Wednesday, 24 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 14)

Chapter 20: Darin's Last Stand

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Raven, Oswin, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Priscilla, Florina, Sain, Matthew

New Units:

Legault (Lv12 Thief)
Bases: 29 HP/9 str/13 skl/17 spd/10 lck/9 def/3 res/9 con Swd C
Growths: 60 HP/25 str/45 skl/60 spd/60 lck/25 def/25 res
Supports: Matthew, Isadora, Heath, Nino, Jaffar

Summary: Take Matthew, have him join 14 maps later with competent bases, and Legault is the result. While he isn't a total wuss at combat, it's still best to only field him when there's loot to be obtained on that map. One can only do so much with a thief.

Chapter Summary:
I don't know about anyone else, but I think this is a pretty tough map. The layout of the map is designed to waste the player's time, particularly if one is trying to recruit Legault in a timely fashion. The corridor leading up to the throne is one tile wide in many places and two tiles wide at max, making it fairly hard to break through the group of cavaliers and nomads that will inevitably clog up the space. The cavaliers have 28-29 HP and 7-8 def with 7-9 AS while the nomads have 22-25 HP and 5-6 def with 9-11 AS, so most units will have issues ORKOing them.

One can obtain some pretty good items here, between the stuff in the chest and the items in the secret shoppe. However, while the chests are fairly trivial to obtain, the two secret shoppes are too out of the way to visit, and I can only get the VIP card on the final turn at the earliest.

Darin is somewhat hard to kill thanks to a meaty 38/16/14 bulk coupled with his throne bonuses. Thankfully, his class makes him really weak to armor killing weapons, so if Hector has uses remaining on the wolf beil, use it! Eliwood and Lyn can also use their prfs, but they are far weaker and less bulky than Hector is.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Priscilla unlocks the door to the center building, allowing Raven to enter the room and kill the archer. Matt opens the door to the brave bow building, allowing Bartre to kill the archer there. Lyn and Eliwood help take down an armor knight.
EP: Eliwood kills another knight, and dodges a mage. Canas chips the killer bow archer.

Turn 2: Raven chips at the wall with his hand axe. Lucius kills the mage that attacked Eli. Sain and Eli take out the cavalier blocking Hector and Oswin's way while Matt grabs the brave bow. Canas kills the archer.
EP: Hector chips Cameron. A couple of nomads suicide themselves on Raven while the rest of the enemies go towards the corridor.

Turn 3: Bartre kills the knight that attacked Sain previously. Hector chips Cameron, allowing Eli to kill him. Lyn takes out the cav while Oswin kills the nomad. Raven kills the mercenary that spawned last turn.
EP: Oswin kills one of the remaining cavaliers, but fails to kill the others because the troubadour decided to move in the dead cav's spot.

Turn 4: Eliwood kills the troubadour after Sain opened the door and Oswin went inside. Hector, Lyn, and Florina help take out the last of the cavaliers.
EP: Bartre takes out two of the reinforcements. Canas chips one of the archer reinforcements. Oswin kills two knights and chips two fighters. Raven opens the door, at which point, I have Priscilla pick him up.

Turn 5: Priscilla unlocks the door, at which point, I drop Raven. Canas kills the archer he weakened previously.
EP: Raven takes out the four dark mages next to Darin. Canas and Bartre kill more reinforcements.

Turn 6: Raven engages Darin. Lucius chips the merc. Matt grabs the Luna chest.
EP: Raven and Darin trade blows. The merc reinforcement dies on Lucius, as do the fighter and archer reinforcements on Canas.

Turn 7: Eliwood kills Darin. Lyn recruits Legault, who then steals the VIP card. Matt grabs the blue gem chest. Bartre, Oswin, Florina, Lucius, and Sain finish off some scrubs. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 7/103

Ending Thoughts:
The good news is that Eliwood's level deficit has been lessened thanks to a couple of boss kills. The bad news is that he still has a deficit.

Also, Lv2 Oswin with B axes lol. Behold the power of the devil axe. But seriously, don't use it. 1 time out of 5 or so, it'll backfire and the user will only hurt himself. I've seen videos of people killing themselves using the devil axe on a wall.

Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Florina, and Sain are really shaping up quite nicely. Bet I'll be able to promote them soon.

Matthew is getting absolutely nowhere. He's the same level as Legault and yet has worse stats in every parameter except speed, and he only wins that by 1 (if we're taking con into account, Leggy has better AS anyway). So, yeah. Matt isn't getting fielded after this map, but his earlier contributions will not be forgotten.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     16/ 0   34 18 13 11  9 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    11/ 0   28 12 12 14 12  9  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    12/ 0   26  8  7 18  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe B
Bartre     13/ 0   40 18 12 13  6 12  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   6/ 0   19  9  8  9  9  3  8  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    11/ 0   23 10 16 18 14  6 10  4 Lnc B 
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     11/ 0   23 14  8 15  3  2 14  6 Lgt C
Canas      14/ 0   26 15 12 12 10  7 12  7 Drk A

Legault    12/ 0   28  9 14 17 10  9  4  9 Swd C 


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Brave bow
Blue gem
Celestial ring
VIP card
Killer bow


Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Combined lv. accumulation for your lords is 43, which is nice. Also nice job getting a 7-turn count on this map knowing the easy chokepoints with tough enemies and the many branching paths for extra loot.

    You aren't missing out much on secret shop loot, except maybe a physic staff, but you get another secret shop opportunity about 2 maps later anyway that also sells them if I recall correctly which you can send Isadora to buy one.

    Ultimately maybe it's possible to kill the warrior boss with Eliwood since he's a forced deploy on this map anyway, but nice going so far though.
