Tuesday, 16 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (Intro)

Hello to all.

I've probably made several threads with this topic already, but I started a new playthrough of Blazing Sword, mostly to take my mind off... certain things. As per usual, I will be playing this on Hector Hard mode, with Lyn Hard mode used to power up a couple of units that are usable in that mode.

Anyway, the rules:

- Get a low turn count to the best of my ability, and preferably without overuse of Marcus.
- All units must be recruited and alive by game's end, including one of Geitz/Wallace and Harken/Karel.
- While I may use LHM to power up units, I may not use the Chapter 9 Knight Crest on either Kent or Sain.
- All side chapters must be played, including Chapter 19xx.

I will also be listing what units I will be deploying, as well as my levels at the end of the map and the loot I obtained over the course of the map. Any new units that I obtain will also be listed in some detail before the turn by turn analysis.

Now, I would've liked to record this run myself, but unfortunately, my VBA recorder doesn't like to synch sound, so I will simply write down what I did during each turn. However, I will not log what I did in LHM, since I had already started LHM and forgot to write down my turncounts for that mode. I will, at least, put in my units' stats.

Anyway, some crucial lists:

Stat Boosters Obtained:
Ch12 Secret Book  
Ch14 Lucky Charm     (sold)
Ch15 Dracoshield  
Ch17 Secret Book     (sold)
Ch19x Lucky Charm 
Ch19xx Dracoshield
Ch19xx Talisman
Ch22 Seraph Robe      Canas
Ch23 Body Ring 
Ch23x Afa’s Drops     Heath
Ch27 Talisman
Ch28 Boots
Ch28x Seraph Robe 
Ch28x Speedwing 
Ch30 Speedwing 
Ch31 Dracoshield
Ch31 Body Ring

Promotion Items Obtained:
Ch17 Knight Crest     Oswin
Ch17 Hero Crest       Raven
Ch18 Elysian Whip     Florina
Ch18 Celestial Ring   Canas
Ch19 Orion Bolt       (sold)
Ch20 Celestial Ring   Lucius
Ch21 Elysian Whip     Heath
Ch21 Hero Crest       Bartre
Ch22 Knight Crest     Sain
Ch23 Ocean Seal       (sold)
Ch23 Celestial Ring   (sold)
Ch24 Animate Seal     (sold)
Ch24 Orion Bolt       (sold)
Ch25 Elysian Whip     (sold)
Ch26 Heaven Seal      Lyn
Ch27 Hero Crest       (sold)
Ch28 Animate Seal     (sold)
Ch28x Heaven Seal     Eliwood
Ch28x Fell Contract   Legault

Turn Count:
Ch11: 7
Ch12: 6
Ch13: 7
Ch13x: 8
Ch14: 8
Ch15: 8
Ch16: 6
Ch17: 11
Ch17x: 4
Ch18: 6
Ch19: 7
Ch19x: 10
Ch19xx: 8
Ch20: 7
Ch21: 6
Ch22: 8
Ch23: 8
Ch23x: 8
Ch24: 5
Ch25: 6
Ch26: 12
Ch27: 12
Ch28: 16
Ch28x: 9
Ch29: 8
Ch30: 9
Ch31: 12
Ch31x: 6

These lists will be updated as I progress through the game.

Have a nice day.

Index of Chapters:

Thy Name is Hector
Birds of a Feather Flock Together
You can't Handle The Truth
Squeal Like a Pig
Benedict Eric
Laus Castle Defense
Noble Goat Demon of Caelin
Everybody Loves Raven
Davy Back Fight
Hawk-Eye Uhai
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Magic
Secret Missing Chapter of Fire Emblem
Darin's Last Stand
Fire Emblem - A New Hope
Thria Fortress Defense
1001 Nabatian Nights
Genesis Does What Nintendon't
Decay of the Fangs
Miniature Fire Emblem 4 Map
The Uber Spear
Winter Wasteland
Hardest Map Ever
Infernal Ele- wait. Wrong Game.
Manifestation of my Hatred
Great Lord Hector
This is a Message from Lord Nergal
Shop 'Til You Drop
Fire Emblem - Revenge of the Morphs


PS: Here are the stats that my Lyn Mode party ended with at the end of said mode:

Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Lyn        12/ 0   32 12 16 17 12  4  5  5 Swd A
Sain        8/ 0   26 14  7 11  6 11  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        7/ 0   24  8 10 12  2  6  4  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     8/ 0   21  8 12 14 12  6  7  4 Lnc C
Wil         2/ 0   20  6  5  5  6  5  0  7 Bow D
Dorcas      3/ 0   30  7  7  6  3  3  0 14 Axe C
Erk         1/ 0   17  5  6  7  3  2  4  5 Anm D
Serra       3/ 0   18  4  5 10  8  2  7  4 Stf C
Rath        8/ 0   26  9  9 11  5  7  2  7 Bow C
Matthew     6/ 0   22  5  7 14  5  3  0  7 Swd D
Lucius      5/ 0   18  9  6 12  2  1  8  6 Lgt D
Nils        7/--   18  0  0 18 16  7  8  3 --
Wallace    12/ 0   (lol)

Also, if you're interested, here's an image of Lyn tied up with her legs spread apart and her pussy being split by a tight crotch rope.

Have a nice day again.

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