Thursday, 29 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 22)

Chapter 27: Winter Wasteland

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Florina, Heath, Pent, Louise, Legault

New Units:

Harken (Lv8 Hero)
Bases: 42 HP/23 str/22 skl/18 spd/12 lck/16 def/11 res/11 con Swd B/Axe B
Growths: 80 HP/35 str/30 skl/40 spd/20 lck/30 def/20 res
Supports: Isadora, Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Vaida

Summary: Harken is ridiculous. He starts off just two away from capping strength, alongside a decent 18 base speed and double B ranks. One neat advantage he has over Raven is that his resistance isn't complete ass, allowing him to take magic hits from time to time. He also comes with a brave sword, which is superior to Karel's Wo Dao in every sense of the word.

Karel (Lv8 Swordmaster)
Bases: 31 HP/16 str/23 skl/20 spd/15 lck/13 def/12 res/9 con Swd A
Growths: 70 HP/30 str/50 skl/50 spd/30 lck/10 def/15 res
Supports: Karla, Guy, Lucius, Dart, Geitz

Summary: Bad unit. In exchange for having a negligible 2 AS advantage over Harken, Karel has 3 less defense, 7 less strength, and 11 less HP, with worse growths in all three. It does not help that his Wo Dao is objectively worse than the brave sword, especially considering only four units can use it. Also, recruiting him requires that the player either open four doors or kill two promoted enemies, and prevents the player from recruiting Harken.

Chapter Summary:
This is the second route split in the game, the deciding factor of which one the player goes to being the sum of the experience gained by one's celestial ring users vs his hero crest users. If the sum of the exp gained by Serra, Erk, Priscilla, and Lucius (Canas does not count in the equation due to being recruited in a gaiden) exceeds that of the exp gained by Dorcas, Bartre, Guy, and Raven, the player will go to Kenneth's version of the map, otherwise, they will go to Jerme's map, which coincidentally is the map I ended up going to.

Regardless of which map the player ends up going to, the main feature of the map is heavy snow. Snow is functionally identical to rain in that it halves (quarters in the case of non-nomadic pony riders) the movement of any units as long as it is active. However, snow will not affect movement in any way if the unit is indoors. On Kenneth's map, the weather cycles every 10 turns, with the first 4 turns having the snow active, then the weather will clear up for 5 turns, after which the snow starts up again for another 5 turns. On Jerme's map, the weather cycles every 7 turns, with the snow being active for the first 2 turns, then the weather will be clear for 4 turns, after which the snow starts up again for another 3 turns.

For players doing an LTC run of the game, Kenneth's map is more desirable, as that map is a straightforward seize map with the entire map revealed to begin with, while Jerme's map requires the player to rout enemies spread across a larger map containing concealed rooms behind locked doors. Also, there is a speedwing obtainable on Kenneth's map that is not available on Jerme's map.

Regardless of the map, the player is presented with another mutually exclusive character recruitment, this time between Harken and Karel. Unlike with Wallace/Geitz where the map determined the unit that one could recruit, whether the player can recruit Harken or Karel depends on actions one performs on the map he is on. To get Karel, one must either unlock 4 or more doors on Jerme's map, or kill 2 or more of 3 specific promoted enemies (the Purge bishop, the sniper in the northwest ruin, and the general in the southwest ruin) on Kenneth's map, both by turn 10. Otherwise, Harken will spawn. To recruit Karel, talk to him with Lyn or Hector, and as for Harken, anyone from House Pharae (Eli, Marcus, Lowen, Isadora) or Ostia (Hector, Oswin) will work.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: All my units head north.
EP: Nothing significant happens.

Turn 2: Lucius kills the wyvern rider blocking Raven's path to the wyvern lord. Raven then kills the wyvern lord. Heath gets danced, allowing him to chip a wyvern.
EP: The wyvern that Heath chipped attacks Lucius.

Turn 3: Heath flies east and kills the falcon knight. Raven kills the nomad trooper. Hector picks up Lyn and is danced, heading east. Lucius heads north with Raven, while everyone else sticks towards the middle.
EP: Lucius kills a cavalier on the counter. Lyn kills a pegasus knight and dodges two mages. Heath kills the second peg and a cavalier.

Turn 4: Florina and Lyn kill the mages. Raven and Lucius head northeast. Heath moves north to block the enemies on the east side of the map, killing one of the nomads. Canas is danced by Ninian and heals Heath. Louise takes out 2 chest keys from the convoy.
EP: Heath kills two cavaliers, two nomads, and the paladin, and chips a nomad trooper (Canas chips the other guy). Raven kills one of the NW dark mages. Lucius kills the other as well as a cavalier.

Turn 5: Heath noves S to take care of the mage (after Canas heals him). Louise trades one of her chest keys over to Lyn, then is danced and heads north along with Pent. Lyn and Hector kill the two nomad troopers.
EP: Lyn gets attacked by the remaining nomad.

Turn 6: Lucius opens the door to the northwest building, at which point Raven kills the Nosferatu sorc guarding the chest. Hector kills the nomad blocking his way, then he and Lyn go north after getting danced by Ninian, who then activates her A support with Eliwood. Flo kills one of the falcon knight reinforcements while Heath opens the southeast building.
EP: Heath kills the hero and one of the mages inside the building. Florina kills the remaining falco reinforcement. Ninian and Eli get attacked while the fourth goes for Canas and dies. Hector chips a myrm while Lyn kills the remaining cav. Pent kills one of the dark mages inside the NW fort.

Turn 7: Heath kills one of the falco reinforcements. Louise kills one of the Luna sorcs. Hector kills the myrm he weakened last EP. Pent kills the other dark mage. Eli chips one of the mages that survived turn 6 EP. Flo heads west to the south fort.
EP: Heath kills the other falco. Eli kills the mage he chipped. Flo kills a monk. Louise gets attacked by the sorcerer she didn't kill.

Turn 8: Louise kills the second Luna sorc after getting healed by Lucius. Heath kills another falco. Flo kills the second monk guarding the fort entrance. Canas heads west towards the west fort. Hector opens the door to Jerme's fort.
EP: Hector kills all five of Jerme's flunkies, and is badly wounded by Jerme himself.

Turn 9: Heath heads back into the fort to intercept both the mage and the falco reinforcement. Lyn kills Jerme with Hector's help. Eliwood kills both nomad reinforcements. Louise opens the talisman chest.
EP: Canas kills one of the bandit reinforcements. Pent kills a wyvern rider and chips a wyvern lord. Heath kills the remaining mage and falcoknight.

Turn 10: Eliwood recruits Harken and kills the nomad trooper. Florina opens the S fort. Legault opens the central fort. Lucius heals Heath, who then attacks one of the monks inside the fort. Lyn uses her heaven seal.
EP: The other bandit dies on Canas. The monks all die to assorted units (bishop survived due to Flo's javelin having only one use. Flo also faced a ~65% CoD due to being on only 10 HP). The rest of the wyverns die on Pent (the WL survives).

Turn 11: Canas opens the W fort. Legault and Raven unlock the white gem and bolting chests, respectively. Pent kills the remaining wyvern lord. Florina kills the bishop after Lucius heals her.
EP: The mages in the W fort all die on Canas. The bolting sage attacks Legault.

Turn 12: Canas kills the sage.

Turns Taken: 12/166

Ending Thoughts:
Hector finally reaches Lv20! However, he still has 3 more maps to go before he promotes.

Speaking of promotions, Lyn finally received her promotion. Unfortunately, her promoted class isn't anything special. It's basically a swordmaster that traded +15 crit for bows. Not a terrible trade, but one wishes she got a better secondary weapon type. Or stripped naked, and had Hector tie her hands behind her back and have anal sex with her.

It's official. Raven and Heath are broken. Like, Raven is only Lv6 and already he's capped both strength and speed. As for Heath, he's basically turned into Haar from FE10. Well, minus the part where Heath is still weak to bows, but I'll get an item in the next map that will change that.

P.S: Want awesome, more often? Please like and comment on this playthrough, as well as my Amourshipping hentai pic.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 0   38 20 17 12 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    18/ 0   35 17 17 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        20/ 1   43 17 22 20 19 12 10  5 Swd A/Bow D

Ninian     12/--   23  0  0 23 21  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 8   48 24 20 11  9 28 18 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 3   30 13 19 21 16  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 6   48 25 22 26 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 5   30 20 12 18  5  7 21  7 Lgt S/Stf B

Canas      15/ 5   41 21 15 17 12 12 19  8 Drk S/Stf D
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 6   48 24 19 17  9 23  7 10 Swd B/Lnc S
Pent       --/ 7   34 19 21 17 15 12 16  8 Anm S/Stf A 
Louise     --/ 4   28 12 14 17 16  9 12  6 Bow A
Harken     --/ 8   42 23 21 18 12 16 11 11 Swd B/Axe B

Hector x Lyn B, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius C, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Brave sword
Prism sword
White gem
Short spear


Have a nice day.

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