Thursday, 18 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 4)

Chapter 13x: Squeal Like A Pig

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Defense map. The idea is to camp your units on the center island, which certainly is a viable strategy, but I prefer routing the map, because exp. Also, playing defensively is kind of difficult at first due to a lack of durable units. Also, Fog of War. If you have Matt with you and have him use the torch, you can make this trivial at best.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Matt takes the torch from Eliwood and lights up the map. Hector moves in to block the samurai, while Oswin gets ferried by Lowen (who is also blocking the enemies to the west) and Marcus to block the archer next to Merlinus. Bartre picks up Merlinus.
EP: The enemies next to the boss break down the snags next to them. The bandits on the SE part of the map also start to break their snags. Hector kills the samurai he weakened, and Lowen gets attacked by a mage. Guy and Oswin chip one of the bandits and an archer, respectively.

Turn 2: Dorcas trades Merlinus from Bartre. Matthew kills the archer Oswin weakened. Guy finishes off the bandit. Oswin and Eli team up on another bandit. Marcus critkills a third bandit. Lowen and Hector move up to protect Eliwood. Bartre plugs the west chokepoint and attacks the archer.
EP: Eli gets attacked by a merc and a nomad. Oswin chips a bandit. Bartre chips the mage. Marcus gets mugged by a samurai and a nomad.

Turn 3: Marcus heads E to grab the house. Eli and Lowen retreat back onto the center island, where Serra heals the latter. Bartre kills the archer. Hector and Oswin head NW, chipping a nomad and killing a bandit, respectively.
EP: The mage and nomad retreat. Bartre gets attacked by a samurai. Hector and Oswin chip at the NW reinforcements. Lowen gets attacked by two nomads and the merc.

Turn 4: Serra heals Bartre. Marcus visits the house for 5000 gold. Oswin and Hector continue to pound away at the reinforcements and clear a path to the boss. Lowen kills the merc, freeing Eli to chip one of the nomads. Guy retreats and chugs down a vulnerary.
EP: More chipping away at the NW enemies by Hector and Oswin. Guy critkills a bandit.

Turn 5: Lowen, Eli, and Marcus kill the two remaining nomads (Matt had to trade Lowen his sword afterwards). Hector kills a bandit that Oswin chipped previously, while Oswin does the same for a merc. Guy and Bartre continue killing bandits.
EP: Hector gets mugged by several reinforcements. Bartre kills the samurai and chips a brigand.

Turn 6: Hector and Oswin clear out the samurai directly blocking the path to Puzon. Bartre kills the remaining bandit near his chokepoint. Matt takes his sword back from Lowen and kills a bandit, while Eli chips the other.
EP: Puzon and Oswin trade blows. More enemies attack Oswin and Eli.

Turn 7: Oswin kills Puzon. Hector moves in and kills a nomad. Marcus kills the mage. Guy critkills a nomad.
EP: Most of the NW enemies attack Hector. Guy takes out another bandit.

Turns Taken: 8/28

Ending Thoughts:
Really sucks ass that Eli is still a horrendous piece of shit. Though, thankfully, he's getting better. Ah well. Like father, like son. Take note of that quote, FE6 players.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      7/ 0   25 13  7  7  5 12  2 13 Axe B

Eliwood     4/ 0   21  8  7  9  8  6  2  7 Swd C
Matthew     8/ 0   24  6  7 16  6  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       4/ 0   18  4  6 11  8  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      12/ 0   31 15 10  6  5 16  6 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       4/ 0   24  8  6  8  4  9  0 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      4/ 0   31  8  7  6  4  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      5/ 0   32 12  7  6  4  7  0 13 Axe D 
Guy         5/ 0   26  9 14 15  5  6  1  5 Swd C 


Swag List:


Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. I guess you didn't bother to attempt to kill Puzon using Eliwood in order to play safe? Oh well, chapter 13x is a pain to me to rout all enemies on effectively, and I assume Bartre and Guy took care of the southwest fortress area? Nice playthrough so far.
