Thursday, 1 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 15)

Chapter 21: Fire Emblem - A New Hope

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Florina, Priscilla, Legault

New Units:

Ninian (Lv1 Dancer)
Bases: 14 HP/0 str/0 skl/12 spd/10 lck/5 def/4 res/4 con --
Growths: 85 HP/5 str/5 skl/70 spd/80 lck/30 def/70 res
Supports: Eliwood, Florina, Hawkeye

Summary: Ninian is a dancer. Dancers can reinvigorate units, but can't attack. Ninian has some other utility beyond the standard dance; there are four special rings that, if used, will buff a unit's parameters by 10 for one turn. There is also another unit named Nils that one gets towards the endgame that is basically the same unit as Ninian, right down to the stats.

Chapter Summary:
The majority of enemies on this map carry poison weapons. Thankfully, they aren't really considered to be a threat since poison does a negligible 1-3 HP damage per turn, and poison weapons aren't very strong to begin with.

I suppose the only real threat on this map is the boss. Oleg is extremely threatening at close range, packing 29 attack and 35 crit with his killer axe, a crit from which equates to instant death for anyone not named Hector or Oswin.

There is also an arena on this map. I will be making use of this arena in the time I'm allowed to spend on this map, but I will not be doing any extensive arena abuse that one might see LPers like Boltage McGammar do.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Florina heads west to deal with the two monks near the light rune house. Everyone else heads east. Legault uses a torch while Priscilla uses a torch staff use.
EP: Bartre takes out a pegasus knight. Florina kills the monk she didn't target on PP. Raven kills one of the wyverns and chips a second before his hand axe broke, then kills a monk with another hand axe.

Turn 2: Florina flies north and kills a third monk. Canas and Bartre remove the fliers that were blocking Hector and Raven's way.
EP: Raven kills three brigands, a monk, an archer, and a pegasus knight. Canas chips two wyverns and a monk. Bartre kills two monks.

Turn 3: Florina visits the light rune house. Canas and Bartre kill the two wyverns from earlier while Eli kills the monk. Bartre also goes into the arena.
EP: Raven draws in a peg and kills it.

Turn 4: Canas uses his celestial ring. Bartre and Eliwood use the arena. Florina visits the restore staff house while Hector visits the elysian whip house.
EP: n/a

Turn 5: Florina enters the armory and buys 2 each of iron sword, javelins, iron axes, and hand axes. Bartre enters the arena again.
EP: Raven draws in Oleg. He also kills two brigands and a monk.

Turn 6: Priscilla visits the wyrmslayer house. Bartre uses the arena a final time while Florina buys two pure waters. Legault steals Oleg's hero crest. Hector chips Oleg before Eli kills him.

Turns Taken: 6/109

Ending Thoughts:
After a rather long hiatus, I'm back.

Alright, first things first. Canas promoted using the Chapter 18 celestial ring, pushing his offense from decent to actually quite good thanks to the effective +4 AS that promotion gives. He can also use staves, another attribute that will become important in later maps.

Bartre has also reached Lv15, with capped strength, so he'll be promoting next map.

Not the greatest exp gain on Eliwood, but given how much he sucks, seems to be the norm for him. At least he killed the boss.

Oh yes, look forward to seeing more updates on this run, seeing as I'm suspended from DeviantArt for posting "inappropriate stuff". I'll talk about that in another thread. And no credit to the DeviantArt mods either.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     16/ 0   34 18 13 11  9 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    12/ 0   29 13 13 15 12 10  5  7 Swd B
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Matthew    12/ 0   26  8  7 18  9  4  2  7 Swd C
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 2   42 22 16  9  7 23 14 14 Lnc A/Axe B
Bartre     15/ 0   42 20 13 13  6 12  1 13 Axe A
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    12/ 0   24 10 17 19 14  6 11  4 Lnc B 
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     11/ 0   23 14  8 15  3  2 14  6 Lgt C
Canas      15/ 1   30 17 13 15 10 10 15  8 Drk A/Stf E

Legault    12/ 0   28  9 14 17 10  9  4  9 Swd C 

Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Light rune
Elysian whip
Hero crest


Have a nice day.

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