Sunday, 21 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 8)

Chapter 17: Everybody Loves Raven

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Bartre, Matthew, Serra, Priscilla, Kent, Sain

New Units:

Raven (Lv5 Mercenary)
Bases: 29 HP/10 str/13 skl/15 spd/2 lck/6 def/2 res/8 con Swd C
Growths: 85 HP/55 str/40 skl/45 spd/35 lck/25 def/15 res
Supports: Bartre, Rebecca, Priscilla, Wil, Lucius

Summary: Everybody loves Raven, and really, who wouldn't? He joins with ridiculous offensive parameters for a Lv5 merc joining in Chapter 17, and has decent to high growths in all three. However, his bulk is only average despite packing a high HP stat. He is also most susceptible to being RNG raped... NOT!

Lucius (Lv3 Monk)
Bases: 18 HP/7 mag/6 skl/10 spd/2 lck/1 def/6 res/6 con Lgt D
Growths: 55 HP/60 mag/50 skl/40 spd/20 lck/10 def/60 res
Supports: Serra, Priscilla, Raven, Karel, Renault

Summary: Take Erk, give him more magic and resistance, but give him a worse magic type and you've got Lucius. The main draw to using him is that after promotion, he can immediately use high end staves such as Restore and Barrier. He also looks like a trap, and probably is one.

Chapter Summary:
The main difficulty that could stem from this map stems from the two tile wide corridor that starts near the bottom of the map and leads to the throne room; the trick is to find a mounted unit that can both deal heavy damage to the armors while also being able to counter archers. Because of this, the only candidates I have who could accomplish this task are Sain and Marcus, as they are the only ones with the power and bulk to both heavily dent the armors and ORKO the archers (my Sain has 14 str/12 spd, which allows him to double and 2HKO every archer on this map with a javelin).

Also, Raven. He's not too hard to recruit since he starts barrelling towards the player's position after a couple of turns. And his arrival is fairly appreciated, as I'm lacking in offensive powerhouses (Lyn is just one person and Guy is a wimp, not a powerhouse).

There is also some pretty good swag on this map, but the room with the knight crest and silver sword is too far away for me to simply haul Matt's sorry ass over to grab in any reasonable span of time while also getting the hero crest and unlock staff. Thankfully, there's an enemy thief that will try to pilfer both chests on turn 7, so I can let the thief do his thing and kill him later to grab the last item he stole. In this case, the knight crest is the more desirable item, as a promoted Oswin will be key in dealing with several mid-to-lategame maps, and I'd rather have him promoted ASAP. The silver sword is mostly superfluous as the only units that can use it ATM are Lyn and Marcus.

The last thing to note are the three green soldiers in the cell with Lucius. One needs to keep at least one of them alive in order to access the gaiden, but what reward the player gets depends on how many survive. If all three NPC soldiers survive the map, the player can obtain a red gem, which is more desirable than either the mine (the other mines I obtain in this run will be sufficient to perform the mine glitch I will be using to obtain the uber spear later on) or the light rune. Thankfully, they don't start exiting the cell until turn 8.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Hector and Oswin tee off by OHKOing a knight and a merc, respectively. Kent chips the samurai with a javelin, allowing Sain to kill him.
EP: Sain kills the two archers on the SW side of the map. Lyn gets attacked by the two archers on the SE side of the map. Hector kills a nomad.

Turn 2: Hector kills one of the archers with Lyn's help. Sain moves N to kill the short bow archer in the hallway. Oswin chips the other archer.
EP: Lyn dodges the archer that Oswin chipped. Hector chips and almost kills the steel sword cav.

Turn 3: Oswin and Eli mop up the remaining enemies near the entrance. Sain runs up to the armor using a javelin. Lyn gets dropped next to hector by Priscilla and Kent. Matt heads towards the S chest room.
EP: Kent further weakens the knight. Sain kills an archer and chips both an armor knight and a nomad. Matt dodges a dark mage guarding the chest room. Raven starts moving.

Turn 4: Hector removes the knight, allowing Sain to kill the steel lance cavalier. Matt and Bartre team up to kill the dark mage. Oswin moves S to intercept some reinforcements.
EP: Sain kills one of the nomads and chips the other.

Turn 5: Priscilla heals Sain. Sain and Kent move to block the archer next to Raven. Lyn kills the nomad. Matt opens the door to the S chest room.
EP: Kent chips both archers.

Turn 6: Lyn and Hector take out the archers that Kent weakened. Priscilla recruits Raven. Raven heads E to recruit Lucius. Kent heals himself with Hector's vulnerary while Sain chips the KE thief. Matt pilfers the unlock staff.
EP: The KE thief pilfers the silver sword. The other thief leaves.

Turn 7: Raven kills the lone archer guarding the prison room. Hector kills the archer that Kent drew in. Sain moves in to block the other archer from leaving. Matt pilfers the hero crest.
EP: The thief pilfers the knight crest. Oswin starts engaging the reinforcements.

Turn 8: Kent kills the thief. Hector and Lyn keep moving towards the throne room.
EP: Sain gets attacked by an archer. Lyn gets attacked by a knight.

Turn 9: I rescue drop Lyn into the throne room with Hector and Prsicilla. Kent and Sain move in to kill the knight. Raven recruits Lucius.
EP: Lucius draws in one of the throne room armors and a mage. Lyn gets attacked by the other knight.

Turn 10: Lyn and Hector kill the boss. Kent and Sain kill two of the archers in the central room. Oswin continues to engage the reinforcements.
EP: The archer kills one of the soldiers (one of the others kills himself on NPC phase). Oswin kills all but one of the enemy reinforcements.

Turn 11: Oswin kills the last of the reinforcements. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 11/61

Ending Thoughts:
I fucking hate the NPC soldiers. Would it have killed IS to give them more competent AI? Or perhaps non-shit stats? Either way, I lost my red gem.

Oswin reaches Lv18 and caps strength. However, he is royally speed screwed. Hopefully, this will not bite him in the ass in later maps.

If you're wondering why my Raven has 11 str at base, that's because I did some RNG abuse in Chapter 16 to ensure I got the best possible Raven I could get.

This will probably be the last map I deploy Kent, as Sain is just plain better than him in every respect.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     12/ 0   30 16 11  9  8 16  3 13 Axe B
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        13/ 0   33 12 16 18 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 0   37 20 13  6  7 20 11 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Priscilla   4/ 0   17  7  7  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain       11/ 0   29 15  8 13  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        9/ 0   26  9 11 14  2  7  5  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C

Raven       5/ 0   29 11 13 15  2  6  2  8 Swd C
Lucius      6/ 0   19 10  6 12  2  2  9  6 Lgt D

Supports: None

Swag List:
Hero crest
Knight crest
Unlock staff


Have a nice day.

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