Friday, 2 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 16)

Chapter 22: Thria Fortress Defense

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Oswin, Bartre, Sain, Florina, Canas, Lucius, Legault

New Units:

Isadora (Lv1 Paladin)
Bases: 28 HP/13 str/12 skl/16 spd/10 lck/8 def/6 res/6 con Swd A/Lnc B/Axe D
Growths: 70 HP/30 str/35 skl/50 spd/45 lck/20 def/25 res
Supports: Harken, Marcus, Lowen, Sain, Legault, Geitz, Renault

Summary: Isadora is basically Marcus if he traded bulk for speed (and a pair of tits) and joined 14 maps later. Her durability is just atrocious for a --/1 paladin, and her speed is wasted by a crappy 6 con. She's certainly not worth using over Kent or Sain, but is somewhat useful if one needs a filler.

Rath (Lv7 Nomad)
Bases: 25 HP/8 str/9 skl/10 spd/5 lck/7 def/2 res/7 con Bow C
Growths: 80 HP/50 str/40 skl/50 spd/30 lck/10 def/25 res
Supports: Lyn, Wil, Guy

Summary: A pony rider that uses bows. He's actually pretty decent if one looks past his latish join time and somewhat mediocre bases for this point in the game. However, his mount, combined with the fact that three of the next four maps predominantly feature wyverns, makes him better than Wil and Beccy put together.

Heath (Lv7 Wyvern Rider)
Bases: 31 HP/14 str/10 skl/9 spd/7 lck/12 def/2 res/9 res Lnc B
Growths: 80 HP/50 str/50 skl/45 spd/20 lck/30 def/20 res
Supports: Priscilla, Kent, Legault, Louise, Vaida

Summary: A dragon rider. Heath is usually underrated in tier lists, since unlike Florina and Fiora, he isn't a complete wuss at combat, no thanks to his 14 strength base and 31 HP/12 def bulk (helps that his growths in all three stats are above average by FE7 standards). He does pay for this slightly with a bad speed base, though he does have a decent growth there. His only real flaw is that he takes magic hits like a little bitch.

Chapter Summary:
The objective of this map is to protect Nils for 11 turns, a trivial task considering that Nils was placed in the back and isn't immediately threatened by anything. One can also end the map early by killing the turd named Eubans.

Many of the enemies on this map carry reaver weapons. Reaver weapons are special in that they can reverse the weapon triangle (e.g. an axereaver is strong against axes), and the WT bonuses are doubled when doing so. One way to deal with this is to use a weapon type that the reaver's weapon type would normally be good against (e.g. use a sword to fight an axereaver).

There is a secret shoppe in the northwest corner of the fortress that sells assorted staves, as well as chest keys and lockpicks. Be sure to visit it while the opportunity lasts.

Prior to starting the map, I promoted Bartre with the Chapter 21 hero crest.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin and Bartre move south and kill the two knights blocking the south exit. Eliwood and Ninian head west while Hector and Lyn head east. Isadora moves west as well, picking up Legault and trading over Ninian's silver and VIP cards.
EP: Bartre kills a cavalier and two nomads. Legault chips a wyvern.

Turn 2: Bartre kills a wyvern. Lucius kills the cavalier that Oswin whiffed last turn. Oswin kills a knight. Eli and Ninian continue west. Canas uses Isadora's seraph rope.
EP: Heath attacks Ninian. Hector and Sain kill the two swordreaver fighters to the east, as well as a WK. Legault kills the WK he weakened last turn as well as chipping another one. Bartre kills a nomad and a shaman.

Turn 3: Legault and Isa kill the enemies blocking Eli's path to Heath, who is then recruited. Lyn recruits Rath. Oswin, Bartre, Sain, Canas, and Lucius take out the knight, mage, cavalier, and two wyverns that the first two drew in last turn. Heath kills a fighter with Ninian's help.
EP: Bartre kills two knights and a fighter. Oswin helps kill mages. The thief pilfers the brave axe chest.

Turn 4: Heath kills the thief. Eliwood and Legault take out two of the mages and the cavalier reinforcement. Oswin's group continues to break through the southern reinforcements. Isa heads back to the secret shoppe. Hector and Lyn move south and kill a nomad.
EP: The south reinforcements continue to die on Bartre, Oswin, and Hector. Eliwood weakens a fighter and cavalier.

Turn 5: Eliwood kills the last mage. Heath kills the fighter reinforcement Eli weakened before getting danced by Ninian. Leggy and Sain move in to block the enemies from attacking Ninian. Hector and Lyn kill a nomad and fighter reinforcement, respectively.
EP: Leggy chips another fighter reinforcement. The cavalier attacks an NPC knight.

Turn 6: My main group continues to head south, killing reinforcements along the way. Leggy grabs the 10000 gold chest. Isa enters the secret shoppe and buys 2 chest keys, a lockpick, 3 physic staves, 4 torch staves, and 3 barrier staves.
EP: A WK attacks Lucius and dies. The E WK attacks the NPC merc, as do two archer reinforcements.

Turn 7: Oswin kills a nomad reinforcement. The party heads east to deal with Eubans.
EP: Oswin draws in Eubans. Heath also draws in a WK reinforcement, and the NPC merc kills a WK before the archers kill him. Florina kills a third archer.

Turn 8: Lucius kills the WK that Heath chipped. Eliwood heads W to kill a cavalier reinforcement. Oswin chips Eubans again, then Heath kills him.

Turns Taken: 8/115

Ending Thoughts:
Off to a good start, Heath.

I'm probably going to promote Lucius before the next map, especially considering it's desert, and I would like as many units that can ignore desert terrain as I can get away with. Plus I need extra healers.

As for why I gave Canas the robe, it makes his enemy phase combat a bit more reliable, which will definitely come into play next map.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     16/ 0   34 18 13 11  9 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    13/ 0   30 14 14 15 13 10  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Serra       5/ 0   19  5  6 11  9  2  8  4 Stf B
Oswin      18/ 3   43 22 17 10  7 24 14 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 1   45 21 15 13  6 15  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    12/ 0   24 10 17 19 14  6 11  4 Lnc A 
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     12/ 0   24 15  8 15  3  3 15  6 Lgt B
Canas      15/ 1   30 17 13 15 10 10 15  8 Drk A/Stf E
Legault    12/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath       9/ 0   33 15 12 10  7 14  2  9 Lnc B 
Rath        8/ 0   26  9  9 11  5  7  2  7 Bow C
Isadora    --/ 1   28 13 12 16 10  8  6  6 Swd A/Lnc B/Axe D

Hector x Lyn C

Swag List:
Knight crest
Brave axe
Armor cutter


Have a nice day.

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