Friday, 19 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 6)

Chapter 15: Laus Castle Defense

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Matthew, Bartre, Guy, Erk, Serra, Priscilla

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Another defense map. This one is actually kind of hard due to the large enemy density and the fact that at this point in the game, the player doesn't have very many durable units to hold off every path to the throne. Though, if the player kills the turd named Sealen, then the reinforcements will stop, making this map a bit easier.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Matthew opens the door southeast of the throne; Priscilla ferries him away afterwards and Hector puts him down. Oswin heads south to chip the armor with his javelin and to engage the enemies in that area. Bartre also heads south of his starting position while Erk parks himself on the pillar to engage the lone nomad to the west.
EP: Oswin draws in Sealen and kills a knight as well as chipping an archer. Bartre chips two armors and kills a soldier. Erk chips the W nomad.

Turn 2: Serra heals Bartre. Eliwood, Guy, and Bartre kill the enemies that the latter drew in last turn. Hector moves in to block the NE enemies. Erk kills the nomad. Oswin takes out the archer he weakened.
EP: Oswin chips a mage and a nomad. Hector almost kills a mage.

Turn 3: Bartre and Oswin kill the enemies that the latter weakened last turn. Hector kills the N mage. Eliwood chips the thief, while Guy heads NW to deal with the fighter reinforcements.
EP: Sealen moves towards the south to strike Oswin. Guy chips two fighters. The thief opens the door to the chest room.

Turn 4: Oswin gums Sealen with the silver lance. Guy and Eliwood start killing the fighter reinforcements. Bartre retreats while Serra and Priscilla heal. Hector kills the N merc.
EP: Sealen attacks Oswin again. Oswin also kills three sword users while Guy and Eli chip more fighters and Hector kills an armor. The thief pilfers a silver axe.

Turn 5: Matt kills the thief. Oswin kills Sealen. Bartre and Eliwood kill more fighters.
EP: Oswin chips one of the cav reinforcements. Priscilla gets attacked by a hand axe fighter.

Turn 6: Eliwood and Bartre kill more fighters. Oswin chips one of the javelin toting cavs. Matt opens the mend staff chest.
EP: Oswin takes out two of the cavs and chips another.

Turn 7: Eliwood takes out the last of the fighters with Guy's help.
EP: Who cares. Just Oswin taking out a cav.

Turns Taken: 8/44

Ending Thoughts:
Well, at least Eli is starting to catch up now. Not necessarily a bad thing either. Also, judging from Oswin's level, he's about ready to promote. Now, if only I had a knight crest...

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      9/ 0   27 14  9  7  6 14  3 13 Axe B

Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      15/ 0   34 17 12  6  6 19  8 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Guy         6/ 0   28  9 15 17  6  7  1  5 Swd C 

Erk         4/ 0   19  6  8 10  5  3  5  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Silver axe


Have a nice day.

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