Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Happy (late) Birthday Lucina!

Sorry if this was posted a week late, but last week was Lucina's birthday, as well as the 26th anniversary of the Fire Emblem franchise's debut, so I commissioned a guy called Sketch Lanza to do this image for me.

I'll have to come up with a "story" for this image later, but let's just say that Robin is in for a surprise once he enters the room.

Trivia: I first got introduced to the FE series at age 14 when I bought a copy of FE7 from EB Games after playing SSBM and seeing Marth in the game. However, I wasn't really a "hardcore" fan until age 18, when I joined Serenes Forest the day after my birthday. I left the Forest around a year ago once I realized that I just didn't fit in with SF's so-called elitists. That and several of my SF friends got banned.

Fire Emblem is (c) 1990 Intelligent Systems
All unit(s) are Lv18 or above.
This image was created by Sketch Lanza. See his stuff here.

Have a nice day.