Wednesday, 17 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 3)

Chapter 13: You Can't Handle The Truth

New Units:

Guy (Lv3 Samurai)
Bases: 25 HP/8 str/13 skl/13 spd/5 lck/6 def/1 res/5 con Swd C
Growths: 75 HP/30 str/50 skl/70 spd/45 lck/15 def/25 res
Supports: Matthew, Priscilla, Rath, Louise, Karel

Summary: Guy is unimpressive. He caps speed very quickly thanks to a 70% growth, but his strength is balls. And unlike Lyn, he doesn't get a pony/tin can prf to make up for it. His major contribution in an efficient run is that he's the only character besides Marcus that can double while retaining decent damage, but after Raven joins, fuck him.

Chapter Summary:
Another relatively easy map. How long this map takes is dependent on your units’ starting positions: If you get unlucky with unit placements like I had, this will take a bit longer. Again, Marcus is your friend. Also, Guy. Hate this little prick, though unfortunately, I have to use him for the first 5 maps of his existence since I lack units who double for good damage per hit.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Dorcas trades an iron axe to Hector, who proceeds to move west with Oswin, who breaks down the snag. Eliwood and Bartre head west while Marcus, Lowen, Becky, and Matt head south.
EP: Oswin chips the NW cav. Lowen chips a bandit and gets attacked by an archer. Bartre draws in the W peg. Marcus kills one of the E pegs.

Turn 2: Eli kills the cav. Bartre kills the peg he weakened earlier. Hector and Oswin cross the snag. Becky and Lowen tag team on the bandit that Lowen drew in earlier. Marcus removes the second peg while Matt moves between Becky and Marcus.
EP: Lowen gets attacked by two archers (the steel bow guy dropped him to 3 HP, but he dodged the other guy, avoiding a reset).

Turn 3: Serra heals Lowen. Marcus visits the central house for a mine. Dorcas and Lowen take out the steel bow archer while Matt chips the iron bow d00d. The west group avoids engaging the NW peg for now.
EP: Bartre draws in another peg from the SW corner of the map, while Eli is attacked by the one that parked itself on the torch house. Becky gets attacked by the archer.

Turn 4: Serra heals Becky. Lowen and Matt kill the archer and another bandit, respectively. Oswin breaks down the second snag, allowing Hector to cross. Bartre and Eli kill the two pegs that attacked them. Marcus trades his weapons to Lowen and moves in to draw in Guy.
EP: Marcus draws in Guy and provokes a couple of other enemies. Hector draws in two cavaliers, killing one. Matthew gets attacked by a cavalier and an archer.

Turn 5: Matthew recruits Guy. Lowen trades Marcus's weapons back before killing the cavalier that Matt drew in. Marcus kills the archer. Oswin kills the cav that survived Hector's attack. Eli visits the torch house while Hector chips the archer.
EP: Hector whiffs the archer. Dorcas gets attacked by a soldier and an archer while Matt gets mugged by a soldier and a brigand.

Turn 6: Guy and Lowen kill the two archers while Marcus kills the soldier. I then form another line to protect my frailer units. Hector engages the boss while Oswin and Bartre clean up the remaining enemies near them.
EP: Hector kills the boss, as well as drawing in the W reinforcements (this was actually a fairly dangerous EP for Hec, as he needed to dodge one of either the boss, the cav or the steel lance peg). Guy kills another soldier while Becky and Dorcas get attacked by reinforcements.

Turn 7: Bartre kills the cav that Hector weakened. Matt and Guy team up on the archer reinforcement. Oswin buys a javelin and a hand axe. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 7/20

Ending Thoughts:
Other than a couple of perilous enemy phase encounters, relatively easy map. Gotta love Hector.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      6/ 0   24 12  6  7  4 12  2 13 Axe C

Eliwood     3/ 0   20  7  7  8  7  5  2  7 Swd C
Matthew     8/ 0   24  6  7 16  6  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       4/ 0   18  4  6 11  8  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      10/ 0   29 14 10  5  3 14  4 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       4/ 0   24  8  6  8  4  9  0 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      4/ 0   31  8  7  6  4  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      4/ 0   31 11  6  5  5  6  0 13 Axe D 

Guy         3/ 0   24  8 13 13  5  6  1  5 Swd C 

Swag List:
Killing Edge


Have a nice day.

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