Saturday, 7 January 2017

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 26)

Chapter 30: Great Lord Hector

Units Deployed:
Hector, Legault

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
Not a terribly hard map.

The main challenge behind this map is that the player can only bring one unit besides Hector. Ideally, the player would either want to bring a mounted unit to assist Hector in getting to the gate, or a lower leveled unit to help them catch up on levels.

However, there are 2 items that are held by enemies that can only be obtained by stealing them, so it may be prudent to bring a thief. However, this will also necessarily mean that Hector will have to take the brunt of the offense on this map, as neither Matthew nor Legault have good combat parameters at this point in the game, especially when one considers that the majority of enemies on this map are armored.

The other key feature on this map are the holes that dot many of the walls. Any unit that stands within 3 tiles of one of these holes will not only take damage, but will also become poisoned for 5 turns. Normally, poison isn't such a big deal, but due to the tight deployment on this map, it can really wear one's units down, especially if a staff user wasn't the second unit chosen.

The goal of this map is to kill Kaim and claim the space he's standing on. However, killing Kaim is easier said than done, as Hector can only 4HKO him with his strongest accessible weapon and he himself is 3HKO'd by Kaim's 35 attack Tomahawk.

Lastly, the player can neither deploy the convoy nor Oswin on this map.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Legault kills the thief (he needed to proc a KE crit to do so). Hector kills an armor.
EP: Leggy chips the armor that was next to the thief he killed. Hector gets his elixir stolen. He and the thief both get poisoned.

Turn 2: Leggy and Hector both head north.
EP: 2 knights and the thief die on Hector. Leggy kills the armor he chipped last EP.

Turn 3: Hector and Leggy continue north, the former killing a mage.
EP: Hector chips the speedwing mage (he would've killed if not for his hand axe breaking).

Turn 4: Leggy steals the speedwing. Hector moves west and kills one of the axereaver armors.
EP: Hector gets attacked by the speedwing mage.

Turn 5: Hector equips a new hand axe and uses his elixir. Leggy heads for the wolf beil chest.
EP: Hector kills both mages and chips the second reaver armor.

Turn 6: Hector continues west, using his elixir again. Leggy opens the wolf beil chest.
EP: Hector kills the steel blade merc and the swordreaver fighter.

Turn 7: Hector continues west, using his third elixir use.
EP: The 3 mages near Kaim attack Hector and all die. Leggy gets attacked by an armor.

Turn 8: Hector attacks Kaim, critting him. Leggy kills the armor that attacked him.
EP: Hector kills Kaim. Leggy gets attacked by a third armor.

Turn 9: Hector seizes.

Turns Taken: 9/208

Ending Thoughts:
Hector = best lord in FE7, period. Really, his only real flaw at this point is that he has 5 movement when everyone else has at least 6.

Speaking of Hector, don't forget to check out this new image of him anal fucking Lyn.

And if it means anything, Leggy is promoting next map, since there's basically nothing of value left to steal. That and he needs Lethality to kill anything these days.

Lastly, Ninian is no longer available for use at this point. Instead, her brother Nils will be joining the posse. Nils is basically the same unit as Ninian anyway, right down to the stats.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 3   43 22 21 16 11 22 10 15 Swd D/Axe A
Eliwood    20/ 3   43 22 19 22 18 13 11  9 Swd A/Lnc D
Lyn        20/ 5   47 20 24 24 21 12 12  6 Swd A/Bow C

Nils       13/--   25  0  0 25 24  9 14  4 --
Oswin      18/10   50 25 20 12 10 30 20 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 4   48 23 16 15  7 17  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 4   37 22 10 18  9 15  6  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe C
Florina    13/ 6   31 15 21 23 18  9 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 8   50 25 23 26 10 16  6  9 Swd S/Axe B
Lucius     13/ 7   30 22 13 19  6  7 23  7 Lgt S/Stf A

Canas      15/11   46 27 18 21 14 14 24  8 Drk S/Stf A
Legault    17/ 0   32 11 16 20 14 11  7  9 Swd C
Heath      15/10   52 27 22 20 11 25  8 10 Swd B/Lnc S

Pent       --/ 9   35 20 21 18 16 12 18  8 Anm S/Stf A
Louise     --/ 6   29 14 15 19 16  9 12  6 Bow A

Hector x Lyn A, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius B, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Wolf Beil
Steel blade


Have a nice day.

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