Monday, 22 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 11)

Chapter 19: Hawk-Eye Uhai

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Matthew, Oswin, Bartre, Raven, Canas, Lucius, Priscilla, Florina, Sain

New Units:

Dart (Lv8 Pirate)
Bases: 34 HP/12 str/8 skl/8 spd/3 lck/6 def/1 res/10 con Axe B
Growths: 70 HP/65 str/20 skl/65 spd/35 lck/20 def/15 res
Supports: Rebecca, Wil, Geitz, Farina, Karel

Summary: Dart would be amazing if it were not for the fact that the item that he needs to promote is really valuable. Seriously, the gold obtained from selling it could mean the difference between recruiting Farina and not being able to. Which sucks ass, since his offensive parameters are top tier if trained.

Fiora (Lv7 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 21 HP/8 str/11 skl/13 spd/6 lck/6 def/7 res/5 con Lnc C
Growths: 70 HP/35 str/60 skl/50 spd/30 lck/20 def/50 res
Supports: Eliwood, Florina, Kent, Sain, Geitz, Farina, Pent

Summary: Fiora is basically Florina if she joined later with her average stats at 8/0. Like Flo, her starting combat is kind of bad, and having worse growths in str/spd does not help. Still, she flies. That helps.

Chapter Summary: 
The objective of this map is to defeat the turd named Uhai, who is tucked away in the southeast corner of the map in an area covered with forest, making him fairly difficult to get to quickly. It also doesn't help that most of the enemies in this area consists of cavaliers and nomads, which typically have enough AS to avoid getting doubled by the player's cavalry. There is also fog of war on this map, so bring torches and/or thieves.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven and Lucius head E, taking out a pirate. Bartre breaks down the snag on the central island with his hand axe, allowing Oswin to move onto the island. Hector and Lyn move S.
EP: Raven gets mauled by two pegs and two nomads (this was a very dangerous EP for him as he needed to dodge at least 1 attack at ~60 hit rates). Oswin takes out a nomad and chips a cav. Lyn kills two cavaliers.

Turn 2: Lucius and Raven take out the two NE nomads. Florina removes the lone peg to the N of the island. Dart breaks down the snag, allowing Oswin and Canas to take out a cavalier, Sain to take out a pirate, and Bartre to chip the longbow nomad.
EP: Sain takes out two pirates, chips two cavaliers, and gets shot at by two nomads. Lyn kills two pegs.

Turn 3: Hector kills one of the center isle cavaliers from across the river. Canas and Oswin help clear out more of the enemies, allowing Sain to KO the thief. Florina recruits Fiora after the latter was rescued by Eliwood and Priscilla. Fiora then picks up Raven.
EP: Matthew gets shot at by one of the nomads, while the other attacks Lyn. Sain kills a cavalier and whiffs a monk.

Turn 4: Fiora gives Raven to Hector. Oswin kills the monk that attacked Sain. Lucius and Eli kill a pirate reinforcement while Florina takes out a peg reinforcement. Lyn trades her vulnerary to Sain, who then heals himself.
EP: Sain draws in a samurai and three nomads. Florina and Eli continue to fight the reinforcements.

Turn 5: Raven, Oswin, and Sain help clear out the enemies near Uhai's position. Eliwood kills another pirate.
EP: More reinforcement killing. And some more nomads attack Lyn and Sain.

Turn 6: Lyn and Raven take out two of the remaining nomads. Oswin throws a hand axe at the boss, but misses. Canas gets ferried southward by Bartre and Fiora.
EP: Not much happens here.

Turn 7: Lyn chips at Uhai with the MK. Canas chips at the nomad. Raven kills Uhai.

Turns Taken: 7/78

Ending Thoughts:
Raven just needs a couple more levels so he can cap crucial stats in preparation for his promotion.

Eli is 'starting' to catch up, but how soon I can get him to a competent level remains to be seen, especially considering that I need the levels of my lordlings to add up to 50 by a certain map.

Unit Levels: 
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     13/ 0   31 16 11  9  9 17  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        14/ 0   34 12 17 19 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    11/ 0   24  7  7 17  8  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   5/ 0   18  8  7  8  8  3  7  4 Stf C
Sain       12/ 0   30 16  8 13  8 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven      11/ 0   35 17 17 19  6  9  3  8 Swd C  
Lucius      7/ 0   20 11  6 13  3  2 10  6 Lgt C 
Canas      11/ 0   24 13 11 11  8  6  9  7 Drk B 
Dart        8/ 0   34 12  8  8  3  6  1 10 Axe B
Fiora       7/ 0   21  8 11 13  6  6  7  5 Lnc C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Torch (staff)
Orion bolt


Have a nice day.

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