Wednesday, 24 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 13)

Chapter 19xx: Secret Missing Chapter of Fire Emblem

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Raven , Lucius, Canas, Bartre, Priscilla

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
This is another fog of war map, so bring your torches and the like. Also, if one unlocks this chapter, this is the first map where the player encounters status staves, in this case, a troubadour carrying a sleep staff. At this point in the game, it isn't possible to obtain a restore staff, presumably because most players won't even reach this map in the first place.

The main reason one would consider going to this map, besides for plot reasons, is that the swag that can be obtained on this map is fairly good. In particular, there's a chest in the southeast corner of the map that contains a dracoshield and an Eclipse, but the thieves naturally start closer than the player to these chests, and if the player tries to intercept the thieves by heading down the corridor to the south, he is just asking for a unit to be killed, no doubt thanks to the 23 attack steel bow sniper, as well as a host of other 2 range enemies. On the other hand, the chest containing the talisman isn't under any direct threat from the thieves for a while. Which is probably a good thing, because these thieves are actually kind of hard to ORKO due to the highest leveled ones having 20 AS.

The boss is a druid carrying a siege tome; however, Teodor is a lot less menacing than Aion was, largely due to Eclipse having an atrocious hit rate. However, he is a monster at close range, packing 29 attack hitting resistance with his Nosferatu book, which also has the side effect of healing him.

Fun fact: The title of this segment is a reference to a series of YouTube videos made by the Barney Bunch using TTS software that claim to be a deleted episode of a random TV show and depict the characters engaging in explicit homosexual activity.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven kills a thief with Lucius's help. Priscilla unlocks the door, allowing Hector and Lyn to pass through. The rest of my army follows suit.
EP: Lyn and Lucius each kill a knight. Priscilla gets hit by the ballista. Raven dodges a sleep staff and gets attacked by a mage.

Turn 2: Hector kills the troubadour. Canas chips the mage that attacked Raven. Raven uses his hero crest.
EP:  Lyn kills another knight. Matt dodges a mage while Canas kills the mage he chipped previously and gets his potion stolen by a thief.

Turn 3: Bartre kills the mage that attacked Matt. Canas and Lucius team up against the thief. Hector kills the ridersbane armor. Priscilla picks up Lucius, who then gets dropped closer to Hector and Lyn's position by Raven.
EP: Lyn gets attacked by 2 knights and a mage. Priscilla gets hit by another ballista hit.

Turn 4: Lucius and Bartre kill the two armors. Canas kills the ballista archer. Raven takes out the mage.
EP: Teodor attacks Lyn with his Eclipse. Two wyvern riders also attack Lyn. An enemy thief steals Matt's torch.

Turn 5: Matt and Canas team up on a thief. Lucius and Raven kill the wyvern riders while Hector and Lyn remove the E thief and archer, respectively.
EP: More eclipse shenanigans.

Turn 6: Matt steals the dracoshield, before being picked up by Priscilla. Hector engages the boss. Lucius and Canas kill the two thieves.
EP: Hector and Teodor trade blows.

Turn 7: Lyn chips Teodor, allowing Bartre to kill him.
EP: lol.

Turn 8: Matt grabs the talisman from the chest. Canas kills the knight inside the corridor. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 8/96

Ending Thoughts:
Raven is ridiculous.

No, seriously. He basically turns the entire midgame into a fucking joke. For starters, he can ORKO just about every unpromoted generic enemy for the next 7 or so maps with a hand axe, and his 43 HP/14 def bulk makes him only 5-6HKO'd at worst by even the strongest physical enemy units at this point in the game. I suppose his only weakness at this point is magic, and even that is mitigated by the fact that unpromoted magic users suck. For starters, monks in Chapter 21 have up to 12 atk, which only 7HKOs Raven. Mages and dark mages fare a little bit better, being able to muster a 4-5HKO against him, depending on what weapon they're using as well as fluctuations in their magic. However, promoted magic users are really threatening to him, with sages in Genesis packing 28 atk Elfires that 2HKO him, for instance.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     15/ 0   33 18 12 10  9 19  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        15/ 0   35 13 18 19 14  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    12/ 0   26  8  7 18  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     12/ 0   39 17 11 12  6 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   6/ 0   19  9  8  9  9  3  8  4 Stf B
Sain       13/ 0   31 17  8 13  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C 
Raven      15/ 1   43 20 20 22  7 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe E
Lucius     10/ 0   22 13  8 14  3  2 13  6 Lgt C
Canas      13/ 0   25 15 12 11 10  7 11  7 Drk B


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:


Have a nice day.

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