Thursday, 11 January 2018


Woo! First post of 2018!

With the Radiant Dawn banner slated to be released tomorrow at 11 pm PST, and the first anniversary of FE Heroes coming up in three weeks, I've decided to do a celebratory pic featuring three of the strongest women of each color released into the game thus far. It was actually pretty hard for me to choose which girls would end up in the pic, especially when you consider that I already had Lyn and Lucina in two pics that I had done in 2016.


As for my own FEH experience so far, I started playing the game in late April, after getting banned from Kuroi Hoshi's chat. For a gacha game, it's actually pretty friendly to players who are F2P, and there is a wide assortment of characters from every game in the series. However, I had a rough time plaything through at first. The summons I pulled during my first two months of the game were mostly garbage, with Jeorge being my only 5* unit for the longest time. Things changed in June when I pulled a 5* Lucina from the first Tempest banner as well as scrounging enough feathers to upgrade the Camus that I had won from clearing his GHB, thus giving me a real team. But I was still miffed at the fact that my barracks were mostly full of garbage and I had very few 5* units, and my god awful luck made sure that I didn't pull anything good. Well, that is until I became a P2W player in late August. Ever since then, I have been able to get high quality 5* units, including a Hector, an Ayra, and even some seasonal units.


Now that I've talked about my own history, I'm now going to rant on two of the game's features.

The Arena:

Oh good lord... where do I begin on this one... The Arena is a game mode where you can pit your team against an AI-controlled version of another player's team. They're supposed to be fairly fun, quick paced fights. But in recent months, arena has become complete cancer. The thing is that a lot of players put up horse emblem teams to use as their defense teams, and most of these teams are unoriginal and obnoxious to deal with, especially due to two units: Reinhardt and Brave Lyn, one of which hits you really hard and fast while being able to block counterattacks from common DC units such as Hector or Ike, and the other hits you twice with very strong magic. Flier teams are also obnoxious to deal with, since they can ignore terrain, and many of them can carry firesweep weapons (which stop counters) in conjunction with movement skills to ensure they never get hit. That being said, arena is still a good place to rack up feathers and orbs.

Voting Gauntlets:

This event is pretty reviled, and for good reason. The intent of these gauntlets is that it's a popularity contest and that players would spend flags on the character they chose to side with. However, it was usually very one-sided since people could go on Reddit to look up the scores and simply join the team with the highest score to get the most rewards. The addition of multipliers was intended to give losing teams a better chance at winning, but all they did, especially now, is turn VGs into a fucking luck-based-mission, since the timing of when one side gets a multiplier can make or break matches. And as for the VG fights, fuck them. Fuck them to hell. How VG fights work is that you fight with your lead unit, and you are given a unit from your friend list as well as a unit from another player not on your friend list. Seems pretty nice until you get to the fact that which units are chosen are random. All too often, I lead off with a unit of a certain color, only for my allies to be the same color and I get pitted against enemies that all have WTA on me. Ugh...


But anyways, that's all I have to say on this topic. From left to right, the three girls in the pic are Cordelia (from Awakening), Amelia (from the Sacred Stones), and Ayra (from Genealogy of the Holy War).


Fire Emblem is (c) 1990-2018 Intelligent Systems
All unit(s) are Lv18 and above.
This pic was drawn by Kupoexe Magnus. View his stuff here.

Have a nice day.

And now, for alts:



Ballgagged + Blindfolded:

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