Thursday, 18 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 5)

Chapter 14: Benedict Eric

New Units:

Erk (Lv1 Mage)
Bases: 17 HP/5 mag/6 skl/7 spd/3 lck/2 def/4 res/5 con Anm D
Growths: 65 HP/40 mag/40 skl/50 spd/30 lck/20 def/40 res
Supports: Serra, Priscilla, Pent, Louise, Nino

Summary: Erk is a loser. He's useful early on as magic is one of the only real efficient ways of killing armors, and he is somewhat fast to boot. However, like Lugh in FE6, he received the short end of the stick in terms of competition with other magic users, as Lucius and Canas have more desirable properties, and Pent basically moons him forever.

Priscilla (Lv3 Troubadour)
Bases: 16 HP/6 mag/6 skl/8 spd/7 lck/3 def/6 res/4 con Stf C
Growths: 45 HP/40 mag/50 skl/40 spd/65 lck/15 def/50 res
Supports: Oswin, Guy, Erk, Sain, Raven, Lucius, Heath

Summary: Priscilla is basically Serra if she traded the Barbie girl persona for a pony. Like all healers, getting enough exp to promote at a reasonable time is a pain in the ass. She is still more useful than Serra because of the pony.

Chapter Summary:
Another rout. This map wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that it constantly rains. When it is raining on the map, all units get their movement halved, rounded down, with the exception of pony riders, who get theirs quartered instead (nomads are exempt from this rule). Another thing to note on this map is the boss. Those who have played HNM might recall this asshole having a silver lance, but for whatever reason, he has a ridersbane in HHM, which ironically makes him easier since he only has 17 attack with it (unless he's attacking a pony rider, in which case, he hits as hard as he did in HNM). And lastly, one does not have to visit the south house to recruit Priscilla; she will recruit herself so long as Erk is recruited and the house she is in is not destroyed.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Hector kills the soldier just E of the iron blade house, allowing Lowen to pick up Erk. Oswin heads W to draw in the mercenaries, with Marcus and Guy right behind him. Bartre parks himself east to intercept the enemies there.
EP: Oswin draws in both mercs, killing one of them. Bartre kills four soldiers and chips an armor.

Turn 2: Eliwood kills the merc that Oswin weakened. Guy and Marcus take out the two archers. Hector and Oswin take out two of the soldiers. Bartre moves NW to guard Merlinus. Lowen drops Erk, who gets recruited by Serra.
EP: More soldier killing by Oswin. Bartre kills one of the pegs, while Guy kills the other. The E armor runs back and heals.

Turn 3: Erk kills the armor blocking the path to the iron blade house, which Lowen visits. Marcus and Guy head S to save Priscilla's house and kill the two cavaliers there. Oswin and Hector team up on an archer. Bartre heads E to kill the armor that ran off.
EP: Eric and Oswin trade blows. He also chips a merc and a cavalier. Marcus kills one of the cavs and chips the other. The pirate he chipped dies on him as well.

Turn 4: Eli takes out the cav that Oswin weakened, as does Matt with the merc. Hector chips at Eric with the hand axe before Oswin takes him out. Marcus and Guy finish off their respective enemies. Lowen heads W to draw in the samurai and the bandit reinforcements.
EP: Hector chips a bandit and kills a cav. Oswin chips another cav while Lowen draws in the samurai.

Turn 5: Hector, Erk, and Matt kill the enemies that were weakened last turn. Lowen chips a bandit while Oswin heads W.
EP: Not much, besides Lowen killing a bandit and chipping another.

Turn 6: Oswin, Hector, and Lowen head SW. Erk kills the last bandit. Marcus heads to the shoppe and buys 2 each of iron swords, iron lances, and iron axes while Guy buys a heal staff and a fire book.
EP: lol

Turn 7: All units that are able head W.
EP: Oswin draws in a nomad.

Turn 8: All my units gang up on the remaining enemies, killing two of them. Marcus visits Priscilla's house.
EP: Erk kills the last cav.

Turns Taken: 8/36

Ending Thoughts:
Well, well, shit. Eliwood is seriously starting to get underleveled. Not to mention that it's already hard as hell to get him kill exp since his stats suck. Gotta find more opportunities for him to get kills.

Also, not too impressed with my TC for this map. I remember clearing this map in six turns last time. FML.

As for my stats, if you're wondering why Bartre has roughly the equivalent of his 14/0 speed average at Lv7, that's because I rigged his level ups so he would gain speed. Likewise, I've been doing the same thing with Oswin's res, in order to make two future maps a little more tolerable.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      8/ 0   26 14  8  7  6 13  2 13 Axe B

Eliwood     4/ 0   21  8  7  9  8  6  2  7 Swd C
Matthew     8/ 0   24  6  7 16  6  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       4/ 0   18  4  6 11  8  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      13/ 0   32 15 11  6  5 17  7 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       4/ 0   24  8  6  8  4  9  0 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      4/ 0   31  8  7  6  4  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      7/ 0   34 13  8  8  4  8  0 13 Axe D 
Guy         5/ 0   26  9 14 15  5  6  1  5 Swd C 

Erk         3/ 0   18  5  7  9  5  2  4  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Iron Blade
Lucky Charm


Have a nice day.

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