Wednesday, 24 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 14)

Chapter 20: Darin's Last Stand

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Raven, Oswin, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Priscilla, Florina, Sain, Matthew

New Units:

Legault (Lv12 Thief)
Bases: 29 HP/9 str/13 skl/17 spd/10 lck/9 def/3 res/9 con Swd C
Growths: 60 HP/25 str/45 skl/60 spd/60 lck/25 def/25 res
Supports: Matthew, Isadora, Heath, Nino, Jaffar

Summary: Take Matthew, have him join 14 maps later with competent bases, and Legault is the result. While he isn't a total wuss at combat, it's still best to only field him when there's loot to be obtained on that map. One can only do so much with a thief.

Chapter Summary:
I don't know about anyone else, but I think this is a pretty tough map. The layout of the map is designed to waste the player's time, particularly if one is trying to recruit Legault in a timely fashion. The corridor leading up to the throne is one tile wide in many places and two tiles wide at max, making it fairly hard to break through the group of cavaliers and nomads that will inevitably clog up the space. The cavaliers have 28-29 HP and 7-8 def with 7-9 AS while the nomads have 22-25 HP and 5-6 def with 9-11 AS, so most units will have issues ORKOing them.

One can obtain some pretty good items here, between the stuff in the chest and the items in the secret shoppe. However, while the chests are fairly trivial to obtain, the two secret shoppes are too out of the way to visit, and I can only get the VIP card on the final turn at the earliest.

Darin is somewhat hard to kill thanks to a meaty 38/16/14 bulk coupled with his throne bonuses. Thankfully, his class makes him really weak to armor killing weapons, so if Hector has uses remaining on the wolf beil, use it! Eliwood and Lyn can also use their prfs, but they are far weaker and less bulky than Hector is.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Priscilla unlocks the door to the center building, allowing Raven to enter the room and kill the archer. Matt opens the door to the brave bow building, allowing Bartre to kill the archer there. Lyn and Eliwood help take down an armor knight.
EP: Eliwood kills another knight, and dodges a mage. Canas chips the killer bow archer.

Turn 2: Raven chips at the wall with his hand axe. Lucius kills the mage that attacked Eli. Sain and Eli take out the cavalier blocking Hector and Oswin's way while Matt grabs the brave bow. Canas kills the archer.
EP: Hector chips Cameron. A couple of nomads suicide themselves on Raven while the rest of the enemies go towards the corridor.

Turn 3: Bartre kills the knight that attacked Sain previously. Hector chips Cameron, allowing Eli to kill him. Lyn takes out the cav while Oswin kills the nomad. Raven kills the mercenary that spawned last turn.
EP: Oswin kills one of the remaining cavaliers, but fails to kill the others because the troubadour decided to move in the dead cav's spot.

Turn 4: Eliwood kills the troubadour after Sain opened the door and Oswin went inside. Hector, Lyn, and Florina help take out the last of the cavaliers.
EP: Bartre takes out two of the reinforcements. Canas chips one of the archer reinforcements. Oswin kills two knights and chips two fighters. Raven opens the door, at which point, I have Priscilla pick him up.

Turn 5: Priscilla unlocks the door, at which point, I drop Raven. Canas kills the archer he weakened previously.
EP: Raven takes out the four dark mages next to Darin. Canas and Bartre kill more reinforcements.

Turn 6: Raven engages Darin. Lucius chips the merc. Matt grabs the Luna chest.
EP: Raven and Darin trade blows. The merc reinforcement dies on Lucius, as do the fighter and archer reinforcements on Canas.

Turn 7: Eliwood kills Darin. Lyn recruits Legault, who then steals the VIP card. Matt grabs the blue gem chest. Bartre, Oswin, Florina, Lucius, and Sain finish off some scrubs. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 7/103

Ending Thoughts:
The good news is that Eliwood's level deficit has been lessened thanks to a couple of boss kills. The bad news is that he still has a deficit.

Also, Lv2 Oswin with B axes lol. Behold the power of the devil axe. But seriously, don't use it. 1 time out of 5 or so, it'll backfire and the user will only hurt himself. I've seen videos of people killing themselves using the devil axe on a wall.

Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Florina, and Sain are really shaping up quite nicely. Bet I'll be able to promote them soon.

Matthew is getting absolutely nowhere. He's the same level as Legault and yet has worse stats in every parameter except speed, and he only wins that by 1 (if we're taking con into account, Leggy has better AS anyway). So, yeah. Matt isn't getting fielded after this map, but his earlier contributions will not be forgotten.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     16/ 0   34 18 13 11  9 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    11/ 0   28 12 12 14 12  9  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    12/ 0   26  8  7 18  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe B
Bartre     13/ 0   40 18 12 13  6 12  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   6/ 0   19  9  8  9  9  3  8  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    11/ 0   23 10 16 18 14  6 10  4 Lnc B 
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     11/ 0   23 14  8 15  3  2 14  6 Lgt C
Canas      14/ 0   26 15 12 12 10  7 12  7 Drk A

Legault    12/ 0   28  9 14 17 10  9  4  9 Swd C 


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Brave bow
Blue gem
Celestial ring
VIP card
Killer bow


Have a nice day.

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 13)

Chapter 19xx: Secret Missing Chapter of Fire Emblem

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Raven , Lucius, Canas, Bartre, Priscilla

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
This is another fog of war map, so bring your torches and the like. Also, if one unlocks this chapter, this is the first map where the player encounters status staves, in this case, a troubadour carrying a sleep staff. At this point in the game, it isn't possible to obtain a restore staff, presumably because most players won't even reach this map in the first place.

The main reason one would consider going to this map, besides for plot reasons, is that the swag that can be obtained on this map is fairly good. In particular, there's a chest in the southeast corner of the map that contains a dracoshield and an Eclipse, but the thieves naturally start closer than the player to these chests, and if the player tries to intercept the thieves by heading down the corridor to the south, he is just asking for a unit to be killed, no doubt thanks to the 23 attack steel bow sniper, as well as a host of other 2 range enemies. On the other hand, the chest containing the talisman isn't under any direct threat from the thieves for a while. Which is probably a good thing, because these thieves are actually kind of hard to ORKO due to the highest leveled ones having 20 AS.

The boss is a druid carrying a siege tome; however, Teodor is a lot less menacing than Aion was, largely due to Eclipse having an atrocious hit rate. However, he is a monster at close range, packing 29 attack hitting resistance with his Nosferatu book, which also has the side effect of healing him.

Fun fact: The title of this segment is a reference to a series of YouTube videos made by the Barney Bunch using TTS software that claim to be a deleted episode of a random TV show and depict the characters engaging in explicit homosexual activity.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven kills a thief with Lucius's help. Priscilla unlocks the door, allowing Hector and Lyn to pass through. The rest of my army follows suit.
EP: Lyn and Lucius each kill a knight. Priscilla gets hit by the ballista. Raven dodges a sleep staff and gets attacked by a mage.

Turn 2: Hector kills the troubadour. Canas chips the mage that attacked Raven. Raven uses his hero crest.
EP:  Lyn kills another knight. Matt dodges a mage while Canas kills the mage he chipped previously and gets his potion stolen by a thief.

Turn 3: Bartre kills the mage that attacked Matt. Canas and Lucius team up against the thief. Hector kills the ridersbane armor. Priscilla picks up Lucius, who then gets dropped closer to Hector and Lyn's position by Raven.
EP: Lyn gets attacked by 2 knights and a mage. Priscilla gets hit by another ballista hit.

Turn 4: Lucius and Bartre kill the two armors. Canas kills the ballista archer. Raven takes out the mage.
EP: Teodor attacks Lyn with his Eclipse. Two wyvern riders also attack Lyn. An enemy thief steals Matt's torch.

Turn 5: Matt and Canas team up on a thief. Lucius and Raven kill the wyvern riders while Hector and Lyn remove the E thief and archer, respectively.
EP: More eclipse shenanigans.

Turn 6: Matt steals the dracoshield, before being picked up by Priscilla. Hector engages the boss. Lucius and Canas kill the two thieves.
EP: Hector and Teodor trade blows.

Turn 7: Lyn chips Teodor, allowing Bartre to kill him.
EP: lol.

Turn 8: Matt grabs the talisman from the chest. Canas kills the knight inside the corridor. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 8/96

Ending Thoughts:
Raven is ridiculous.

No, seriously. He basically turns the entire midgame into a fucking joke. For starters, he can ORKO just about every unpromoted generic enemy for the next 7 or so maps with a hand axe, and his 43 HP/14 def bulk makes him only 5-6HKO'd at worst by even the strongest physical enemy units at this point in the game. I suppose his only weakness at this point is magic, and even that is mitigated by the fact that unpromoted magic users suck. For starters, monks in Chapter 21 have up to 12 atk, which only 7HKOs Raven. Mages and dark mages fare a little bit better, being able to muster a 4-5HKO against him, depending on what weapon they're using as well as fluctuations in their magic. However, promoted magic users are really threatening to him, with sages in Genesis packing 28 atk Elfires that 2HKO him, for instance.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     15/ 0   33 18 12 10  9 19  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        15/ 0   35 13 18 19 14  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    12/ 0   26  8  7 18  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     12/ 0   39 17 11 12  6 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   6/ 0   19  9  8  9  9  3  8  4 Stf B
Sain       13/ 0   31 17  8 13  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C 
Raven      15/ 1   43 20 20 22  7 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe E
Lucius     10/ 0   22 13  8 14  3  2 13  6 Lgt C
Canas      13/ 0   25 15 12 11 10  7 11  7 Drk B


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:


Have a nice day.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 12)

Chapter 19x: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Magic

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Raven, Florina, Sain, Canas, Priscilla, Matthew

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
The mountainous terrain on the north side of the map is just asking for the player to perform a flier skip, but one impediment stands in the way, that being the boss. This asshole carries a Bolting book, giving him 27 attack hitting resistance at up to 10 range, which effortlessly 2HKOs everything in my party except Oswin.

However, he won't get much chance to use it, as on the end of turn 3 player phase, a new unit by the name of Kishuna will spawn from the fort next to the gate and emit a force field that expands 10 tiles away from him. As long as Kishuna is present on the map (he leaves after 10 turns), any unit within this force field cannot use magic or staves, and this includes the boss.

There is a secret side chapter after this one, but in order to unlock it, one must defeat Kishuna in battle. This is a lot harder than it sounds, since Kishuna has 25 AS, giving him a massive 50 avoid and making him impossible to double, and even if one can hit him, he still has a 52 HP/14 def buffer to fall back on. And if one does not defeat him within 1 turn of hitting him, he will rewarp himself off the map. There is another requirement to unlocking this gaiden; in Lyn mode, one must raise Nils to at least Lv7. This is an extremely time consuming task as Nils only gains 10 exp per action, requiring 12 actions on average every map that he's available for in LHM to reach Lv7.

And one last thing; bring Matthew. The boss is holding an item called the silver card. This item allows the player to buy items from any shoppe at half price, which effectively doubles one's money.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Sain runs up and KOs a mage. Florina heads W. Hector and Lyn follow Sain. Priscilla picks up Canas and moves with the group. Raven parks himself on the mountains to deal with the peg squad.
EP: Raven and Florina kill the two pegs closest to my starting position. Sain kills one of the mages, but fails to kill a second because he missed.

Turn 2: Hector kills the mage that Sain failed to kill. Priscilla trades Canas over to Florina and heals Sain, who then kills the swordreaver bandit. Florina flies Canas over the mountain and drops him on the other side.
EP: Canas kills the four armors carrying javelins and kills two mages, chipping another three. Florina dodges a bolting, and draws in the dark mage and a mage. Sain gets attacked by two mages, chipping one.

Turn 3: Florina heads E to pick up Raven. Matt kills the mage that Sain weakened. Hector and Sain kill an armor knight and the second mage, respectively, respectively. Canas kills another mage.
EP: Lyn kills a knight while Hector chips another. Hector also draws in a bandit, dark mage, and mage.

Turn 4: Sain kills the knight that Hector weakened. Hector moves onto the fort to heal. Matt kills the bandit.
EP: One of the mages dies on Sain, the other attacks Priscilla. Another knight dies on Hector.

Turn 5: I kill the remaining enemies near the gate. Florina picks up Raven and flies over the mountain.
EP: lol

Turn 6: Florina drops Raven on the other side and flies back to the tent. I move the rest of my units to engage the boss.
EP: lol

Turn 7: Matthew steals the silver card. I then pick him up and kill the boss with Lyn. Raven chips one of Kishuna's snipers. Florina flies S to grab the lucky charm.
EP: lol

Turn 8: Raven kills the sniper. Hector and Sain help chip the knight. Florina grabs the lucky charm ruin.
EP:  Hector kills the knight.

Turn 9: Raven kills the sniper. Priscilla and Sain drop Raven next to the second knight.
EP: Raven kills the knight.

Turn 10: Sain chips Kishuna, allowing Raven to kill him with a KE crit. Lyn initiates a support convo with Hector, who then seizes.

Turns Taken: 10/88

Ending Thoughts:
First support of the run!

On another note, Raven is almost Lv15 and one away from capping strength. Spoiler warning; he's promoting next map.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     14/ 0   32 17 11 10  9 18  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        15/ 0   35 13 18 19 14  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    11/ 0   25  8  7 17  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   5/ 0   18  8  7  8  8  3  7  4 Stf B
Sain       13/ 0   31 17  8 13  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven      14/ 0   38 19 18 20  7 11  3  8 Swd B  
Lucius      7/ 0   20 11  6 13  3  2 10  6 Lgt C 
Canas      12/ 0   25 14 11 11  9  7 10  7 Drk B


Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Lucky Charm
Silver Card


Have a nice day.

Monday, 22 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 11)

Chapter 19: Hawk-Eye Uhai

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Matthew, Oswin, Bartre, Raven, Canas, Lucius, Priscilla, Florina, Sain

New Units:

Dart (Lv8 Pirate)
Bases: 34 HP/12 str/8 skl/8 spd/3 lck/6 def/1 res/10 con Axe B
Growths: 70 HP/65 str/20 skl/65 spd/35 lck/20 def/15 res
Supports: Rebecca, Wil, Geitz, Farina, Karel

Summary: Dart would be amazing if it were not for the fact that the item that he needs to promote is really valuable. Seriously, the gold obtained from selling it could mean the difference between recruiting Farina and not being able to. Which sucks ass, since his offensive parameters are top tier if trained.

Fiora (Lv7 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 21 HP/8 str/11 skl/13 spd/6 lck/6 def/7 res/5 con Lnc C
Growths: 70 HP/35 str/60 skl/50 spd/30 lck/20 def/50 res
Supports: Eliwood, Florina, Kent, Sain, Geitz, Farina, Pent

Summary: Fiora is basically Florina if she joined later with her average stats at 8/0. Like Flo, her starting combat is kind of bad, and having worse growths in str/spd does not help. Still, she flies. That helps.

Chapter Summary: 
The objective of this map is to defeat the turd named Uhai, who is tucked away in the southeast corner of the map in an area covered with forest, making him fairly difficult to get to quickly. It also doesn't help that most of the enemies in this area consists of cavaliers and nomads, which typically have enough AS to avoid getting doubled by the player's cavalry. There is also fog of war on this map, so bring torches and/or thieves.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven and Lucius head E, taking out a pirate. Bartre breaks down the snag on the central island with his hand axe, allowing Oswin to move onto the island. Hector and Lyn move S.
EP: Raven gets mauled by two pegs and two nomads (this was a very dangerous EP for him as he needed to dodge at least 1 attack at ~60 hit rates). Oswin takes out a nomad and chips a cav. Lyn kills two cavaliers.

Turn 2: Lucius and Raven take out the two NE nomads. Florina removes the lone peg to the N of the island. Dart breaks down the snag, allowing Oswin and Canas to take out a cavalier, Sain to take out a pirate, and Bartre to chip the longbow nomad.
EP: Sain takes out two pirates, chips two cavaliers, and gets shot at by two nomads. Lyn kills two pegs.

Turn 3: Hector kills one of the center isle cavaliers from across the river. Canas and Oswin help clear out more of the enemies, allowing Sain to KO the thief. Florina recruits Fiora after the latter was rescued by Eliwood and Priscilla. Fiora then picks up Raven.
EP: Matthew gets shot at by one of the nomads, while the other attacks Lyn. Sain kills a cavalier and whiffs a monk.

Turn 4: Fiora gives Raven to Hector. Oswin kills the monk that attacked Sain. Lucius and Eli kill a pirate reinforcement while Florina takes out a peg reinforcement. Lyn trades her vulnerary to Sain, who then heals himself.
EP: Sain draws in a samurai and three nomads. Florina and Eli continue to fight the reinforcements.

Turn 5: Raven, Oswin, and Sain help clear out the enemies near Uhai's position. Eliwood kills another pirate.
EP: More reinforcement killing. And some more nomads attack Lyn and Sain.

Turn 6: Lyn and Raven take out two of the remaining nomads. Oswin throws a hand axe at the boss, but misses. Canas gets ferried southward by Bartre and Fiora.
EP: Not much happens here.

Turn 7: Lyn chips at Uhai with the MK. Canas chips at the nomad. Raven kills Uhai.

Turns Taken: 7/78

Ending Thoughts:
Raven just needs a couple more levels so he can cap crucial stats in preparation for his promotion.

Eli is 'starting' to catch up, but how soon I can get him to a competent level remains to be seen, especially considering that I need the levels of my lordlings to add up to 50 by a certain map.

Unit Levels: 
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     13/ 0   31 16 11  9  9 17  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     8/ 0   25 10 11 12 10  8  4  7 Swd B
Lyn        14/ 0   34 12 17 19 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    11/ 0   24  7  7 17  8  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe B
Priscilla   5/ 0   18  8  7  8  8  3  7  4 Stf C
Sain       12/ 0   30 16  8 13  8 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc B
Florina    10/ 0   22  9 15 17 13  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven      11/ 0   35 17 17 19  6  9  3  8 Swd C  
Lucius      7/ 0   20 11  6 13  3  2 10  6 Lgt C 
Canas      11/ 0   24 13 11 11  8  6  9  7 Drk B 
Dart        8/ 0   34 12  8  8  3  6  1 10 Axe B
Fiora       7/ 0   21  8 11 13  6  6  7  5 Lnc C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Torch (staff)
Orion bolt


Have a nice day.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 10)

Chapter 18: WE ARE

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Priscilla, Canas, Matthew

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Another defense map, with the secondary objective of killing the turd named Zoldam. While powering one's way to the boss is relatively easy, even without Marcus, the boss himself is quite threatening, wielding a 15 atk, 26 crit Luna book that negates resistance. At this point in the game, a Luna crit will OHKO pretty much anybody one has without a doubt, so watch out for that.

There are also some nice items to steal here, in particular the elysian whip held by one of the starting pegasus knights to the northwest of the player's start point and the celestial ring that is held by the boss, so look out for those.

Also, the shoppes located on the central boat are the last shoppes that the player can visit before Chapter 21, so make sure to stock up. I decided to sell the lucky charm and one of the secret books to garner enough cash to buy what I need.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin and Lyn each chip a mercenary for Raven and Canas to kill. Hector kills a dark mage. Bartre parks himself in the range of two pegs.
EP: Hector kills another dark mage. Bartre kills a pegasus knight. Oswin chips one of the mercs on the E boat. Lyn dodges an archer.

Turn 2: Matt steals the elysian whip from the peg,w ho is then killed by Bartre. Lyn kills the archer she wss attacked by last round while Hector kills one of the pegs. Priscilla heals Raven, who then kills the archer. Oswin kills the E shaman. Canas kills the merc that Oswin weakened.
EP: Oswin kills the longsword merc and chips a second merc. Canas chips another one of the mercs while the rest of the enemies attack Hector.

Turn 3: I take out the remaining mercenaries on the central boat with Bartre, Canas, and Raven. Lyn and Hector move in to board the W boat.
EP: Hector chips one of the nosferatu dark mages, and fails to counter because I forgot to put his other hand axe in the second slot.

Turn 4: Matt kills the dark mage that Hector chipped. Canas enters the shoppe and buys four hand axes and two javelins, as well as one more of each steel weapon. Hector takes out the second dark mage.
EP: Oswin kills the armor cutter samurai. Hector kills another dark mage.

Turn 5: Hector and Bartre kill two of the peg reinforcements. The rest of my party heads for the boss.
EP: Hector kills both of the shaman reinforcements. Bartre and Oswin kill more peg reinforcements.

Turn 6: Matt steals the celestial ring and gets picked up by Priscilla. Canas runs into the vendor and buys two heal staves and a light book. Raven kills the boss.

Turns Taken: 6/71

Ending Thoughts:
Bartre and Canas have both reached Lv10, thereby making them eligible for promotion, but I'm actually going to wait a bit before either of them promote.

As for Raven, he's almost Lv9, and managed to get a couple of defense procs on the side, which is kind of nice.

Oh, and if it means anything, Oswin reached D axes.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     13/ 0   31 16 11  9  9 17  3 13 Axe A
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        13/ 0   33 12 16 18 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    10/ 0   24  7  7 17  8  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 16 Lnc A/Axe D
Bartre     10/ 0   37 15 10 10  5 11  1 13 Axe C
Priscilla   4/ 0   17  7  7  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain       11/ 0   29 15  8 13  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        9/ 0   26  9 11 14  2  7  5  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C
Raven       8/ 0   32 14 15 17  4  8  3  8 Swd C  
Lucius      6/ 0   19 10  6 12  2  2  9  6 Lgt C  
Canas      10/ 0   23 12 10 10  7  5  9  7 Drk B

Supports: None

Swag List:
Elysian whip
Celestial ring


Have a nice day.

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 9)

Chapter 17x: Davy Back Fight

Units Deployed:
Hector, Oswin, Florina, Raven, Lucius, Priscilla

New Units:

Canas (Lv8 Dark Mage)
Bases: 21 HP/10 mag/9 skl/8 spd/7 lck/5 def/8 res/7 con Drk B
Growths: 70 HP/45 mag/40 skl/35 spd/25 lck/25 def/45 res
Supports: Bartre, Pent, Nino, Vaida, Renault

Summary: Possibly the most overrated unit I've ever seen in my life. While he hits hard with dark magic, he can't reliably double until after promotion. He does get access to things like life leeching and resistance negation, but the tomes that let him do those things are really heavy.

Chapter Summary: 
Depending on how one approaches this map, this map can be very easy or very hard. The quickest route to Fargus is through the village square, but this is actually ill advised. The pirates guarding this area are extremely dangerous, being Lv17 and carrying some pretty potent weaponry. They are also accompanied by an archer, a mage, and a dark mage, the latter two of which are particularly dangerous since they hit resistance. One of the pirates and the archer also carry killer weapons, which will kill basically any unit at this point in the game without a doubt if they proc a critical hit. Therefore, it's highly recommended that one use the strategy I use, which is to have Florina fly over the houses and talk to Fargus without getting detected, all while visiting all but one house.

On turn 1 enemy phase, a group of cavalry reinforcements will spawn near the arena. Thankfully, unlike the pirates, their commander, Damian, is a complete joke since he's a complete slug.

There is also an arena on this map, if that's one's cup of tea. Since I am trying to complete the map in as few turns as I can get away with and the arena is quite a bit out of the way, I will not be using the arena this chapter.

Prior to starting the map, I promoted Oswin using the Chapter 17 knight crest. Promotion gives him 41 HP/22 def/14 res bulk, which at this point in the game is tinked by virtually every physical attack, and even most magic users either tink him or do single digit damage (he also OHKOs them thanks to a massive 22 str). Furthermore, his speed increases to a modest 9, which is still not enough to double anything except for slugs like armor knights, but is still enough to prevent him from getting doubled by most enemies for a significant portion of the game.

And one last thing. Do not under any circumstances attack Fargus. One will get a game over if they do. 

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin heads W. Raven and Lucius head N. Priscilla visits the house to recruit Canas. Florina picks up Hector and moves NW.
EP: A Lv4 pirate dies on Raven. Two of the Lv17 pirates head towards Oswin's position.

Turn 2: Raven kills another pirate. Canas visits the S house for a devil axe. Oswin and Lucius park themselves near the S chokepoint. Florina visits the short bow house.
EP: The two Lv17 pirates gets chipped by Oswin.

Turn 3: Raven kills the hand axe pirate. Canas and Lucius take out the 2 Lv17 pirates that Oswin chipped. Florina drops Hector down near Fargus. Oswin picks up Lucius.
EP: Raven kills two more pirates. Oswin engages the boss, kills a pirate, and chips a cav, which gets healed by the enemy troubadour.

Turn 4: Canas kills the boss after Oswin chips him a second time. Florina visits the sleep staff house. Hector talks to Fargus.

Turns Taken: 4/65

Ending Thoughts:
Overall, a short and sweet map. Just goes to show how much fliers trivialize this game, much less this map.

Raven is definitely shaping up to be one of my most potent offensive units, but even so, exp is more important for him right now, as he starts at a fairly low base level. I've deduced that I need him promoted by Chapter 20, which means he needs to gain 10 levels in 5 maps. Pretty doable.

Nice to see that Canas gained speed on his first level up. And that's always nice.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     12/ 0   30 16 11  9  8 16  3 13 Axe B
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        13/ 0   33 12 16 18 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 1   41 22 15  9  7 22 14 16 Lnc A/Axe E
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Priscilla   4/ 0   17  7  7  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain       11/ 0   29 15  8 13  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        9/ 0   26  9 11 14  2  7  5  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C

Raven       6/ 0   30 12 14 16  2  6  2  8 Swd C
Lucius      6/ 0   19 10  6 12  2  2  9  6 Lgt C
Canas       9/ 0   22 11 10  9  7  5  8  7 Drk B

Supports: None

Swag List:
Devil axe
Short bow
Secret book


Have a nice day.

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 8)

Chapter 17: Everybody Loves Raven

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Bartre, Matthew, Serra, Priscilla, Kent, Sain

New Units:

Raven (Lv5 Mercenary)
Bases: 29 HP/10 str/13 skl/15 spd/2 lck/6 def/2 res/8 con Swd C
Growths: 85 HP/55 str/40 skl/45 spd/35 lck/25 def/15 res
Supports: Bartre, Rebecca, Priscilla, Wil, Lucius

Summary: Everybody loves Raven, and really, who wouldn't? He joins with ridiculous offensive parameters for a Lv5 merc joining in Chapter 17, and has decent to high growths in all three. However, his bulk is only average despite packing a high HP stat. He is also most susceptible to being RNG raped... NOT!

Lucius (Lv3 Monk)
Bases: 18 HP/7 mag/6 skl/10 spd/2 lck/1 def/6 res/6 con Lgt D
Growths: 55 HP/60 mag/50 skl/40 spd/20 lck/10 def/60 res
Supports: Serra, Priscilla, Raven, Karel, Renault

Summary: Take Erk, give him more magic and resistance, but give him a worse magic type and you've got Lucius. The main draw to using him is that after promotion, he can immediately use high end staves such as Restore and Barrier. He also looks like a trap, and probably is one.

Chapter Summary:
The main difficulty that could stem from this map stems from the two tile wide corridor that starts near the bottom of the map and leads to the throne room; the trick is to find a mounted unit that can both deal heavy damage to the armors while also being able to counter archers. Because of this, the only candidates I have who could accomplish this task are Sain and Marcus, as they are the only ones with the power and bulk to both heavily dent the armors and ORKO the archers (my Sain has 14 str/12 spd, which allows him to double and 2HKO every archer on this map with a javelin).

Also, Raven. He's not too hard to recruit since he starts barrelling towards the player's position after a couple of turns. And his arrival is fairly appreciated, as I'm lacking in offensive powerhouses (Lyn is just one person and Guy is a wimp, not a powerhouse).

There is also some pretty good swag on this map, but the room with the knight crest and silver sword is too far away for me to simply haul Matt's sorry ass over to grab in any reasonable span of time while also getting the hero crest and unlock staff. Thankfully, there's an enemy thief that will try to pilfer both chests on turn 7, so I can let the thief do his thing and kill him later to grab the last item he stole. In this case, the knight crest is the more desirable item, as a promoted Oswin will be key in dealing with several mid-to-lategame maps, and I'd rather have him promoted ASAP. The silver sword is mostly superfluous as the only units that can use it ATM are Lyn and Marcus.

The last thing to note are the three green soldiers in the cell with Lucius. One needs to keep at least one of them alive in order to access the gaiden, but what reward the player gets depends on how many survive. If all three NPC soldiers survive the map, the player can obtain a red gem, which is more desirable than either the mine (the other mines I obtain in this run will be sufficient to perform the mine glitch I will be using to obtain the uber spear later on) or the light rune. Thankfully, they don't start exiting the cell until turn 8.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Hector and Oswin tee off by OHKOing a knight and a merc, respectively. Kent chips the samurai with a javelin, allowing Sain to kill him.
EP: Sain kills the two archers on the SW side of the map. Lyn gets attacked by the two archers on the SE side of the map. Hector kills a nomad.

Turn 2: Hector kills one of the archers with Lyn's help. Sain moves N to kill the short bow archer in the hallway. Oswin chips the other archer.
EP: Lyn dodges the archer that Oswin chipped. Hector chips and almost kills the steel sword cav.

Turn 3: Oswin and Eli mop up the remaining enemies near the entrance. Sain runs up to the armor using a javelin. Lyn gets dropped next to hector by Priscilla and Kent. Matt heads towards the S chest room.
EP: Kent further weakens the knight. Sain kills an archer and chips both an armor knight and a nomad. Matt dodges a dark mage guarding the chest room. Raven starts moving.

Turn 4: Hector removes the knight, allowing Sain to kill the steel lance cavalier. Matt and Bartre team up to kill the dark mage. Oswin moves S to intercept some reinforcements.
EP: Sain kills one of the nomads and chips the other.

Turn 5: Priscilla heals Sain. Sain and Kent move to block the archer next to Raven. Lyn kills the nomad. Matt opens the door to the S chest room.
EP: Kent chips both archers.

Turn 6: Lyn and Hector take out the archers that Kent weakened. Priscilla recruits Raven. Raven heads E to recruit Lucius. Kent heals himself with Hector's vulnerary while Sain chips the KE thief. Matt pilfers the unlock staff.
EP: The KE thief pilfers the silver sword. The other thief leaves.

Turn 7: Raven kills the lone archer guarding the prison room. Hector kills the archer that Kent drew in. Sain moves in to block the other archer from leaving. Matt pilfers the hero crest.
EP: The thief pilfers the knight crest. Oswin starts engaging the reinforcements.

Turn 8: Kent kills the thief. Hector and Lyn keep moving towards the throne room.
EP: Sain gets attacked by an archer. Lyn gets attacked by a knight.

Turn 9: I rescue drop Lyn into the throne room with Hector and Prsicilla. Kent and Sain move in to kill the knight. Raven recruits Lucius.
EP: Lucius draws in one of the throne room armors and a mage. Lyn gets attacked by the other knight.

Turn 10: Lyn and Hector kill the boss. Kent and Sain kill two of the archers in the central room. Oswin continues to engage the reinforcements.
EP: The archer kills one of the soldiers (one of the others kills himself on NPC phase). Oswin kills all but one of the enemy reinforcements.

Turn 11: Oswin kills the last of the reinforcements. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 11/61

Ending Thoughts:
I fucking hate the NPC soldiers. Would it have killed IS to give them more competent AI? Or perhaps non-shit stats? Either way, I lost my red gem.

Oswin reaches Lv18 and caps strength. However, he is royally speed screwed. Hopefully, this will not bite him in the ass in later maps.

If you're wondering why my Raven has 11 str at base, that's because I did some RNG abuse in Chapter 16 to ensure I got the best possible Raven I could get.

This will probably be the last map I deploy Kent, as Sain is just plain better than him in every respect.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     12/ 0   30 16 11  9  8 16  3 13 Axe B
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        13/ 0   33 12 16 18 13  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 0   37 20 13  6  7 20 11 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Priscilla   4/ 0   17  7  7  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain       11/ 0   29 15  8 13  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        9/ 0   26  9 11 14  2  7  5  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C

Raven       5/ 0   29 11 13 15  2  6  2  8 Swd C
Lucius      6/ 0   19 10  6 12  2  2  9  6 Lgt D

Supports: None

Swag List:
Hero crest
Knight crest
Unlock staff


Have a nice day.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 7)

Chapter 16: Noble Goat Demon of Caelin

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Bartre, Lowen, Serra, Priscilla, Guy

New Units:

Lyndis (Lv1 Lord)
Bases: 16 HP/4 str/7 skl/9 spd/5 lck/2 def/0 res/5 con Swd D
Growths: 70 HP/40 str/60 skl/60 spd/55 lck/20 def/30 res
Supports: Hector, Eliwood, Kent, Wil, Florina, Rath, Wallace

Summary: Lyndis plays like a typical FE samurai; while she doubles consistently, she has issues hurting things and her physical bulk is among the worst of any physical unit in the game. Her saving grace is the Mani Katti, which is basically a killing edge that trades 10 crit for effective bonuses on ponies and tin cans. This puts her firmly above Guy.

Kent (Lv1 Cavalier)
Bases: 20 HP/6 str/6 skl/7 spd/2 lck/5 def/1 res/9 con Swd D/Lnc E
Growths: 85 HP/40 str/50 skl/45 spd/20 lck/25 def/25 res
Supports: Lyn, Sain, Fiora, Heath, Wallace, Farina

Summary: Kent is one of two pony riders that join alongside Lyn. He specializes in skill and speed, but has noticeably worse strength than Sain. He also has the potential to start out promoted thanks to Wallace's knight crest in LHM, which basically turns him into another Marcus.

Sain (Lv1 Cavalier)
Bases: 19 HP/8 str/4 skl/6 spd/3 lck/6 def/0 res/9 con Swd E/Lnc D
Growths: 80 HP/60 str/35 skl/40 spd/30 lck/20 def/20 res
Supports: Kent, Serra, Rebecca, Priscilla, Fiora, Isadora, Louise

Summary: Sain is the other pony rider working for Lyn. He specializes in raw strength, the growth of which is 50% higher than Kent's, but takes slightly longer to double consistently. Like Kent, he can promote in LHM thanks to Wallace's knight crest. And did I mention that he's as big of a flirt as Sanji is?

Wil (Lv2 Archer)
Bases: 20 HP/6 str/5 skl/5 spd/6 lck/5 def/0 res/7 con Bow D
Growths: 75 HP/50 str/50 skl/40 spd/40 lck/20 def/25 res
Supports: Lyn, Rebecca, Raven, Dart, Rath, Wallace

Summary: Garbage. Apply everything that made Becky bad, and swap her high speed growth for an ok strength growth, and you've got Wil. Use him to kill the two pegs in Chapter 16, then bench forever.

Florina (Lv1 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 17 HP/5 str/7 skl/9 spd/7 lck/4 def/4 res/4 con Lnc D
Growths: 60 HP/40 str/50 skl/55 spd/50 lck/15 def/35 res
Supports: Hector, Lyn, Serra, Fiora, Ninian, Farina, Nino

Summary: Florina is a flying pony rider. Her combat is kind of shitty early on, and it takes a while for her to become competent, largely because she doesn't have the con to use lances. Thankfully, she doesn't need to engage in combat to contribute in an efficient run because her movement type lets her cheese terrain.

Chapter Summary:
The primary challenge on this map is keeping Lyn's group alive. How easy or hard this is depends on whether the player completed Lyn mode first. Players who skipped Lyn mode will find this part to be significantly tougher, as Lyn's non-LM bases are complete garbage, and without LM levels to buoy them, Kent and Sain have neither the offenses nor the bulk to take on the reinforcements (and even on this file, Kent's bulk is just sad). On the other hand, with a handful of level ups from Lyn mode, this task becomes trivial.

There is also a ballistician that one needs to be wary of on the map.While he should be relatively non-threatening to most units, this guy can easily 2HKO Florina due to the effective coefficient.

There are also two houses to save; the red gem house can be tricky to get since the thief will destroy it on turn 2 enemy phase. However, he prioritizes stealing over destroying the house, so leave a slower unit with a disposable item in his inventory to distract the thief. On the other hand, obtaining the heavy spear is trivial since it's only being guarded by two mercs and the bandit tasked with destroying it doesn't show up for a couple of turns.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin takes Florina's javelin and gets picked up by Lowen. Florina then drops Oswin over the cliff so he can take on the enemies there. Guy, Eli, and Bartre head S to save the red gem house. Lyn heads to the shoppe and buys a steel sword, a steel axe, and three hand axes while selling her red gem. Wil positions himself to take on the two pegs starting near the boss.
EP: Oswin chips an archer, mage, peg, and samurai. Wil chips the two pegs. Guy chips two mercs. Lowen and Florina each draw in and kill a peg. Sain draws in two mercs, chipping one.

Turn 2: Hector takes out the third peg that was drawn in last round, then gets ferried over the cliff as well. Wil and Lyn take out the two pegs that were drawn in by the former. Oswin moves E, killing the fire mage.
EP: The thief steals Bartre's vulnerary. Kent gets mugged by two sword users. Guy gets attacked by the two W cavaliers, killing one.

Turn 3: Hector removes one of the cavaliers near the gate with his wolf beil, allowing Oswin to move forward and chip another cav with his javelin (he swaps Hector's WB out for a hand axe, to deal with the mage). Kent removes the samurai, allowing Sain to visit the heavy spear house. Bartre kills the remaining cavalier while Guy takes out the thief. Florina swoops in to remove the archer.
EP: Oswin and Hector start to take on the enemies near the gate, chipping the thunder mage, while Flo draws in two of the cavaliers. Guy takes out a bandit.

Turn 4:  Hector kills the mage blocking Oswin, who then kills the ballista mounted archer. Lowen trades his iron lance to Florina, who then flies across the cliff and kills a cav. Sain kills the remaining merc near the heavy spear house. Priscilla visits the red gem house.
EP: Lyn draws in a merc. Florina kills two more cavaliers and chips a third cav and the samurai. Hector gets attacked by the mercenary reinforcement.

Turn 5: Oswin engages the boss. Hector moves east, using a vulnerary. Florina backtracks to the cliff to get healed while Bartre moves north to help distract the cav/merc reinforcements.
EP: Bauker and Oswin trade blows. Florina continues to draw in enemy cavaliers (this was actually a really dangerous enemy phase for her, as she needed to dodge at least one attack).

Turn 6: Oswin kills Bauker. Wil buys a steel lance and four javelins. Kent buys an extra steel axe and hand axe. Bartre, Flo, and Sain kill some random scrubs. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 6/50

Ending Thoughts:
First off, Sain's stats are in-sain. 12 speed/12 defense at Lv9? Holy fuckballs he is blessed.

On another note, Guy's strength is getting nowhere fast. 5 level ups, he only procs strength once. Fuck him. And on that note, I'm getting a new unit next map to replace him anyway.

And lastly, Oswin just capped defense and is two level ups away from capping strength. By the way, if a character caps a stat (or reaches S rank in a weapon type), the stat/weapon level will be colored green in the unit levels list.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      9/ 0   28 15 10  8  7 14  3 13 Axe B
Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Lyn        12/ 0   32 12 16 17 12  4  5  5 Swd A
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      16/ 0   35 18 12  6  6 20  9 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Guy         8/ 0   29  9 16 18  6  7  1  5 Swd C
Erk         4/ 0   19  6  8 10  5  3  5  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C
Sain        9/ 0   27 14  8 12  6 12  3  9 Swd D/Lnc C
Kent        7/ 0   24  8 10 12  2  6  4  9 Swd C/Lnc D
Florina     9/ 0   21  9 14 16 12  6  9  4 Lnc C
Wil         3/ 0   21  6  5  6  6  5  1  7 Bow D

Supports: None

Swag List:
Heavy spear
Red gem x2


Have a nice day.

Friday, 19 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 6)

Chapter 15: Laus Castle Defense

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Matthew, Bartre, Guy, Erk, Serra, Priscilla

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Another defense map. This one is actually kind of hard due to the large enemy density and the fact that at this point in the game, the player doesn't have very many durable units to hold off every path to the throne. Though, if the player kills the turd named Sealen, then the reinforcements will stop, making this map a bit easier.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Matthew opens the door southeast of the throne; Priscilla ferries him away afterwards and Hector puts him down. Oswin heads south to chip the armor with his javelin and to engage the enemies in that area. Bartre also heads south of his starting position while Erk parks himself on the pillar to engage the lone nomad to the west.
EP: Oswin draws in Sealen and kills a knight as well as chipping an archer. Bartre chips two armors and kills a soldier. Erk chips the W nomad.

Turn 2: Serra heals Bartre. Eliwood, Guy, and Bartre kill the enemies that the latter drew in last turn. Hector moves in to block the NE enemies. Erk kills the nomad. Oswin takes out the archer he weakened.
EP: Oswin chips a mage and a nomad. Hector almost kills a mage.

Turn 3: Bartre and Oswin kill the enemies that the latter weakened last turn. Hector kills the N mage. Eliwood chips the thief, while Guy heads NW to deal with the fighter reinforcements.
EP: Sealen moves towards the south to strike Oswin. Guy chips two fighters. The thief opens the door to the chest room.

Turn 4: Oswin gums Sealen with the silver lance. Guy and Eliwood start killing the fighter reinforcements. Bartre retreats while Serra and Priscilla heal. Hector kills the N merc.
EP: Sealen attacks Oswin again. Oswin also kills three sword users while Guy and Eli chip more fighters and Hector kills an armor. The thief pilfers a silver axe.

Turn 5: Matt kills the thief. Oswin kills Sealen. Bartre and Eliwood kill more fighters.
EP: Oswin chips one of the cav reinforcements. Priscilla gets attacked by a hand axe fighter.

Turn 6: Eliwood and Bartre kill more fighters. Oswin chips one of the javelin toting cavs. Matt opens the mend staff chest.
EP: Oswin takes out two of the cavs and chips another.

Turn 7: Eliwood takes out the last of the fighters with Guy's help.
EP: Who cares. Just Oswin taking out a cav.

Turns Taken: 8/44

Ending Thoughts:
Well, at least Eli is starting to catch up now. Not necessarily a bad thing either. Also, judging from Oswin's level, he's about ready to promote. Now, if only I had a knight crest...

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      9/ 0   27 14  9  7  6 14  3 13 Axe B

Eliwood     6/ 0   23  9  9 10  9  8  3  7 Swd B
Matthew     9/ 0   24  7  7 16  7  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      15/ 0   34 17 12  6  6 19  8 14 Lnc A
Bartre      8/ 0   35 14  9  8  5  9  0 13 Axe C
Guy         6/ 0   28  9 15 17  6  7  1  5 Swd C 

Erk         4/ 0   19  6  8 10  5  3  5  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Silver axe


Have a nice day.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 5)

Chapter 14: Benedict Eric

New Units:

Erk (Lv1 Mage)
Bases: 17 HP/5 mag/6 skl/7 spd/3 lck/2 def/4 res/5 con Anm D
Growths: 65 HP/40 mag/40 skl/50 spd/30 lck/20 def/40 res
Supports: Serra, Priscilla, Pent, Louise, Nino

Summary: Erk is a loser. He's useful early on as magic is one of the only real efficient ways of killing armors, and he is somewhat fast to boot. However, like Lugh in FE6, he received the short end of the stick in terms of competition with other magic users, as Lucius and Canas have more desirable properties, and Pent basically moons him forever.

Priscilla (Lv3 Troubadour)
Bases: 16 HP/6 mag/6 skl/8 spd/7 lck/3 def/6 res/4 con Stf C
Growths: 45 HP/40 mag/50 skl/40 spd/65 lck/15 def/50 res
Supports: Oswin, Guy, Erk, Sain, Raven, Lucius, Heath

Summary: Priscilla is basically Serra if she traded the Barbie girl persona for a pony. Like all healers, getting enough exp to promote at a reasonable time is a pain in the ass. She is still more useful than Serra because of the pony.

Chapter Summary:
Another rout. This map wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that it constantly rains. When it is raining on the map, all units get their movement halved, rounded down, with the exception of pony riders, who get theirs quartered instead (nomads are exempt from this rule). Another thing to note on this map is the boss. Those who have played HNM might recall this asshole having a silver lance, but for whatever reason, he has a ridersbane in HHM, which ironically makes him easier since he only has 17 attack with it (unless he's attacking a pony rider, in which case, he hits as hard as he did in HNM). And lastly, one does not have to visit the south house to recruit Priscilla; she will recruit herself so long as Erk is recruited and the house she is in is not destroyed.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Hector kills the soldier just E of the iron blade house, allowing Lowen to pick up Erk. Oswin heads W to draw in the mercenaries, with Marcus and Guy right behind him. Bartre parks himself east to intercept the enemies there.
EP: Oswin draws in both mercs, killing one of them. Bartre kills four soldiers and chips an armor.

Turn 2: Eliwood kills the merc that Oswin weakened. Guy and Marcus take out the two archers. Hector and Oswin take out two of the soldiers. Bartre moves NW to guard Merlinus. Lowen drops Erk, who gets recruited by Serra.
EP: More soldier killing by Oswin. Bartre kills one of the pegs, while Guy kills the other. The E armor runs back and heals.

Turn 3: Erk kills the armor blocking the path to the iron blade house, which Lowen visits. Marcus and Guy head S to save Priscilla's house and kill the two cavaliers there. Oswin and Hector team up on an archer. Bartre heads E to kill the armor that ran off.
EP: Eric and Oswin trade blows. He also chips a merc and a cavalier. Marcus kills one of the cavs and chips the other. The pirate he chipped dies on him as well.

Turn 4: Eli takes out the cav that Oswin weakened, as does Matt with the merc. Hector chips at Eric with the hand axe before Oswin takes him out. Marcus and Guy finish off their respective enemies. Lowen heads W to draw in the samurai and the bandit reinforcements.
EP: Hector chips a bandit and kills a cav. Oswin chips another cav while Lowen draws in the samurai.

Turn 5: Hector, Erk, and Matt kill the enemies that were weakened last turn. Lowen chips a bandit while Oswin heads W.
EP: Not much, besides Lowen killing a bandit and chipping another.

Turn 6: Oswin, Hector, and Lowen head SW. Erk kills the last bandit. Marcus heads to the shoppe and buys 2 each of iron swords, iron lances, and iron axes while Guy buys a heal staff and a fire book.
EP: lol

Turn 7: All units that are able head W.
EP: Oswin draws in a nomad.

Turn 8: All my units gang up on the remaining enemies, killing two of them. Marcus visits Priscilla's house.
EP: Erk kills the last cav.

Turns Taken: 8/36

Ending Thoughts:
Well, well, shit. Eliwood is seriously starting to get underleveled. Not to mention that it's already hard as hell to get him kill exp since his stats suck. Gotta find more opportunities for him to get kills.

Also, not too impressed with my TC for this map. I remember clearing this map in six turns last time. FML.

As for my stats, if you're wondering why Bartre has roughly the equivalent of his 14/0 speed average at Lv7, that's because I rigged his level ups so he would gain speed. Likewise, I've been doing the same thing with Oswin's res, in order to make two future maps a little more tolerable.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      8/ 0   26 14  8  7  6 13  2 13 Axe B

Eliwood     4/ 0   21  8  7  9  8  6  2  7 Swd C
Matthew     8/ 0   24  6  7 16  6  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       4/ 0   18  4  6 11  8  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      13/ 0   32 15 11  6  5 17  7 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       4/ 0   24  8  6  8  4  9  0 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      4/ 0   31  8  7  6  4  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      7/ 0   34 13  8  8  4  8  0 13 Axe D 
Guy         5/ 0   26  9 14 15  5  6  1  5 Swd C 

Erk         3/ 0   18  5  7  9  5  2  4  5 Anm D
Priscilla   3/ 0   16  6  6  8  7  3  6  4 Stf C

Supports: None

Swag List:
Iron Blade
Lucky Charm


Have a nice day.

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 4)

Chapter 13x: Squeal Like A Pig

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Defense map. The idea is to camp your units on the center island, which certainly is a viable strategy, but I prefer routing the map, because exp. Also, playing defensively is kind of difficult at first due to a lack of durable units. Also, Fog of War. If you have Matt with you and have him use the torch, you can make this trivial at best.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Matt takes the torch from Eliwood and lights up the map. Hector moves in to block the samurai, while Oswin gets ferried by Lowen (who is also blocking the enemies to the west) and Marcus to block the archer next to Merlinus. Bartre picks up Merlinus.
EP: The enemies next to the boss break down the snags next to them. The bandits on the SE part of the map also start to break their snags. Hector kills the samurai he weakened, and Lowen gets attacked by a mage. Guy and Oswin chip one of the bandits and an archer, respectively.

Turn 2: Dorcas trades Merlinus from Bartre. Matthew kills the archer Oswin weakened. Guy finishes off the bandit. Oswin and Eli team up on another bandit. Marcus critkills a third bandit. Lowen and Hector move up to protect Eliwood. Bartre plugs the west chokepoint and attacks the archer.
EP: Eli gets attacked by a merc and a nomad. Oswin chips a bandit. Bartre chips the mage. Marcus gets mugged by a samurai and a nomad.

Turn 3: Marcus heads E to grab the house. Eli and Lowen retreat back onto the center island, where Serra heals the latter. Bartre kills the archer. Hector and Oswin head NW, chipping a nomad and killing a bandit, respectively.
EP: The mage and nomad retreat. Bartre gets attacked by a samurai. Hector and Oswin chip at the NW reinforcements. Lowen gets attacked by two nomads and the merc.

Turn 4: Serra heals Bartre. Marcus visits the house for 5000 gold. Oswin and Hector continue to pound away at the reinforcements and clear a path to the boss. Lowen kills the merc, freeing Eli to chip one of the nomads. Guy retreats and chugs down a vulnerary.
EP: More chipping away at the NW enemies by Hector and Oswin. Guy critkills a bandit.

Turn 5: Lowen, Eli, and Marcus kill the two remaining nomads (Matt had to trade Lowen his sword afterwards). Hector kills a bandit that Oswin chipped previously, while Oswin does the same for a merc. Guy and Bartre continue killing bandits.
EP: Hector gets mugged by several reinforcements. Bartre kills the samurai and chips a brigand.

Turn 6: Hector and Oswin clear out the samurai directly blocking the path to Puzon. Bartre kills the remaining bandit near his chokepoint. Matt takes his sword back from Lowen and kills a bandit, while Eli chips the other.
EP: Puzon and Oswin trade blows. More enemies attack Oswin and Eli.

Turn 7: Oswin kills Puzon. Hector moves in and kills a nomad. Marcus kills the mage. Guy critkills a nomad.
EP: Most of the NW enemies attack Hector. Guy takes out another bandit.

Turns Taken: 8/28

Ending Thoughts:
Really sucks ass that Eli is still a horrendous piece of shit. Though, thankfully, he's getting better. Ah well. Like father, like son. Take note of that quote, FE6 players.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector      7/ 0   25 13  7  7  5 12  2 13 Axe B

Eliwood     4/ 0   21  8  7  9  8  6  2  7 Swd C
Matthew     8/ 0   24  6  7 16  6  4  1  7 Swd C

Serra       4/ 0   18  4  6 11  8  2  8  4 Stf C
Oswin      12/ 0   31 15 10  6  5 16  6 14 Lnc B
Marcus     --/ 1   31 15 15 11  8 10  8 11 Swd A/Lnc A/Axe B
Lowen       4/ 0   24  8  6  8  4  9  0 10 Swd D/Lnc D
Rebecca     1/ 0   17  4  5  6  4  3  1  5 Bow D
Dorcas      4/ 0   31  8  7  6  4  3  0 14 Axe C
Bartre      5/ 0   32 12  7  6  4  7  0 13 Axe D 
Guy         5/ 0   26  9 14 15  5  6  1  5 Swd C 


Swag List:


Have a nice day.