Tuesday, 16 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 1)

Chapter 11: Thy Name is Hector

New Units:

Hector (Lv1 Lord)
Bases: 19 HP/7 str/4 skl/5spd/3 lck/8 def/0 res/13 con  Axe C
Growths: 90 HP/60 str/45 skl/35 spd/30 lck/50 def/25 res
Supports: Eliwood, Lyn, Florina, Farina, Matthew, Oswin, Serra

Summary: Our lord and savior. He's forced on every map, so might as well make the most of him. Of the three lords, he specializes in raw power and bulk, but has a mediocre speed stat. He also promotes really late, meaning that he ends up getting overshadowed once other units start promoting.

Matthew (Lv2 Thief)
Bases: 18 HP/4 str/4 skl/11 spd/2 lck/3 def/0 res/6 con Swd D
Growths: 75 HP/30 str/40skl/70 spd/50 lck/25 def/20 res
Supports: Hector, Guy, Legault, Jaffar, Oswin, Serra

Summary: Matthew is a thief. He steals stuff and can use lockpicks to open doors. And he's in pretty high demand early on since the player doesn't get another thief until Chapter 20, and alternate means of opening chests and doors are scarce. However, like any good thief, he has the durability of untreated glass and hits like a girl.

Chapter Summary:
This is an easy map, even if you didn’t train Matt in Lyn Mode (or if you skipped LM). Just kill the turd named Wire to win this map.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Hector uses his hand axe to chip at the wall. Matt removes the remainder of the wall's HP, breaking it.
EP: Nothing significant happens here, other than the soldier and archer in the room NW of the chest moving to block the door.

Turn 2: Hector kills the solder while Matt chips at the archer.
EP: The archer attacks Matt, blocking the doorway.

Turn 3: Matt kills the archer. Hector moves into the NW room and takes the potion from Matt.
EP: The thief opens the south door to the chest room.

Turn 4: Matt opens the door. Hector moves SW in front of Matt.
EP: The thief pilfers the red gem chest.

Turn 5: Hector moves W. Matt backtracks to intercept the red gem thief.
EP: Hector gets attacked by an archer and a soldier, killing the latter.

Turn 6: Hector parks himself next to Wire and uses his potion.
EP: Wire and Hector trade blows, while an archer attacks the latter.

Turn 7: Matt steals the red gem. Hector kills Wire.

Turns Taken: 7/7

Ending Thoughts:
I’m off to a good start. I’m expecting good things out of Hector, as usual.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      2/ 0   20  8  4  5  3  9  0 13 Axe C
Matthew     6/ 0   22  5  7 14  5  3  0  7 Swd D


Red Gem


Have a nice day.

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