Wednesday, 7 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 17)

Chapter 23: 1001 Nabatian Nights

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, Heath, Florina, Canas, Lucius, Legault

New Units:

Hawkeye (Lv4 Berserker)
Bases: 50 HP/18 str/14 skl/11 spd/13 lck/14 def/10 res/16 con Axe A
Growths: 50 HP/40 str/30 skl/25 spd/40 lck/20 def/35 res
Supports: Pent, Louise, Ninian

Summary: Imagine Dorcas, but have him join as a prepromoted berserker during a midgame map. That's basically Hawkeye in a nutshell. While Hawkeye is one of the slowest units in the game, he hits like a tractor trailer and will basically never die. He also has a completely custom animation that one will not see other berserkers use. And that's always cool.

Chapter Summary:
Desert map. Most Fire Emblem player loathe desert maps with the passion of a thousand suns, and I'm going to be honest, I'm not much of an exception. Desert terrain has the effect of incurring movement penalties for most units (Most infantry units have a 2 move penalty, while most pony riders have a 4 move penalty. Armors and nomads have a 3 move penalty.), with only flying units and infantry magic users being unaffected.

Most of the enemy force here consists of magic users and wyvern riders that conveniently ignore desert terrain, and at this point in the game, it is improbable that the player has a flying unit or magic user of their own that can stand up to all of these enemies. The two bosses are both warriors packing 50+ HP and 30+ attack, making them quite threatening at close range. They're even more threatening when they're within close proximity of one another, since they have an A support with each other.

Oh yeah, this map also features fog of war. And that's always nice.

Like most desert maps in the Fire Emblem series, there are many hidden items to be found here. One can find a map of the hidden item locations here. It is highly recommended to bring a thief for this map, since thieves are guaranteed to pick up a hidden item (other unit types have a 10% chance of finding said item). There is also a celestial ring on one of the mages and a white gem on one of the bosses that can be mugged.

There is also an NPC unit on this map that the player is supposed to protect. Though in this case, Pent hardly needs protecting, as he is 3HKO'd at worst by every generic enemy on the map at sub-40 hit rates and can easily ORKO them. No, the real problem comes from stopping Pent from killing everything so the player can fulfill the gaiden requirement, as I'll explain in the next paragraph.

The last thing I will point out is the gaiden requirement. In order to unlock the next side chapter, the player must earn at least 700 exp across all of their units. This can be done by bringing at least 2 unpromoted units, since they gain exp at a faster rate than their promoted brethren. Also, one can gain cheap exp by using staves or Ninian's dance command. Just... make sure Pent doesn't end up killing everything.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Legault moves next to the tent and lights a torch, picking up an ocean seal. Canas pops a mage while Lucius, Eli and Ninian head towards the non-desert portion of the map to take out some armors. Florina and Heath ferry Legault towards Canas's location.
EP: Canas chips the boss. He also kills a wyvern, a mage, and an archer. Lucius kills an armor, brigand, and archer. Heath kills another archer. Legault gets attacked by a wyvern. Many enemies attack Pent, including two wyverns that bring him to 9 HP.

Turn 2: Hector recruits Hawkeye. Canas and Lucius both chip Paul, allowing Heath to kill him. Hawkeye kills the wyvern that attacked Legault. Legault steals the celestial ring from the mage, who Florina kills.
EP: Eliwood kills a cav, then he and Ninian get surrounded by 3 more pony riders. Florina chips an archer while Lucius chips a monk. More enemies on the western side of the map die on Pent.

Turn 3: Heath kills a dark mage reinforcement. Florina kills the archer from earlier. Hector kills the monk while Eliwood and Lucius kill the pony riders from last turn. Lucius then gets danced by Ninian and promotes, ending his turn in Jasmine's range.
EP: Lucius draws in Jasmine (he either needed to dodge Jasmine or the archer to live this EP). Heath kills an archer. The longbow archer attacks Legault.

Turn 4: Florina kills the archer blocking Legault (I wanted Hector to kill him, but he whiffed one of the two hits needed), who then steals Jasmine's white gem. Hawkeye and Canas chip Jasmine, allowing Eliwood to kill him. Heath moves west, using a vulnerary.
EP: Heath chips 3 wyvern riders.

Turn 5: Florina pics up Legault, then gets danced and drops Legault. Heath kills one of the wyvern riders he chipped the previous turn. Eli and Ninian reach support C.
EP: Heath kills the two wyvern riders he chipped last EP and chips a third.

Turn 6: Leggy picks up the Filla's Might. Heath and Florina daisy chain him over the hull so he can pick up the body ring next turn.
EP: Heath kills the dark mage reinforcement. Florina further chips the wyvern.

Turn 7: Florina picks up Leggy and heads north after being danced.
EP: Heath tries to kill another dark mage reinforcement, but misses one of his attacks.

Turn 8: Leggy picks up the prism sword. Florina promotes, is danced by Ninian, then picks up Legault again. Heath kills the dark mage he missed previously.
EP: Heath and Pent clean up, ending the map.

Turns Taken: 8/123

Ending Thoughts:
Florina and Lucius both promoted over the course of this map, the former giving me an 8 move flying unit and the latter giving me a staffbot with innate Barrier/Restore. The latter will come in handy on the next map.

Heath went from Lv9 to Lv12 (almost Lv13) in the span of this one map. Just 206 more exp and he'll be ready to promote.

Eliwood also gained two levels, meaning that he, Lyn, and Hector need to gain two more levels between the three of them in order to fulfill the requirements to reach Geitz's version of FFO.

On another topic, I managed to get all the swag except for the hero crest (superfluous since both my hero crest users are promoted) and the Eclipse book (useless). Not bad.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     17/ 0   35 19 14 11 10 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    15/ 0   32 15 15 17 14 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Oswin      18/ 3   43 22 17 10  7 24 14 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 1   45 21 15 13  6 15  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    13/ 1   29 12 18 20 14  8 13  4 Swd E/Lnc A
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     13/ 1   28 17 10 16  3  6 18  6 Lgt B/Stf C

Canas      15/ 2   38 18 13 16 11 11 16  8 Drk A/Stf E  
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath      12/ 0   36 18 13 12  8 17  3  9 Lnc B 
Hawkeye    --/ 4   50 18 14 11 13 14 10 16 Axe A

Hector x Lyn C, Eliwood x Ninian C

Swag List:
Ocean seal
Prism sword
Celestial ring
White gem
Filla's Might


Have a nice day.

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