Wednesday, 17 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 2)

Chapter 12: Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

New Units:

Eliwood (Lv1 Lord)
Bases: 18 HP/5 str/5 skl/7 spd/7 lck/5 def/0 res/7 con Swd C
Growths: 80 HP/45 str/50 skl/40 spd/45 lck/30 def/35 res
Supports: Hector, Lyn, Ninian, Fiora, Marcus, Lowen, Harken

Summary: Roy's father. Like Roy, Eliwood's combat is balls early on, and takes a rather long time to become competent, and even once he does, he doesn't really stand out until he promotes, at which point, he gains a pony and +2 movement.

Marcus (Lv1 Paladin)
Bases: 31 HP/15 str/15 skl/11 spd/8 lck/10 def/8 res/11 con Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Growths: 65 HP/30 str/50 skl/25 spd/30 lck/15 def/35 res
Supports: Eliwood, Lowen, Isadora, Harken, Merlinus

Summary: Broken. Just... broken. Many people like to bash on Marcus because of his less than stellar growths. It honestly doesn't matter since his bases allow him to more or less trivialize the first half of the game, and then some.

Lowen (Lv2 Cavalier)
Bases: 23 HP/7 str/5 skl/7 spd/3 lck/7 def/0 res/10 con Swd D/Lnc D
Growths: 90 HP/30 str/30 skl/30 spd/50 lck/40 def/30 res
Supports: Eliwood, Marcus, Rebecca, Isadora, Harken

Summary: Lowen blows. He basically takes Kent and Sain's weaker attributes and makes them worse. The only thing he has going for him is higher physical bulk, but that's not enough to save him long term.

Rebecca (Lv1 Archer)
Bases: 17 HP/4 str/5 skl/6 spd/4 lck/3 def/1 res/5 con Bow D
Growths: 60 HP/40 str/50 skl/60 spd/50 lck/15 def/30 res
Supports: Lowen, Sain, Wil, Dart, Raven, Louise, Nino

Summary: Bad unit. Her bases leave much to be desired, and as an archer, she has a hard time getting exp because she is unable to counter on enemy phase. Use her for cheap chip damage earlygame, then bench.

Dorcas (Lv3 Fighter)
Bases: 30 HP/7 str/7 skl/6 spd/3 lck/3 def/0 res/14 con Axe C
Growths: 80 HP/60 str/40 skl/20 spd/45 lck/25 def/20 res
Supports: Bartre, Oswin, Geitz, Farina, Vaida

Summary: Dorcas is a loser. He's decent early on, where he can 2HKO most enemy types and is somewhat bulky. However, his poor speed growth (tied for lowest in the game) basically kills any long term use he might have had. Use when deployment is free, then bench.

Bartre (Lv2 Fighter)
Bases: 29 HP/9 str/5 skl/3 spd/4 lck/4 def/0 res/13 con Axe D
Growths: 85 HP/50 str/35 skl/40 spd/30 lck/30 def/25 res
Supports: Dorcas, Raven, Canas, Karla, Renault

Summary: Bartre is barely better than Dorcas. While his speed growth is double that of Dorcas, his speed base is half of what Dorcas has, meaning that it still takes several level ups for Bartre to double anything. He is also needed to recruit a certain unit lategame.

Oswin (Lv9 Armor Knight)
Bases: 28 HP/13 str/9 skl/5 spd/3 lck/13 def/3 res/14 con Lnc B
Growths: 90 HP/40 str/30 skl/30 spd/35 lck/55 def/30 res
Supports: Hector, Matthew, Serra, Dorcas, Priscilla

Summary: Oswin is made of win. His high physical bulk makes him virtually invincible against physical enemies, allowing him to choke points with ease. He also hits like a truck, but can't double for beans. However, his movement sucks, and 16 con promoted means that it is hard to carry his fat ass around.

Serra (Lv1 Priestess)
Bases: 17 HP/2 mag/5 skl/8 spd/6 lck/2 def/5 res/5 con Stf D
Growths: 50 HP/50 mag/30 skl/40 spd/60 lck/15 def/55 res
Supports: Hector, Matthew, Oswin, Erk, Sain, Florina, Lucius

Summary: Healer. Nuff said. And do I really need to mention how much I fucking hate leveling staff users? Staff users gain exp slower than the hairs grow on an elephant's ballsack, so if you're going to use her for anything than being a healbot, good fucking luck.

Chapter Summary:
A romp. Pretty simple shit. Marcus in particular can rip these guys a new asshole. 

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin and Hector team up on an enemy brigand. Marcus trades his sword to Eli and heads for the secret book house. The rest of Eli's squad move E, with Lowen parking himself on the fort and Dorcas sitting next to him. Matt and Serra run SW into the trees.
EP: Hector and Oswin get attacked by three pegasus knights and an archer. Dorcas chips a brigand while Lowen draws in a peg and an archer.

Turn 2: Hector and Oswin kill the two pegasus knights they chipped last EP. Becky chips the brigand that Dorcas weakened, allowing Eli to kill him. Bartre kills the peg that Lowen chipped. Lowen chips the S archer.
EP: Hector chips the third peg and the N archer (he whiffs on a merc). Lowen chips a brigand and Eli gets attacked by the archer.

Turn 3:Becky chips the brigand that Lowen drew in, while Dorcas chips the archer (they are killed by Bartre and Eli, respectively). Hector and Matt kill the N archer and peg, while Oswin chips the merc.
EP: Hector kills the merc. Eli chips a brigand (and gets dropped to 1 HP). Lowen draws in a peg.

Turn 4: Eli and Becky combine to take out the brigand. Bartre kills the S peg. Oswin and Matt kill one of the remaining N pegs while Hector blocks the second from attacking Serra.
EP: The peg attacks Becky.

Turn 5: Becky and Eli tag team the peg. Oswin and Hector kill the brigand. Matt trades the red gem to Lowen, who trades it to Marcus, who then sells it and buys an iron axe
EP: Zagan and Oswin trade blows.

Turn 6: Hector chips Zagan with the wolf beil, allowing Oswin to kill him.

Turns Taken: 6/13

Ending Thoughts:
Heh. Matt almost reaches C swords this map. Also, Eliwood kind of sucks. To those playing this game, using Eliwood is probably one of the saddest experiences one could ever go through. Unfortunately for me, I need to level my lords in order to reach Linus’s version of FFO, because I need to recruit everyone and that bald piece of shit is borderline impossible to recruit on HHM.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      4/ 0   22 10  5  6  3 10  2 13 Axe C

Eliwood     2/ 0   19  6  6  8  7  5  1  7 Swd C
Matthew     7/ 0   23  6  7 15  6  4  0  7 Swd C

Serra       3/ 0   18  4  5 10  8  2  7  4 Stf C
Oswin      10/ 0   29 14 10  5  3 14  4 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       2/ 0   23  7  5  7  3  7  1 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      3/ 0   30  7  7  6  3  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      3/ 0   30 10  5  4  4  5  0 13 Axe D 


Swag List:
Secret Book


Have a nice day.

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