Sunday, 21 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 10)

Chapter 18: WE ARE

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Priscilla, Canas, Matthew

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Another defense map, with the secondary objective of killing the turd named Zoldam. While powering one's way to the boss is relatively easy, even without Marcus, the boss himself is quite threatening, wielding a 15 atk, 26 crit Luna book that negates resistance. At this point in the game, a Luna crit will OHKO pretty much anybody one has without a doubt, so watch out for that.

There are also some nice items to steal here, in particular the elysian whip held by one of the starting pegasus knights to the northwest of the player's start point and the celestial ring that is held by the boss, so look out for those.

Also, the shoppes located on the central boat are the last shoppes that the player can visit before Chapter 21, so make sure to stock up. I decided to sell the lucky charm and one of the secret books to garner enough cash to buy what I need.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin and Lyn each chip a mercenary for Raven and Canas to kill. Hector kills a dark mage. Bartre parks himself in the range of two pegs.
EP: Hector kills another dark mage. Bartre kills a pegasus knight. Oswin chips one of the mercs on the E boat. Lyn dodges an archer.

Turn 2: Matt steals the elysian whip from the peg,w ho is then killed by Bartre. Lyn kills the archer she wss attacked by last round while Hector kills one of the pegs. Priscilla heals Raven, who then kills the archer. Oswin kills the E shaman. Canas kills the merc that Oswin weakened.
EP: Oswin kills the longsword merc and chips a second merc. Canas chips another one of the mercs while the rest of the enemies attack Hector.

Turn 3: I take out the remaining mercenaries on the central boat with Bartre, Canas, and Raven. Lyn and Hector move in to board the W boat.
EP: Hector chips one of the nosferatu dark mages, and fails to counter because I forgot to put his other hand axe in the second slot.

Turn 4: Matt kills the dark mage that Hector chipped. Canas enters the shoppe and buys four hand axes and two javelins, as well as one more of each steel weapon. Hector takes out the second dark mage.
EP: Oswin kills the armor cutter samurai. Hector kills another dark mage.

Turn 5: Hector and Bartre kill two of the peg reinforcements. The rest of my party heads for the boss.
EP: Hector kills both of the shaman reinforcements. Bartre and Oswin kill more peg reinforcements.

Turn 6: Matt steals the celestial ring and gets picked up by Priscilla. Canas runs into the vendor and buys two heal staves and a light book. Raven kills the boss.

Turns Taken: 6/71

Ending Thoughts:
Bartre and Canas have both reached Lv10, thereby making them eligible for promotion, but I'm actually going to wait a bit before either of them promote.

As for Raven, he's almost Lv9, and managed to get a couple of defense procs on the side, which is kind of nice.

Oh, and if it means anything, Oswin reached D axes.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     13/ 0   31 16 11  9  9 17  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        13/ 0   33 12 16 18 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    10/ 0   24  7  7 17  8  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe C
Priscilla   4/ 0   17  7  7  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain       11/ 0   29 15  8 13  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        9/ 0   26  9 11 14  2  7  5  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven       8/ 0   32 14 15 17  4  8  3  8 Swd C  
Lucius      6/ 0   19 10  6 12  2  2  9  6 Lgt C  
Canas      10/ 0   23 12 10 10  7  5  9  7 Drk B

Supports: None

Swag List:
Elysian whip
Celestial ring


Have a nice day.

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