Wednesday, 7 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 18)

Chapter 23x: Genesis Does What Nintendon't

Units Deployed:
Hector, Hawkeye, Eliwood, Ninian, Oswin, Heath, Canas, Lucius

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
This is without any doubt one of the toughest maps in the game. This is the first map in the game where siege magic and status staves start appearing en masse, and if that wasn't bad enough, aside from the reinforcements, every enemy on the map is promoted.

In particular, sages are probably the most dangerous enemies here, with 18 magic giving the two Bolting users 30 attack and the sleep/silence users having 9 staff range. Bishops are a bit less threatening, possessing around 6 less attack with Purge and having 2 less range with status staves. While the sorcerers are a joke at long range (since Eclipse is a piece of shit and none of them have status staves), they are absolute monsters close up with their Luna books doing upwards of 20 damage with 26 crit.

The map itself is also one of the more difficult maps to get through. The player is split into two 4 man squads that have to traverse a 5 x 5 room floor with locked doors and 30 HP walls. If the player forgot to buy door keys (like I did), then it is highly recommended to bring a thief. Oh yeah, bring chest keys too, since there's some pretty nice stuff in the chests here.

Kishuna makes his second appearance, and once again, his magic seal is mostly beneficial to the player, as enemy magic users will be rendered inert if they're in his magic seal. However, slower units might be hard pressed to double them, as they will automatically unequip their magic if inside the seal (the enemies here average 11 AS when unequipped). Also, Kishuna will move around the map, allowing some of the enemy units to exit his seal and start attacking the party, so it is still vital that the siege magic users and status staff users are taken out ASAP.

Kishuna will leave the map automatically on turn 5, leaving behind his four promoted bodyguards. However, if the player attacks him before then, he will leave the map after being attacked, and leaving behind 4 unpromoted magic users with some pretty nice stuff (If the door was somehow opened before he leaves, he leaves behind 4 unpromoted melee units with silvers). Regardless of how he disappears, all the doors and cracked walls will disappear.

For those who were wondering why I was rigging Oswin's level ups so he'd gain an abnormal amount of resistance, this map (and a later one) is why. With 42 HP/14 res, Oswin is 3HKO'd at worst by every single enemy on the map outside of the Luna sorcerers, and with a pure water boost, even the Nosferatu sorcerers can only manage a 4HKO on him (Bolting sages 5HKO him). It also makes him highly resistant to being slept or berserked.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Eliwood and Heath break down the wall in room C-1. Ninian dances Canas, who then kills the Luna sorc in room B-1. Lucius unlocks the door in room E-2. Hector busts down the wall while Oswin and Hawkeye chug down pure waters.
EP: Canas dodges a Purge. Hector gets hit by a Bolting.

Turn 2: Eli and Heath break down the wall leading to room A-1. Canas kills the bishop in this room. Oswin moves into room E-3 and kills the Bolting sage. Hawkeye kills the Nosferatu sorc.
EP: The two status staff users try to incapacitate Lucius, but miss.

Turn 3: Canas opens the door to B-2. Eli kills the sage there, then he and Heath break down the wall leading into A-2. Hawkeye opens the door to E-4 while Oswin breaks down the wall leading into D-4. Hector chugs down a pure water.
EP: Hector kills the bishop and gets chipped by the second Purge bishop. Lucius dodges another sleep staff while Oswin chips the silence sage.

Turn 4: Hawkeye and Hector kill the two status staff sages while Oswin kills the Purge bishop. Heath chucks a javelin at Kishuna, who then leaves. Eli then kills the purge bishop and Heath kills the Luna druid in room A-2. Canas kills the dark mage.
EP: Canas kills the two other unpromoted reinforcements. The bishop tries to attack Ninian, but misses. Hector gets attacked by the two Eclipse sorcs.

Turn 5: Heath kills the C-2 bishop and the A-4 sorc with Ninian's help (and some healing from both Canas and Lucius). Oswin kills the remaining sage with Hawkeye's help.
EP: More Eclipse shenanigans.

Turn 6: I send Lucius back to deal with the dark mage reinforcements that spawned in room E-1. Heath heads down to room A-5. Hector kills the remaining Noferatu sorc. Hawkeye opens the berserk staff chest.
EP: The dark mage reinforcement attacks Merlinus. The mage reinforcement does on Canas.

Turn 7: Heath opens the silver blade chest. Hector kills the troubadour reinforcement. Oswin kills the last druid. Lucius kills another dark mage reinforcement while Canas kills another mage.
EP: The remaining dark mage attacks Merlinus.

Turn 8: I take out the last of the reinforcements. Oswin opens the secret book chest.

Turns Taken: 8/131

Ending Thoughts:
Heath reaches Lv15, finally capping str/def. Guess who's promoting next map?

Also, Eliwood and Hector have gained one level each, fulfilling the requirement to go to Linus's version of FFO.

Speaking of Hector, he's starting to get pretty close to Lv20, and unfortunately, he'll be stuck there for a bit, since he cannot promote until after Cog.

Unit List:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     18/ 0   36 20 15 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    16/ 0   33 15 16 18 15 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Oswin      18/ 5   45 23 18 11  7 25 15 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 1   45 21 15 13  6 15  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    13/ 1   29 12 18 20 14  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc A
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     13/ 1   28 17 10 16  3  6 18  7 Lgt B/Stf C

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf E  
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath      15/ 0   39 20 15 13  8 20  4  9 Lnc A
Hawkeye    --/ 4   50 18 14 11 13 14 10 16 Axe A

Hector x Lyn C, Eliwood x Ninian C

Swag List:
Secret book
Silver blade
Afa's drops


Have a nice day.

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