Monday, 26 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 19)

Chapter 24: Decay of the Fangs

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Hetah, Florina, Dart

New Units:

Geitz (Lv3 Warrior)
Bases: 45 HP/19 str/14 skl/14 spd/11 lck/11 def/4 res/13 con Axe B/Bow B
Growths: 85 HP/50 str/30 skl/40 spd/40 lck/20 def/20 res
Supports: Dorcas, Dart, Fiora, Isadora, Karel

Summary: If Hawkeye is basically promoted Dorcas, then Geitz is basically promoted Bartre. Compared to Hawkeye, Geitz has slightly more speed, but cannot take hits anywhere near as well. He also comes with a B rank in bows, so he's a pretty good option if the player needs a strong bowman.

Wallace (Lv1 General)
Bases: 34 HP/15 str/9 skl/8 spd/10 lck/17 def/5 res/15 con Lnc A/Axe E
Growths: 70 HP/45 str/40 skl/20 spd/30 lck/35 def/35 res
Supports: Lyn, Kent, Wil, Vaida, Renault

Summary: Garbage. Pure unadulterated garbage. A giant may walk among the player in LHM, but here, Wallace is basically a poor man's version of Oswin. And saying that is being extremely generous. Also, recruiting him forces the player to go to the harder version of FFO and prevents the player from recruiting Geitz.

Chapter Summary:
Standard defeat boss map. Just kill the turd named Linus to win. Or Lloyd if one did not train his lordlings.

There are actually two version of this map, and which version the player is sent to is dependent on the sum of the levels of one's lordlings. If the lordlings have reached a combined level of 50 or above, the player will be sent to Linus's map. This map is harder to low turn due to the lake covering around 35% of the map, and the large concentration of wyverns and pirates over said lake combined with the 32 attack Bolting sage near Linus hinders most flier skip strategies.

Players that neglected to train their lordlings will instead go to Lloyd's map, which IMO is harder to get a 100% completion on, but at the same time, it's easier to LTC it since Lloyd starts really close to the player's location (this version of FFO can be one turned if the player rigs a Luna crit on Canas).

The map that the player goes to also determines the new recruit he can receive. Linus map players can recruit Geitz, who is an enemy warrior stationed near the animate seal house and can be talked to with Dart. Lloyd map players will have to settle with Wallace, an NPC general (in my case, armor knight, since I did not use the LHM knight crest) that is in the line of fire from an iron ballista sniper that 3HKOs him. Talk to him with any of the player's Caelin squad.

Prior to starting the map, Heath used the Afa's drops and the Chapter 21 Elysian whip. Wyvern promotion bonuses aren't terribly great, but it still gives Heath +2 speed, allowing him to double every enemy wyvern on the map even if he were to equip a steel lance (Linus is still out of reach). The Afa's drops are mostly there to make his level ups a little more reliable. Well, if 5% in all growths made any tangible difference. He's ridiculous either way.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven moves north and kills a merc (Lucius tags along to cast barrier on him). Heath gets danced by Ninian and moves in to block one of the wyverns from attacking Lucius. Florina enters the vendor and buys 2 Flux books and a Thunder book. Everyone else consonances around the village entrance.
EP: Raven and Lucius kill two wyverns. Bartre chips a merc.

Turn 2: Sain kills the merc that Bartre chipped. Florina and Canas move in to kill more mercs. Heath moves east and kills a pirate. Raven kills a third wyvern while Lucius kills another merc.
EP: Canas draws in the hero. Heath helps draw in some wyverns while Lucius kills another wyvern and dodges a bolting.

Turn 3: Raven kills the bolting sage. Lyn kills the hero with Eli's help. Bartre and Sain KO the remaining mercenaries on the south side. Flo kills one of the lake wyverns, allowing Heath to go and kill some pirates.
EP: More enemy killing. Lucius did face a fairly high CoD due to being in range of 3 wyverns.

Turn 4: Raven and Lucius continue to move northeast. Hector and Florina help kill some more wyvern riders. Flo is danced and heads north, stopping at the armory to buy 2 javelins and 4 hand axes. Sain uses his knight crest.
EP: Raven kills one of the heroes. Bartre draws in Geitz. Flo kills the W merc.

Turn 5: Dart recruits Geitz. Heath visits the earth seal house. Florina visits the silence staff house. Canas enters the armory and buys 2 of each reaver weapon. Eli enters the vendor and buys 3 heal staves and 2 restore staves. Lucius kills Linus with Raven's help.

Turns Taken: 5/136

Ending Thoughts:
Wow. Beat my own record for this map. Nice.

Sain had also promoted this map, giving me yet another reliable 8 move unit with decent offense and durability.

And Raven is once again proving how utterly ridiculous he is. Only Lv4 and he's only 2 away from capping str/spd? That's so brilliant, it's retarded.

Also, I had forgot to add Ninian's levels in the last four segments. Ah well. They're now on here.

P.S: If one did not see my commission where Natsu is fucking Sexy Santa Lucy in her ass, here it is again. Have fun fapping. 

P.P.S: My suspension will expire in 2-3 days, and I will be able to access my account again. Now, I have no animosity with the mods (it's their site, their rules), but if I find out that someone had reported me, that user will suffer my wrath and I will make an example of him/her.

Unit List:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     18/ 0   36 20 15 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    16/ 0   33 15 16 18 15 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        17/ 0   37 13 19 20 16  6  5  5 Swd A

Ninian     10/--   21  0  0 21 19  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 5   45 23 18 11  7 25 15 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd C/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 1   29 12 18 20 14  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc A
Raven      15/ 4   46 23 21 24 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 3   29 18 10 17  4  6 20  7 Lgt A/Stf C

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf E  
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath      15/ 1   43 20 17 15  8 20  6  9 Swd E/Lnc A
Geitz      --/ 3   45 19 14 14 10 11  4 13 Axe B/Bow B

Hector x Lyn C, Eliwood x Ninian C

Swag List:
Earth seal
Silver sword


Have a nice day.

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