Saturday, 31 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 23)

Chapter 28: Hardest. Chapter. Ever.

Units Deployed:
Hector, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Heath, Florina, Sain

New Units:

Nino (Lv5 Mage)
Bases: 19 HP/7 mag/8 skl/11 spd/10 lck/4 def/7 res/3 con Anm C
Growths: 55 HP/50 mag/55 skl/60 spd/45 lck/15 def/50 res
Supports: Jaffar, Rebecca, Merlinus, Erk, Florina, Canas, Legault

Summary: Obligatory late joining growth unit. While Nino has very high growth rates, her bases are atrocious for the point in the game that one recruits her, and basically needs to be bottle fed in order to get anywhere in life. It does not help that she joins after Pent does, which makes her a laughing stock. Like any good loli on this blog, she loves getting tied up and fucked in the ass.

Chapter Summary:
This is without any doubt, one of the hardest and most tedious maps in the game.

Another fog of war defense map, this time with the objective of protecting Zephiel, who is in the center of the map. Zephiel's stats are fairly poor for this point in the game, sporting only 20 HP/8 def, meaning that he can get killed fairly quickly if left unattended. The problem, however, is getting to him; the player starts on the north side of the map, while the area where Zephiel is located can only be accessed from the south. While Zephiel can defend himself against the first fighter, the mercenaries that show up later are easily capable of one rounding him. Therefore, it is imperative that the player rush over to Zephiel before the mercenaries get to him.

There are two other NPC units that require tending to; Nino, who is on the east side of the map, and Jaffar, who is on the west side of the map. While Nino is in no immediate danger for the most part (she only has to deal with a 13 attack shine monk, and is only threatened if said monk crits), Jaffar runs a high risk of death due to basically being out in the open and surrounded by fairly dangerous enemies, including swordreaver fighters that have ~60 hit on him. While he can hold out against them for a while thanks to his high base stats, it isn't uncommon for Jaffar to die long before the player gets to him if the RNG doesn't cooperate. Even if Jaffar survives the reinforcements, his killing edge will almost certainly break.

Nino can be recruited by talking to her with either Hector or Lyn. While Jaffar can be recruited, he won't join on this map. but instead, he will join the map after. To access the next gaiden and recruit Jaffar, one must have Nino talk to Jaffar while he is still an NPC, then make sure both survive the map.

The swag here is really, really good. The west chest room contains a brave lance (allows consecutive attacks) and the boots (increases move by 2, perfect for Oswin). The east chest room contains a Delphi shield (blocks effective damage on fliers, makes Heath basically invulnerable) and a rescue staff (warps a unit next to the user, would've come in handy on this map if the player obtained it earlier). However, thieves will start spawning really early on and they will try to grab the items in the west room.

Lastly, I need to talk about Ursula and Maxime. Ursula is not immediately threatening at first, despite being in a 8 move class and packing 32 attack with her Bolting, since she doesn't move. However, she will start moving on turn 13 player phase, so it would be prudent for the player to either kill her or drain her Bolting before then. Maxime, however, is extremely dangerous. He is basically impossible to avoid due to covering a large chunk of the west corridor and, unlike Ursula, will move if the player enters his range. He is also a monster at close range, possessing 35 attack/18 AS with his silver lance and has 62 HP/13 def/20 res bulk making him fairly hard to take down in one round.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Heath, Raven, Lucius, and Legault head west, the latter two using torches to light the way. Hector, Lyn,and everyone else goes east. Lyn kills one of the swordreaver fighters near my start point while Sain kills the hammer fighter. Canas uses torch twice courtesy of Ninian.
EP: Jaffar kills a steel axe fighter. Nino gets attacked by a shine monk. Florina kills the remaining swordreaver fighter and chips the hero. Sain kills the mage.
OP: Jaffar kills a swordreaver fighter.

Turn 2: Legault opens the door, then gets picked up by Heath. Lucius uses another torch use, then gets talked to by Raven (B support). Lyn kills the hero with Hector's help. Florina opens the door, allowing Sain to kill the bishop and Canas to heal him.
EP: Sain kills an armor, merc, and two fighters before breaking his javelin. He also dodges a mage. The monk continues to attack Nino while a mage attacks Jaffar, but misses.
OP: Nino uses her elixir. Jaffar kills a fighter.

Turn 3: Heath drops Legault and heads into Maxime's attack range. Canas casts another torch use. Hector (carrying Lyn) is then danced by Ninian, who is then picked up by Florina and dropped back down further south by Sain.
EP: Two swordreaver fighters die on Jaffar, who also dodges a mage and an archer. Heath kills the fighter and mage, and draws in Maxime. Florina kills an archer.
OP: Jaffar uses his elixir.

Turn 4: Heath picks up Legault and moves south. Raven kills Maxime. Lyn kills the mage that attacked Sain while everyone else heads south, with Canas being danced yet again.
EP: Ursula attacks Canas, but misses. A fighter heads into the throne area.
OP: Nino uses another elixir use. Jaffar kills an archer.

Turn 5: Raven kills one of the thief reinforcements. Heath drops Legault next to the west chest room door and heads southeast. The units in Hector's group head west towards the throne.
EP: Ursula attacks the convoy, but misses. The throne room fighter attacks Zephiel. Canas kills two fighters (one carrying a swordreaver, the other a swordslayer) and a merc. Jaffar gets mugged by an armor, a dark mage, a monk, a mage, and an archer. Heath kills a sniper while Lucius takes out a dark mage reinforcement.
OP: Jaffar kills the archer he was attacked by.

Turn 6: Legault opens the door to the W chest room. Raven and Lucius head south, healing Heath, who picks up Jaffar and heads east. Nino is picked up by Flo, who is then danced. She then drops Nino next to the E chest room entrance where she is recruited by Lyn.
EP: Heath kills two dark mages, a mage, and a monk. Oh, and Ursula takes another potshot at the convoy.
OP: n/a

Turn 7: Legault opens the boots chest. Lyn kills the thief blocking Sain's path. Hector and Lyn have a chat (A support). Sain then drops Jaffar down and gets talked to by Nino. Heath then kills the hero reinforcement, after which Lucius heals him.
EP: Heath kills a merc and chips another hero. He also gets attacked by a mage reinforcement. Sain gets attacked by a monk while Leggy gets mugged by a dark mage.
OP: Jaffar kills the monk.

Turn 8: Leggy opens the brave lance chest. Raven kills the hero Heath chipped. Heath and Lucius also help with killing reinforcements. Flo takes Heath's chest key and heads east. Sain also takes Hector's hand axe and kills an archer.
EP: Ursula uses her last Bolting use on the convoy. Heath takes down two armors and two mages. Lucius kills the sniper.
OP: Jaffar kills another mage.

Turn 9: Flo takes a door key from the convoy and heads east towards the E chest room. Sain kills the general reinforcement with Heath's help, while Raven kills another mage reinforcement. Canas and Lucius torchspam this turn.
EP: Sain chips the second general and dodges a mage. Heath kills two more armors.
OP: n/a

Turn 10: The group on the west side cleans up the reinforcements. Flo opens the E chest room.
EP: Sain and Leggy get mauled by dark mage reinforcements.

Turn 11: Leggy and Sain are healed. Leggy heads south to steal the earth seal. Flo opens the delphi shield chest.
EP: More reinforcement killing on Sain and Heath's part.

Turn 12: Leggy steals the earth seal. Heath kills the sorcerer that held it. Lucius heals Heath. Flo opens the rescue staff chest.
EP: The mage reinforcement attacks Leggy.

Turn 13: Mostly torch spam from Canas. I also move Lyn and Hector into position to deal with Ursula the next turn.
EP: Ursula starts moving. She attacks Lyn and takes some chip damage.

Turn 14: Flo and Lyn gang up on Ursula, the latter killing her. Canas does some more staffspam.
EP: The mercenaries attack Lyn and all die.

Turn 15: Not much, besides some Canas staffspam.
EP: lol

Turns Taken: 16/182

Ending Thoughts:
Hector and Lyn finally reach A support! And to celebrate, I'm going to commission an image of Lyn getting fucked in the ass by Hector while she's tied up and gagged, so look forward to that in the coming weeks.

On another note, Lucius reached A rank staves this map, with Canas being only 7 wexp away from A staves himself, giving me two more warp users for use in the last three maps of the game.

P.S: Want more awesome, more often? Please like and comment on this playthrough, as well as my Amourshipping hentai pic.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 0   38 20 17 12 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    18/ 0   35 17 17 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        20/ 3   45 18 23 22 20 12 11  6 Swd A/Bow D

Ninian     13/--   24  0  0 24 22  8 12  4 --
Oswin      18/ 8   48 24 20 11  9 28 18 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 3   36 21 10 17  9 15  6  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe D
Florina    13/ 4   30 13 19 22 17  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 7   49 25 23 26 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe B
Lucius     13/ 6   30 21 12 18  6  7 22  7 Lgt S/Stf A

Canas      15/ 7   43 23 16 18 13 14 20  8 Drk S/Stf B
Legault    14/ 0   30  9 15 19 12  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 8   50 26 21 19 10 24  8 10 Swd B/Lnc S

Pent       --/ 7   34 19 21 17 15 12 16  8 Anm S/Stf A 
Louise     --/ 4   28 12 14 17 16  9 12  6 Bow A
Nino        5/ 0   19  7  8 11 10  4  7  3 Anm C

Hector x Lyn A, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius B, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Brave lance
Delphi shield
Rescue (staff)
Earth seal
Heaven seal


Have a nice day.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 22)

Chapter 27: Winter Wasteland

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Florina, Heath, Pent, Louise, Legault

New Units:

Harken (Lv8 Hero)
Bases: 42 HP/23 str/22 skl/18 spd/12 lck/16 def/11 res/11 con Swd B/Axe B
Growths: 80 HP/35 str/30 skl/40 spd/20 lck/30 def/20 res
Supports: Isadora, Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Vaida

Summary: Harken is ridiculous. He starts off just two away from capping strength, alongside a decent 18 base speed and double B ranks. One neat advantage he has over Raven is that his resistance isn't complete ass, allowing him to take magic hits from time to time. He also comes with a brave sword, which is superior to Karel's Wo Dao in every sense of the word.

Karel (Lv8 Swordmaster)
Bases: 31 HP/16 str/23 skl/20 spd/15 lck/13 def/12 res/9 con Swd A
Growths: 70 HP/30 str/50 skl/50 spd/30 lck/10 def/15 res
Supports: Karla, Guy, Lucius, Dart, Geitz

Summary: Bad unit. In exchange for having a negligible 2 AS advantage over Harken, Karel has 3 less defense, 7 less strength, and 11 less HP, with worse growths in all three. It does not help that his Wo Dao is objectively worse than the brave sword, especially considering only four units can use it. Also, recruiting him requires that the player either open four doors or kill two promoted enemies, and prevents the player from recruiting Harken.

Chapter Summary:
This is the second route split in the game, the deciding factor of which one the player goes to being the sum of the experience gained by one's celestial ring users vs his hero crest users. If the sum of the exp gained by Serra, Erk, Priscilla, and Lucius (Canas does not count in the equation due to being recruited in a gaiden) exceeds that of the exp gained by Dorcas, Bartre, Guy, and Raven, the player will go to Kenneth's version of the map, otherwise, they will go to Jerme's map, which coincidentally is the map I ended up going to.

Regardless of which map the player ends up going to, the main feature of the map is heavy snow. Snow is functionally identical to rain in that it halves (quarters in the case of non-nomadic pony riders) the movement of any units as long as it is active. However, snow will not affect movement in any way if the unit is indoors. On Kenneth's map, the weather cycles every 10 turns, with the first 4 turns having the snow active, then the weather will clear up for 5 turns, after which the snow starts up again for another 5 turns. On Jerme's map, the weather cycles every 7 turns, with the snow being active for the first 2 turns, then the weather will be clear for 4 turns, after which the snow starts up again for another 3 turns.

For players doing an LTC run of the game, Kenneth's map is more desirable, as that map is a straightforward seize map with the entire map revealed to begin with, while Jerme's map requires the player to rout enemies spread across a larger map containing concealed rooms behind locked doors. Also, there is a speedwing obtainable on Kenneth's map that is not available on Jerme's map.

Regardless of the map, the player is presented with another mutually exclusive character recruitment, this time between Harken and Karel. Unlike with Wallace/Geitz where the map determined the unit that one could recruit, whether the player can recruit Harken or Karel depends on actions one performs on the map he is on. To get Karel, one must either unlock 4 or more doors on Jerme's map, or kill 2 or more of 3 specific promoted enemies (the Purge bishop, the sniper in the northwest ruin, and the general in the southwest ruin) on Kenneth's map, both by turn 10. Otherwise, Harken will spawn. To recruit Karel, talk to him with Lyn or Hector, and as for Harken, anyone from House Pharae (Eli, Marcus, Lowen, Isadora) or Ostia (Hector, Oswin) will work.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: All my units head north.
EP: Nothing significant happens.

Turn 2: Lucius kills the wyvern rider blocking Raven's path to the wyvern lord. Raven then kills the wyvern lord. Heath gets danced, allowing him to chip a wyvern.
EP: The wyvern that Heath chipped attacks Lucius.

Turn 3: Heath flies east and kills the falcon knight. Raven kills the nomad trooper. Hector picks up Lyn and is danced, heading east. Lucius heads north with Raven, while everyone else sticks towards the middle.
EP: Lucius kills a cavalier on the counter. Lyn kills a pegasus knight and dodges two mages. Heath kills the second peg and a cavalier.

Turn 4: Florina and Lyn kill the mages. Raven and Lucius head northeast. Heath moves north to block the enemies on the east side of the map, killing one of the nomads. Canas is danced by Ninian and heals Heath. Louise takes out 2 chest keys from the convoy.
EP: Heath kills two cavaliers, two nomads, and the paladin, and chips a nomad trooper (Canas chips the other guy). Raven kills one of the NW dark mages. Lucius kills the other as well as a cavalier.

Turn 5: Heath noves S to take care of the mage (after Canas heals him). Louise trades one of her chest keys over to Lyn, then is danced and heads north along with Pent. Lyn and Hector kill the two nomad troopers.
EP: Lyn gets attacked by the remaining nomad.

Turn 6: Lucius opens the door to the northwest building, at which point Raven kills the Nosferatu sorc guarding the chest. Hector kills the nomad blocking his way, then he and Lyn go north after getting danced by Ninian, who then activates her A support with Eliwood. Flo kills one of the falcon knight reinforcements while Heath opens the southeast building.
EP: Heath kills the hero and one of the mages inside the building. Florina kills the remaining falco reinforcement. Ninian and Eli get attacked while the fourth goes for Canas and dies. Hector chips a myrm while Lyn kills the remaining cav. Pent kills one of the dark mages inside the NW fort.

Turn 7: Heath kills one of the falco reinforcements. Louise kills one of the Luna sorcs. Hector kills the myrm he weakened last EP. Pent kills the other dark mage. Eli chips one of the mages that survived turn 6 EP. Flo heads west to the south fort.
EP: Heath kills the other falco. Eli kills the mage he chipped. Flo kills a monk. Louise gets attacked by the sorcerer she didn't kill.

Turn 8: Louise kills the second Luna sorc after getting healed by Lucius. Heath kills another falco. Flo kills the second monk guarding the fort entrance. Canas heads west towards the west fort. Hector opens the door to Jerme's fort.
EP: Hector kills all five of Jerme's flunkies, and is badly wounded by Jerme himself.

Turn 9: Heath heads back into the fort to intercept both the mage and the falco reinforcement. Lyn kills Jerme with Hector's help. Eliwood kills both nomad reinforcements. Louise opens the talisman chest.
EP: Canas kills one of the bandit reinforcements. Pent kills a wyvern rider and chips a wyvern lord. Heath kills the remaining mage and falcoknight.

Turn 10: Eliwood recruits Harken and kills the nomad trooper. Florina opens the S fort. Legault opens the central fort. Lucius heals Heath, who then attacks one of the monks inside the fort. Lyn uses her heaven seal.
EP: The other bandit dies on Canas. The monks all die to assorted units (bishop survived due to Flo's javelin having only one use. Flo also faced a ~65% CoD due to being on only 10 HP). The rest of the wyverns die on Pent (the WL survives).

Turn 11: Canas opens the W fort. Legault and Raven unlock the white gem and bolting chests, respectively. Pent kills the remaining wyvern lord. Florina kills the bishop after Lucius heals her.
EP: The mages in the W fort all die on Canas. The bolting sage attacks Legault.

Turn 12: Canas kills the sage.

Turns Taken: 12/166

Ending Thoughts:
Hector finally reaches Lv20! However, he still has 3 more maps to go before he promotes.

Speaking of promotions, Lyn finally received her promotion. Unfortunately, her promoted class isn't anything special. It's basically a swordmaster that traded +15 crit for bows. Not a terrible trade, but one wishes she got a better secondary weapon type. Or stripped naked, and had Hector tie her hands behind her back and have anal sex with her.

It's official. Raven and Heath are broken. Like, Raven is only Lv6 and already he's capped both strength and speed. As for Heath, he's basically turned into Haar from FE10. Well, minus the part where Heath is still weak to bows, but I'll get an item in the next map that will change that.

P.S: Want awesome, more often? Please like and comment on this playthrough, as well as my Amourshipping hentai pic.

Unit Levels:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     20/ 0   38 20 17 12 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    18/ 0   35 17 17 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        20/ 1   43 17 22 20 19 12 10  5 Swd A/Bow D

Ninian     12/--   23  0  0 23 21  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 8   48 24 20 11  9 28 18 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd B/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 3   30 13 19 21 16  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 6   48 25 22 26 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 5   30 20 12 18  5  7 21  7 Lgt S/Stf B

Canas      15/ 5   41 21 15 17 12 12 19  8 Drk S/Stf D
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 6   48 24 19 17  9 23  7 10 Swd B/Lnc S
Pent       --/ 7   34 19 21 17 15 12 16  8 Anm S/Stf A 
Louise     --/ 4   28 12 14 17 16  9 12  6 Bow A
Harken     --/ 8   42 23 21 18 12 16 11 11 Swd B/Axe B

Hector x Lyn B, Eliwood x Ninian A, Raven x Lucius C, Pent x Louise A

Swag List:
Brave sword
Prism sword
White gem
Short spear


Have a nice day.

Monday, 26 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 20)

Chapter 25: Miniature Fire Emblem 4 Map

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Florina, Heath

New Units:

Farina (Lv12 Pegasus Knight)
Bases: 24 HP/10 str/13 skl/14 spd/10 lck/10 def/12 res/5 con Lnc A
Growths: 75 HP/50 str/40 skl/45 spd/45 lck/25 def/30 res
Supports: Hector, Florina, Fiora, Dorcas, Kent, Dart, Karla

Summary: Farina's combat is actually the best out of her siblings, statistically speaking, but even so, she has issues killing anything before her growths kick in. She also costs a ridiculous 20,000 gold to even recruit, which depending on whether the player sold the ocean seal or not, he might not have, and unlike Hugh, one cannot haggle the price down.

Chapter Summary:
For those who may remember Genealogy of the Holy War (a game infamous for its really large maps), this map pays homage to it. The objective of this map is to seize three separate castles positioned in the northwest, northeast, and southwest corners of the map. Unlike a conventional seize map where Hector must drag his fat ass to the gate, any unit can seize the castle gates by simply waiting on them. This also blocks any further reinforcements.

The northeastern castle is guarded by a bishop and a squadron of monks. The monks themselves aren't very dangerous, sporting around 12-13 attack with Shine (easily negated by pure water), but the bishop is fairly threatening with his 24 attack Purge. The castle is also on the other side of a lake, and it would take several turns in order to go the long way around, so the use of flying units is paramount.

The southwestern castle is guarded by a warrior and a cadre of pirates. These guys are complete jokes; while they can hit somewhat hard, they also have poor hit, and it doesn't help that the area they are guarding is covered with forest tiles, further compounding the issue. I suppose the warrior is somewhat menacing with his 35 atk silver axe, but even he only has +15 hit over his cohorts.

And lastly, the northwestern castle, which is guarded by the boss. Pascal is a bit of a breather compared to Linus/Lloyd from the previous map, packing only 30 attack with his spear and having around the same durability as Linus (+3 HP/-1 def). The cavaliers that spawn from the forts below him are more or less non-threatening.

On turn 5, a pegasus knight will spawn from the southeast end of the map. She can be recruited by letting her talk to Hector and paying her a king's ransom.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Oswin, Lucius, Raven, Bartre, and Canas head northwest. The lordlings and Ninian head southest. Heath and Florina head northeast.
EP: Canas and Heath kill a couple of pegs. Florina kills a monk. Lucius kills a pirate.

Turn 2: Heath chugs down a pure water. Florina kills the Divine monk. Lyn and Eli help take out two pirates close to the bridge. Oswin and the others move in to draw in Pascal. Raven and Lucius activate their C support.
EP: Raven draws in Pascal and chips him. Oswin kills two cavaliers. Heath draws in a monk and kills him.

Turn 3: Heath kills the purge bishop. Raven kills Pascal. Oswin moves in to kill a cavalier while Eliwood kills a pirate. Florina visits the Elysian whip house and sits on the castle gate.
EP: Eli draws in the warrior. Oswin kills 4 more cavalier reinforcements. Heath gets mugged by monks while Florina kills the ones she's targeted by.

Turn 4: Lyn kills the warrior. The NW group gangs up on the cavaliers. Heath and Flo continue to kill the monk reinforcements.
EP: Lyn helps take out the remaining pirates. More reinforcements die from the other two forts.

Turn 5: Hector and Lyn activate their B support, as does Eli and Ninian. Hector is danced back towards the bridge. Oswin seizes the northwest gate.
EP: Yawn... Heath kills three more monks and a pirate. Oswin and Raven kill more cavaliers.
OP: Farina recruits herself.

Turn 6: Canas and Lucius do some last minute staffing. More reinforcements die for exp and Lyn seizes the southwest gate.

Turns Taken: 6/142

Ending Thoughts:
Finally starting to build up some supports, which should become helpful later on. Less so for Eliwood, since his support leaves after Chapter 29. But Lucius will definitely appreciate any extra defense and avoid he can get.

Lyn just needs 2 more levels and she's ready for a promotion, the item for which she needs will be obtained next map.

Also, more units reach S rank for their dominant weapon type. Helpful for... a +5 hit/+5 crit bonus, or something. S ranked weapons aren't obtainable until the final chapter anyhow.

And lastly, Lucius and Canas reach B and D rank staves, respectively. The latter is pretty important, since it will allow Canas to spam Torch in a later Fog of War map, increasing his staff rank further so he can use some important staves later on (I'm mostly talking about Restore and Physic). Speaking of Physic, Lucius can use those now, allowing him to heal 28 HP (roughly what he has for HP right now, coincidentally) from up to 9 range. Quite handy.

P.S: Be sure to check out the other amazing stuff on this blog. Including my ratings for the Pokemon available in Emerald. Or my awesome picture of Ash and Serena having anal.

Unit Stats:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     19/ 0   37 20 16 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    17/ 0   34 16 16 19 16 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        18/ 0   38 14 20 20 17  7  5  5 Swd A

Ninian     10/--   21  0  0 21 19  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 6   46 24 19 11  8 26 16 16 Lnc A/Axe S
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe S/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd C/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 1   29 13 19 21 15  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc S
Raven      15/ 5   47 24 21 25 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 3   29 18 10 17  4  6 20  7 Lgt A/Stf B

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf D
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C
Heath      15/ 2   44 21 17 15  8 20  6  9 Swd C/Lnc A
Farina     12/ 0   24 10 13 14 10 10 12  5 Lnc A

Hector x Lyn B, Eliwood x Ninian B, Raven x Lucius C

Swag List:
Elysian whip


Have a nice day.

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 19)

Chapter 24: Decay of the Fangs

Units Deployed:
Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Hetah, Florina, Dart

New Units:

Geitz (Lv3 Warrior)
Bases: 45 HP/19 str/14 skl/14 spd/11 lck/11 def/4 res/13 con Axe B/Bow B
Growths: 85 HP/50 str/30 skl/40 spd/40 lck/20 def/20 res
Supports: Dorcas, Dart, Fiora, Isadora, Karel

Summary: If Hawkeye is basically promoted Dorcas, then Geitz is basically promoted Bartre. Compared to Hawkeye, Geitz has slightly more speed, but cannot take hits anywhere near as well. He also comes with a B rank in bows, so he's a pretty good option if the player needs a strong bowman.

Wallace (Lv1 General)
Bases: 34 HP/15 str/9 skl/8 spd/10 lck/17 def/5 res/15 con Lnc A/Axe E
Growths: 70 HP/45 str/40 skl/20 spd/30 lck/35 def/35 res
Supports: Lyn, Kent, Wil, Vaida, Renault

Summary: Garbage. Pure unadulterated garbage. A giant may walk among the player in LHM, but here, Wallace is basically a poor man's version of Oswin. And saying that is being extremely generous. Also, recruiting him forces the player to go to the harder version of FFO and prevents the player from recruiting Geitz.

Chapter Summary:
Standard defeat boss map. Just kill the turd named Linus to win. Or Lloyd if one did not train his lordlings.

There are actually two version of this map, and which version the player is sent to is dependent on the sum of the levels of one's lordlings. If the lordlings have reached a combined level of 50 or above, the player will be sent to Linus's map. This map is harder to low turn due to the lake covering around 35% of the map, and the large concentration of wyverns and pirates over said lake combined with the 32 attack Bolting sage near Linus hinders most flier skip strategies.

Players that neglected to train their lordlings will instead go to Lloyd's map, which IMO is harder to get a 100% completion on, but at the same time, it's easier to LTC it since Lloyd starts really close to the player's location (this version of FFO can be one turned if the player rigs a Luna crit on Canas).

The map that the player goes to also determines the new recruit he can receive. Linus map players can recruit Geitz, who is an enemy warrior stationed near the animate seal house and can be talked to with Dart. Lloyd map players will have to settle with Wallace, an NPC general (in my case, armor knight, since I did not use the LHM knight crest) that is in the line of fire from an iron ballista sniper that 3HKOs him. Talk to him with any of the player's Caelin squad.

Prior to starting the map, Heath used the Afa's drops and the Chapter 21 Elysian whip. Wyvern promotion bonuses aren't terribly great, but it still gives Heath +2 speed, allowing him to double every enemy wyvern on the map even if he were to equip a steel lance (Linus is still out of reach). The Afa's drops are mostly there to make his level ups a little more reliable. Well, if 5% in all growths made any tangible difference. He's ridiculous either way.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Raven moves north and kills a merc (Lucius tags along to cast barrier on him). Heath gets danced by Ninian and moves in to block one of the wyverns from attacking Lucius. Florina enters the vendor and buys 2 Flux books and a Thunder book. Everyone else consonances around the village entrance.
EP: Raven and Lucius kill two wyverns. Bartre chips a merc.

Turn 2: Sain kills the merc that Bartre chipped. Florina and Canas move in to kill more mercs. Heath moves east and kills a pirate. Raven kills a third wyvern while Lucius kills another merc.
EP: Canas draws in the hero. Heath helps draw in some wyverns while Lucius kills another wyvern and dodges a bolting.

Turn 3: Raven kills the bolting sage. Lyn kills the hero with Eli's help. Bartre and Sain KO the remaining mercenaries on the south side. Flo kills one of the lake wyverns, allowing Heath to go and kill some pirates.
EP: More enemy killing. Lucius did face a fairly high CoD due to being in range of 3 wyverns.

Turn 4: Raven and Lucius continue to move northeast. Hector and Florina help kill some more wyvern riders. Flo is danced and heads north, stopping at the armory to buy 2 javelins and 4 hand axes. Sain uses his knight crest.
EP: Raven kills one of the heroes. Bartre draws in Geitz. Flo kills the W merc.

Turn 5: Dart recruits Geitz. Heath visits the earth seal house. Florina visits the silence staff house. Canas enters the armory and buys 2 of each reaver weapon. Eli enters the vendor and buys 3 heal staves and 2 restore staves. Lucius kills Linus with Raven's help.

Turns Taken: 5/136

Ending Thoughts:
Wow. Beat my own record for this map. Nice.

Sain had also promoted this map, giving me yet another reliable 8 move unit with decent offense and durability.

And Raven is once again proving how utterly ridiculous he is. Only Lv4 and he's only 2 away from capping str/spd? That's so brilliant, it's retarded.

Also, I had forgot to add Ninian's levels in the last four segments. Ah well. They're now on here.

P.S: If one did not see my commission where Natsu is fucking Sexy Santa Lucy in her ass, here it is again. Have fun fapping. 

P.P.S: My suspension will expire in 2-3 days, and I will be able to access my account again. Now, I have no animosity with the mods (it's their site, their rules), but if I find out that someone had reported me, that user will suffer my wrath and I will make an example of him/her.

Unit List:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     18/ 0   36 20 15 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    16/ 0   33 15 16 18 15 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        17/ 0   37 13 19 20 16  6  5  5 Swd A

Ninian     10/--   21  0  0 21 19  8 11  4 --
Oswin      18/ 5   45 23 18 11  7 25 15 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 2   46 22 15 14  6 16  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       15/ 1   35 19 10 15  8 15  5  9 Swd C/Lnc A/Axe E
Florina    13/ 1   29 12 18 20 14  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc A
Raven      15/ 4   46 23 21 24 10 15  6  9 Swd A/Axe C
Lucius     13/ 3   29 18 10 17  4  6 20  7 Lgt A/Stf C

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf E  
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath      15/ 1   43 20 17 15  8 20  6  9 Swd E/Lnc A
Geitz      --/ 3   45 19 14 14 10 11  4 13 Axe B/Bow B

Hector x Lyn C, Eliwood x Ninian C

Swag List:
Earth seal
Silver sword


Have a nice day.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Fairy Tail Christmas 2016

Merry Fucking Christmas, Douglas Garret (a.k.a ZNLOVER/TRUE-ZZMSSM7). I hope you like your gift. And yes, I will be making a grounded post out of you when my suspension time expires.

For those who do support NaLu, Merry Christmas. And I hope this pic of Natsu and Lucy having anal is to your liking.

Have fun, and be safe. And don't drink and drive.


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

ITT I Play Hector Hard Mode (part 18)

Chapter 23x: Genesis Does What Nintendon't

Units Deployed:
Hector, Hawkeye, Eliwood, Ninian, Oswin, Heath, Canas, Lucius

New Units:

Chapter Summary:
This is without any doubt one of the toughest maps in the game. This is the first map in the game where siege magic and status staves start appearing en masse, and if that wasn't bad enough, aside from the reinforcements, every enemy on the map is promoted.

In particular, sages are probably the most dangerous enemies here, with 18 magic giving the two Bolting users 30 attack and the sleep/silence users having 9 staff range. Bishops are a bit less threatening, possessing around 6 less attack with Purge and having 2 less range with status staves. While the sorcerers are a joke at long range (since Eclipse is a piece of shit and none of them have status staves), they are absolute monsters close up with their Luna books doing upwards of 20 damage with 26 crit.

The map itself is also one of the more difficult maps to get through. The player is split into two 4 man squads that have to traverse a 5 x 5 room floor with locked doors and 30 HP walls. If the player forgot to buy door keys (like I did), then it is highly recommended to bring a thief. Oh yeah, bring chest keys too, since there's some pretty nice stuff in the chests here.

Kishuna makes his second appearance, and once again, his magic seal is mostly beneficial to the player, as enemy magic users will be rendered inert if they're in his magic seal. However, slower units might be hard pressed to double them, as they will automatically unequip their magic if inside the seal (the enemies here average 11 AS when unequipped). Also, Kishuna will move around the map, allowing some of the enemy units to exit his seal and start attacking the party, so it is still vital that the siege magic users and status staff users are taken out ASAP.

Kishuna will leave the map automatically on turn 5, leaving behind his four promoted bodyguards. However, if the player attacks him before then, he will leave the map after being attacked, and leaving behind 4 unpromoted magic users with some pretty nice stuff (If the door was somehow opened before he leaves, he leaves behind 4 unpromoted melee units with silvers). Regardless of how he disappears, all the doors and cracked walls will disappear.

For those who were wondering why I was rigging Oswin's level ups so he'd gain an abnormal amount of resistance, this map (and a later one) is why. With 42 HP/14 res, Oswin is 3HKO'd at worst by every single enemy on the map outside of the Luna sorcerers, and with a pure water boost, even the Nosferatu sorcerers can only manage a 4HKO on him (Bolting sages 5HKO him). It also makes him highly resistant to being slept or berserked.

Turn By Turn Analysis:
Turn 1: Eliwood and Heath break down the wall in room C-1. Ninian dances Canas, who then kills the Luna sorc in room B-1. Lucius unlocks the door in room E-2. Hector busts down the wall while Oswin and Hawkeye chug down pure waters.
EP: Canas dodges a Purge. Hector gets hit by a Bolting.

Turn 2: Eli and Heath break down the wall leading to room A-1. Canas kills the bishop in this room. Oswin moves into room E-3 and kills the Bolting sage. Hawkeye kills the Nosferatu sorc.
EP: The two status staff users try to incapacitate Lucius, but miss.

Turn 3: Canas opens the door to B-2. Eli kills the sage there, then he and Heath break down the wall leading into A-2. Hawkeye opens the door to E-4 while Oswin breaks down the wall leading into D-4. Hector chugs down a pure water.
EP: Hector kills the bishop and gets chipped by the second Purge bishop. Lucius dodges another sleep staff while Oswin chips the silence sage.

Turn 4: Hawkeye and Hector kill the two status staff sages while Oswin kills the Purge bishop. Heath chucks a javelin at Kishuna, who then leaves. Eli then kills the purge bishop and Heath kills the Luna druid in room A-2. Canas kills the dark mage.
EP: Canas kills the two other unpromoted reinforcements. The bishop tries to attack Ninian, but misses. Hector gets attacked by the two Eclipse sorcs.

Turn 5: Heath kills the C-2 bishop and the A-4 sorc with Ninian's help (and some healing from both Canas and Lucius). Oswin kills the remaining sage with Hawkeye's help.
EP: More Eclipse shenanigans.

Turn 6: I send Lucius back to deal with the dark mage reinforcements that spawned in room E-1. Heath heads down to room A-5. Hector kills the remaining Noferatu sorc. Hawkeye opens the berserk staff chest.
EP: The dark mage reinforcement attacks Merlinus. The mage reinforcement does on Canas.

Turn 7: Heath opens the silver blade chest. Hector kills the troubadour reinforcement. Oswin kills the last druid. Lucius kills another dark mage reinforcement while Canas kills another mage.
EP: The remaining dark mage attacks Merlinus.

Turn 8: I take out the last of the reinforcements. Oswin opens the secret book chest.

Turns Taken: 8/131

Ending Thoughts:
Heath reaches Lv15, finally capping str/def. Guess who's promoting next map?

Also, Eliwood and Hector have gained one level each, fulfilling the requirement to go to Linus's version of FFO.

Speaking of Hector, he's starting to get pretty close to Lv20, and unfortunately, he'll be stuck there for a bit, since he cannot promote until after Cog.

Unit List:
Name       Level   HP SM SK SP LK DF RS CN Weapon Level
Hector     18/ 0   36 20 15 11 11 20  4 13 Axe A
Eliwood    16/ 0   33 15 16 18 15 11  5  7 Swd A
Lyn        16/ 0   36 13 18 20 15  5  5  5 Swd A
Oswin      18/ 5   45 23 18 11  7 25 15 16 Lnc A/Axe A
Bartre     15/ 1   45 21 15 13  6 15  4 15 Axe A/Bow E
Priscilla   7/ 0   20 10  8 10 10  3  9  4 Stf B
Sain       14/ 0   32 18  8 14  8 12  4  9 Swd C/Lnc B
Florina    13/ 1   29 12 18 20 14  8 13  5 Swd E/Lnc A
Raven      15/ 2   44 21 21 23  9 14  5  9 Swd A/Axe D
Lucius     13/ 1   28 17 10 16  3  6 18  7 Lgt B/Stf C

Canas      15/ 3   39 19 14 16 12 11 17  8 Drk S/Stf E  
Legault    13/ 0   29  9 15 18 11  9  5  9 Swd C 
Heath      15/ 0   39 20 15 13  8 20  4  9 Lnc A
Hawkeye    --/ 4   50 18 14 11 13 14 10 16 Axe A

Hector x Lyn C, Eliwood x Ninian C

Swag List:
Secret book
Silver blade
Afa's drops


Have a nice day.