Monday, 26 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 20)

Chapter 25: Miniature Fire Emblem 4 Map

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Florina, Heath

New Units:

Farina (Lv12 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 24 HP/10 str/13 skl/14 spd/10 lck/10 def/12 res/5 con Lnc A
Growths: 75 HP/50 str/40 skl/45 spd/45 lck/25 def/30 res
Supports: Hector, Florina, Fiora, Dorcas, Kent, Dart, Karla

Summary: Farina's combat is actually the best out of her siblings, statistically speaking, but even so, she has issues killing anything before her growths kick in. She also costs a ridiculous 20,000 gold to even recruit, which depending on whether the player sold the ocean seal or not, he might not have, and unlike Hugh, one cannot haggle the price down.

Chapter Summary:
For those who may remember Genealogy of the Holy War (a game infamous for its really large maps), this map pays homage to it. The objective of this map is to seize three separate castles positioned in the northwest, northeast, and southwest corners of the map. Unlike a conventional seize map where Hector must drag his fat ass to the gate, any unit can seize the castle gates by simply waiting on them. This also blocks any further reinforcements.

The northeastern castle is guarded by a bishop and a squadron of monks. The monks themselves aren't very dangerous, sporting around 12-13 attack with Shine (easily negated by pure water), but the bishop is fairly threatening with his 24 attack Purge. The castle is also on the other side of a lake, and it would take several turns in order to go the long way around, so the use of flying units is paramount.

The southwestern castle is guarded by a warrior and a cadre of pirates. These guys are complete jokes; while they can hit somewhat hard, they also have poor hit, and it doesn't help that the area they are guarding is covered with forest tiles, further compounding the issue. I suppose the warrior is somewhat menacing with his 35 atk silver axe, but even he only has +15 hit over his cohorts.

And lastly, the northwestern castle, which is guarded by the boss. Pascal is a bit of a breather compared to Linus/Lloyd from the previous map, packing only 30 attack with his spear and having around the same durability as Linus (+3 HP/-1 def). The cavaliers that spawn from the forts below him are more or less non-threatening.

On turn 5, a pegasus knight will spawn from the southeast end of the map. She can be recruited by letting her talk to Hector and paying her a king's ransom.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin, Lucius, Raven, Bartre, and Canas head northwest. The lordlings and Ninian head southest. Heath and Florina head northeast.
EP: Canas and Heath kill a couple of pegs. Florina kills a monk. Lucius kills a pirate.

Turn 2: Heath chugs down a pure water. Florina kills the Divine monk. Lyn and Eli help take out two pirates close to the bridge. Oswin and the others move in to draw in Pascal. Raven and Lucius activate their C support.
EP: Raven draws in Pascal and chips him. Oswin kills two cavaliers. Heath draws in a monk and kills him.

Turn 3: Heath kills the purge bishop. Raven kills Pascal. Oswin moves in to kill a cavalier while Eliwood kills a pirate. Florina visits the Elysian whip house and sits on the castle gate.
EP: Eli draws in the warrior. Oswin kills 4 more cavalier reinforcements. Heath gets mugged by monks while Florina kills the ones she's targeted by.

Turn 4: Lyn kills the warrior. The NW group gangs up on the cavaliers. Heath and Flo continue to kill the monk reinforcements.
EP: Lyn helps take out the remaining pirates. More reinforcements die from the other two forts.

Turn 5: Hector and Lyn activate their B support, as does Eli and Ninian. Hector is danced back towards the bridge. Oswin seizes the northwest gate.
EP: Yawn... Heath kills three more monks and a pirate. Oswin and Raven kill more cavaliers.
OP: Farina recruits herself.

Turn 6: Canas and Lucius do some last minute staffing. More reinforcements die for exp and Lyn seizes the southwest gate.

Turns Taken: 6/142

Ending Thoughts:
Finally starting to build up some supports, which should become helpful later on. Less so for Eliwood, since his support leaves after Chapter 29. But Lucius will definitely appreciate any extra defense and avoid he can get.

Lyn just needs 2 more levels and she's ready for a promotion, the item for which she needs will be obtained next map.

Also, more units reach S rank for their dominant weapon type. Helpful for... a +5 hit/+5 crit bonus, or something. S ranked weapons aren't obtainable until the final chapter anyhow.

And lastly, Lucius and Canas reach B and D rank staves, respectively. The latter is pretty important, since it will allow Canas to spam Torch in a later Fog of War map, increasing his staff rank further so he can use some important staves later on (I'm mostly talking about Restore and Physic). Speaking of Physic, Lucius can use those now, allowing him to heal 28 HP (roughly what he has for HP right now, coincidentally) from up to 9 range. Quite handy.

P.S: Be sure to check out the other amazing stuff on this blog. Including my ratings for the Pokemon available in Emerald. Or my awesome picture of Ash and Serena having anal.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     19/ 0   37 20 16 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    17/ 0   34 16 16 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        18/ 0   38 14 20 20 17  7  5  5 Swd A

Ninian     10/--   21  0  0 21 19  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 6   46 24 19 11  8 26 16 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd C/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 1   29 13 19 21 15  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 5   47 24 21 25 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 3   29 18 10 17  4  6 20  7 Lgt A/Stf B

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf D
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 2   44 21 17 15  8 20  6  9 Swd C/Lnc A
Farina     12/ 0   24 10 13 14 10 10 12  5 Lnc A

Hector x Lyn B, Eliwood x Ninian B, Raven x Lucius C

Swag List:
Elysian whip


Have a nice day.

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