Saturday, 31 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 23)

Chapter 28: Hardest. Chapter. Ever.

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Heath, Florina, Sain

New Units:

Nino (Lv5 Mage)
Bases: 19 HP/7 mag/8 skl/11 spd/10 lck/4 def/7 res/3 con Anm C
Growths: 55 HP/50 mag/55 skl/60 spd/45 lck/15 def/50 res
Supports: Jaffar, Rebecca, Merlinus, Erk, Florina, Canas, Legault

Summary: Obligatory late joining growth unit. While Nino has very high growth rates, her bases are atrocious for the point in the game that one recruits her, and basically needs to be bottle fed in order to get anywhere in life. It does not help that she joins after Pent does, which makes her a laughing stock. Like any good loli on this blog, she loves getting tied up and fucked in the ass.

Chapter Summary:
This is without any doubt, one of the hardest and most tedious maps in the game.

Another fog of war defense map, this time with the objective of protecting Zephiel, who is in the center of the map. Zephiel's stats are fairly poor for this point in the game, sporting only 20 HP/8 def, meaning that he can get killed fairly quickly if left unattended. The problem, however, is getting to him; the player starts on the north side of the map, while the area where Zephiel is located can only be accessed from the south. While Zephiel can defend himself against the first fighter, the mercenaries that show up later are easily capable of one rounding him. Therefore, it is imperative that the player rush over to Zephiel before the mercenaries get to him.

There are two other NPC units that require tending to; Nino, who is on the east side of the map, and Jaffar, who is on the west side of the map. While Nino is in no immediate danger for the most part (she only has to deal with a 13 attack shine monk, and is only threatened if said monk crits), Jaffar runs a high risk of death due to basically being out in the open and surrounded by fairly dangerous enemies, including swordreaver fighters that have ~60 hit on him. While he can hold out against them for a while thanks to his high base stats, it isn't uncommon for Jaffar to die long before the player gets to him if the RNG doesn't cooperate. Even if Jaffar survives the reinforcements, his killing edge will almost certainly break.

Nino can be recruited by talking to her with either Hector or Lyn. While Jaffar can be recruited, he won't join on this map. but instead, he will join the map after. To access the next gaiden and recruit Jaffar, one must have Nino talk to Jaffar while he is still an NPC, then make sure both survive the map.

The swag here is really, really good. The west chest room contains a brave lance (allows consecutive attacks) and the boots (increases move by 2, perfect for Oswin). The east chest room contains a Delphi shield (blocks effective damage on fliers, makes Heath basically invulnerable) and a rescue staff (warps a unit next to the user, would've come in handy on this map if the player obtained it earlier). However, thieves will start spawning really early on and they will try to grab the items in the west room.

Lastly, I need to talk about Ursula and Maxime. Ursula is not immediately threatening at first, despite being in a 8 move class and packing 32 attack with her Bolting, since she doesn't move. However, she will start moving on turn 13 player phase, so it would be prudent for the player to either kill her or drain her Bolting before then. Maxime, however, is extremely dangerous. He is basically impossible to avoid due to covering a large chunk of the west corridor and, unlike Ursula, will move if the player enters his range. He is also a monster at close range, possessing 35 attack/18 AS with his silver lance and has 62 HP/13 def/20 res bulk making him fairly hard to take down in one round.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Heath, Raven, Lucius, and Legault head west, the latter two using torches to light the way. Hector, Lyn,and everyone else goes east. Lyn kills one of the swordreaver fighters near my start point while Sain kills the hammer fighter. Canas uses torch twice courtesy of Ninian.
EP: Jaffar kills a steel axe fighter. Nino gets attacked by a shine monk. Florina kills the remaining swordreaver fighter and chips the hero. Sain kills the mage.
OP: Jaffar kills a swordreaver fighter.

Turn 2: Legault opens the door, then gets picked up by Heath. Lucius uses another torch use, then gets talked to by Raven (B support). Lyn kills the hero with Hector's help. Florina opens the door, allowing Sain to kill the bishop and Canas to heal him.
EP: Sain kills an armor, merc, and two fighters before breaking his javelin. He also dodges a mage. The monk continues to attack Nino while a mage attacks Jaffar, but misses.
OP: Nino uses her elixir. Jaffar kills a fighter.

Turn 3: Heath drops Legault and heads into Maxime's attack range. Canas casts another torch use. Hector (carrying Lyn) is then danced by Ninian, who is then picked up by Florina and dropped back down further south by Sain.
EP: Two swordreaver fighters die on Jaffar, who also dodges a mage and an archer. Heath kills the fighter and mage, and draws in Maxime. Florina kills an archer.
OP: Jaffar uses his elixir.

Turn 4: Heath picks up Legault and moves south. Raven kills Maxime. Lyn kills the mage that attacked Sain while everyone else heads south, with Canas being danced yet again.
EP: Ursula attacks Canas, but misses. A fighter heads into the throne area.
OP: Nino uses another elixir use. Jaffar kills an archer.

Turn 5: Raven kills one of the thief reinforcements. Heath drops Legault next to the west chest room door and heads southeast. The units in Hector's group head west towards the throne.
EP: Ursula attacks the convoy, but misses. The throne room fighter attacks Zephiel. Canas kills two fighters (one carrying a swordreaver, the other a swordslayer) and a merc. Jaffar gets mugged by an armor, a dark mage, a monk, a mage, and an archer. Heath kills a sniper while Lucius takes out a dark mage reinforcement.
OP: Jaffar kills the archer he was attacked by.

Turn 6: Legault opens the door to the W chest room. Raven and Lucius head south, healing Heath, who picks up Jaffar and heads east. Nino is picked up by Flo, who is then danced. She then drops Nino next to the E chest room entrance where she is recruited by Lyn.
EP: Heath kills two dark mages, a mage, and a monk. Oh, and Ursula takes another potshot at the convoy.
OP: n/a

Turn 7: Legault opens the boots chest. Lyn kills the thief blocking Sain's path. Hector and Lyn have a chat (A support). Sain then drops Jaffar down and gets talked to by Nino. Heath then kills the hero reinforcement, after which Lucius heals him.
EP: Heath kills a merc and chips another hero. He also gets attacked by a mage reinforcement. Sain gets attacked by a monk while Leggy gets mugged by a dark mage.
OP: Jaffar kills the monk.

Turn 8: Leggy opens the brave lance chest. Raven kills the hero Heath chipped. Heath and Lucius also help with killing reinforcements. Flo takes Heath's chest key and heads east. Sain also takes Hector's hand axe and kills an archer.
EP: Ursula uses her last Bolting use on the convoy. Heath takes down two armors and two mages. Lucius kills the sniper.
OP: Jaffar kills another mage.

Turn 9: Flo takes a door key from the convoy and heads east towards the E chest room. Sain kills the general reinforcement with Heath's help, while Raven kills another mage reinforcement. Canas and Lucius torchspam this turn.
EP: Sain chips the second general and dodges a mage. Heath kills two more armors.
OP: n/a

Turn 10: The group on the west side cleans up the reinforcements. Flo opens the E chest room.
EP: Sain and Leggy get mauled by dark mage reinforcements.

Turn 11: Leggy and Sain are healed. Leggy heads south to steal the earth seal. Flo opens the delphi shield chest.
EP: More reinforcement killing on Sain and Heath's part.

Turn 12: Leggy steals the earth seal. Heath kills the sorcerer that held it. Lucius heals Heath. Flo opens the rescue staff chest.
EP: The mage reinforcement attacks Leggy.

Turn 13: Mostly torch spam from Canas. I also move Lyn and Hector into position to deal with Ursula the next turn.
EP: Ursula starts moving. She attacks Lyn and takes some chip damage.

Turn 14: Flo and Lyn gang up on Ursula, the latter killing her. Canas does some more staffspam.
EP: The mercenaries attack Lyn and all die.

Turn 15: Not much, besides some Canas staffspam.
EP: lol

Turns Taken: 16/182

Ending Thoughts:
Hector and Lyn finally reach A support! And to celebrate, I'm going to commission an image of Lyn getting fucked in the ass by Hector while she's tied up and gagged, so look forward to that in the coming weeks.

On another note, Lucius reached A rank staves this map, with Canas being only 7 wexp away from A staves himself, giving me two more warp users for use in the last three maps of the game.

P.S: Want more awesome, more often? Please like and comment on this playthrough, as well as my Amourshipping hentai pic.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 0   38 20 17 12 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    18/ 0   35 17 17 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        20/ 3   45 18 23 22 20 12 11  6 Swd A/Bow D

Ninian     13/--   24  0  0 24 22  8 12  4 --
Oswin      18/ 8   48 24 20 11  9 28 18 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 3   36 21 10 17  9 15  6  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe D
Florina    13/ 4   30 13 19 22 17  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 7   49 25 23 26 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe B
Lucius     13/ 6   30 21 12 18  6  7 22  7 Lgt S/Stf A

Canas      15/ 7   43 23 16 18 13 14 20  8 Drk S/Stf B
Legault    14/ 0   30  9 15 19 12  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 8   50 26 21 19 10 24  8 10 Swd B/Lnc S

Pent       --/ 7   34 19 21 17 15 12 16  8 Anm S/Stf A 
Louise     --/ 4   28 12 14 17 16  9 12  6 Bow A
Nino        5/ 0   19  7  8 11 10  4  7  3 Anm C

Hector x Lyn A, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius B, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Brave lance
Delphi shield
Rescue (staff)
Earth seal
Heaven seal


Have a nice day.

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