Wednesday, 4 January 2017

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 24)

Chapter 28x: Infernal Ele- wait. Wrong Game.

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, Raven, Lucius, Bartre, Canas, Florina, Heath, Legault, Nino

New Units:

Jaffar (Lv13 Assassin)
Bases: 34 HP/19 str/25 skl/24 spd/10 lck/15 def/11 res/8 con Swd A
Growths: 60 HP/15 str/40 skl/35 spd/20 lck/30 def/30 res
Supports: Nino, Legault, Matthew

Summary: Jaffar is basically Karel if he joined with higher base stats and traded a +15 critical hit bonus for Lethality. He's actually a fairly good unit in a vacuum, but he has basically no utility value outside of the ability to OHKO things. And Lethality's proc rate isn't the greatest in the world even with +30 crit from his killing edge.

Chapter Summary:
The layout of this map is composed of a large lake with several small islands scattered about the map. Every five turns, bridges connecting the islands will rise from or sink into the water, which will allow grounded units to progress through the map, but can also impede them, as only flying units and pirates can traverse watery terrain and the bridges connecting the northern islands to the one where Sonia is on don't rise until turn 10.

The optimal strategy would be to use flying units to ferry Hector across the lake to the throne. But there are a few impediments that complicate such a strategy. First off, this is the first map in a long while that features status staves; in particular, the sorcerer to the southeast and one of the bishops on the island just northwest of Sonia have sleep staves, while the other bishop carries a berserk staff. Furthermore, the sage on the island between the west ballista island and the speedwing island has a silence staff. While pegasus knights can typically get status staff hit rates below 20 with a pure water/barrier boost, Heath can face upwards of 40-50 hit from them even with pure water/barrier. Also, there is a group of wyvern riders near the dark mage group to the southeast that are fairly threatening to the player's pegasus riders.

Sonia herself is somewhat threatening, packing a 34 attack Bolting, and having 47 HP/22 def/30 res (after throne bonuses) close up. However, she is weighed down significantly by her tomes, making her attack speed fairly low (12 AS with Fimbulvetr) and easy to double as a consequence. She is also carrying a droppable fell contract, which can promote thieves into assassins. Funny how the player obtains one in the same map he gets a Lv13 assassin with bases that make both Matthew and Legault look weak.

The swag here is somewhat high end. A speedwing can be obtained from the chest on the island with three generals, and is fairly trivial to obtain despite the generals having up to 43 HP and 20 def bulk. There is also a blue gem and a seraph robe that can be stolen from a hero and bishop, respectively. Last, there is a recover staff, a Fenrir book, and a Thor's Ire to be obtained from the chests in the northeast corner of the map. However, these chests are quite hard to get to in efficient play, as a player would have to send a flying unit to those chests that could otherwise be used to escort Hector to the gate.

Lastly, the player cannot bring the convoy to this map, meaning that player units that pick up items will need to either have an empty slot in their inventory or discard one of their items.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Heath moves east to the island adjacent to my starting position and kills the sniper. Florina picks up Canas, then gets danced by Ninian and drops Canas on the ballista. Bartre parks himself in front of the peg squad while everyone else heads north.
EP: Bartre takes out the peg squad and gets attacked by three Bolting mages. Canas dodges a silence staff. He and Heath also kill the two archers on the W ballista island.

Turn 2: Heath kills the silence sage. Florina moves in to kill one of the bolting mages. Lucius kills a pirate blocking Heath's way.
EP: Raven kills a cavalier and chips the silver lance paladin. Heath and Canas each dodge a bolting.

Turn 3: Eliwood kills the paladin from earlier. Raven and Lucius kill two more pony riders. Canas gets dropped onto the bolting island by Flo and Heath, who then equips a lancereaver and heads into the wyverns' range.
EP: Heath kills four wyvern riders and chips the wyvern lord and one of the generals. Bartre chipped a poison sword cav (would've killed, but he whiffed the second hit) and gets attacked by a nomad. The two mages attack Heath. Canas dodges a sleep staff from the enemy sorcerer. Raven gets berserked.

Turn 4: Raven gets restored by Lucius and kills the nomad after Bartre chipped it. Eliwood also kills the sword cav that Bartre chipped. Heath kills the sleep staff sorc and gets healed by Canas.
EP: Heath kills a pirate and four dark mages. Canas kills two wyvern riders. Florina breaks her javelin on the wyvern lord and dodges both a pirate and a bolting. Bartre kills another cavalier.

Turn 5: Eliwood kills the last nomad. Raven gets restored and kills a merc on the blue gem hero island. Canas kills the wyvern lord while Florina heads towards Hector's group. Heath opens the speedwing chest.
EP: Canas kills three wyvern riders. Heath kills a pirate. The mercenaries attack Florina and Raven, while the hero attacks the latter. Flo dodges a bolting while Leggy dodges both a berserk and a sleep staff from the two bishops.

Turn 6: Leggy steals the blue gem. Raven chips the hero, allowing Eli to kill it. Flo picks up Hector and flies southeast. Canas kills off another pirate, then gets picked up by Heath, who flies east.
EP: Heath dodges Sonia's bolting and kills a wyvern rider. Leggy gets attacked by a wyvern rider and dodges a bolting. Eli gets attacked by the seraph robe bishop. Jaffar gets put to sleep.

Turn 7: Leggy steals the seraph robe. Eli and Bartre kill the two bishops. Raven kills one of the wyvern rider reinforcements. Heath drops Canas on Sonia's island while Florina trades her chest keys to him.
EP: Florina gets hit by Sonia's bolting. Raven and Lucius kill wyvern reinforcements (one of them attacks Leggy). Canas kills the devil axe pirate and the second wyvern rider near Sonia.

Turn 8: Canas kills Sonia. Heath takes Flo's delphi shield, gets danced by Ninian, and heads north to kill the silver bow sniper. Eli uses his heaven seal.
EP: Heath kills two wyvern riders, while the third one and the wyvern lord attack Ninian. Two of the archers mount ballistae and attack Bartre. The other two attack Heath, but miss.

Turn 9: Heath opens the Thor's Ire chest, gets danced (Bartre and Eli rescued him into Ninian's range) and opens the Fenrir chest. Legault kills the wyvern lord after Raven chips it. Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 9/191

Ending Thoughts:
I gotta say that Eli really has come a long way. By that, I mean he went from being really underleveled in Chapter 20 and managed to overcome a large level deficit to become something that's actually decent.

Weird shit: Canas, a magic user, has about 15 more HP and 6 more defense than Florina, a pegasus rider. And here I thought that magic users were frail. Granted, I compared him to a unit that was going to be frail on average anyway, but still.

Remember when I said that I would commission a pic of Hector and Lyn having anal once they reached their A support? Well, let's just say I contacted Sketch Lanza on Monday, and sent him a commission with those details.

P.S: Want more awesome, more often? Please like and comment on this playthrough, as well as my Amourshipping hentai pic.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 0   38 20 17 12 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    20/ 1   41 20 18 21 17 13  9  9 Swd A/Lnc D
Lyn        20/ 3   45 18 23 22 20 12 11  6 Swd A/Bow D

Ninian     13/--   24  0  0 24 22  8 12  4 --
Oswin      18/ 8   48 24 20 11  9 28 18 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 4   48 23 16 15  7 17  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 3   36 21 10 17  9 15  6  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe D
Florina    13/ 4   30 13 19 22 17  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 8   50 25 23 26 10 16  6  9 Swd S/Axe B
Lucius     13/ 7   30 22 13 19  6  7 23  7 Lgt S/Stf A

Canas      15/ 9   45 25 17 20 14 14 22  8 Drk S/Stf A
Legault    15/ 0   30 10 16 20 13 10  6  9 Swd C
Heath      15/10   52 27 22 20 11 25  8 10 Swd B/Lnc S

Pent       --/ 7   34 19 21 17 15 12 16  8 Anm S/Stf A
Louise     --/ 4   28 12 14 17 16  9 12  6 Bow A
Nino        5/ 0   19  7  8 11 10  4  7  3 Anm C
Jaffar     --/13   34 19 25 24 10 15 11  8 Swd A

Hector x Lyn A, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius B, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Blue Gem
Seraph robe
Thor's Ire
Fell contract


Have a nice day.

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