Saturday, 20 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 7)

Chapter 16: Noble Goat Demon of Caelin

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Bartre, Lowen, Serra, Priscilla, Guy

New Units:

Lyndis (Lv1 Lord)
Bases: 16 HP/4 str/7 skl/9 spd/5 lck/2 def/0 res/5 con Swd D
Growths: 70 HP/40 str/60 skl/60 spd/55 lck/20 def/30 res
Supports: Hector, Eliwood, Kent, Wil, Florina, Rath, Wallace

Summary: Lyndis plays like a typical FE samurai; while she doubles consistently, she has issues hurting things and her physical bulk is among the worst of any physical unit in the game. Her saving grace is the Mani Katti, which is basically a killing edge that trades 10 crit for effective bonuses on ponies and tin cans. This puts her firmly above Guy.

Kent (Lv1 Cavalier)
Bases: 20 HP/6 str/6 skl/7 spd/2 lck/5 def/1 res/9 con Swd D/Lnc E
Growths: 85 HP/40 str/50 skl/45 spd/20 lck/25 def/25 res
Supports: Lyn, Sain, Fiora, Heath, Wallace, Farina

Summary: Kent is one of two pony riders that join alongside Lyn. He specializes in skill and speed, but has noticeably worse strength than Sain. He also has the potential to start out promoted thanks to Wallace's knight crest in LHM, which basically turns him into another Marcus.

Sain (Lv1 Cavalier)
Bases: 19 HP/8 str/4 skl/6 spd/3 lck/6 def/0 res/9 con Swd E/Lnc D
Growths: 80 HP/60 str/35 skl/40 spd/30 lck/20 def/20 res
Supports: Kent, Serra, Rebecca, Priscilla, Fiora, Isadora, Louise

Summary: Sain is the other pony rider working for Lyn. He specializes in raw strength, the growth of which is 50% higher than Kent's, but takes slightly longer to double consistently. Like Kent, he can promote in LHM thanks to Wallace's knight crest. And did I mention that he's as big of a flirt as Sanji is?

Wil (Lv2 Archer)
Bases: 20 HP/6 str/5 skl/5 spd/6 lck/5 def/0 res/7 con Bow D
Growths: 75 HP/50 str/50 skl/40 spd/40 lck/20 def/25 res
Supports: Lyn, Rebecca, Raven, Dart, Rath, Wallace

Summary: Garbage. Apply everything that made Becky bad, and swap her high speed growth for an ok strength growth, and you've got Wil. Use him to kill the two pegs in Chapter 16, then bench forever.

Florina (Lv1 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 17 HP/5 str/7 skl/9 spd/7 lck/4 def/4 res/4 con Lnc D
Growths: 60 HP/40 str/50 skl/55 spd/50 lck/15 def/35 res
Supports: Hector, Lyn, Serra, Fiora, Ninian, Farina, Nino

Summary: Florina is a flying pony rider. Her combat is kind of shitty early on, and it takes a while for her to become competent, largely because she doesn't have the con to use lances. Thankfully, she doesn't need to engage in combat to contribute in an efficient run because her movement type lets her cheese terrain.

Chapter Summary:
The primary challenge on this map is keeping Lyn's group alive. How easy or hard this is depends on whether the player completed Lyn mode first. Players who skipped Lyn mode will find this part to be significantly tougher, as Lyn's non-LM bases are complete garbage, and without LM levels to buoy them, Kent and Sain have neither the offenses nor the bulk to take on the reinforcements (and even on this file, Kent's bulk is just sad). On the other hand, with a handful of level ups from Lyn mode, this task becomes trivial.

There is also a ballistician that one needs to be wary of on the map.While he should be relatively non-threatening to most units, this guy can easily 2HKO Florina due to the effective coefficient.

There are also two houses to save; the red gem house can be tricky to get since the thief will destroy it on turn 2 enemy phase. However, he prioritizes stealing over destroying the house, so leave a slower unit with a disposable item in his inventory to distract the thief. On the other hand, obtaining the heavy spear is trivial since it's only being guarded by two mercs and the bandit tasked with destroying it doesn't show up for a couple of turns.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin takes Florina's javelin and gets picked up by Lowen. Florina then drops Oswin over the cliff so he can take on the enemies there. Guy, Eli, and Bartre head S to save the red gem house. Lyn heads to the shoppe and buys a steel sword, a steel axe, and three hand axes while selling her red gem. Wil positions himself to take on the two pegs starting near the boss.
EP: Oswin chips an archer, mage, peg, and samurai. Wil chips the two pegs. Guy chips two mercs. Lowen and Florina each draw in and kill a peg. Sain draws in two mercs, chipping one.

Turn 2: Hector takes out the third peg that was drawn in last round, then gets ferried over the cliff as well. Wil and Lyn take out the two pegs that were drawn in by the former. Oswin moves E, killing the fire mage.
EP: The thief steals Bartre's vulnerary. Kent gets mugged by two sword users. Guy gets attacked by the two W cavaliers, killing one.

Turn 3: Hector removes one of the cavaliers near the gate with his wolf beil, allowing Oswin to move forward and chip another cav with his javelin (he swaps Hector's WB out for a hand axe, to deal with the mage). Kent removes the samurai, allowing Sain to visit the heavy spear house. Bartre kills the remaining cavalier while Guy takes out the thief. Florina swoops in to remove the archer.
EP: Oswin and Hector start to take on the enemies near the gate, chipping the thunder mage, while Flo draws in two of the cavaliers. Guy takes out a bandit.

Turn 4:  Hector kills the mage blocking Oswin, who then kills the ballista mounted archer. Lowen trades his iron lance to Florina, who then flies across the cliff and kills a cav. Sain kills the remaining merc near the heavy spear house. Priscilla visits the red gem house.
EP: Lyn draws in a merc. Florina kills two more cavaliers and chips a third cav and the samurai. Hector gets attacked by the mercenary reinforcement.

Turn 5: Oswin engages the boss. Hector moves east, using a vulnerary. Florina backtracks to the cliff to get healed while Bartre moves north to help distract the cav/merc reinforcements.
EP: Bauker and Oswin trade blows. Florina continues to draw in enemy cavaliers (this was actually a really dangerous enemy phase for her, as she needed to dodge at least one attack).

Turn 6: Oswin kills Bauker. Wil buys a steel lance and four javelins. Kent buys an extra steel axe and hand axe. Bartre, Flo, and Sain kill some random scrubs. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 6/50

Ending Thoughts:
First off, Sain's stats are in-sain. 12 speed/12 defense at Lv9? Holy fuckballs he is blessed.

On another note, Guy's strength is getting nowhere fast. 5 level ups, he only procs strength once. Fuck him. And on that note, I'm getting a new unit next map to replace him anyway.

And lastly, Oswin just capped defense and is two level ups away from capping strength. By the way, if a character caps a stat (or reaches S rank in a weapon type), the stat/weapon level will be colored green in the unit levels list.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      9/ 0   28 15 10  8  7 14  3 13 Axe B
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        12/ 0   32 12 16 17 12  4  5  5 Swd A
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      16/ 0   35 18 12  6  6 20  9 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Guy         8/ 0   29  9 16 18  6  7  1  5 Swd C
Erk         4/ 0   19  6  8 10  5  3  5  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain        9/ 0   27 14  8 12  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        7/ 0   24  8 10 12  2  6  4  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C
Wil         3/ 0   21  6  5  6  6  5  1  7 Bow D

Supports: None

Swag List:
Heavy spear
Red gem x2


Have a nice day.

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