Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The Princess and the Dragon (2018 Version)

Hello to all.

Ok, this article is going to be short and sweet (or not, given how long my rants historically have been), but with the first anniversary of the debut of Chapter 545 of Fairy Tail coming up in seven weeks, as well as the debut of the FT spin-off involving the Hundred Year Quest in the coming months, I decided to make a review on where NaLu and GrayLu currently stand


Even to this day, I still have no fucking clue of how GrayLu came to be. My only guess is that a deluded fangirl saw a panel of Gray and Lucy standing next to each other, thought they looked kind of cute together, and started creating fanart of them, and thus the delusion that Gray and Lucy could end up together was born.

I'm probably beating a dead horse by saying this at this point, but two characters looking good/cute together does not a legitimate pairing make. Never has; never will. There also needs to be a foundation in place that would suggest that a romantic relationship between the two characters in question can plausibly happen, and quite frankly, GrayLu's foundation does not exist. This is because Mashima gave Gray and Lucy basically no emotional development even in the early chapters, and any moments that they were given were at best friendzone moments.

Most of the arguments that ZN-Lover and other flamethrowers used to defend their pairing were already bullshit to begin with, but by the GMG arc, it was clear as day that they were fueling their pairing with high octane delusion. One common argument that GrayLu fans used to justify their crap is that Juvia imagines that Gray and Lucy hit on each other. While it is true that she has these fantasies, the fact that these "moments" are taking place in another character's imagination was enough to invalidate them. The other common argument they use is that Gray and Lucy fight together. So fucking what? Two characters fighting together isn't grounds for a romantic relationship, and even if it was, Natsu and Lucy have fought together more often, so much that they're called "the strongest team" by their peers due to their compatibility. And this isn't counting shit like AhmedGreat2005's so-called "list" of reasons why Gray and Lucy are compatible. While said list has since been deleted, it was pretty obvious that he was overhyping Gray's qualities.

When you compare GrayLu's development to that of NaLu, there was basically no competition. The closest thing we get to a GrayLu "moment" was when Gray patted Lucy on the head when they were partying in the Spirit World, and even so, this "moment" does fuck all to develop their emotional bonding a way that is meaningful for a relationship. Comparatively, in those same 545 chapters, NaLu had received strong emotional development that is based on faith and trust, the bedrock in which a romantic relationship can be built on. Let's think about this: If Natsu and Lucy didn't have feelings for one another, then why was it that Natsu opted out of a GMG tournament to go and rescue Lucy after she was arrested by the royal guard? Or how about when Lucy hugged him in a more or less intimate manner at the end of the GMG arc? If Lucy had feelings for Gray, then why was it that during the one year timeskip after Tatarus, the one person that was most on her mind and who she missed the most was Natsu? Or how about when Natsu was broken out of END's curse and Lucy had to put her naked breasts on him to keep him warm? Would Lucy have consented to this if she and Natsu weren't emotionally close? And finally, in the very last chapter, it is Natsu and not Gray who tells Lucy that "we'll be together forever".

Even after Fairy Tail ended, Hiro Mashima has still been an avid supporter of the NaLu ship, going so far as to draw a sketch of what Natsu and Lucy's daughter might look like at last years Comic-Con at NYC, and when asked who Natsu should end up with, Mashima responded by holding up a sketch of Natsu and Lucy and telling the audience that Lucy would be more suitable for him. And indeed, a large portion of his Fairy Tail art that he drew after the manga ended and posted on Twitter have been NaLu pics, indicating that he's teasing us on how their relationship would unfold.

With all that out of the way, while we didn't get the big sloppy kiss and confession that we were hoping for, Natsu's statement of them staying together forever (which has a lot of romantic and special meaning in Japanese culture, mind you), coupled with the teasing through interviews and sketches on Mashima's part, has convinced me that NaLu is canon, just... in its own way. And that is far, far more than what I can say for GrayLu.

TL;DR: NaLu is canon. GrayLu is dead. Deal with it. Game Over.


Besides that, feel free to enjoy this pic of Natsu fucking Lucy in the ass.

I should probably note that I originally wanted them to be kissing in the pic, but the artist said that it would look too awkward in this style, so I went with this expression for Lucy.


Fairy Tail is (c) 2006-2018 Hiro Mashima
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by GaggedDude32. Go here and here to view his stuff.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Bound to Powercreep

Remember back in October of last year, when the Holy War banner came out? As you already know by now, the units present on that banner were Sigurd, Deirdre, and Tailtiu. However, there were two units present in the same paralogue that were not featured on the banner, those being Ayra and Arden. What was especially notable about Ayra was that she was the first non-trainee, non-CYL unit released up until that point that had stats that were higher than that of a normal unit of her movement/weapon type. Not only that, but she came equipped with a exclusive special called Regnal Astra, which had a cooldown of 2 and dealt damage based on the user's Spd (which Ayra has a lot of).

After the WoHW banner was released, people started debating on how IS would distribute Ayra. Up until that point, IS hadn't added any units outside of the initial banner units to the summoning pool, so it was reasonable to assume that Ayra would be a GHB unit or a TT reward. When it was revealed that Arden would be the reward unit in the upcoming Tempest Trial, at that point, I automatically assumed that Ayra would be a GHB.

To everyone's absolute shock, she first debuted on the Tempest Trial banner for the FE4 Tempest, sharing a color with fellow red sword Eldigan. Many players were absolutely shocked and pissed that they would distribute her in this fashion, especially since they gave absolutely no warning that this would be the case, and after many players blew through their orb caches to get Sigurd. The anger from the player base was as such that they started elevating Reinhardt, a notorious gamebreaker, to almost sainthood, with many players crying out, "I now use the Reinhardt!" Due to the backlash from the player base, the next time IS introduced another summonable unit in this fashion, they made sure to give 3 days notice before the banner dropped.

Which brings me to my own Ayra. Back when she first debuted, I decided to buy a shitload of orbs in preparation to pull for her. But I ended up getting mostly schumcked on that banner, as I had pulled not one, not two, but three copies of Eldigan. Only after around 5 or 6 days later was I finally able to procure an Ayra. I mostly didn't use her in arena for a while, choosing instead to use my Black Knight, who had the advantage of carrying a DC weapon.

She managed to catch a lucky break the next month, when it was revealed that she would be on the first legendary banner. While I was mostly gunning for Hectors, I ended up pulling 2 Ayras, which I ended up merging into the one I have now. I had also used one of the Hectors to give her the Distant Counter A passive. It was really at this point that I decided to core her for real.

By last month, I had started to realize that she was seriously falling behind in merges, to the point where I had started to question my plan to merge her all the way to +10. At that point, I had made plans to drop her in favor for adult Tiki, who was far easier to merge. When a banner that featured her as the sole red focus came out, I immediately went to go buy orbs, only to get schumcked once again. I managed to catch my lucky break just when the banner was about to end, when I managed to pull out 5 Ayras, finally putting her at equal merges with the rest of my team.

At this point, she's now a staple on my arena team, alongside Hector (who also had his own success story with merges) and Nowi. My Ayra is currently +7, with a speed boon and res bane, and utilizes a slaying + DC + Wrath build, which usually results in enemy units getting turned to chunky salsa.

As for this pic, this was supposed to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of my FEH account's existence. And I gotta say, Ayra looks pretty good tied up and gagged, even if she's pissed off with me for doing this to her.

To quote Anna: "I like how the color of her ballgag matches her hair. My favorite part, though, is that rope going between her legs and biting into her pussy."


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990 Intelligent Systems.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.

One Dick Style

With the Wano Country arc on the way, the first question that comes to mind is the matter of the kind of powerup that Roronoa Zoro will receive in the arc. Two of the most popular theories floating around are that Zoro's powerup will have something to do with his closed eye, and that he'll get a new sword at some point during the arc. Out of these, only the second is even remotely plausible.

As far as the closed eye is concerned, the most likely reasoning for it being closed is that Zoro lost sight in that eye over the 2 year skip. It is possible that Zoro is intentionally handicapping himself and the eye is functional, but until Oda says otherwise, I'm going to assume he lost it. This isn't Naruto. On the other hand, the likelihood that he'll get another sword here is very high. Recall that Shusui is a sacred treasure to the people of Wano, and considering that it was stolen by Moria before the timeskip, it's not as if Wano's citizens are going to let Zoro off with it willingly. If anything, Zoro will willingly return it to Wano due to this and receive a different sword for aiding them (perhaps the Nidai Kitetsu). Alternatively, he could lose the Sandai Kitetsu at some point in Wano and receive Nidai that way.

As well, it's very possible that Smoker and Tashigi may make an appearance in this arc, and if this is the case, we might reasonably expect to see some interaction between Zoro and Tashigi. Now, as you can tell from the pic being displayed here, I'm a ZoTash shipper. Now, I will admit that this pairing hasn't gotten quite the same emotional development that LuNa has, but neither has ZoRobin. That being said, the reason why I became a ZoTash shipper is because of Tashigi's suspiciously similar appearance to his childhood friend Kuina, who he probably had a lot of emotional development with before she "died". I suppose ZoRobin never quite appealed to me, especially when you consider that Robin has shared much stronger emotional binding with Franky.

So... yeah. That concludes this rant. Now, enjoy this sketch of a captured Tashigi taking it up the ass.


One Piece is (c) 1997 Eiichiro Oda.
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was made by Kuroi Hoshi. Go here to view his stuff and here to watch his livestream.

Have a nice day.