 atk transformed is basically killing everything he touches in two hits, and while 18 AS isn't as broken as 25 AS, he still doubles everything on the map due to how much enemy AS fails in PoR. Even with the demi band, he has 29 atk and 17 AS. And with 70 str/55 spd, this continues for the whole game. And let's not get to his durability; 45 HP/15 (14) def with 145/60 growths is above average at this point in the game (and 45% res is good for a laguz, as well). And gauge isn't even an issue for him since he comes with a demi band.
It's actually pretty funny to see how similar Muraim is to Mordy. At --/4, Mordy has -1 HP, -6 speed, and +2 Def on base Muraim while tying str. The one pro that Mordy has is that he's been helping out since Chapter 10, but Muraim has a massive edge in speed (it takes Mordy until Lv15 to reach Muraim's speed base). Also, Mordy's support pool and affinity are better than Muraim's.
As for any supports, A Zihark is totally recommended, with Lethe as a secondary. He doesn't come with any skills, but he makes great use of Resolve and/or Adept. Again, Roar is crap. Don't burn an Occult on him.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Zihark A, and he's good to go, I guess.
Band suggestion: He doesn't need any help with stats, so Demi band, anyone?
Base Stats
Devdan here fights like ten men. However, even three years later, as Danved, he didn't say what caliber of men. I'm guessing he meant pussies with zeros in every stat (and 1 HP).
You only need to take one look at his bases and his joining situation to know that he's only decent at best. He's not as bad as some people say, but in the eyes of some, I guess he is. 13 AS is only doubling slugs like armors and soldiers, and with a 35% growth, it gets little better (ok, I lied, the KW raises it to 65, so there). He makes up for this with okish damage; 14 str with a 60% growth means that he will be hitting somewhat hard (he has 24 base atk with a steel lance), so his offense is decent. Durability wise, he's worse than Stefan and only slightly better than base Titania. 36 HP/11 def is getting 4-5HKO'd by most enemies (watch out for things like fighters and promoted enemies, since they 3HKO him), which isn't too bad, and his durability growths are respectable (75 HP/45 def).
He's unlike some of the units before him (and like Stefan) where he can be picked up right off the bat, and doesn't really need babying or BEXP fed. However, compared to the people around him, he is sorely lacking in stats, especially in speed and defense. As I said before, he can use the KW to solve his speed woes (and pad his defense slightly), but let's face it: his bases aren't that great for the level he's at. For reference, 20/4 Neph is absolutely crushing him in most stats (he wins, like, HP/lck/res, and she's winning everything else).
If you are going to use him, I recommend supporting him with Neph and Tormod (Largo comes in too late), and as for skills, I guess he could make decent use of Adept/Wrath or Luna.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Tormod A/Neph B, and I think I'm being generous.
Band suggestion: Knight Ward, motherfucker, do you use it?
Part 6
Part 8
Have a nice day.
- Sir Crocodile, One Piece Chapter 178.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/08 38 19 08 27 25 05 12 09
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 70 50 20 40 55 25 30 25
Remember Karel from FE7? Imagine him, but give him better offensive bases and make his recruitment one of the biggest guide dang its in the series.
In all seriousness, his base stats are retarded. 25 base AS will double basically everything this game has to offer besides really really fast things, and a 55% spd growth more or less ensures that he can double even those enemies. Add to that, he has 19 str, which gives him 31 atk with the Vague Katti (never mind that he's the only unit that can use it for a very long time), and has 63 base crit with it. Ridiculous. Even with something like a steel sword, he has 27 atk, and it keeps going up thanks to his 50% str growth. And even if he can't one round something, he still has Astra to make up for it. WTF IS? You first give us all these weak-ass first tiers (from Chapter 9-16), then you put in a prepromote who simply spits in their faces like forever. Defensively, he could be a bit better. 38 HP/12 def is about average, and 55 avoid isn't too bad either.
What prevents him from being as brutally overpowered as, say, Boyd or Oscar is that he doesn't have 2 range options other than the highly-competed for Sonic and Rune Swords (and it's not like he's doing much with them, lol 8 magic). So basically, while the aforementioned units are tearing things apart with hand axes/javelins, respectively, Stefan easily gets mugged by mages and archers. Also, many enemies later on will have significant critical on him due to his absolutely piss luck. And I'm not talking about the dudes that may have 1-3 crit on him. Swordmasters and snipers all pose a significant threat to him since he's usually getting 3HKO'd, and a crit will easily finish him. You might want to give him a few Ashera icons if you really are paranoid.
Supports, eh? He's heaven, but both of his supports increase atk, so that's cool. He also doesn't need help with skills since Astra is decent enough already (though, like I said earlier, it isn't as good as it was in FE4, where it activated off skill and didn't halve damage.)
So basically, he's good the whole game after he joins thanks to his overkill offense. His rating:
Support suggestion: Mordy A/Soren B is about the best he can hope for. At least he ain't Fireman.
Band suggestion: Anything with luck.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 07/00 20 02 10 09 09 08 04 09
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 50 20 45 40 45 35 25 45
In chapter 15, you get this unit named Stefan, and we all know that he rips the face off everything. But then we get to this game's 'Est', Tormod.
His stat spread is decent for the level he's at, but that's the problem, since he is very underleveled when you get him. He has 9 speed at base (8 AS w/ Fire or Thunder), which IIRC, was good back in Chapters 7 and 8, not fucking Chapter 16. In other words, he's not doubling anything except armors, and is in real danger of getting doubled himself. At least he hits decently hard thanks to his 10 mag and his attacks hitting res, though 14 atk with Thunder is unimpressive. And his durability is absolutely atrocious. 20 HP/4 def is what base Sothe has (and god forbid your using Sothe as a combat unit), and considering quite a few enemies in his first five maps can reach 24 atk (the amount needed to OHKO him at base), you really need to watch his ass.
He does improve somewhat thanks to his decent growth spread. 45 mag/45 spd is about average compared to other magic users in this game, and his durability woes don't disappear either. lol 50 HP, lol 25 def. However, what sets him apart from other magic users is that Tormod comes with Celerity, which means than any movement problems that mages (READ: Soren) might have don't apply to him. However, in order to abuse his growths, he needs around 400-500 points worth of BEXP to function properly, and considering that you may have used up a lot of it on Marcia/Neph/Jill/Astrid, that's a very tall order. And because of his poor level, he's promoting quite late; like Ch19 at the earliest.
Tormod is fire affinity, and all his supports save Sothe give full atk. His best supports overall are with Calill and Raisin/Devdan (Sothe is wind and sucks as a unit). He doesn't really need skills, but you can give him Adept or Wrath if you like.
TL;DR: Tormod is pretty bad here, but he's god compared to what he's like in RD.
Support suggestion: Calill A, maybe? Raisin and Danved can try their luck, and lol Sothe.
Band suggestion: He can really use the mage or paladin bands. A soldier band couldn't hurt either.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/09 45 16 04 13 15 03 12 05
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 145 70 05 70 55 35 60 45
Muraim is Tormod's bodyguard and a former laguz slave. Also, he's easier on your CEXP and BEXP budget than Tormod (not that it matters).
If you thought Stefan was ridiculous, Muraim is arguably even more so. There aren't words that explain how good is offense is at base. 32 atk transformed is basically killing everything he touches in two hits, and while 18 AS isn't as broken as 25 AS, he still doubles everything on the map due to how much enemy AS fails in PoR. Even with the demi band, he has 29 atk and 17 AS. And with 70 str/55 spd, this continues for the whole game. And let's not get to his durability; 45 HP/15 (14) def with 145/60 growths is above average at this point in the game (and 45% res is good for a laguz, as well). And gauge isn't even an issue for him since he comes with a demi band.
It's actually pretty funny to see how similar Muraim is to Mordy. At --/4, Mordy has -1 HP, -6 speed, and +2 Def on base Muraim while tying str. The one pro that Mordy has is that he's been helping out since Chapter 10, but Muraim has a massive edge in speed (it takes Mordy until Lv15 to reach Muraim's speed base). Also, Mordy's support pool and affinity are better than Muraim's.
As for any supports, A Zihark is totally recommended, with Lethe as a secondary. He doesn't come with any skills, but he makes great use of Resolve and/or Adept. Again, Roar is crap. Don't burn an Occult on him.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Zihark A, and he's good to go, I guess.
Band suggestion: He doesn't need any help with stats, so Demi band, anyone?
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES --/04 36 14 07 15 13 16 11 10
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 75 60 30 40 35 40 45 25
Devdan here fights like ten men. However, even three years later, as Danved, he didn't say what caliber of men. I'm guessing he meant pussies with zeros in every stat (and 1 HP).
You only need to take one look at his bases and his joining situation to know that he's only decent at best. He's not as bad as some people say, but in the eyes of some, I guess he is. 13 AS is only doubling slugs like armors and soldiers, and with a 35% growth, it gets little better (ok, I lied, the KW raises it to 65, so there). He makes up for this with okish damage; 14 str with a 60% growth means that he will be hitting somewhat hard (he has 24 base atk with a steel lance), so his offense is decent. Durability wise, he's worse than Stefan and only slightly better than base Titania. 36 HP/11 def is getting 4-5HKO'd by most enemies (watch out for things like fighters and promoted enemies, since they 3HKO him), which isn't too bad, and his durability growths are respectable (75 HP/45 def).
He's unlike some of the units before him (and like Stefan) where he can be picked up right off the bat, and doesn't really need babying or BEXP fed. However, compared to the people around him, he is sorely lacking in stats, especially in speed and defense. As I said before, he can use the KW to solve his speed woes (and pad his defense slightly), but let's face it: his bases aren't that great for the level he's at. For reference, 20/4 Neph is absolutely crushing him in most stats (he wins, like, HP/lck/res, and she's winning everything else).
If you are going to use him, I recommend supporting him with Neph and Tormod (Largo comes in too late), and as for skills, I guess he could make decent use of Adept/Wrath or Luna.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Tormod A/Neph B, and I think I'm being generous.
Band suggestion: Knight Ward, motherfucker, do you use it?
Part 6
Part 8
Have a nice day.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 6)
Yo Yo Yo Yo
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Luffy!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Zoro!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Nami!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up give it up give it up Yo!)
And that my friends, is the beginning of the god awful 4Kids One Piece rap. Do yourself a favor and watch the Japanese version with English subs. Back to ratings.
Base Stats
Sothe, the second in command of the Fail Brigade and Ike is the father of his children. However, this is three years into the future. This is about his shota version.
You only need to take one look at his stats and class to know that his combat is a greater joke than the Detroit Lions. 5 str at this stage in the game is well beyond crap. He literally can't cause damage to anything because his weapon type is so damn weak (lol 7 atk). And while his speed base is theoretically good, he actually gets doubled by almost every raven in his starting map, and let's not get to his concrete durability issues. 20 HP/4 def is only slightly better than base level Rice (-2 HP, +4 def), except that Rice joined in Chapter 2 with that durability and Sothe joins in Chapter 12. His growth rates are good, and rather quite scary for a thief (50 str, 70 skl, 65 spd) and are boosted by Blossom (though his exp gains are gimped in the process), but here comes his next problem; he is literally unable to promote. What. The. Literal. Fuck? This means that even if one was to raise him, his stats all cap at 20 and his HP at 40, which is crap going into lategame.
So he fails at combat basically forever. What he is useful for is getting swag. However, that isn't saying much since Volke does the same stuff but a lot better. To give out an idea, base Volke can steal items as heavy as iron axes and javelins. What can base Sothe steal? Basically, he's limited to lightweight tomes and staves. Seriously, he can't even steal Physics at base level FFS. At least he doesn't charge 50 gold every time he opens something, which is cool (not that it matters since you're swimming in gold lol). There are some maps where having two thieves can be helpful, but most of the time, Volke + chest keys do the trick anyway.
He's basically useful as a secondary thief, but that's about it. He's infinitely more useful in RD, where he at least has Jagen utility.
His combat gets a 0/10 and his thievery gets a 7/10 for an average of...
Support suggestion: Lolwut? (at least he actually has supports. Volke only has lol bastian.)
Band suggestion: None, because he is not even close to being a good combat unit.
Base Stats
Jill Fizzart is one of only two potential playable dragonmasters in all of Tellius. She is also another Erza Scarlet lookalike.
She starts off alright, albeit 4-6 levels below par. 24 HP/11 def lets her get 4RKO'd by the crows in her starting map thanks to her laguzguard (she takes 7 damage normally, the laguzguard reduces it to 3. In order for Marcia to get similar durability, she would need to be Lv14) and basically allows her to not die from anything that isn't an archer, and 60 HP/35 def is about average, and at least ensures she's rather durable. Her offense, on the flip side, isn't very stellar. She has 21 atk with her steel lance, but only has 7 AS with the damn thing equipped, though with an effective 85% AS growth, this fixes itself quickly.
Like Marcia, she has instant utility just for being a flier. However, unlike Marcia, Jill can take 2-3 hits before dying (as opposed to 1-2 hits in Marcia's case), making her a great deal more flexible in where she goes. Like I said before, this game has a lot of unstable terrain (boats in Chapters 12 and 13, rivers in Chapters 14 and 21, desert in Chapter 15, swamp in Chapter 17, pitfalls in Chapter 23, a tall mountain in Chapter 25), and having a flier around in those chapters can significantly decrease turn count. Even if there isn't a lot of bad terrain, flying is still helpful in most circumstance (ok, except chapters with excessive ballistae, but full guard fixes it).
Her supports are bland-ish. Her only good support is with Mist (she gets full def from it lol). Lethe is lol heaven, and Haar shows up too late (nevermind that he is wind and wind sucks big floppy donkey cock in FE9). Personally, I find that she works best with Guard and Savior. Resolve/Wrath can work for her, but there is so much competition for those skills it's not even funny. As for anything else, she could use a seraph robe and a speedwing early on, but other than that, the sky's the limit.
Support suggestion: Mist A is a given, with Lethe as a secondary (but I wouldn't bother with Lethe after Begnion).
Band suggestion: Knight or wyvern works best to improve on her str/def. Otherwise, anything with speed.
Base Stats
If you are going to start underleveled, this is how you can get away with it.
In all seriousness, Astrid starts off pretty fucking terrible, almost as bad as Rolf, except that Rolf joined in Chapter 9 with those stats and Astrid joins in C13 with those stats. 6 str and 7 AS at this point in the game is pretty bad, since one, enemies are far stronger now, and two, many units are going to have double what Astrid has in stats. Granted, it does improve quickly with a 50% spd growth and an 'average' 40% str growth, but let's face it: it hurts. Defensively, she's basically a joke. 20 HP/5 def is a little more than what Sothe has, and is getting ORKO'd by practically everything (actually, some fighters reach 25 atk, which OHKOes her outright), and with 45 HP/30 def, she basically has durability problems forever. Yes, she does have a horse, but it means almost nothing when you are crap at fighting, although taking no counters helps.
What sets her apart from her non-mounted counterpart, though is that she has Paragon. Yes, the broken skill that gives double experience. At this stage in the game, if she chips anything, she's likely going to gain 40+ CEXP. Killing something will practically give her a free level up, but most of the time, this isn't happening unless she's killing a weakened C13 crow or something. Assuming you chip an enemy once per turn in her joining map, she will have gained ~4 levels (which puts her from Lv1 to ~Lv5). Ridiculous. If she can actually kill something, make that Lv7-8. Once she gets up to par with your other units, she has respectable offense compared to your other units (though I wouldn't call doubling for moderate damage good, but hey, it's better than what the likes of Rolf can do). Once she promotes, she's finally starting to look quite good. 9 move + canto + axes + Sol is pretty good, and by now her supports are established, she should have OKish durability.
As for any supports, she's wind(which as I've said is crap in FE9), but supports fellow cavalier Makalov, who is her best support overall (and is thunder, giving her some def). Gatrie has movement issues unless you give him the boots and Sothe sucks, so those two supports are pretty much inferior to Mak. As for any skills, Paragon is good as long as she's underleveled. Once she's ~20/10, feel free to remove it and give her something like Sol.
At least she's fairly decent here. RD, not so much.
Support suggestion: Mak is pretty much her only good support partner. Gatrie has move issues and Sothe is bantha fodder.
Band suggestion: Fighter or Soldier work best. She has little need for the KW since her speed is good enough as it is.
Base Stats
Wow. This guy must suffer from Ugly Hair Syndrome. Or maybe he's just ugly period. He is also a compulsive gambler.
Mak basically continues the trend that any first tiers after Chapter 11 are underleveled, and therefore, under par when you get them. Seriously, 9 str and 10 spd are utter crap at this stage in the game, and combined with the fact that his steel sword drops him to 7 AS (17 atk is nothing to write home about, either), his offense is god awful at first, though with 105% AS growth and 55% str growth, his offense picks up quickly. Durability wise, he's decent enough with 30 HP/10 def and he has above average durability growths for a cav (60 HP/45 def), but while he has WTA on most of his starting map, he can't dodge since he has only 22 avoid assuming neutral bio.
Because he joins so late, and is more underleveled than Marcia and Neph were (and without Paragon to make up for the difference), he needs around 5-6 levels worth of bexp, which should be a drop in the hat by now. But once he is caught up, he's actually above average statwise. As in, his str is just as good as Kevin's and he almost reaches Oscar's durability levels. When he promotes, axes and Sol assume position.
Like with a lot of people, his supports aren't anything special. He has thunder affinity (which is good); however, every one his supports is wind affinity, and two of those join quite late (not to mention that Bastian just sucks). Really, Astrid is his only good support, with Haar as a secondary (but I wouldn't bet on it). As for any skills, Sol is standard fare for paladins, but he makes use of stuff like Guard and Resolve.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Astrid A. Haar comes too late, and lolBastian.
Band suggestion: He would like KW for the first 10 levels of his existence. Otherwise, anything with def.
Part 5
Part 7
Have a nice day.
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Luffy!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Zoro!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up, Nami!)
Dreamin' (Don't give it up give it up give it up Yo!)
And that my friends, is the beginning of the god awful 4Kids One Piece rap. Do yourself a favor and watch the Japanese version with English subs. Back to ratings.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 01/00 20 05 01 07 11 06 04 00
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 50 10 70 65 55 35 30
Sothe, the second in command of the Fail Brigade and Ike is the father of his children. However, this is three years into the future. This is about his shota version.
You only need to take one look at his stats and class to know that his combat is a greater joke than the Detroit Lions. 5 str at this stage in the game is well beyond crap. He literally can't cause damage to anything because his weapon type is so damn weak (lol 7 atk). And while his speed base is theoretically good, he actually gets doubled by almost every raven in his starting map, and let's not get to his concrete durability issues. 20 HP/4 def is only slightly better than base level Rice (-2 HP, +4 def), except that Rice joined in Chapter 2 with that durability and Sothe joins in Chapter 12. His growth rates are good, and rather quite scary for a thief (50 str, 70 skl, 65 spd) and are boosted by Blossom (though his exp gains are gimped in the process), but here comes his next problem; he is literally unable to promote. What. The. Literal. Fuck? This means that even if one was to raise him, his stats all cap at 20 and his HP at 40, which is crap going into lategame.
So he fails at combat basically forever. What he is useful for is getting swag. However, that isn't saying much since Volke does the same stuff but a lot better. To give out an idea, base Volke can steal items as heavy as iron axes and javelins. What can base Sothe steal? Basically, he's limited to lightweight tomes and staves. Seriously, he can't even steal Physics at base level FFS. At least he doesn't charge 50 gold every time he opens something, which is cool (not that it matters since you're swimming in gold lol). There are some maps where having two thieves can be helpful, but most of the time, Volke + chest keys do the trick anyway.
He's basically useful as a secondary thief, but that's about it. He's infinitely more useful in RD, where he at least has Jagen utility.
His combat gets a 0/10 and his thievery gets a 7/10 for an average of...
Support suggestion: Lolwut? (at least he actually has supports. Volke only has lol bastian.)
Band suggestion: None, because he is not even close to being a good combat unit.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 08/00 24 11 00 10 09 06 11 02
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 40 30 45 45 25 35 30
Jill Fizzart is one of only two potential playable dragonmasters in all of Tellius. She is also another Erza Scarlet lookalike.
She starts off alright, albeit 4-6 levels below par. 24 HP/11 def lets her get 4RKO'd by the crows in her starting map thanks to her laguzguard (she takes 7 damage normally, the laguzguard reduces it to 3. In order for Marcia to get similar durability, she would need to be Lv14) and basically allows her to not die from anything that isn't an archer, and 60 HP/35 def is about average, and at least ensures she's rather durable. Her offense, on the flip side, isn't very stellar. She has 21 atk with her steel lance, but only has 7 AS with the damn thing equipped, though with an effective 85% AS growth, this fixes itself quickly.
Like Marcia, she has instant utility just for being a flier. However, unlike Marcia, Jill can take 2-3 hits before dying (as opposed to 1-2 hits in Marcia's case), making her a great deal more flexible in where she goes. Like I said before, this game has a lot of unstable terrain (boats in Chapters 12 and 13, rivers in Chapters 14 and 21, desert in Chapter 15, swamp in Chapter 17, pitfalls in Chapter 23, a tall mountain in Chapter 25), and having a flier around in those chapters can significantly decrease turn count. Even if there isn't a lot of bad terrain, flying is still helpful in most circumstance (ok, except chapters with excessive ballistae, but full guard fixes it).
Her supports are bland-ish. Her only good support is with Mist (she gets full def from it lol). Lethe is lol heaven, and Haar shows up too late (nevermind that he is wind and wind sucks big floppy donkey cock in FE9). Personally, I find that she works best with Guard and Savior. Resolve/Wrath can work for her, but there is so much competition for those skills it's not even funny. As for anything else, she could use a seraph robe and a speedwing early on, but other than that, the sky's the limit.
Support suggestion: Mist A is a given, with Lethe as a secondary (but I wouldn't bother with Lethe after Begnion).
Band suggestion: Knight or wyvern works best to improve on her str/def. Otherwise, anything with speed.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 01/00 20 06 04 06 07 03 05 04
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 45 40 20 55 50 40 30 25
If you are going to start underleveled, this is how you can get away with it.
In all seriousness, Astrid starts off pretty fucking terrible, almost as bad as Rolf, except that Rolf joined in Chapter 9 with those stats and Astrid joins in C13 with those stats. 6 str and 7 AS at this point in the game is pretty bad, since one, enemies are far stronger now, and two, many units are going to have double what Astrid has in stats. Granted, it does improve quickly with a 50% spd growth and an 'average' 40% str growth, but let's face it: it hurts. Defensively, she's basically a joke. 20 HP/5 def is a little more than what Sothe has, and is getting ORKO'd by practically everything (actually, some fighters reach 25 atk, which OHKOes her outright), and with 45 HP/30 def, she basically has durability problems forever. Yes, she does have a horse, but it means almost nothing when you are crap at fighting, although taking no counters helps.
What sets her apart from her non-mounted counterpart, though is that she has Paragon. Yes, the broken skill that gives double experience. At this stage in the game, if she chips anything, she's likely going to gain 40+ CEXP. Killing something will practically give her a free level up, but most of the time, this isn't happening unless she's killing a weakened C13 crow or something. Assuming you chip an enemy once per turn in her joining map, she will have gained ~4 levels (which puts her from Lv1 to ~Lv5). Ridiculous. If she can actually kill something, make that Lv7-8. Once she gets up to par with your other units, she has respectable offense compared to your other units (though I wouldn't call doubling for moderate damage good, but hey, it's better than what the likes of Rolf can do). Once she promotes, she's finally starting to look quite good. 9 move + canto + axes + Sol is pretty good, and by now her supports are established, she should have OKish durability.
As for any supports, she's wind(which as I've said is crap in FE9), but supports fellow cavalier Makalov, who is her best support overall (and is thunder, giving her some def). Gatrie has movement issues unless you give him the boots and Sothe sucks, so those two supports are pretty much inferior to Mak. As for any skills, Paragon is good as long as she's underleveled. Once she's ~20/10, feel free to remove it and give her something like Sol.
At least she's fairly decent here. RD, not so much.
Support suggestion: Mak is pretty much her only good support partner. Gatrie has move issues and Sothe is bantha fodder.
Band suggestion: Fighter or Soldier work best. She has little need for the KW since her speed is good enough as it is.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 10/00 30 09 02 07 10 08 10 02
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 55 05 45 50 25 45 20
Wow. This guy must suffer from Ugly Hair Syndrome. Or maybe he's just ugly period. He is also a compulsive gambler.
Mak basically continues the trend that any first tiers after Chapter 11 are underleveled, and therefore, under par when you get them. Seriously, 9 str and 10 spd are utter crap at this stage in the game, and combined with the fact that his steel sword drops him to 7 AS (17 atk is nothing to write home about, either), his offense is god awful at first, though with 105% AS growth and 55% str growth, his offense picks up quickly. Durability wise, he's decent enough with 30 HP/10 def and he has above average durability growths for a cav (60 HP/45 def), but while he has WTA on most of his starting map, he can't dodge since he has only 22 avoid assuming neutral bio.
Because he joins so late, and is more underleveled than Marcia and Neph were (and without Paragon to make up for the difference), he needs around 5-6 levels worth of bexp, which should be a drop in the hat by now. But once he is caught up, he's actually above average statwise. As in, his str is just as good as Kevin's and he almost reaches Oscar's durability levels. When he promotes, axes and Sol assume position.
Like with a lot of people, his supports aren't anything special. He has thunder affinity (which is good); however, every one his supports is wind affinity, and two of those join quite late (not to mention that Bastian just sucks). Really, Astrid is his only good support, with Haar as a secondary (but I wouldn't bet on it). As for any skills, Sol is standard fare for paladins, but he makes use of stuff like Guard and Resolve.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Astrid A. Haar comes too late, and lolBastian.
Band suggestion: He would like KW for the first 10 levels of his existence. Otherwise, anything with def.
Part 5
Part 7
Have a nice day.
Path of Radiance Ratings (Part 5)
Last of the Crimea units, for the time being, anyway...
Base Stats
Kieran (JP: Kevin), Oscar's eternal archrival and the red knight. There's not much else to say about him, except that he's the manliest person in Tellius.
He starts off fairly good. 19 atk with an iron axe is decent, and he is doubling most of the enemies in his joining chapter thanks to his 12 AS, 2 rounding every enemy he does double except the armors. Defensively, he's doing alright. 30 HP/10 def is getting 4RKO'd for the most part, and even the strongest enemies 3RKO. Considering the average durability is 3-4RKO'd, this isn't bad. His offense improves quickly thanks to his 50% str growth and 40% speed growth (70% with KW), and while his def is about average, 60 HP/40 def gives acceptable durability.
Chapter 12 and 13 aren't so hot for him since the crows there can reach up to 16 AS, which 2RKO's him at base. However he does well against most human enemies due to their stats sucking for the most part (only sucks against myrms, does well vs. soldiers and good against everything else). At equal levels, he's comparable to Oscar. Against base Kevin, 12/0 Oscar has +1 HP, -1 str, -1 spd, +1 def, and +2 res. Even at 20/1, they are remarkably similar; Kevin has -1 HP, +1 str, -1 skl, +1 spd, -1 def and -2 res on Oscar. Not bad in all honesty. DYK it takes Oscar until Lv13 to tie and surpass Kevin's spd lead? Meanwhile, Kevin takes until 20/15 to beat Oscar's durability lead (Kevin wins str like forever). As for promotion items, he works well with swords or lances.
He only supports 3 people, but thankfully for him, two of them match his move and are uber in their own right. His own affinity is crap (lol wind)but he supports Oscar, who effectively gives him a sharp avoid boost (and it's quick to boot). Marcia is also a good option, seeing as she's the only other Kevin supporter that matches his move (lolRice). Gamble is a crap skill for Kieran, given his shaky hit. I would recommend Sol if you can spare an occult.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Oscar A/Marcia B. You know why.
Band suggestion: Speed isn't one of his strong points, so I guess KW. Soldier also works to give him a durability lead.
Base Stats
Brom would be horrendous without the Knight Ward.
All jokes aside, he does alright for himself when you first get him. 28 HP/13 def gives him good durability, letting him get 4HKO'd at worst at base, and thanks to his 7 AS, the only enemy that can reliably double him is the boss, assuming he doesn't get weighed down. Speaking of that, his offense is god awful without forges. The guy has 17 atk with an iron lance, which is fucking terrible, especially since he can't double (and he only causes 5-7 dmg to the cavaliers. Does well vs myrms, though). Steel lance puts him at 20 atk, but he does run the risk of getting doubled. He does alright in Chapter 12 as well assuming he gets a level in Chapter 11 (or feed him some extra BEXP); his only issue in that chapter is that every crow has 1-2 listed crit on him, but 30 HP/14 def at Lv10 only takes 4x2 damage a round from the 18 atk ravens so he's good to go there.
Like Gatrie, Chap grows into a total tank thanks to his 75 HP/55 def growths; however, while his strength picks up somewhat quickly with a 45% growth, I can't say the same for his speed growth, which is the same as Gatrie's. So he has issues doubling all but the slowest enemies. Luckily for him, knight ward exists, which nearly doubles his speed growth to a cool 55%. It helps that Brom's speed base is actually existent (7 spd at Lv8), unlike Gatrie's (5 spd at Lv9). That isn't saying much, since Brom would have to gain around 10 levels for KW to have any noticeable effect. Once he promotes, he actually starts to look good. At 20/1, he has 18 str giving him 28 atk with a steel lance, and assuming we give him the ward from Lv11 onwards, he has 15 AS (for the sake of comparison, he ties 20/1 Boyd in speed). On defense, he has 40 HP/21 def, which basically lols at basically every physically oriented enemy for the next several maps afterwards. Not bad in all honesty. He still has severe mobility problems, though.
However, the knight ward isn't exactly free. The cavaliers all want some time passing the ward around for level ups, and even Neph might want it for the +2 def buffer. KW also makes it a lot harder to use Gatrie in tandem with him, and while Gatrie is not good at all, he might be used to complete support chains or something. So... while Chap is in all likelihood your best investment for the KW, the opportunity cost needs to be applied, and it's quite noticeable.
Brom is water affinity and supports characters that actually want his affinity (unlike Gatrie and his light affinity, and him supporting units that could care less about him). Boyd helps patch his failure atk (for a knight) thanks to his fire affinity, and Zihark gives him +10 avoid (not that he needs it, since he has overkill def). While Neph's aff is one of the worst in the game, she could use the atk and def that Brom dispenses, as well. As for skills, he makes a fine user of Adept, given his high skill (and that fact that he doesn't double for a long time), and Luna can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's if he doubles.
TL;DR: Brom is a decent enough unit, but there's only so much you can do with a knight.
Support suggestion: Brom practically needs atk, so Boyd A/Zihark B.
Band suggestion: KW. He sucks without it.
Base Stats
Neph is an excellent unit, but is heavily overrated. A lot. Go check out the GameFAQ's ratings. I saw some guys give her a perfect score.
In all seriousness, she starts out pretty bad, even worse than Brom. Her base offense is only slightly better than Chap's. With only 8 str, she only has 15 atk with an iron lance, but her spd is 4 higher than her armored friend, so she will double a hell of a lot more. Her durability is a lot worse than Brom's. She gets 2HKO'd by 20 atk (Brom gets 4HKO'd by the same amount), and unfortunately, a lot of the enemies (like, all the lance knights and two armors) have that. She does have innate Wrath to help with her offense, but considering her not-so-great durability early on, it actually doesn't do a whole lot for her at first, and she seriously runs the risk of dying. If you aren't too stingy (or hoarding) with BEXP, then she can get 2-3 levels worth and it won't harm the team significantly.
Fortunately for her, Neph improves quickly. 40% str growth is about average, however, she has a 55% spd growth, so her offense picks up fairly quickly. Defensively, she could be better, but she's doing alright. 55 HP/35 def is about average (same as Oscar), but with only 22 base HP, her durability figures won't ever be as good as Oscar or Kieran's (9 def is pretty good, though), but it is good enough for her to abuse Wrath without getting killed all the time. Once she and others start promoting, she has good offense thanks to her speed and Wrath, and above average durability. Not bad in all honesty.
As for her support affinity, her affinity is probably one of the worst, but all her supports give atk. Brom is probably her best bet since it fixes another problem: her durability. Calill isn't bad either. She makes good use of Resolve or Vantage thanks to her innate Wrath, but if you don't like Wrath for some reason, you could give her Luna.
Also, she's not as good as Aran.
Support suggestion: Brom A/Calill B. I honestly don't give a shit since all her supports give atk.
Band suggestion: Neph really benefits from the knight/wyvern bands. Otherwise, anything with str/def. Don't bother with the KW, her speed is overkill as it is (lol 18 spd at 20/0 and 26 spd by 20/11).
Base Stats
Zihark is the biggest furry on the face of Tellius. However, this is a rating on his usefulness as a unit, not an anti-furry rant.
When he starts off, he's not bad. Assuming you recruit him in one turn (not recommended due to the vigilantes), he doubles everything in his joining chapter except the boss thanks to his 15 AS. With his killing edge, his atk is fairly impressive (relatively speaking, 19 atk on a Lv10 myrmidon is not bad) and he has 36 base crit with it. So his offense is good to start with, and with 45 str/60 spd growths, this continues for his whole existence. His durability isn't as hot; 25 HP/7 def is getting 2HKO'd by most of the common enemies (armors and lance knights) and with 55 HP/30 def growths, this doesn't go away anytime soon. He does well in Chapters 12 and 13 despite not doubling the crows (granted no one's doubling them anyway) since he has laguzslayer access and innate Adept (he only has 13 AS with it at base, but I don't remember any crows having 17 AS so he's safe. To be entirely safe, give him a level of BEXP).
Once out of crow's land, he's likely above average again since he's doubling every enemy in Chapters 14 and 16 (watch for knights) for a 3HKO (with 30+ crit if you still have the KE) at 15/0 (yes, I'm being nice and giving him 5 levels in three chapters). With Adept, he can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's. Not bad in all honesty. It gets even funnier when he does promote. 22 AS/25 crit borders on overkill and 16 str isn't half bad. His only problem mid-game is that people start getting better with 1-2 range, so his offense figures aren't as high as one would expect. His durability is still suspect, but luckily, he's earth affinity and all his supports give def (unlike Mia, who only gets def from Ilyana (who supports with Zihark as well), who as we've discussed is mediocre).
As I said before, he's earth affinity, so his avoid will ultimately be higher than Mia's, and again, as I said, all his supports give def. A Brom/B Muraim (or vice versa) is best, IMO. As for any skills, he works well with Vantage or Resolve. Don't remove his Adept unless you like Astra for some reason (Hint: Astra isn't as good here as it was in GotHW, where it was in the hands of monsters like Shannan and didn't halve atk).
The only thing keeping him down is his lack of 1-2 range that isn't a magic sword.
Support suggestion: Muraim A/Brom B. Brom wants full atk more than avo, and Ilyana sucks.
Band suggestion: He makes good use of the fighter, knight, or soldier bands.
Part 4
Part 6
Have a nice day.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 12/00 30 11 00 10 12 05 10 01
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 60 50 20 50 40 30 40 30
Kieran (JP: Kevin), Oscar's eternal archrival and the red knight. There's not much else to say about him, except that he's the manliest person in Tellius.
He starts off fairly good. 19 atk with an iron axe is decent, and he is doubling most of the enemies in his joining chapter thanks to his 12 AS, 2 rounding every enemy he does double except the armors. Defensively, he's doing alright. 30 HP/10 def is getting 4RKO'd for the most part, and even the strongest enemies 3RKO. Considering the average durability is 3-4RKO'd, this isn't bad. His offense improves quickly thanks to his 50% str growth and 40% speed growth (70% with KW), and while his def is about average, 60 HP/40 def gives acceptable durability.
Chapter 12 and 13 aren't so hot for him since the crows there can reach up to 16 AS, which 2RKO's him at base. However he does well against most human enemies due to their stats sucking for the most part (only sucks against myrms, does well vs. soldiers and good against everything else). At equal levels, he's comparable to Oscar. Against base Kevin, 12/0 Oscar has +1 HP, -1 str, -1 spd, +1 def, and +2 res. Even at 20/1, they are remarkably similar; Kevin has -1 HP, +1 str, -1 skl, +1 spd, -1 def and -2 res on Oscar. Not bad in all honesty. DYK it takes Oscar until Lv13 to tie and surpass Kevin's spd lead? Meanwhile, Kevin takes until 20/15 to beat Oscar's durability lead (Kevin wins str like forever). As for promotion items, he works well with swords or lances.
He only supports 3 people, but thankfully for him, two of them match his move and are uber in their own right. His own affinity is crap (lol wind)but he supports Oscar, who effectively gives him a sharp avoid boost (and it's quick to boot). Marcia is also a good option, seeing as she's the only other Kevin supporter that matches his move (lolRice). Gamble is a crap skill for Kieran, given his shaky hit. I would recommend Sol if you can spare an occult.
His rating:
Support suggestion: Oscar A/Marcia B. You know why.
Band suggestion: Speed isn't one of his strong points, so I guess KW. Soldier also works to give him a durability lead.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 08/00 28 10 01 09 07 04 13 02
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 75 45 10 50 25 20 55 25
Brom would be horrendous without the Knight Ward.
All jokes aside, he does alright for himself when you first get him. 28 HP/13 def gives him good durability, letting him get 4HKO'd at worst at base, and thanks to his 7 AS, the only enemy that can reliably double him is the boss, assuming he doesn't get weighed down. Speaking of that, his offense is god awful without forges. The guy has 17 atk with an iron lance, which is fucking terrible, especially since he can't double (and he only causes 5-7 dmg to the cavaliers. Does well vs myrms, though). Steel lance puts him at 20 atk, but he does run the risk of getting doubled. He does alright in Chapter 12 as well assuming he gets a level in Chapter 11 (or feed him some extra BEXP); his only issue in that chapter is that every crow has 1-2 listed crit on him, but 30 HP/14 def at Lv10 only takes 4x2 damage a round from the 18 atk ravens so he's good to go there.
Like Gatrie, Chap grows into a total tank thanks to his 75 HP/55 def growths; however, while his strength picks up somewhat quickly with a 45% growth, I can't say the same for his speed growth, which is the same as Gatrie's. So he has issues doubling all but the slowest enemies. Luckily for him, knight ward exists, which nearly doubles his speed growth to a cool 55%. It helps that Brom's speed base is actually existent (7 spd at Lv8), unlike Gatrie's (5 spd at Lv9). That isn't saying much, since Brom would have to gain around 10 levels for KW to have any noticeable effect. Once he promotes, he actually starts to look good. At 20/1, he has 18 str giving him 28 atk with a steel lance, and assuming we give him the ward from Lv11 onwards, he has 15 AS (for the sake of comparison, he ties 20/1 Boyd in speed). On defense, he has 40 HP/21 def, which basically lols at basically every physically oriented enemy for the next several maps afterwards. Not bad in all honesty. He still has severe mobility problems, though.
However, the knight ward isn't exactly free. The cavaliers all want some time passing the ward around for level ups, and even Neph might want it for the +2 def buffer. KW also makes it a lot harder to use Gatrie in tandem with him, and while Gatrie is not good at all, he might be used to complete support chains or something. So... while Chap is in all likelihood your best investment for the KW, the opportunity cost needs to be applied, and it's quite noticeable.
Brom is water affinity and supports characters that actually want his affinity (unlike Gatrie and his light affinity, and him supporting units that could care less about him). Boyd helps patch his failure atk (for a knight) thanks to his fire affinity, and Zihark gives him +10 avoid (not that he needs it, since he has overkill def). While Neph's aff is one of the worst in the game, she could use the atk and def that Brom dispenses, as well. As for skills, he makes a fine user of Adept, given his high skill (and that fact that he doesn't double for a long time), and Luna can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's if he doubles.
TL;DR: Brom is a decent enough unit, but there's only so much you can do with a knight.
Support suggestion: Brom practically needs atk, so Boyd A/Zihark B.
Band suggestion: KW. He sucks without it.
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 07/00 22 08 02 10 11 06 09 03
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 55 40 20 55 55 25 35 25
Neph is an excellent unit, but is heavily overrated. A lot. Go check out the GameFAQ's ratings. I saw some guys give her a perfect score.
In all seriousness, she starts out pretty bad, even worse than Brom. Her base offense is only slightly better than Chap's. With only 8 str, she only has 15 atk with an iron lance, but her spd is 4 higher than her armored friend, so she will double a hell of a lot more. Her durability is a lot worse than Brom's. She gets 2HKO'd by 20 atk (Brom gets 4HKO'd by the same amount), and unfortunately, a lot of the enemies (like, all the lance knights and two armors) have that. She does have innate Wrath to help with her offense, but considering her not-so-great durability early on, it actually doesn't do a whole lot for her at first, and she seriously runs the risk of dying. If you aren't too stingy (or hoarding) with BEXP, then she can get 2-3 levels worth and it won't harm the team significantly.
Fortunately for her, Neph improves quickly. 40% str growth is about average, however, she has a 55% spd growth, so her offense picks up fairly quickly. Defensively, she could be better, but she's doing alright. 55 HP/35 def is about average (same as Oscar), but with only 22 base HP, her durability figures won't ever be as good as Oscar or Kieran's (9 def is pretty good, though), but it is good enough for her to abuse Wrath without getting killed all the time. Once she and others start promoting, she has good offense thanks to her speed and Wrath, and above average durability. Not bad in all honesty.
As for her support affinity, her affinity is probably one of the worst, but all her supports give atk. Brom is probably her best bet since it fixes another problem: her durability. Calill isn't bad either. She makes good use of Resolve or Vantage thanks to her innate Wrath, but if you don't like Wrath for some reason, you could give her Luna.
Support suggestion: Brom A/Calill B. I honestly don't give a shit since all her supports give atk.
Band suggestion: Neph really benefits from the knight/wyvern bands. Otherwise, anything with str/def. Don't bother with the KW, her speed is overkill as it is (lol 18 spd at 20/0 and 26 spd by 20/11).
Base Stats
LVL MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 10/00 25 10 01 13 15 06 07 00
MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 55 45 15 50 60 40 30 20
Zihark is the biggest furry on the face of Tellius. However, this is a rating on his usefulness as a unit, not an anti-furry rant.
When he starts off, he's not bad. Assuming you recruit him in one turn (not recommended due to the vigilantes), he doubles everything in his joining chapter except the boss thanks to his 15 AS. With his killing edge, his atk is fairly impressive (relatively speaking, 19 atk on a Lv10 myrmidon is not bad) and he has 36 base crit with it. So his offense is good to start with, and with 45 str/60 spd growths, this continues for his whole existence. His durability isn't as hot; 25 HP/7 def is getting 2HKO'd by most of the common enemies (armors and lance knights) and with 55 HP/30 def growths, this doesn't go away anytime soon. He does well in Chapters 12 and 13 despite not doubling the crows (granted no one's doubling them anyway) since he has laguzslayer access and innate Adept (he only has 13 AS with it at base, but I don't remember any crows having 17 AS so he's safe. To be entirely safe, give him a level of BEXP).
Once out of crow's land, he's likely above average again since he's doubling every enemy in Chapters 14 and 16 (watch for knights) for a 3HKO (with 30+ crit if you still have the KE) at 15/0 (yes, I'm being nice and giving him 5 levels in three chapters). With Adept, he can turn some 2RKO's into ORKO's. Not bad in all honesty. It gets even funnier when he does promote. 22 AS/25 crit borders on overkill and 16 str isn't half bad. His only problem mid-game is that people start getting better with 1-2 range, so his offense figures aren't as high as one would expect. His durability is still suspect, but luckily, he's earth affinity and all his supports give def (unlike Mia, who only gets def from Ilyana (who supports with Zihark as well), who as we've discussed is mediocre).
As I said before, he's earth affinity, so his avoid will ultimately be higher than Mia's, and again, as I said, all his supports give def. A Brom/B Muraim (or vice versa) is best, IMO. As for any skills, he works well with Vantage or Resolve. Don't remove his Adept unless you like Astra for some reason (Hint: Astra isn't as good here as it was in GotHW, where it was in the hands of monsters like Shannan and didn't halve atk).
The only thing keeping him down is his lack of 1-2 range that isn't a magic sword.
Support suggestion: Muraim A/Brom B. Brom wants full atk more than avo, and Ilyana sucks.
Band suggestion: He makes good use of the fighter, knight, or soldier bands.
Part 4
Part 6
Have a nice day.
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