Tuesday, 23 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 12)

Chapter 19x: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Magic

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Raven, Florina, Sain, Canas, Priscilla, Matthew

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
The mountainous terrain on the north side of the map is just asking for the player to perform a flier skip, but one impediment stands in the way, that being the boss. This asshole carries a Bolting book, giving him 27 attack hitting resistance at up to 10 range, which effortlessly 2HKOs everything in my party except Oswin.

However, he won't get much chance to use it, as on the end of turn 3 player phase, a new unit by the name of Kishuna will spawn from the fort next to the gate and emit a force field that expands 10 tiles away from him. As long as Kishuna is present on the map (he leaves after 10 turns), any unit within this force field cannot use magic or staves, and this includes the boss.

There is a secret side chapter after this one, but in order to unlock it, one must defeat Kishuna in battle. This is a lot harder than it sounds, since Kishuna has 25 AS, giving him a massive 50 avoid and making him impossible to double, and even if one can hit him, he still has a 52 HP/14 def buffer to fall back on. And if one does not defeat him within 1 turn of hitting him, he will rewarp himself off the map. There is another requirement to unlocking this gaiden; in Lyn mode, one must raise Nils to at least Lv7. This is an extremely time consuming task as Nils only gains 10 exp per action, requiring 12 actions on average every map that he's available for in LHM to reach Lv7.

And one last thing; bring Matthew. The boss is holding an item called the silver card. This item allows the player to buy items from any shoppe at half price, which effectively doubles one's money.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Sain runs up and KOs a mage. Florina heads W. Hector and Lyn follow Sain. Priscilla picks up Canas and moves with the group. Raven parks himself on the mountains to deal with the peg squad.
EP: Raven and Florina kill the two pegs closest to my starting position. Sain kills one of the mages, but fails to kill a second because he missed.

Turn 2: Hector kills the mage that Sain failed to kill. Priscilla trades Canas over to Florina and heals Sain, who then kills the swordreaver bandit. Florina flies Canas over the mountain and drops him on the other side.
EP: Canas kills the four armors carrying javelins and kills two mages, chipping another three. Florina dodges a bolting, and draws in the dark mage and a mage. Sain gets attacked by two mages, chipping one.

Turn 3: Florina heads E to pick up Raven. Matt kills the mage that Sain weakened. Hector and Sain kill an armor knight and the second mage, respectively, respectively. Canas kills another mage.
EP: Lyn kills a knight while Hector chips another. Hector also draws in a bandit, dark mage, and mage.

Turn 4: Sain kills the knight that Hector weakened. Hector moves onto the fort to heal. Matt kills the bandit.
EP: One of the mages dies on Sain, the other attacks Priscilla. Another knight dies on Hector.

Turn 5: I kill the remaining enemies near the gate. Florina picks up Raven and flies over the mountain.
EP: lol

Turn 6: Florina drops Raven on the other side and flies back to the tent. I move the rest of my units to engage the boss.
EP: lol

Turn 7: Matthew steals the silver card. I then pick him up and kill the boss with Lyn. Raven chips one of Kishuna's snipers. Florina flies S to grab the lucky charm.
EP: lol

Turn 8: Raven kills the sniper. Hector and Sain help chip the knight. Florina grabs the lucky charm ruin.
EP:  Hector kills the knight.

Turn 9: Raven kills the sniper. Priscilla and Sain drop Raven next to the second knight.
EP: Raven kills the knight.

Turn 10: Sain chips Kishuna, allowing Raven to kill him with a KE crit. Lyn initiates a support convo with Hector, who then seizes.

Turns Taken: 10/88

Ending Thoughts:
First support of the run!

On another note, Raven is almost Lv15 and one away from capping strength. Spoiler warning; he's promoting next map.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     14/ 0   32 17 11 10  9 18  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        15/ 0   35 13 18 19 14  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    11/ 0   25  8  7 17  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   5/ 0   18  8  7  8  8  3  7  4 Stf B
Sain       13/ 0   31 17  8 13  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven      14/ 0   38 19 18 20  7 11  3  8 Swd B  
Lucius      7/ 0   20 11  6 13  3  2 10  6 Lgt C 
Canas      12/ 0   25 14 11 11  9  7 10  7 Drk B


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Lucky Charm
Silver Card


Have a nice day.

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