Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Ice-Cold Rainy Christmas 2018

Hello to all.

Since Douglas Garret (a.k.a ZN-Lover) is busy decking the halls of DeviantArt with his bullshit propaganda (how he can still sell GrayLu as a competitive pairing when Gruvia is canon is beyond me...) and acting like a Grinch towards NaLu and Gruvia shippers, I figured I may as well spread some joy to help distract people from his Grinchy behavior. So, as a gift from me to you, here's a parody of the famous Christmas song, "Silent Night":

Silent Night, Holy Night!
Gruvia's future is bright...
Man of ice, woman of water...
Their union couldn't be hotter...
And thus the fandom rejoiced!
And thus the fandom rejoiced!

Silent Night, Holy Night!
GrayLu trolls shake at the sight...
Gray confessed to Juvia...
And the fandom sang Alleluia!
And thus Gruvia was canon!
And thus Gruvia was canon!

Silent Night, Holy Night!
ZN couldn't dim their light...
No matter how much he tried...
GrayLu would still be dead...
And thus the fandom rejoiced!
And thus the fandom rejoiced!

With all that out of the way, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa to everyone in the NaLu and Gruvia shipping community! I hope this awesome pic of Gray and Juvia having anal sex is to your liking!

And to Douglas Garret, Merry Fucking Christmas! This is your "present" for not only posting your usual bullshit this month, but doing so when Gruvia was confirmed irrefutably to be canon. I hope you like your "gift". And yes, I will have more rants ready for you in the new year, so stay tuned for those.

Have fun, be safe, and don't drink and drive!


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day. 

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Ice-Cold Rainy Passion (2018 Version)

Hello to all.

Remember back at the very start of Fairy Tail when Lucy was caught in Bora's love charm and Gray's gaze broke her out of it? Me neither.

Remember during the Phantom Lord arc when Lucy called out Gray's name as she jumped from a ten story tower? Me neither.

Remember the time when Lucy was sick and Gray went out and placed a stolen sakura tree onto a dinghy just so Lucy could see it? Me neither.

Remember before Team Natsu went to fight Precht, Juvia told Lucy to "stay close to Gray"? Me neither.

Remember late into the Grand Magic Games, Gray and Lucy pull off a perfect unison raid on the first attempt? Me neither.

Remember that time when Gray and Lucy touched foreheads? Me neither.

Remember the ending of the Fairy Tail movie, when Lucy hugged Gray? Ne neither.

Remember at the end of the Tatarus arc, when Gray went to Lucy for comfort over Silver's death? Me neither.

Remember when Gray and Lucy lived together under the same roof for half a year? Me neither.

Remember when Gray went completely apeshit after Lucy killed herself in order to break Invel's blood chain? Me neither.

And lastly, remember in the final chapter, Gray told Lucy that he wanted and desired her body? Me neither.

Over the course of Fairy Tail's duration, it seemed to me that ZN-Lover and other GrayLu shippers would go to any lengths to prove that their pairing was actually legitimate, going so far as to hype up friendzone moments such as when Gray patted Lucy on the head when they were partying in the Spirit World or downplaying legitimate Gruvia and NaLu development by saying grade-A bullshit such as "Gray only sees Juvia as a creepy stalker" or "Natsu and Lucy see each other as brother and sister". One poor soul actually came up with a list of "reasons" why Gray and Lucy were a perfect match for each other a few years back, though a lot of the reasons he posted were either based of falsehoods, had nothing to do with romance, or both.

Of course, the fact of the matter is that Hiro Mashima favors a strong emotional bond between his characters over a shallow-ass perception of love, and at the end of the day, GrayLu was not given any emotional development that would suggest that a romantic relationship could plausibly happen, and anyone who thinks otherwise is honestly kidding themselves at this point, especially given the current trajectory of the 100 year quest.

TL;DR: Gruvia is canon. GrayLu is dead. Deal with it. Game Over.


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by GaggedDude32. Go here and here to view his stuff.

Have a nice day.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Choose Your Damsels 2017 and 2018

Hello there.

With Brave Heroes 2 literally on the horizon, I felt it would be a pretty good time to talk about last year's Brave Heroes and the effect they had on the game.

Last year, Intelligent Systems conducted a popularity contest featuring every named character in every Fire Emblem game at that point in time. This contest lasted about a week, and in the end, the winners were reveled to be Ike and Lyn, with Roy and Lucina coming in second. There was a lot of speculation on what the CYL alts of each hero would look like, but many rumors started spreading around, including one where the heroes would be wearing Askrian armor. Eventually, the Brave Heroes banner was released on August 31, 2017, and the contents of said banner exceeded everyone's expectations.

Each of the brave alts had a weapon that granted two effects (a stat boost + a tier 3 version of a skill), and the two 1st place winners each had an exclusive B skill as well as a Lv40 BST that was roughly 4-5 points higher than other units of their range/move type.

Of the four first generation Brave Heroes, Brave Lyn (Blyn) had the most profound effect on the metagame by far. Blyn had the honor of being the first mounted bow user in the game, and had absolutely crazy stats for a ranged cavalry unit, with 33 atk and 35 spd dwarfing all of her competitors at that point. Her prf weapon, the Mulagir, was designed to help deal with bladetome users, having +3 speed and an effect that neutralized field buffs on mages built into it. However, what made Blyn truly one of the most oppressive units in the game was her exclusive B passive, Sacae's Blessing. This skill had the effect of blocking counterattacks by physical melee units, thereby removing one of her otherwise biggest counters (while dragons could still counterattack, they had to cut through her much higher magic bulk).

The combination of her high offensive stats, cavalry movement (and thereby access to cavalry buffs, which were very easy to get), and B passive meant that players had to more or less run specialized checks against her, such as TA Raventome mages. And even so, Blyn could easily run builds or have teammates that could trip such builds. Due to all of this, for the rest of 2017, Blyn was widely regarded as "the single best unit in the entirety of FEH". It wasn't really until the introduction of the weapon refinery and the rise of bulky dragons that Blyn started to become less dominant in the meta, but even to this day, she's still one of the most dangerous units to face in lower arena.

As for Brave Ike (Bike), he wasn't quite as oppressive as Blyn was, but he was a major threat for a while. Unlike Blyn (or the other two, for that matter), his statline leaned more towards a tank, coming with high attack and defense, along with a decent HP pool, but low speed and res. This was complimented by Urvan, an axe that not only lowered the cooldown of Bike's specials by 1, but also reduced the damage of any consecutive attacks to a fifth of what they would normally do, making weapons such as brave weapons nearly useless against him. As if that wasn't enough, Bike also came with a skill called Steady Breath, which not only increased the user's defense when attacked, but it also increased the rate at which specials charged, allowing him to fire off Aether very quickly. And unlike his B passive, this could be given to other units via skill inheritance. His B passive, in contrast, wasn't quite as useful as Blyn's was, only imparting a dull effect against cavalry and flying units.

While the other two came with some interesting effects and niches (Blucina could impart +6 speed in combat buffs to any physical unit, while Broy was the first true hyper offensive sword cavalier), they didn't quite make the same impact the other two did and both ended up getting dropped to the wayside pretty fast.

Now, it remains to be seen how the next generation of brave heroes will shape the metagame, but from what we've seen from Blyn and Bike, we should probably set our expectations high.

That being said, all that's left is to share this pic of the 1st place female winners of both 2017 and 2018 in a... predicament.


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990-2018 Intelligent Systems
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was drawn by Kupoexe Magnus. View his stuff here.

Have a nice day.


And now, alt time.



Ballgag + Blindfold:

Monday, 9 July 2018

Hector x Lyn S Support (2018 Version)

Hello to all.

Out of all the units that I own on FEH, Hector has probably been used the most, having been in my possession since early September of last year and has consistently been a part of my arena core ever since. Now that I have recently gotten him to +10, I might as well talk about the history of Hector as a unit before we get to my experience using him.

Hector was one of the 90 or so units that was available to summon in FEH when the game first launched on February 2, 2017, as a 5* exclusive unit. At the time of the game's launch, he was a contender for strongest unit in the game, possessing some of the highest physical bulk in the game at 52 HP/37 def, while also hitting hard in return thanks to his 36 atk. However, what made him especially strong back then was the combination of Armads, which had Quick Riposte built into it (offsetting his low speed on enemy phase) and his Distant Counter A passive (this allowed him to counterattack ranged units who could otherwise take advantage of him being a melee unit). All of these things, put together, made him a monstrous enemy to face before the advent of skill inheritance. And really, his only real weaknesses, so to speak, were his low res and the fact that he was stuck with a damage reduction special.

While the addition of skill inheritance had helped a great deal of units become viable, many units such as Hector who were strong to begin with basically ran off with this feature. In Hector's case, because he had QR built into his weapon, this freed up his B slot, allowing him to run skills like Vantage or a breaker skill. SI also allowed him to swap out Pavise for a special that could take advantage of his high defense, such as Bonfire. This allowed him to maintain his dominance among melee greens for the next six months.

Starting in August, IntSys started releasing axe users that could challenge Hector's title for strongest green unit. The first of these was Brave Ike, an axe variant of Ike with attack and defense on par with Hector's as well as a prf that heavily cut the amount of damage he would receive from consecutive strikes, allowing him to tank QP Moon Reinhardt (something that Hector could only dream of doing back then). This would be followed by the release of Dorcas (an infantry axe with DC built into his weapon, allowing him to run DC alongside an A passive of his choice) and Christmas Chrom (a 174 BST armored unit with 40 atk and extremely high mixed bulk). Despite this, Hector was able to maintain his dominance thanks to Armads allowing him to run any B passive of choice. Not even the QR seal could really slow him down, as he could run it in conjunction with Wary Fighter and his prf to basically have an omnibreaker effect.

However, Hector's dominance as top green came to an end in February 2018, with the release of powercreeped armors like Valentine's Hector (a seasonal alt of himself with higher atk/def/res and a version of Armads that has a slaying effect and Wrath built in) and Fallen Robin (an armored dragon with a massive attack stat and a DC breath weapon). However, with the weapon refinery giving him access to his alt's weapon, OG Hector is still one of the strongest greens in the game.


As for my experience using this unit, I pulled my first Hector when the CYL gauntlet banner came out. This also happened to be the banner which I stopped being an F2P player, as I had bought a pack of orbs so as to allow me to pull on the banner. However, to my dismay, the Hector I pulled on that banner that day was +spd/-atk. While I initially didn't want to use him because of that, I had also remembered that he was also relatively IV proof and that he was still stronger than basically any other green at the time, so I went ahead and trained him and gave him some skills.

Even with the attack bane, Hector was still strong enough to clear most of the PvE content that I had mostly skipped due to my lack of good units at the time, and he had certainly pulled his weight in arena as well, replacing Michalis as my main physical tank. To deal with the attack bane, I ended up fielding a Delthea (which I had conveniently gotten as a pitybreaker) and basically gluing her next to him. And this was basically Hector for the first 5 months of his existence.

The Love Abounds banner was released in early February, and I became interested in the banner once I found out that an alt of Hector was on it. So I did as I usually did and bought a whole bunch of orbs, but once I had actually got to summoning, my luck took a turn for the worse, as I spent close to 200 orbs before getting any 5* units, and 280 before I finally pulled Vector. And to make things a little better for me, I had managed to get a copy with optimal IVs (+atk/-spd). At this point, I decided to retire my old Hector and start using the new one, saving up orbs so I could get merges for him later in the month. About a week before the banner ended, I went in again, this time with more than 480 orbs. But luck was not with me that day either. I spent about 360 orbs before I gave up on that banner, only managing to pull a Julia, another Deirdre, a Vilina, and ironically enough, an OG Hector. Not one to waste resources, I merged my old -atk Hector into the new one once I saw the new copy's IVs (neutral).

At this point, I had given up on the idea of coring seasonal units (I don't have the monthly budget to do those sort of things, given how rarely past seasonals are re-run), so I continued using my now-neutral OG Hector, in the hopes that more banners featuring him as a focus would be released. About a month later, a banner featuring units with countering skills was released, so I stockpiled on orbs before that date. The night the banner dropped, I found that my luck had finally turned for the better, as I had managed to pull 4 Hectors within around 300 orbs, then YOLO'd a fifth as the banner ended, putting him at +6 (I had also pulled a copy that was +spd/-HP, which I used as the base.) This action, among others, such as getting 5 merges for Ayra in a later banner, had greatly improved my scoring situation, to the point where I could actually stay in Tier 20 (provided I sniped). Roughly three months after that, another banner with Hector came out (a banner related to his BHB with Matthew), and on the night it came out, I was finally able to finish the job using 272 orbs, putting him at +10. I had also managed to pull a Hardin on the VG banner that was running at that time, which allowed me to finally give him Bold Fighter.

So that concludes my epic tale about my Hector. Now enjoy this pic of him fucking Lyn silly.


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990 Intelligent Systems.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The Princess and the Dragon (2018 Version)

Hello to all.

Ok, this article is going to be short and sweet (or not, given how long my rants historically have been), but with the first anniversary of the debut of Chapter 545 of Fairy Tail coming up in seven weeks, as well as the debut of the FT spin-off involving the Hundred Year Quest in the coming months, I decided to make a review on where NaLu and GrayLu currently stand


Even to this day, I still have no fucking clue of how GrayLu came to be. My only guess is that a deluded fangirl saw a panel of Gray and Lucy standing next to each other, thought they looked kind of cute together, and started creating fanart of them, and thus the delusion that Gray and Lucy could end up together was born.

I'm probably beating a dead horse by saying this at this point, but two characters looking good/cute together does not a legitimate pairing make. Never has; never will. There also needs to be a foundation in place that would suggest that a romantic relationship between the two characters in question can plausibly happen, and quite frankly, GrayLu's foundation does not exist. This is because Mashima gave Gray and Lucy basically no emotional development even in the early chapters, and any moments that they were given were at best friendzone moments.

Most of the arguments that ZN-Lover and other flamethrowers used to defend their pairing were already bullshit to begin with, but by the GMG arc, it was clear as day that they were fueling their pairing with high octane delusion. One common argument that GrayLu fans used to justify their crap is that Juvia imagines that Gray and Lucy hit on each other. While it is true that she has these fantasies, the fact that these "moments" are taking place in another character's imagination was enough to invalidate them. The other common argument they use is that Gray and Lucy fight together. So fucking what? Two characters fighting together isn't grounds for a romantic relationship, and even if it was, Natsu and Lucy have fought together more often, so much that they're called "the strongest team" by their peers due to their compatibility. And this isn't counting shit like AhmedGreat2005's so-called "list" of reasons why Gray and Lucy are compatible. While said list has since been deleted, it was pretty obvious that he was overhyping Gray's qualities.

When you compare GrayLu's development to that of NaLu, there was basically no competition. The closest thing we get to a GrayLu "moment" was when Gray patted Lucy on the head when they were partying in the Spirit World, and even so, this "moment" does fuck all to develop their emotional bonding a way that is meaningful for a relationship. Comparatively, in those same 545 chapters, NaLu had received strong emotional development that is based on faith and trust, the bedrock in which a romantic relationship can be built on. Let's think about this: If Natsu and Lucy didn't have feelings for one another, then why was it that Natsu opted out of a GMG tournament to go and rescue Lucy after she was arrested by the royal guard? Or how about when Lucy hugged him in a more or less intimate manner at the end of the GMG arc? If Lucy had feelings for Gray, then why was it that during the one year timeskip after Tatarus, the one person that was most on her mind and who she missed the most was Natsu? Or how about when Natsu was broken out of END's curse and Lucy had to put her naked breasts on him to keep him warm? Would Lucy have consented to this if she and Natsu weren't emotionally close? And finally, in the very last chapter, it is Natsu and not Gray who tells Lucy that "we'll be together forever".

Even after Fairy Tail ended, Hiro Mashima has still been an avid supporter of the NaLu ship, going so far as to draw a sketch of what Natsu and Lucy's daughter might look like at last years Comic-Con at NYC, and when asked who Natsu should end up with, Mashima responded by holding up a sketch of Natsu and Lucy and telling the audience that Lucy would be more suitable for him. And indeed, a large portion of his Fairy Tail art that he drew after the manga ended and posted on Twitter have been NaLu pics, indicating that he's teasing us on how their relationship would unfold.

With all that out of the way, while we didn't get the big sloppy kiss and confession that we were hoping for, Natsu's statement of them staying together forever (which has a lot of romantic and special meaning in Japanese culture, mind you), coupled with the teasing through interviews and sketches on Mashima's part, has convinced me that NaLu is canon, just... in its own way. And that is far, far more than what I can say for GrayLu.

TL;DR: NaLu is canon. GrayLu is dead. Deal with it. Game Over.


Besides that, feel free to enjoy this pic of Natsu fucking Lucy in the ass.

I should probably note that I originally wanted them to be kissing in the pic, but the artist said that it would look too awkward in this style, so I went with this expression for Lucy.


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by GaggedDude32. Go here and here to view his stuff.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Bound to Powercreep

Remember back in October of last year, when the Holy War banner came out? As you already know by now, the units present on that banner were Sigurd, Deirdre, and Tailtiu. However, there were two units present in the same paralogue that were not featured on the banner, those being Ayra and Arden. What was especially notable about Ayra was that she was the first non-trainee, non-CYL unit released up until that point that had stats that were higher than that of a normal unit of her movement/weapon type. Not only that, but she came equipped with a exclusive special called Regnal Astra, which had a cooldown of 2 and dealt damage based on the user's Spd (which Ayra has a lot of).

After the WoHW banner was released, people started debating on how IS would distribute Ayra. Up until that point, IS hadn't added any units outside of the initial banner units to the summoning pool, so it was reasonable to assume that Ayra would be a GHB unit or a TT reward. When it was revealed that Arden would be the reward unit in the upcoming Tempest Trial, at that point, I automatically assumed that Ayra would be a GHB.

To everyone's absolute shock, she first debuted on the Tempest Trial banner for the FE4 Tempest, sharing a color with fellow red sword Eldigan. Many players were absolutely shocked and pissed that they would distribute her in this fashion, especially since they gave absolutely no warning that this would be the case, and after many players blew through their orb caches to get Sigurd. The anger from the player base was as such that they started elevating Reinhardt, a notorious gamebreaker, to almost sainthood, with many players crying out, "I now use the Reinhardt!" Due to the backlash from the player base, the next time IS introduced another summonable unit in this fashion, they made sure to give 3 days notice before the banner dropped.

Which brings me to my own Ayra. Back when she first debuted, I decided to buy a shitload of orbs in preparation to pull for her. But I ended up getting mostly schumcked on that banner, as I had pulled not one, not two, but three copies of Eldigan. Only after around 5 or 6 days later was I finally able to procure an Ayra. I mostly didn't use her in arena for a while, choosing instead to use my Black Knight, who had the advantage of carrying a DC weapon.

She managed to catch a lucky break the next month, when it was revealed that she would be on the first legendary banner. While I was mostly gunning for Hectors, I ended up pulling 2 Ayras, which I ended up merging into the one I have now. I had also used one of the Hectors to give her the Distant Counter A passive. It was really at this point that I decided to core her for real.

By last month, I had started to realize that she was seriously falling behind in merges, to the point where I had started to question my plan to merge her all the way to +10. At that point, I had made plans to drop her in favor for adult Tiki, who was far easier to merge. When a banner that featured her as the sole red focus came out, I immediately went to go buy orbs, only to get schumcked once again. I managed to catch my lucky break just when the banner was about to end, when I managed to pull out 5 Ayras, finally putting her at equal merges with the rest of my team.

At this point, she's now a staple on my arena team, alongside Hector (who also had his own success story with merges) and Nowi. My Ayra is currently +7, with a speed boon and res bane, and utilizes a slaying + DC + Wrath build, which usually results in enemy units getting turned to chunky salsa.

As for this pic, this was supposed to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of my FEH account's existence. And I gotta say, Ayra looks pretty good tied up and gagged, even if she's pissed off with me for doing this to her.

To quote Anna: "I like how the color of her ballgag matches her hair. My favorite part, though, is that rope going between her legs and biting into her pussy."


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990 Intelligent Systems.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

One Dick Style

With the Wano Country arc on the way, the first question that comes to mind is the matter of the kind of powerup that Roronoa Zoro will receive in the arc. Two of the most popular theories floating around are that Zoro's powerup will have something to do with his closed eye, and that he'll get a new sword at some point during the arc. Out of these, only the second is even remotely plausible.

As far as the closed eye is concerned, the most likely reasoning for it being closed is that Zoro lost sight in that eye over the 2 year skip. It is possible that Zoro is intentionally handicapping himself and the eye is functional, but until Oda says otherwise, I'm going to assume he lost it. This isn't Naruto. On the other hand, the likelihood that he'll get another sword here is very high. Recall that Shusui is a sacred treasure to the people of Wano, and considering that it was stolen by Moria before the timeskip, it's not as if Wano's citizens are going to let Zoro off with it willingly. If anything, Zoro will willingly return it to Wano due to this and receive a different sword for aiding them (perhaps the Nidai Kitetsu). Alternatively, he could lose the Sandai Kitetsu at some point in Wano and receive Nidai that way.

As well, it's very possible that Smoker and Tashigi may make an appearance in this arc, and if this is the case, we might reasonably expect to see some interaction between Zoro and Tashigi. Now, as you can tell from the pic being displayed here, I'm a ZoTash shipper. Now, I will admit that this pairing hasn't gotten quite the same emotional development that LuNa has, but neither has ZoRobin. That being said, the reason why I became a ZoTash shipper is because of Tashigi's suspiciously similar appearance to his childhood friend Kuina, who he probably had a lot of emotional development with before she "died". I suppose ZoRobin never quite appealed to me, especially when you consider that Robin has shared much stronger emotional binding with Franky.

So... yeah. That concludes this rant. Now, enjoy this sketch of a captured Tashigi taking it up the ass.


One Piece is (c) 1997 Eiichiro Oda.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Fairy Tail Easter 2018

Hello to all.

I apologize for the delay in adding this pic to my gallery. In honesty, this pic should've been done roughly 2 months ago, but there were a lot of issues that Louis had to deal with, including a huge workload and an earthquake that hit Mexico City. On top of that, he feel ill last month, which explains why a pic I commissioned back in January is now being posted in April. But at least he was able to pull through and complete it. Originally, I wanted this to commemorate the new year, but because of how delayed this pic got, I had to amend the commission... twice. Hopefully, this delay will never happen again.

As for the couple presented in this pic, it's classic Jerza. A part of me is saddened that it's been almost a year since I ordered a Jerza pic and 18 months since I ordered one from the same artist who drew this one. So for all Jerza fans out there, this should be a treat.

Regardless, enjoy my entry for Easter, even if it's two days late.


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Fairy Fest

Remember way back in early January when I made a poll with a bunch of Fairy Tail characters and asked which four you'd like to see in a group pic? Well, thanks to the efforts of GaggedDude32, this gemstone of a pic is finally completed and now available to the public! And with that, I declare Fairy Fest to be officially open for business!

And now to introduce our lovely damsels, from left to right...

Name: Erza Scarlet
Title: Titania
Magic Type: Requip (Knight)
Description: An S-class wizard and former guildmaster in the service of Fairy Tail. Was once a slave, but eventually escaped to Fiore. Has a secret, but regrettably unrequited, relationship with the leader of Crime Sorcerie, Jellal Fernandez.
First Appears in: Chapter 10

Name: Lucy Heartfilia
Title: Celestial Princess
Magic Type: Celestial Spirit
Description: A young girl from Fiore. Ran away from her wealthy father and joined Fairy Tail to escape an arranged marriage. Is currently in a very loving relationship with dragon slayer Natsu Dragneel.
First Appears in: Chapter 1

Name: Mirajane Strauss
Title: The Demon
Magic Type: Takeover (Demon)
Description: Fairy Tail's resident barmaid. Has a cheery demeanor, but can act sadistic at times. Has two younger siblings, Elfman and Lisanna. Currently not in a relationship (as far as James can tell, anyway).
First Appears in: Chapter 2

Name: Juvia Lockser
Title: Of The Rain
Magic Type: Water
Description: A former S-class wizard from Phantom Lord. Is completely obsessed with Gray to the point where she hoards merchandise of him. Is currently in a loving relationship with demon slayer Gray Fullbuster.
First Appears in: Chapter 48

Hurry up and collect these girls while they're still hot!


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by GaggedDude32. Go here and here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, 11 January 2018


Woo! First post of 2018!

With the Radiant Dawn banner slated to be released tomorrow at 11 pm PST, and the first anniversary of FE Heroes coming up in three weeks, I've decided to do a celebratory pic featuring three of the strongest women of each color released into the game thus far. It was actually pretty hard for me to choose which girls would end up in the pic, especially when you consider that I already had Lyn and Lucina in two pics that I had done in 2016.


As for my own FEH experience so far, I started playing the game in late April, after getting banned from Kuroi Hoshi's chat. For a gacha game, it's actually pretty friendly to players who are F2P, and there is a wide assortment of characters from every game in the series. However, I had a rough time plaything through at first. The summons I pulled during my first two months of the game were mostly garbage, with Jeorge being my only 5* unit for the longest time. Things changed in June when I pulled a 5* Lucina from the first Tempest banner as well as scrounging enough feathers to upgrade the Camus that I had won from clearing his GHB, thus giving me a real team. But I was still miffed at the fact that my barracks were mostly full of garbage and I had very few 5* units, and my god awful luck made sure that I didn't pull anything good. Well, that is until I became a P2W player in late August. Ever since then, I have been able to get high quality 5* units, including a Hector, an Ayra, and even some seasonal units.


Now that I've talked about my own history, I'm now going to rant on two of the game's features.

The Arena:

Oh good lord... where do I begin on this one... The Arena is a game mode where you can pit your team against an AI-controlled version of another player's team. They're supposed to be fairly fun, quick paced fights. But in recent months, arena has become complete cancer. The thing is that a lot of players put up horse emblem teams to use as their defense teams, and most of these teams are unoriginal and obnoxious to deal with, especially due to two units: Reinhardt and Brave Lyn, one of which hits you really hard and fast while being able to block counterattacks from common DC units such as Hector or Ike, and the other hits you twice with very strong magic. Flier teams are also obnoxious to deal with, since they can ignore terrain, and many of them can carry firesweep weapons (which stop counters) in conjunction with movement skills to ensure they never get hit. That being said, arena is still a good place to rack up feathers and orbs.

Voting Gauntlets:

This event is pretty reviled, and for good reason. The intent of these gauntlets is that it's a popularity contest and that players would spend flags on the character they chose to side with. However, it was usually very one-sided since people could go on Reddit to look up the scores and simply join the team with the highest score to get the most rewards. The addition of multipliers was intended to give losing teams a better chance at winning, but all they did, especially now, is turn VGs into a fucking luck-based-mission, since the timing of when one side gets a multiplier can make or break matches. And as for the VG fights, fuck them. Fuck them to hell. How VG fights work is that you fight with your lead unit, and you are given a unit from your friend list as well as a unit from another player not on your friend list. Seems pretty nice until you get to the fact that which units are chosen are random. All too often, I lead off with a unit of a certain color, only for my allies to be the same color and I get pitted against enemies that all have WTA on me. Ugh...


But anyways, that's all I have to say on this topic. From left to right, the three girls in the pic are Cordelia (from Awakening), Amelia (from the Sacred Stones), and Ayra (from Genealogy of the Holy War).


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990-2018 Intelligent Systems
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was drawn by Kupoexe Magnus. View his stuff here.

Have a nice day.

And now, for alts:



Ballgagged + Blindfolded: